January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Greats - I am definitely getting more BH now and they are very uncomfortable when I try to walk right when one happens! I'm very sorry about the anemia making you so tired. I'm tired enough without anemia, so I can only imagine.

POmpey- I am also so tired and sick of working! Gag. Glad to hear your BP has stayed down this pregnancy. I hope you recover from that nasty cold!

Froggy - that's very good to know,thanks. I was not aware steroid injections could be so dangerous with GD!

AFM - I've had an unpleasant day. I had my 28 week appointment but to get my win rho I had to drive to the hospital first to pick it up. DH was home to help me because I get very stressed going to unfamiliar places. Well, the stupid parkade was under construction and we couldn't find parking for over half an hour! DH ran in and grabbed the win rho for me so he'd be faster, but even that took quite a while. By the time he got back, I knew I was running late for my dr appointment! I called in to let them know I was going to be late but was definitely still coming. The lady told me if I was more than 15 min late, i'd have to reschedule. In my already stressed out and emotional state, I kind of snapped at the lady which I felt bad about after! But I just said, "I can't reschedule because I have my win rho!" And then she sort of laughed and apologized so I think she did realize she was being dumb, since I had already explained the reason I was late was from getting the darn stuff! Anyway, after that phone call I burst into tears from the stress of it all. Did get to the appointment 15 min late but thankfully they didn't cancel it. Then sat in the little room for quite a while so it was over an hour before I got my injection anyway! Ended up getting 3 shots - win rho, flu shot, and my whooping cough vaccine! So quite a few pokes. DD was very good about it all (although she told the student dr that "mommy cried in the SUV")! Haha.

We didn't get out of there until 11 am so it felt like a very long and rushed morning. Even though I was exhausted I then had to go get groceries by myself with dd, which is never fun because I hate hauling all the heavy bags in by myself! Got that all put away, made lunch, and then dd and I had a nap. Now the day's almost over! I hate when my day off gets so wasted with appointments and errands. Anyway, sorry, just needed to whine a little!
froggyfrog- hope it moves but imagine having baby next month, HOW EXCITING!!! 36 weeks sounds pretty safe but i am sure they will scan and check before.

danser- OH MY GOD!! massive congrats, i am sooo happy for you!!! please post pics once you can!! how are you feeling???? how much did she weigh when born?

AFM- i had meeting with dr at the hospital, they want to give me a growth scan next week to check baby and then after that will discuss options for deliver- i think they are keen to deliver earlier than due date in case my rash flares up again. But we shall see, my preference is to let him come when he's ready, as long as rash is manageable.

I hope you don't need to be induced. I am feeling ok a bit sore here and there. I was sent home with pain meds though. She was born 2 lbs 4oz, she has lost a ounce or two, but she should be gaining it back soon since her upped feedings are going well.
Oh man, literati, that sounds like a hell of a day. It's a lot for a pregnant woman to handle. I would have cried too. : hugs :

I'm having another period where I just feel like my belly is going to freaking explode!! It's so stretched and painful/uncomfortable. I can't stand it!! Growth spurt for baby maybe? Ughhh. 29 weeks. Braxton hicks too, but that's not the whole issue. I just feel stretched beyond capacity all the time! And I have a cold with a bit of a cough, so add that in for extra funsies.
Literati, sorry you had such a rough morning! At least it's over now though!

I'm with all the ladies (probably all of us) who are uncomfortable. I feel like my stomach stretched overnight and my joints hurt at night and I am just TIRED and over it. I have days where I love being pregnant but today is not one of those days. I'm ready for these next 10ish weeks to fly by and have baby girl in my arms
Ally - Love the pics but I'm so sorry you had a bad experience! I would definitely take it a step further and complain, especially if it was a private scan and you had to pay for it and all they offered was a sad apology. You should get at least an offer for another appointment or something....
I didn't think about it until you said it but if this LO comes at 38 weeks then I'll have her next month! :wacko: What an insane thought!

Danser - CONGRATS!! I'm so happy to hear that she's doing well, though I'm sorry that she had to come a little early and that your C section was scary! Keep us updated. I hope you are recovering ok! :kiss: That's so great to hear she's "feisty". :)

Froggy - My doctor had said that 37 weeks is completely full term, and so I'm sure that 36 weeks your LO will be healthy. :hugs: C-section early sounds scary but I'm trusting you have great doctor(s) who will take care of everything. :)

LIterati - Oh no! I'm so sorry! I am the same about being stressed driving to new areas, I hate it. I probably would have cried too! :hugs: Hope your evening goes better and you can relax some!
Literati_Love- whine away, that sounds like a stressful day! i hate those kind of days. But glad you got to your appointment and managed a little nap :)

danser55- aw so small, bless her. Must be an amazing feeling knowing you have your little one now!

slammerkin & vrogers- i feel you ladies!! so over this now and just want my baby boy. I want my body back and my skin.

Angel5000- i know, im really hoping he comes himself a few weeks early and i'll have him next month :)
Oh Danser huge congratulations and sending all my love xx

Hope everyone is doing ok?

So uncomfortable but no major issues so lucky up until now. Just so so stressed with feeling tired etc

Mw today

Oh work being a right pain about paternity. :'(
Congratulations danser!! Looking forward to hearing the progress your little one makes 😊
I don't know what's going on with me but I must have done something to my leg yesterday because by the last class period of the day it was hurting and by the evening I could barely walk without pain (and in some cases it acted like it was going to give out on me). It's all lower leg, below the knee, and it just HURTS. I've had this pain before, I'm having deja vu or something, I just can't place when it was or what I did to fix it! :wacko: Then sleeping last night became increasingly difficult because I started having some pelvic pain. :dohh: Essentially my body hates me right now.

The only good thing is that I was able to get around a lot easier yesterday now that I have a belly support band (doctor gave me at my Tuesday appointment) and it REALLY helped ease the strain on my back and stomach/abdomen muscles while teaching! I actually was able to move around during class without feeling the strain I'd been feeling! :happydance:

Ally - I'm secretly hoping she comes early too. Technically my Mat Leave starts January 7th, because I could get 13 weeks if I did it that way instead of 12 (that puts me up to spring break and then I'll get spring break off, and they can't dock me for it as it's not part of my "paid days" anyway). But if she comes 2 ors o weeks early and I get early December I'll have the rest of Christmas holidays (paid) with her and I'll just end up using my sick leave to cover that first week of January. Financially, it's not the greatest idea but right now I would rather have her for a few extra weeks to myself before I have to go back to work. :kiss:
I am glad the support belt is working and making the day a lil easier on you.

I so hope this LO does not come at 39 like other 3. Thatl be christmas. Il be happy to be over!
Finally have internet back! What happened is they turned ours off because our apartment wasn't suppose to be getting internet because they have us put down as the wrong apartment. :dohh: Now we have to call and tell them to fix that so it doesn't happen again.

My belly feels fine. Some of my stretch marks are getting red again so they'll probably expand a little. Really hate that about my body, but it is what is is and there isn't anything I can do about it. I honestly don't have much of a bump when I lay on my back. It's mostly belly fat with a little bit of bump. Baby must have a lot of room to fall back.

Ally & Angel - I also hope baby comes a bit early and I can have him next month. I will be trying everything to get myself to go into labor! Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING, but I will be trying. It would help on taxes as well to get money back for 2 instead of 1.

Froggy - I'm glad you've had time to really think about the c-section. I definitely wouldn't want one myself, but I feel it would be harder to have an unplanned one vs a planned. At the same time, though, I'd be happy as long as baby was healthy.

Danser - So small, but at the same time that sounds like a good weight for her gestation age! Glad the upped feedings are going well! That's a huge deal!

Lite - Oh that definitely does not sound like fun! I also hate feeling like I can't rest on days off and it's basically a "catch up" day. Drives me insane! Having those days when I'm pregnant is so much worse. I'm sorry you had to wait so long at the appointment, but I'm glad it did get all done and over with. Hopefully you don't have another day like that.

This whole house hunt is driving me insane. I'm super antsy to get out because there are several people near us that are driving me insane. There is two places that we can see out of our window that have trouble people in them. One is a duplex that has not so fun people, then a white house. These two places are constantly getting together and some of the people that hang out over there come out of our building. They're known thieves (husband works retail and has to follow them and just got two of them trespassed the other day for stealing.) Drugs most likely involved. One got arrested the other day. They're constantly screaming at each other at night. It's just gotten worse in the last few months and I hate it. Plus we have crabby gossipy people across the hall who hate us since we don't put up with their bull.

Plus side, our landlord loves us and gets upset and says we can't leave every time we talk about how we're looking for a house.

I know we may have problem neighbors when we find a house, but we keep to ourselves and generally it's not an issue. Kind of hard to completely keep to yourself in an apartment.

My little rant.
Looks like a lot of us are hoping for December babies! Of course I want her to stay in there until she's ready but I wouldn't mind if it was late December haha

Angel- that sounds painful! I hope it feels better soon on its own. The belly band sounds glorious!

Ali- that sounds like a mess to deal with especially while pregnant. My best friend lives in an apartment actually within walking distance of me and she has neighbors on either side of her place just like you are describing. She had to call the cops on them on the Fourth of July. Thankfully she and her husband just got approved for a decent loan so she can now look for a house. I never had to house hunt (dh bought this house we live in a few years before we married) but I am learning through my best friend how much of a pain it is. I hope you guys are able to find a good house soon, I imagine you would rather move now before baby is here
Vrogers - Definitely would! There are a couple of houses that fit our needs and price range, but I don't like them. One would be really hard to sell, because it's been sitting on the market for years. Basically needs a little work and it's nothing major, but it has horrible slanted ceilings in the upstairs and I HATE that. A little isn't bad, but it's really bad. So, we're still looking. Yeah the neighbors are bad, I'm so tired of it! If I wanted to live in a really crappy town the houses there are super affordable and so pretty, but horrible place to live.
Thank you all for the support! I'm so happy I have all you lovely ladies to talk to!

I definitely do NOT want a December baby! DH and I purposely avoided TTC in the month that would have given a Dec due date. I'd have to be over 3 weeks early to have her in december anyway, so I doubt that will happen. I honestly hope that she doesn't come more than a few days early though! I have holidays before my maternity leave start, but if baby came early my maternity leave would have to start the day she was born, so it would actually result in less time off for me. I definitely hope not to be late though. Maybe 2-4 days early would be perfect! If only we had some control over this! :haha:

Midnight - sorry you're feeling so crappy! What is going on to make you feel so stressed? :hugs:

VRogers - sorry you're feeling so tired and over it! I totally hear you!

Angel - glad you can relate on the stress about driving to new areas! Very sorry about all your pelvic and leg pain. That sounds terrible! That would be nice for you if baby came early to allow you a tiny bit more time off!

Slammer - That sounds very uncomfortable! Make sure you mention that your tummy is so sore to your dr next time! I hope your cold goes away ASAP.

Ali - that really is too bad about your shady neighbours and such! I don't blame you for feeling very eager to get out of there!
Angel5000- sorry to hear you had a rough time! glad the support band is helping though!! :)

ali- glad you have internet back. I hope you manage to get a house sorted soon that you are happier with. Hopefully you will have better neighbours.

it seems like quite a few of us are really hoping for dec babies. I can feel really quite uncomfortable now, and i can't imagine how much worse that is going to get in the next few weeks..
i have a question- i am planning to breastfeed. To those that have done this before (or those more organised than me)- what exactly do i need? a breastpump, nipple cream, nursing bra and bottles? i feel so clueless haha
Ally - I would say you've got it covered! It also depends how you feel about nursing in public, but you might want to get a nursing cover? You might also want to wait to get a nursing bra after birth to ensure you get the correct size. I also bought a bunch of nursing tank tops at Target and ended up using those way more than my nursing bras! Another must have would be nursing pads! I liked the disposable ones but you can get washable ones as well. You'll probably leak like crazy at the beginning so this is definitely a necessity! For me, I leaked for an entire year so I needed these for much longer than average!
Ally - yes nipple cream, nursing pads (I also prefer disposable), nursing bras. I also loved using a nursing pillow. And then you'll probably want a pump and bottles at some point so you can duck out for a bit!
Can I ask why you ladies prefer the disposable? ? I have both already because I wasn't sure which way was best.

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