January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I've had bad heartburn off and on during this whole pregnancy, but thankfully more off. Unfortunately it kicked in big time at work the other day and I had to lock my office door so I could curl into a ball for a while as I waited for my Tums to kick in. I really feel for those of you of you dealing with it all the time! It can be so debilitating!
I'm starting to get some acid reflux too, it's killing me. Never had it before and suddenly I feel like I'm being sick.

I saw mention about infant CPR - I just have to say I had a horrible nightmare a couple days ago about baby needing CPR and I couldn't remember what to do because even though we are trained every year in CPR, the course focuses on what to do with older kids and adults because my students are 14 years + and so my infant CPR is a little rusty. They go over it briefly, but not enough for me to be comfortable. I think I'll have to take a course sometime before baby comes.

Vakiwi: Yeah, I'll just keep assuming it's because I'm so awesome they can't imagine someone else teaching their kids. :haha:

Literti - I am VERY glad that night is over! Ugh. I also can't believe there's a July thread already! Sometimes I still forget I'm pregnant, and we're only a couple months away from birth!

Skye - What company do you use for short term disability that will last 6-9 months? My Short Term disability will only pay out 12 weeks of maternity. I'd love to look into other companies (for future reference, too late now) that pay out more!

Ali - Oh yeah, the parents are infinitely worse than students. I am not sure I could handle working in pediatrics. I just deal with a kids' education, you're dealing with their health and stuff. Even more crazy!

You mentioned you can use FMLA to take another 24 weeks of leave? I was told my FMLA will only allow me up to 12 weeks of leave. Is there a different type that allows a longer leave?
Angel - You're right, it's only 12! I was thinking how I'd most likely get 12 then another 12 making it 24 weeks. Didn't mean to put down 24.

Yeah some of the stuff I saw during clinicals was bad enough.

I'll brush up on my CPR as well, just so I feel more solid in it. I'm going to make sure DH knows how to as well.
Angel--I'm gonna use Short Term Disability with FMLA for the first 12 weeks then Long Term Disability for the rest of the time. :) I'm gonna try to also get intermitten FMLA too.

Angel - my goodness, can;t believe they asked all those questions.

vankiwi- i did have a lot of heartburn but it stopped, i think i had it based on how baby was lying and he must have moved. I feel for you, heartburn is just horrid.

i had my 28 week appt, all is well, baby heartbeat good and bump measuring for dates. The midwife was lovely,and i am booked in next week to have a meeting with dermatology and maternity to discuss my birth plan due to my skin rash. I think i will be getting induced at 37 weeks, so i might be having this baby before crimbo!
im also anaemic so need to take iron tabs on top of my steriod treatment. Boo hoo.

Ally - Hey no fair! Jumping ahead! :haha: I actually suspect many will have their baby before me despite the fact that I am one of the early due dates. DS came a few days late. Based on my LMP he was early, though. My first appointment was later so dates probably weren't probably as accurate with measurements. So maybe I'll get lucky and this one will be a bit early. This one was measuring ahead by a few days during my 20 week.

Iron is no fun. It can make you constipated and many already have enough issues with that.

Took DS to the zoo for their Halloween walk. He had fun and did pretty good! He still wants to take off and do what he wants instead of listen to us. He didn't start resisting till probably 3/4th of the way, through. He wanted all the lights.
Ally- yay, that's so exciting! And feels so soon! This baby has been measuring ahead (I tracked ovulation so I'm sure of my own dates) the entire time, by about 5 days at my 28 week scan. But I also know she could just be on the bigger side.

This baby gave me a scare yesterday. I felt her move while in church in the morning, and then off and on when we got home that afternoon after lunch. She was fairly quiet from early evening on and it had me in a panic. I used the Doppler sever times and finally around 8:30ish she went crazy. Dh started poking my belly to wake her up and she would poke back in the same spot.

I've been getting this sharp little pain on my left side really low, kind of where I assume my ovaries are. It's happened a few times in the past couple months but usually goes away after several mins. Last night I woke up with it hurting and then again this morning. The pain is probably a 3-4 on a 1-10 scale. Not sure if it has anything to do with round ligament pain or what, but I'm definitely bringing it up to my doctor at my appointment in a week.
Count me in for suffering heartburn a lot of the time. Tums work, but I have to remember to pop them right before bed or I'll be up later looking for them!

I'll have 12 weeks FMLA, and 6 of those weeks will have some pay from short term disability (only a fraction of what I make - actually it might barely cover the health insurance premiums now that I think about it!). I hope to have another 2 weeks of vacation time to tack on to that. At least my current job is flexible with telework, so I'll probably be on full time telework nearing the end of pregnancy and mostly telework when I come back for a few weeks. We'll see.

Regarding the daycare discussion, I also go crazy at the thought of dropping off a newborn at a big daycare facility. I work 7am-3pm Mon-Fri and and DH works Fri-Mon nights (5pm-ish to 2am-ish), so we were able to keep DD at home with him while I was at work. It was an exhausting set-up at times, but I'm thankful we could do it. She started going to a small in-home daycare 3 days a week at a year old, and that has been great for her. We will do the same with this baby - at home with DH for a year, then at least part-time daycare. We are in a very populated suburban area, so there are a lot of options for child care. I knew I wanted a small in-home environment, but our provider works through a larger managing group that takes care of licensing, insuring, inspecting, and continual training for providers, so there's that extra level of security. There are only two other kids that our provider watches, plus her own school-aged kids, who only need minimal supervision when they're around (after school, etc). I'm very happy to have the set-up we do. We had a birthday party a couple weeks ago for DD, and her daycare provider was the only person she cared about being there!
I'm having heat burn as well. Most of the time tums does the trick, but there have been a few times I have had to take a Prevacid.

I'm really thankful that I'll be a sahm. Dh makes enough for us to live on only his income. We aren't rich by any means, but I just don't want to trust anyone else with my kids because I had bad experiences with child care when I was a kid. We don't live anywhere near any family, so it would have to be a compete stranger that I would have to find. We have pretty much decided that I will stay home until all of our kids are in school, and then I may try to go back to school to be a teacher. I always wanted to work with kids, and that would give me the opportunity to be on the same schedule as my kids.
Froggy we also have no family nearby, they live in a different country! I've thought about teaching too.

I won't go back to work until both kids are in school either. Although on the rough days I fantasize about working :haha:

My heartburn seems to have eased a bit so she must've changed position to give me a break! Thanks girly!

Ally that means next week you'll be able to say "next month"!! I can't believe how fast time is flying.
Van, We live in Georgia right now, and all of our family are in Texas. So they're all a good 14 hour drive. Not quite a different country though! Wow that must be hard. How did you do when your dd was born? My mom is coming for a week to help, and then my mil will come the next week. My mom wants to come longer, but I told her no. I hurt her feelings, but I think two weeks of company is plenty and then we can get our own routine down. She seems to think that I will need more help after that, and we aren't in a normal situation where people can drop by to visit/help out around the house. If someone comes, they have to stay. Im sure I will definitely appreciate the help while it's here, but I honestly find company stressful for long periods of time. My mom is great, and she is a good source for breastfeeding help since she taught breastfeeding classes for so many years, but at our pediatrician office in have access to 3 lactation consultants. So I feel confident enough that if I have problems I will be fine. I know she just wants to help, and has eve suggested that my mil stay a shorter time so she can stay longer, which is totally unfair! We left the conversation with her being upset, and me staying firm, and just decided to drop it. But I'm sure it will come up again at some point.
Vrogers - Sorry baby gave you a scare! Glad you got her moving again later!
The pain you describe sounds exactly like round ligament pain, so it's probably that. But definitely do mention it to your dr!

Slammer - I still feel so bad for you all with the short maternity leaves! I really don't think I could leave a baby with anyone before 11+ months! DD was 11.5 months when I went back to work, and that was hard enough. I'm glad you and DH are able to coordinate schedules so you don't have to send yours to day care until a year. That must be hard on your relationship, though! :hugs:

Froggy - That is extremely nice that you'll get to be a SAHM. Being a SAHM would be a dream come true for me, but unfortunately DH just doesn't make enough money. Even on the strictest budget known to man, we simply wouldn't be able to pay the bills on his income. Thus, I am forced to work but I hate it every day and frequently fantasize about DH being promoted so I can stay home. No idea if it will ever happen, though. :( I'm grateful I at least get the year off with my babies.

That's too bad your mom had hard feelings about you not wanting her help for longer than a week. your wishes are what count, and you have every right to limit your time! I can't imagine having a houseguest for even a night let alone a week when I have a baby. I am an extremely private person and absolutely hate anyone staying overnight at my house! Having said that, I most definitely needed my mom's help for longer than a couple weeks (but am lucky enough to have her nearby), so I'm not sure what I'd want in your situation!

Vankiwi - Also wonderful you can stay home til your kids are in school! I totally get that you would fantasize about working some days! Staying home is SUCH hard work and can be so trying on the patience. It's so worth it, though!

Ally - wow, how exciting that you'll have this baby sooner than expected! Do you mind my asking what the reason is for Inducing at 37 weeks? I'm just curious! Haha - are you happy about a Christmas baby? DH and I purposely avoided trying for a December due date!

Ali - my dd loves to run away from us and not listen as well. We took her to the "pumpkin maze" yesterday (which is just made out of straw). It was very kid friendly and she loved running around in there! Made me happy to see her so happy.
So happy to hear all you ladies are well. I don't post here that often at all, but I read all the updates everyday. I can't believe how close we are getting now! I think I'll be one of the last though as my Daughter came 2 weeks late and I am expecting this boy to come late too, espcially where I know I ovulated late (day 23). I could even have a very early feb baby!

I 100% have to go back to work, but being in the UK I am entitled to 12 months maternity leave plus accrued holiday. I finish 15th December and I don't expect to go back until the end of Feb 2018. I will need to use a childcare provider, but the set up will be no different to my daughter.

froggy - sorry your mum took it bad that you only want her with you a week. It's sweet she is so keen to help you out, but I am like you in that I struggle with too much company and like to find my own structure and routine. I hope she comes round in time.

Ally - I cant believe you will be having your baby in December!

I am glad the heartburn has eased of Vankiwi :)

vrogers - sorry baby gave you a scare, but I am glad she started moving once you tried with the doppler. I had a scare last Sunday and ended up going to hospital to get checked out. As soon as they strapped me up, baby was going mad, typical!
AliJo- to be honest- i;d rather not get induced and let him come when he;s ready so lets see what the next few weeks will bring. Its exciting and scary how close it is getting for us all! Glad your DS has fun. How is your cough?

vrogers- my movement can be quite random, and i have days where baby is very quiet and hardly moves and then a day where he won't stop. I think just like us, babies need their rest periods. And they are probably still small enough to turn into funny positions where we might not feel them as much. Defo mention that pain at your next appt, always worth getting checked out.

Literati_Love- we might have induction, because of my skin rash. i am on a strong steroid cream and have to remain on it until he is born, and the less time i am on it the better. So an induction might be done , but we will see. I'd rather let him come out when he is ready, so i really hope my skin clears up and i can take less of the steriod cream.
Vrogers - Sorry baby gave you a scare glad all is well now!

Vankiwi- Glad your heartburn has eased.. I was terrible with it last week but seems to be easing also this last couple of days.

Ally - Hope it clears up and you can let baby come when he's ready.

I had my growth scan on Sat, baby is totally fine. Midwife had obviously just under measured me, growth is perfect she's sitting just on the 50th centile. She's also moved head down from breech now so all looking good

Had consultant review today to sign off her 'consent' for my homebirth due to my herniated disc in my back. She's saying all seems ok to her but until I've been given the ok by an anaesthetist that I can have an epidural should I need a one (due to where the disc is herniated) she can't ok it. So have to wait till the 14th Nov now for that appt. I did tell her though that regardless of what she 'allows' I'll be having baby at home and the only way I'll ever be needing a epidural or stepping foot in hospital is if im transferred by ambulance in an emergency.. she just raised her eyes and wrote in my notes 'Very keen to have homebirth' :haha:
Vrogers - Sorry you had a scare, but glad everything was fine! I'm sure my baby is just on the bigger side as well, just like DS.

Slammer - Glad Tums work for you. I wish they did for me! I'm hoping I can work around daycare for awhile. If not it'll only be part time, but still really bums me out. I will be doing an in home daycare.

Froggy - I would love to be a SAHM until my children were in school, but it would probably be best for me to work. I do't blame you for not wanting to have company for long. Honestly, I wouldn't want company the first week. I want that time with my family to settle in, then visitors can come. I don't know about staying at my place, though! Depends on who it is. My MIL came to visit at the worst time last time.

Van - I don't know if I could handle living in a different country than my family! I could hardly stand living in another state. I wish I was in another state at times, though. Family drama can be the worst!

Lite - Glad my son isn't the only one that seems to do as he pleases! He's so quick, too! It's been a long time since I could just speed walk to catch or keep up with him. He got to play at a hay maze today and he absolutely loved it. I walked with him, but he was the one doing the pulling!

Pomp - Glad to hear from you! I'm glad you get that much maternity leave! I hope I don't go over because I really don't want induced.

Ally - Oh, I'm sure! Hopefully you can keep him in there till he is ready. If you can manage your symptoms maybe they'll be fine with you waiting. I only want to go into labor a little early so they don't induce me. Rather avoid that, but it is what it is if it happens.

My cough is still there. It's not as bad, but I still get some bad coughing spells. I had a really bad coughing fit last night, but I wonder if being outside ended up irritating my airways. I haven't had a bad spell today and I was outside for awhile. I'm hoping it's all signs of it completely resolving. DS still has one as well. Still nothing bad and hoping it stays that way and goes away soon.

Ana - Good for you to make your desires clear! It's sometimes hard for people to stand their ground against healthcare professionals. Nurses are taught to be advocates for their patients, but I see a lot stray away from that.

We went to an apple orchard today that had a lot of activities. DS loved it, but still too little for some of the activities. He did really well most of the time and only really took off once. DH chased him down and I found them in a little play house. He did not want to leave that. It didn't have a "pick your own" for apples so we didn't end up getting any. Found a different place that will be better for that, but it doesn't have the activities that this one did. Hoping DS got worn down and decides to go to bed at a decent time tonight since he's been staying up late.
Ali it is hard being away from family. We only came for a year originally but here we are over 7 years later! It's even harder now with kid/s.

Froggy it was hard when DD was born. Especially as I had an unexpected c section. I wouldn't have wanted anyone that first week or so anyway. My boobs were out all the time and I was mostly naked a lot of the time apart from my underwear! DH's parents were here when she was 4 weeks old and they were more work than help!

My mum is coming in May for 6 weeks so that will be nice.
My parents are only an hour away, but my dad still works full-time and my mom is mostly useless and doesn't make an effort to see us. She was there for DD's birth and stayed for almost a week afterward. She was good with breastfeeding help, but won't do anything else to pitch in like cleaning/laundry/dishes. My FIL came totally unexpectedly because I had a bit of a scary birth and DH cried on the phone when telling them about it. So FIL hopped on a plane without even telling us. He got here the night we came home from the hospital. I think he was a comfort to DH, but it made it a little harder for me because I couldn't just sit around with my boobs out all the time. I think my mom will come to watch DD this time, but again, she'll mostly be useless.
Anababe- i love your persistence on the home birth! thats the way to do it!

ali- fingers crossed your cough disappears soon

feeling so tired today, so hard to get up and do anything. But need to go out to the postoffice and pick up some shopping. Its sunny, but cold and wintery- i love that kind of weather.
So the doctor's office called yesterday, my levels were higher than they wanted for my 1-hour glucose test so now I have to take the 3-hour test :wacko: :growlmad:

They didn't give me a number over the phone but I logged in online to see my lab report and the paperwork says they want #'s below 130 and mine was 155. :( I'm very unhappy about it. Basically I have to take a whole day off work to do this because they said I need to fast 8-12 hours beforehand, and I can come in anytime I want (no appointment needed, thankfully) but they recommend between 8 and 9 am (lab opens at 8) so that it's after sleeping (makes sense). Once I go in at 8am, then do the 3 hour test, I am not going to work. by the time I get to work it would be almost noon, plus I still would have to eat (I'll be lucky if I don't pass out) and no point in me going to work for less than 3 hours (teacher contract hours are 7:15am - 2:45pm at my school, though I usually am there from 6:45 - 3:30+ I'm still not going in for only a couple hours of "mandated" time). Bah. I'm very unhappy.

Silver lining - I decided I would go in on Thursday because that afternoon I'm supposed to be in a meeting after work (very boring) and I figure if I'm going to miss a day I'll miss the day of the meeting. :haha:

Ali - Darn! I was hoping you found some loophole that gave 24 weeks of FMLA and I was getting excited that maybe I could exploit that for myself too! :haha:

Skye - that's great! I didn't think that long term disability would cover maternity leave....I'm pretty sure that mine doesn't (but I don't remember which company I have, I just have whatever long term disability my job offers).

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