January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

danser- so glad she is doing better and gaining weight. I know it must be sad to not to see her everyday, but it won't be long till she's home with you :)

newbie- cute about movement :) mines is the same, although he seems to wake around the same time dh and i do in the morning, which is so cute, i feel like we all wake together.
Big hugs Danser :(hang in there

Sorry ladies I tend to read but i am rubbish at typing on my phone!

Glad to see you all doing ok. Baby kicks right in my ribs now which hurts!

We went to our NCT group yest. It was nice to meet other couples due same time...but I felt embaressed they were all FTM and I was embaressed to say my 4th incase they thought I was a know it all (I actually dont as my labours were not very textbook!). It was good anyway and we have a few more sessions and then a meet up when bubs born.

My 3yr old is a total pain in the neck right now. Have to keep picking her up which kills me.
Big hugs Danser :(hang in there

Sorry ladies I tend to read but i am rubbish at typing on my phone!

Glad to see you all doing ok. Baby kicks right in my ribs now which hurts!

We went to our NCT group yest. It was nice to meet other couples due same time...but I felt embaressed they were all FTM and I was embaressed to say my 4th incase they thought I was a know it all (I actually dont as my labours were not very textbook!). It was good anyway and we have a few more sessions and then a meet up when bubs born.

My 3yr old is a total pain in the neck right now. Have to keep picking her up which kills me.

midnight- nice to hear from you. I had my antenatal class yest, too was good. I have 3 more sessions left. This it was good for DH to meet other dads to be.
baby kicking me in ribs too and it hurts a little. his movements in general seem sharper and stronger, so can actually be quite uncomfy!
Thanks everyone. So updated on the pain.....I'm having some pretty bad hip and pelvic pain. It's progressively gotten worse over the last week and now any sort of walking (or anything that requires moving my legs) is very painful. Mostly centered in my hips and pelvic bone (think near bikini line). I'm not sure how I'm going to go another 2 months if this doesn't stop.... sleeping last night could only happen with my body pillow folded between my legs, which was fine until I went to roll over and the pain of rolling over woke me up. A lot. :cry:

I've been reading just not replying very well. We're trying to get all the stuff out of our living room, dining room and shoved into the nursery and other room(s) so the floors can be done tomorrow and its' been exhausting and time consuming. Thanksfully DH is doing most of the work but I'll be glad when this is done.

Danser - :hugs: Good to see you. So glad that E is doing well. I can imagine how heartbreaking not seeing her is. I'm with you on the election. I spent a lot of time crying yesterday
Angel - I'm so sorry! That sounds so painful. I couldn't imagine working if I had that sort of pain.

Glad the classes went well ladies!

Midnight - I feel its good for any lady to attend regardless of how many kids they have! There is always room to learn more, plus you can offer your own experience to new mothers.

On the election, I honestly still feel pretty sick over it. I almost cried yesterday morning. I was sick to my stomach over it. I know he does not have absolute power, but to see such a man in office just sickens me. I don't mean to offend anyone that supports him. You have your reasons and I respect that. I simply cannot respect that man. I just hope things turn out okay.
Midnight - aww, no need to be embarrassed! That's good you went for a refresher. I won't be taking a class this time. I did take notes last night and will probably read through them quickly before labour. It sounds dumb, but I am too shy to try any birthing positions anyway, and the information about stages of labour was very interesting to learn, but didn't really affect how my labour went or anything so I don't feel like it would be overly helpful for me to take again. Mostly I'm just lazy and my DH is always gone so I don't feel I have the energy this time. Sorry your 3 y.o. Is being a terror!

Ali - sorry you never got a nap in yesterday, and that you feel sick about the election. This election made me happy to be Canadian haha.

Angel - that pain sounds really difficult! I always have to sleep with a pillow in between my legs when pregnant. It is too bad it's so painful when you roll over though! Moving everything around for your renovations sounds absolutely exhausting. Props to you for doing this all while heavily pregnant.

AFM- My pregnant co worker is so annoying. She is one of those annoyingly perky pregnant people with minimal symptoms, and I think she just assumes she feels the same as everyone else but just forces through because she's amazing. But no, she does NOT. I said I never went outside yesterday (it was really nice out) and when asked why I said that I was just really tired lately, and she looked all surprised and was like, "oh, really? I guess I'm kind of tired. But then I just push through anyway! *arrogant smile*" Puke. Good for you for having energy, but trust me when I say the little I actually accomplish in a day IS me pushing through my fatigue. I'm just extremely, extremely fatigued all the time and would do absolutely NOTHING if I could help it! grr.
Angel- I'm sorry you're in so much pain! That sounds really similar to what I felt a couple weeks ago and almost went into L&D because it freaked me out so much. It got better after a couple days of resting and not moving too quick. I hope it goes away soon for you too!

Ali- I get it. I actually didn't support either candidate and voted someone I actually morally line up with. I knew I would be frustrated no matter which candidate won but no matter what that I would accept that is who the American people chose and since he is now unfortunately going to be our president I want him to succeed..hopefully it goes better than we think. I dont mean to offend anyone either, everyone has the freedom to support who they want I just didn't like either choice.

Literati- she makes me sick haha! I am exhausted as well and seems like most of us on here are. Good for her for feeling great but that would be annoying to deal with when you are not!

We put together our travel system yesterday. It feels so weird to walk by the baby room and see it packed full of baby items! We need to move the bed out of that room (it used to be a guest bedroom) so we can get the crib together and paint her dresser. I also have to clean up beside my side of the bed so that her pack n play (where she will be sleeping) will fit.
Also still feeling movements like baby is facing my back and breech. I'm still REALLY hoping she moves head down asap!
Lite - I'm sorry about your coworker. I have a coworker kind of like that except she's not pregnant. Instead she's had six children and when she asks something about my pregnancy she replies back with the whole "Well when I was". She was boasting about how she only ever took maternity leave with one of her kids, how she worked up until the day of labor, blah blah blah. Okay, great to know you're a workaholic. I rather enjoy all the time I have with my son and wouldn't trade it for any amount of money. I absolutely HATE working with her.

My first pregnancy was a breeze and even this one is for the most part but definitely harder on me. If this is her first and she goes to have a second, I doubt she'll have the same luck!
VRogers- thanks! I also thought that same thing that we all seem to be quite tired on this thread! Not that I want people to suffer, but I'm kind of relieved we are all in the same boat! Haha. I would be happy for her for having an easy pregnancy if only she could at least be a bit more sympathetic and acknowledging of mine!

I also didn't like either candidate but am not American so it didn't matter anyway haha. I think I would have done what you had done though, rather than vote for one or the other.

Good luck getting everything moved around for baby! We re arranged rooms to make room for baby a few weeks ago and it was a lot of work but it feels good to be mostly done. There is still a bit of organizing and purging to do.

Ali - ugh, your co worker sounds super annoying as well! That's exactly right - she's a workaholic, and just because she was/is doesn't mean you shouldn't have different priorities and enjoy spending more time at home with your son and soon to be baby! I don't like when people assume their way is the best or only way, or makes them superior to others with different priorities or choices. It is only her first pregnancy so yes she'll likely have a harder time next time. Having said that, I definitely had a harder first pregnancy than her as well, so I would imagine her second will be easier than my current one too. :p Of course my pregnancy could be a lot worse, but I think we should all want to sympathize with others who are dealing with different symptoms than us. No two pregnancies are the same, and some have it much harder than others!
Ew, I'd hate working with that kind of coworker too. I think pregnancy and motherhood has really taught me to see how different other people's experiences can be, and to be less judgmental. You never know what someone else is suffering through, so people who don't know how hard pregnancy and delivery can be are very annoying. A woman at work (who has no kids) was complaining about having to make a meal for an friend/acquaintance who just gave birth. "What's so hard about making a meal? Women used to be out in the fields right after giving birth in the old days." Biatch, please! Why did you sign up for a meal train if you don't think she needs help? And don't be talking to me, heavily preggo lady, about this kind of thing! You go push a baby out of your vagina, or go through a C-section, and tell me how easy it is to go cook a frickin meal. UGH.
Vrogers - I didn't like either as well. I hate how it basically boils down to 2.

Slammer - Oh geez. I would have had to bite my tongue off to not say anything to that.

Lite - See if you guys get any "political refugees" haha DH told me the website that gives information and what not to move to Canada crashed after the results because it was so busy.
Slammer - oh, wow! That is a terrible thing to say! She has no idea! I really hope she has kids in the future so she can eat her words! Haha. Very weird that she would sign up to make a meal if she didn't think the person deserved it. People without kids can be so annoying. My sister used to go on and on about how kids shouldn't be exposed to ANY tv whatsoever until age 2, and how people's children are all going to have language delays, etc. Then she had a baby and proceeded to expose her to tv pretty much all day every day. I love watching people eat their words!

Ali - haha, I heard that too!
angel- aww i really hope your pain eases!

Ali- yes i think the election results upset a lot of people, myself included.

lit- oh my god, that would annoy me so much!!

slammerkin- thats also so annoying! this is my first pregnancy and i am finding it so hard at times, i just have such a new found respect for women, especially those with kids already!
I guess my MIL's surgery didn't go as well as they hoped. She still has infection in her bone. I don't know if it's the gangrene or not, but I'm assuming so. She's now has an additional PICC line and it's running antibiotics continuously.

I know she doesn't want to be in a nursing home, but she really needs the care right now. She won't do it, but it'll end up being that way because she has no one to care for her. The lady that gets paid by the state to take care of her doesn't and is trying to push her into a nursing home anyways.

Last I knew they were discussing what to do. I'm thinking they'll have to do surgery again. Which is a risk for her as it is, plus she's probably going to lose either a foot or both if it's in both. Which means she'll be unable to move herself as she's too weak as it is and that'll be a big learning curve for her.

We're trying to figure out a way up to see her, but it's so hard right now. Obviously if there was an emergency we'd make it happen somehow. I really don't want to travel in the middle of the winter with my children either. I'm hoping things stay stable and maybe near the end of my maternity leave we can make it up for a week.

This year has been interesting to say the least. I can't believe it is almost over.
Ali - that is really too bad about your MIL. I hope she can heal quickly from this infection.
Lite - I'm afraid with her being a really bad diabetic with heart problems it'll probably not go easily. Most likely she'll get more areas of gangrene. She already has a blood blister on her big toe.
Ali- that is really sad :( do you live quite far away from her then? sounds like she really does need to go into a nursing home asap!

I'm feeling so tired and emotional today, cried last night cause DH fell asleep on couch after dinner and I really wanted some cosy cuddle time. Then he was snoring in his sleep and i wanted to punch him. Sounds so pathetic when I write it haha.
Going to my friends engagement party tonight, so got something fun to look forward to tonight.
Ally - We live 8 hours away. It's a nights drive so not horrible, but also too long for a weekend trip. She does, but you can't convince her of that. She has it stuck in her head that they're like how they use to be. Of course there are still ones out there that aren't that great, but that's why you look around.

It's okay, I get that way when I need time with DH. It's frustrating because we hardly ever get just us time. The nights where I could stay up and see him for awhile I'm way too tired. I wanted to cry on Halloween because I missed him. So you're definitely not alone. Of course I can turn around and get angry as well.

Have fun at the engagement party!

Baby is getting big enough that him just moving around causes him to push on my cervix. Definitely not a comfortable feeling! If I try to push on him at all he'll instantly push into my cervix. I use to be able to bob my nephew haha. I'd push on him and he'd float down then bounce back up and I'd keep doing it. My brother's GF was HUGE with both of her pregnancies. I think she had a lot more fluid around baby as well. I'd punch someone if they tried that on me. Feels like you're trying to push him out.
ali- wow 8 hours, that is quite a distance. Sounds like she will just have to accept she will need to go to a home. I'm sure once she is there she will see it;s not like what she thought and settle in... fingers crossed.

we actually get quite a bit of us time, as we are only just expecting our first, live alone and we both are normally home in the evenings. I just feel we don;t make the most of it, maybe i am feeling it now as we get closer to the due date and i know that us time will go once baby is here.

on a lighter now, my pregnancy pillow arrived, i can't wait to sleep!
Ally - I would probably have felt the same as you! It's frustrating when you can't make the most of your time together. And my dh's snoring always mAkes me want to punch him! :haha:

Ali - it does sound like her overall health is very poor. I do hope for the best possible recovery though!

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