January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy- a haunted porch sounds like fun! I've always just liked that Halloween seems to mark the beginning of the holidays (Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years) and thanksgiving is my favorite!

Ali- ah that's so cool! I had dh listen to my stomach a couple weeks ago and he says he heard the baby's hb

Had my 30 week appt today and my doctor confirmed my pain is round ligament pain-said most people get it on the right but she herself got it on the left like me. Baby's hb was 156 and still head down (she felt my stomach) and I'm measuring perfect

Still most likely scheduling a 3D/4d ultrasound for this weekend and then my baby shower is Sunday. We are ordering the crib tonight.. can't believe how close we are!
VRogers - glad your dr was able to confirm it was round ligament pain! I had it much worse last pregnancy but it hasn't bothered me much this time. That's very exciting that you are booking a 3D scan and ordering a crib!
Literati just based on fundal height. I've been two weeks ahead since about 24 weeks!
Literati_Love- my jacket doesn;t fit but i tend to wear big jumpers. I feel quite warm in general, i don't know if its pregnancy, or my steriod creams, but im not feeling the cold so much

AliJo- glad cough is getting better, and thats cool about the heartbeat!

vrogers- glad doc confirmed what it is. I havent experienced RLP yet i think, but been having quite a few braxton hicks ( at least i think so...)

AFM- 30 weeks today yah! have a 4d scan booked at 12 (uk times), so just a few hours to go. Here is my 30 week bump pic


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Ally- my doctor said some people get lucky and never experience it so maybe that's you! And very cute bump, I like that shirt too!

I just realized if this baby comes before 39 weeks I will have a baby NEXT MONTH. I did hear most first babies are later (although my mom had me and my 2 brothers around 37 weeks) but it's the thought that counts haha
Vankiwi - interesting! Did your other babies end up being big?

Ally - beautiful bump!! Good luck on your scan!

Vrogers - crazy to think you could have the baby next month!!

I feel very sick of pregnancy and working, but kind of scared of handling two at this point!
Lite - I'm with you on being scared of handling two and also being sick of working while pregnant. It's getting close and I can only imagine how DS will react. I think there will be good times and bad times. I can't expect him to accept losing the ability to have all of our attention. I just hope to find enough time to spend with just him. I guess while baby naps that'll be what I need to focus on till he gets use to it.

Vrogers - Oh gosh, I am fully aware that I may have a baby next month as well but it really slaps you in the face! Mine doesn't even have to come a week early! I don't expect to have him early, but you never know. Maybe this one will be impatient and since my body has been through labor once it might decide to get it done and over with. Hope you have fun at your baby shower!

I had round ligament pain once while taking DS on a walk. It was miserable! Haven't had it since, but I'm afraid to walk that direction again. I think the hills did me in.

Ally - You'll have to post pictures!! That's exciting! Love your bump!

I'm 31 weeks today! A couple of more days and I'll be 2 months away from my due date! I'm kind of planning on taking leave a couple of days before Christmas. I may decide that whole week, though. Just depends on what is going on. I want to take DS to see Santa with DH this year. Last year he didn't get to go along, but DS didn't enjoy it anyways. I was already scanning the shelves last night planning on decorations and what not for Christmas. Ended up buying a Noel deer thanks to DS. He fell in love with it when he saw it and wouldn't let go. He generally gives up on something he wants after a few minutes. Today he has been playing with it and putting his Curious George on it to ride it.

Won't decorate for Christmas till after Thanksgiving. Still want more fall decorations, but space is limited.
Ali - yeah, it's kind of a scary prospect juggling two. I keep thinking about all the "luxuries" I'll be losing soon...like how now DH can get up with dd on Saturdays so I can sleep in, but soon I'll have a baby who needs nursing who will make that impossible...and that terrifies me because I LOVE sleep! DD was a terrible sleeper and she still doesn't even come close to sleeping through the night, so I'm not naive enough to think I'll be getting a good night's sleep any time soon...and that terrifies me!

Jealousy will definitely be a problem, and yep I'll have to focus lots of attention on DD whenever baby naps at first! That doesn't overly appeal to me either because I'm sure I'll be exhausted and just want to sit like a blob on the couch. Hopefully she'll want to read lots of books, etc. Mat leave sure won't be as easy and "relaxing" as the first time - not that it was even relaxing ever!

Can't believe you're 31 weeks already! I am now 28 today. That sounds great to be done a bit before Christmas. I am finishing up after the first week of January, but I also have a week of Christmas holidays, so it will make for a very easy last couple weeks of work. I can't wait! I think it's very nice to have a bit of time off before baby arrives. I want to catch up on sleep and spend some quality time with just dd, provided this one doesn't come early. Dd came on her due date so I'm not expecting this one early.

I am hoping to decorate for Christmas near the end of November. I am quite excited for it this year, but it is already sneaking up on us!
vrogers- haha oh my god!!! if my baby comes at 38 weeks i will have a baby next month!!!!!!!!!!! what a scary yet wonderful thought! yes i read too that first babies tend to be late and my mum had me and my brothers bang on 40 weeks so i think it will be jan.

ali- yah for 31 weeks!!! getting so close!

i had a really bad experience at my 4D scan, sonographer was really rude, the whole scan was so rushed, she stressed me out and baby was moving a lot. However, got a few pics- have attached! - do you think he looks lik he has a full head of hair in the pic on the left??!!


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Ally- it really is scary! I will probably be January as well, but it's still so close and I feel so unprepared in lots of ways! And what a little cutie, those cheeks!! I'm not sure what hair looks like on u/s as mine didn't have any yet at our 28 week scan but maybe other ladies can be more help. You're convincing me to get a 3D/4d for sure!
Ally - I'm so sorry it was a bad experience. How much did you pay? I would call and complain! Those cheeks, though!! He has the cutest little face!!! It might be hair. I saw hair on my growth scan with my first, but it was standing up.

Lite - I love sleep, too. I know naps will be a thing of the past. Even if I just fed DS2 I know DH will probably be in after a short while saying "I think he's hungry" Happened with DS1! :haha: Plus I think he'll have a harder time handling two than I will. DS doesn't sleep well either. He wants to cuddle back to sleep and it'll definitely pose a problem when DS2 arrives.

Not only all of that. It's hard to say how number two will be. I'm terrified baby will be colicky or something. DS1 was wonderful for the most part, I so hope this one is a happy baby as well!

Congrats on 28!! That seems like so long ago already. I'm going to be all antsy for the late January due dates to have their babies after mine arrives!
Ally sorry about the bad experience! At least you got some cute pics!

Literati I'm scared of juggling two too! DD was average weight 8lb6oz, but she was long. The scans I had in third trimester to check why I was measuring big showed her femurs were off the charts, and I had lots of fluid. DH is 6'4" and I am 5'2" so I guess tall babies make me go out more!
Vankiwi - That makes sense that a bit of extra fluid causes you to measure larger. My dd was pretty big - 8 lb 11 oz - but I always measured exactly on track. I don't think I ever had extra fluid though.

Glad I'm not the only one having the second baby jitters. I think it's a bit scarier the second time because we actually know how difficult having a baby is - whereas the first time we really have no clue! Haha. But I'm sure we will all adjust and get through it just fine.

Ally - Very sorry your experience with the scan wasn't very good. Great pics, though! I can't tell if that's hair but I've never had a late scan before so don't know what to look for!

Ali - yep, napping will be very difficult,although hopefully you can at least sneak the odd one in! I know dd nursed almost constantly so that definitely made napping hard for me as well! Who knows - maybe we'll both have very laid back babies! My dd was not an easy baby at all - pretty much the definition of a "high needs" baby and although she wasn't colicky and was happy a lot, she also would go through hours of screaming which was very troubling. So, I really hope I don't have an even MORE difficult baby! I feel I am due for a laid back one this time! Haha. I hope you get an easy one too. My dd's need to cuddle back to sleep and be close to me always will also be problematic when baby arrives. I am too tired to try to "fix" her sleep now though, and I enjoy the cuddles. We shall see how it goes!
vrogers, ali , literaiti and vankiwi- thank you all :) really chubby cheeks it looks like eh.i think he will be hairy, as i was and so was my DH.

Ali- i already emailed to complain and they just sent me a pathetic apology. I feel like taking it further cause it really did spoil my experience. cost us £54
Ally - I would! I have no tolerance for BS when pregnant! That's a lot for a crappy experience.

Lite - Same on too tired to "fix" DS's sleeping plus I lso don't want to give up the cuddles. Even if he does make it painful at times right now. Definitely feels like we're in a similar boat. I just wish DS would start talking more. I feel his receptive is great but he gets upset a lot since he can't communicate his needs very well. He's said 3 new words in a week so here's hoping he starts to catch up. Although he won't use them.
Literati that's exactly it - this time we know how hard those first months are, and that was without another one to look after too! At least I could get the odd nap in when DD was a baby. Can't see that happening this time. Her preschool is only two hours twice a week so doesn't give me much of a break!
Hi everyone :D

Hope your all well. Have just caught up on everything.

Ally - Sorry you had such a bad experience. Baby is super cute though!

30 weeks tomorrow here, I'm pretty excited to be on the 10 week countdown I totally can not wait to have my body back! But also feeling a bit nervous and unprepared. So much to do to sort out for Christmas. With 4 children already I'm used to having very little sleep so nights are not really something I'm worried about too much when baby comes but kind of hoping that this one is a nice easy feeder at night like my DS2 was, not like my last baby who was so bad with reflux it was a constant cycle of feed, sick, clean, feed again.. even breastfed he was so sicky which make nights exhausting.

Feeling pretty huge now and a bit fed up of not being able to get comfy at night but otherwise baby seems happy in there.
Ana - Hope baby is easy for you as well! Will some of your older children want to help?

Van - I know how hard it is plus how hard it was to go back to class. Even though I have DS now I hope I have a good experience since I never got maternity leave with DS.

I've been on my phone trying to reply. Our Internet died and I'm pretty sure they messed it up when they were in my building because right before they left it quit working. Now they won't be out to fix it till Thursday. So excuse my typos!
Eeek I missed a lot!

On the carseat thing...I'm getting another convertible for this one. I'm too small to lug around a baby in a carseat. Plus even when DD fell asleep in the car she would wake at red lights, and certainly whenever we arrived somewhere, so there would have been absolutely no carrying her about in a carseat while she slept.

I'm trying to not worry about what the transition to 2 will be like. I feel like if I have no expectations I can't be disappointed, lol. I'm sure it will be a shitshow at times, and fine at other times. At least DD will still be in daycare 3 days a week, so I will have some relaxation times while on leave. I'll probably just do a lot more babywearing with this one. I carried DD so much, but mostly in arms, not much in carriers.

Like a couple others I feel I'm due an easier sleeper this time around! This one is definitely less active inside than DD was, so maybe he'll be more chilled out. I wouldn't call DD high-needs, but sleep was always a challenge. I'm sure this one will have something else to drive my crazy even if he's a good sleeper. I just hope he's not colicky. I don't think I would handle that well.
Anababe- hello :) the countdown has begun! i can;'t wait to have my body back either

slammerkin- im sure the transition to having 2 children will go smoothly! and at least you will get some relaxation time when your DD is in daycare

AFM- i'm wondering whether anyone else is having pelvic pain? had it quite a bit since yesterday. Boy moving around so I am not worried.
I have a hospital appointment in a few hours, to discuss my birth plan due to my skin rash. Will ask about my pelvic pain then too. xx

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