January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

greats- oh my god wow! how were the contractions, painful?
While I don't think I could ever be pregnant for months and not realize it, the notion of randomly turning up pregnant after being "done" is seriously one of my worst fears. One or both of us will be getting the snip, and I'll probably still worry. Props to those who have many kids, but I KNOW that 2 will be my limit. I don't want a third! Most especially not a surprise one!

I feel like I still have so much time left, and then also like I don't. 30 weeks tomorrow. Probably going to buy car seats online tonight. I was originally going to get two more of the convertibles we use for DD and have those for baby, but now I think I'll get DD new combination harness/booster seats and use her convertibles for baby. She's still rear-facing but has to switch to forward-facing by the time baby comes because DH cannot drive with an RF car seat behind him. Even with turning her convertible front-facing it will be a tight squeeze to leave enough room for her legs behind him in our smaller car, so I'm hoping a combination seat will give us a few more inches.

I got an order of clothes from Carters over the weekend. I could probably buy some more, but that should get us through the first couple months.

I want to move DD into the larger spare room. That's the part that will take a bit more coordination/planning. Need to sell the queen-size bed that's in there and I plan on getting her a daybed with trundle. I think that will be a good way to still be able to sleep "with" her, but not be on the same surface anymore, and hopefully wean her away from having one of us there at all.

I also want to get the carpets cleaned before baby comes. It's something I've been meaning to get done for seriously a year and haven't yet. Eeep.
Ally & froggy- thank you, can't wait to see how your ladies' showers go! I did originally want a smaller one but I wasn't in charge of the invite list. I bet you both will enjoy it!

Second 4d scan attempt tonight, I've been drinking tons of water hoping she will move her face from the placenta this time
greats- oh my god wow! how were the contractions, painful?

Only a few were like "oh wow, this sucks" but the rest were totally fine! I had a few more today but nothing really to time.
And second try was a bust. She moved around but faced my back pretty much the whole time. They said I can call to make my next appointment either in a couple weeks or if I feel her move head down. I just may not see her face until she's here it looks like!
Froggy - I keep hoping to get that motivation, but I just can't seem to. Early would be 6 weeks for me! Seriously, the time will fly so I need to start doing something. Time will be taken away by the holidays so I really should get moving.

Greats - I hope your LO stays in there till term or as close as possible! My SIL had a lot of contractions for months before her due date. Was in the hospital several times for it. She had him within a week before her due date, though.

Lite - I wanted to cry all day at work! I actually did a couple of times. I'm so stressed out and overwhelmed and I feel incapable because of it. I can't work when I feel like that and everything just gets worse. I couldn't keep calm today. It was miserable. I am going to look for a new job while I'm on maternity leave. I need something that works better for our family.

Slammer - I really need to order another convertible! Except I don't want to keep it in our other vehicle because it has some issues with getting water in it. We need to replace the seals on it. I don't want it getting ruined, but we have no where to store it inside. It's such a pain! I really just want to get rid of that vehicle, but don't really want to start up another car payment at the moment.

I clean our carpets regularly because DS is a terror! He's really not that bad, but spills happen and then we have pets. There is only a small kitchen with solid floors and everything else basically except the bathroom is carpet. I hate it. They're horrible apartment carpets anyways and the new owners are just going to tear it out when we move.

DS will have to have a bed on a floor for awhile I think. He moves so much in his sleep.

Vrogers - I'm so sorry she's being so stubborn!! It's kind of cute that she's like that, though! Hopefully she will flip for you soon and you can see her face, if not I guess you have to keep on guessing what she looks like!

Work was too long for me today. I hope it's just this pregnancy making me so easily stressed out, but scares me still. I can't work well when I feel like that.

Just have to get through tomorrow then I can relax a little. Appointment is Wednesday morning. Then only 2 more 2 week appointments.
VRogers - sorry baby still didn't cooperate. On the plus side, face down is a lot better for labour, so if she stays like that at least you have her in the correct position.

Ali - I'm sorry your day at work was so awful! That definitely sounds like a good idea to look for a new job after maternity leave. You shouldn't have to feel so stressed and overwhelmed at work!

AFM I am really sick and tired of being so tired and unmotivated. I have all these ideas of tiny things to do (not even hard things) that I actually like doing, but I just never have the energy to do any of them and I feel like such a blob because of it. 9 months sure seems like a long time sometimes. Baby is kicking like crazy, though, which I'm thankful for. Does she ever kick hard! DD1 probably did too at this stage but I don't really remember I guess!
vrogers- you have a very stubborn girl there, her personality is shining through. Maybe you'll be lucky next time!

ali- im sorry you are having such a tough time at work :( definitely look for another job. good luck for your appt today :)

Literati_Love- i feel the same, i give myself small tasks to do, and i find them sooo effortful. boy kicks me so much, and quite hard too. Last night I couldn't sleep for ages, feeling it today.

tomorrow have a growth scan and start antenatal classes with DH, quite looking forward to it:)
Lite - You're not the only one! I never felt this useless during my first pregnancy. DH is at least understanding. DS1 never felt like he kicked me as hard as this one. Those anterior placentas really change how you feel baby. It's crazy! I get painful kicks often with this one and only maybe had one with DS1 because he hit my bladder just right.

Ally - Same here! It's more irritating because I was nothing like this with DS1. I need that nesting period to start early and last long!

I was just thinking how Thanksgiving is creeping up. :dohh: Not sure what we are doing and it depends on DH's schedule. He won't get the day off since he works retail. Still plan to enjoy Thanksgiving somewhere, but I don't know anyone's plans. I'm skipping out on a family reunion Thanksgiving probably. I don't feel like dealing with the awkwardness because it's my birthday. I'd rather do something else. That side of my family has some issues with each other.

Anyways.. 32 weeks today! 6 more till term for me! I will laugh at their face though if I went into labor at 37 weeks and they tried to stop it. Would not allow that one, nope!

Off to work again. See if I get stuck behind someone who drives 10-15 miles under the speed limit again.
ali- hope works goes ok. Full term in the UK is considered 37 weeks, so i also have 6 weeks left going by that criteria :D
I got so pissed the other night because I squatted down to scoop up some dirt on the floor and literally fell over backward because of this stupid belly throwing me off. Second time that's happened. I'm OVER this belly. OVER telling DD how I can't do this or that because it hurts me. Call me a waaaaambulance.
Ally - it seems like most of us are pretty low on the motivation scale these days. It's kind of nice that a lot of us seem to be having similar pregnancies. Hope your growth scan goes great today.

Ali - I had an anterior placenta with dd1 as well. I still felt lots but yeah it didn't feel quite this hard at this stage I don't think? That's amazing that you're already 32 weeks! Not long to go. I hope you can figure out Thanksgiving plans. I am Canadian so we already had thanksgiving in October. Now I need to gear up for Christmas, but we have no money! :/

Slammer - sorry you're feeling so done! I have also fallen over from a crouching position before. It's getting harder and harder to get down to the floor to do things! Yet I sure haven't noticed anyone saying, "oh, I'll do that for you - you're pregnant!" Including DH! It would be easier if certain people would step up and do those things so we didn't have to! :p Oh well.
Thank you, ladies! Dh thinks it's hilarious and says she's just like me (the stubbornness). I will take the one last attempt and if that doesn't work then I'll just wait until she gets here!
Literati_Love- growth scan is tomorrow . Looking forward to seeing the little man again.

yes good luck with election ladies... x
Newbie & Ally, neither one is my choice candidate haha, but thank you, that is sweet of you!

Ally- aw have fun tomorrow! I'm not sure if my doctor will do another scan. I hope so because my doctor office has the best u/s machines but I haven't heard either way when/if I get one last scan
Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've checked in :( I have been following this thread though and glad to hear everyone's doing well for the most part. I am with you all...so off-kilter as far as motivation at work, getting restful sleep at night, and becoming less flexible. I was a runner before my pregnancy, and haven't been working out much since besides some walking, so I am feeling HUGE these days. I get sad walking through stores and seeing all the cute clothes I want to buy that I used to be able to fit in. Now I can't fit in them, wahhh. Slammerkin I need that wambulance too!

I can't believe we're all close to nearing 2 months until our due dates. It is going to go by SO quickly with the holidays. I can't wait to have the "eating for two" excuse at Thanksgiving and Christmas though!!!!

I don't know if this has happened to anyone else yet, but I had a brief freak out yesterday. By around 1pm I hadn't felt the baby move since the night before. Called the doctor's and they had me come in for a fetal non-stress test. Hooked me up to the monitor, made me drink a couple of glasses of cold water, and then buzzed my stomach with one of those things smokers that have gotten their larynx's out use to talk. Thankfully like 15 minutes after being hooked up (after the 2 glasses of cold water) baby girl started moving. Apparently she was just having a really sleepy/quiet day yesterday, but it freaked me out.

Hoping everyone's growth scans are going well! At the practice I go to in Chicago they only give you an early ultrasound at 7 weeks to confirm the pregnancy and then one at 20 weeks. I won't be seeing baby until her due date! I'm getting very anxious and excited to meet her. That being said, my husband and I don't really have anything ready yet, hah! We have a pack and play for her to sleep in, some clothes, will buy some diapers, and then hopefully will be using my body to feed her! Hopefully that will get us by for the first few weeks at least.

I saw a lot of board chatter regarding breech vs. head down - and I'm with you all there! Our girl was footling breech at her 20 week ultrasound so I'm hoping with all my might that she turns head down by my delivery date. I don't have another scan so have no idea which way she is facing now!

Hope everyone is doing well and I'm super excited for all of us.

Special shoutout to Danser - congrats on your little girl. Hope you are doing well and good to hear she's a feisty little thing. Thinking about you both.
Ally - I always reply on my phone so it is hArd to memorize what everyone said. But yes, enjoy your scan TOMORROW! :haha:

Chi - I loved your update! Sounds like you can relate to all of us very well! As for your baby's position, your doctor should be able to feel what position she is at your appointments. My dr was able to tell at my 28 week appointment so maybe just ask next time if baby has turned around yet? I forgot to mention - but I was right that baby had finally moved head down a couple weeks ago. My doctor confirmed it! Yay.

That is very scary about your reduced feTal movement but I am glad all ended up being fine and she was just having a quiet day.

I also only get a first trimester ultrasound and 20 week one - nothing more.

Do you know when your last day of work will be? :)
Chitown- so good to hear from you! I'm sorry about the baby scare but glad she is perfectly fine! It could have also been baby's position? I have noticed I don't feel baby as well when she's facing my back and I apparently also have an anterior placenta. I also can't believe we all have about 2 months left, it has flown and yet feels so slow at the same time for me
So is anyone having any pelvic pain? This is weird though and I don't know how to explain this. It's a feeling that is like when you work out hard and your muscles are really tight the next few days and so when you walk or move hte muscles are tight and you feel them "pulling" when you move.... but I'm feeling it in the lower abdomen and my pelvis. I don't know what it is or if it's normal but it's really uncomfortable.

Question - I've seen a few people (here and in other groups) mention that at their checkups their cervix has changed. is your doctor doing physical checks and checking your cervix and stuff? All my appointments are basically pee in a cup, get measured, take vitals and answer any questions at this point. When do they normally do a physical check (if at all?)?

Greats - wow! What does your doctor say? Or is it nothing to worry about just yet?

Vrogers- aw that sucks. I was hoping she'd move so you could get some good pics.

Slammer - Nothing wrong with knowing and having your limit! I say we want a 3rd but I'll never know for sure until I have one already, and I've been told the move from 1 to 2 is crazy so once we do that there's a chance I won't be up for a third. :haha:

Ally - my doctor said the same thing (in the US), that full term is considered 37 weeks even though due date is based on 40 weeks.

newbie - Thanks. We'll see how it goes.

Chitown - good to see you! I've had a couple days like that. Doctor said to go ahead and next time drink lots of cold water and try laying down quietly for an hour and if that doesn't work then to call but usually the water and laying down has helped. Glad to hear your LO was just having a sleepy day. :hugs: It can be so scary sometimes!

I won't get another US aside from the 8wk and the 20wk either, unfortunately. Except we might pay for a private scan because I really want a 3D/4D scan.

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