January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - I'm sorry about your pelvic pain. That sounds uncomfortable.

My dr does not do any pelvic exams except for the very first pre-natal appointment and then at whatever week they do the GBS test (is it 37 weeks?). After that she will check me if I ask but otherwise she won't. At my appointments I just get BP and weight checked, they measure FH and feel baby's position, listen to baby's heartbeat and answer any questions I have. So you're not the only one!

AFM- I'm in a cranky mood today. I already was in one for no reason, but then DH had promised he would be home tonight and then he called me at like 4 pm saying he was invited to some fancy work event and he actually wouldn't be home at all. Grrr. He is already gone so much so when he claims he'll be home and isn't, it's really frustrating.
No internal checks for me yet. They haven't even checked baby's position, just fundal height. I have an appointment this week and I'll ask about the position then. Pretty sure he's head down though.

I'm already only 5 lbs away from my final weight with DD, so I'm thinking I'm gonna go over what I gained with her. I hope this baby isn't huge coming out! I had a hard enough time getting her out and she was perfectly average at 7.5 lbs.
Slammer - I am gaining weight even more rapidly this time too, and I gained quite a lot the first time! DD was 8 lb 11 oz so I definitely hope this one isn't bigger! I definitely think I'll gain at least 5 lb more this time, which is scary.
Slammer & Lite - I'm gaining about the same, but have less swelling. Which means it's probably not as much water weight. As of yesterday when I weighed myself I didn't gain anything in the last two weeks which doesn't happen, but I swear it takes one day for it to jump!

Angel - I think those who have had cervix checked had shortening, or something they're looking out for. My appointments are just typical. Last time around I got two cervical checks towards the end. The second time is when he did the membrane sweep. So 39 and 40 weeks. At 36 weeks I'll get GBS test.

Chit - So great to hear from you! I'm sure the reduce fetal movement was super scary, but so glad everything is fine! You definitely did the right thing to go in and get looked at. I know they can have quiet days, but they stress coming in for a reason! Hopefully she is in the right position for you now. I keep thinking this LO has gone back to head down, but just a short while ago I wasn't so sure again. Totally should use the "eating for two" excuse! I wish I could, but I can't hardly eat anything in large or even normal amounts.

Slammer - I'm sorry you're feeling that way! I totally get it, though. I hate feeling limited. I've always been independent and when I feel like I can't do something, it gets to me!

Not as bad of a day at work. Glad to be home. DS didn't nap at all today, I guess. Once he finally calmed down after I got home he practically went into a coma. I'm about ready to head to bed myself. Have the appointment tomorrow morning and hoping to get some decent sleep in. Just hope my legs and hips don't flare up during the night. Still hard to believe I'm 32 weeks! My cousin who is due December 21st got put on bed rest. Not sure why, hopefully she keeps her little girl in there awhile longer!
Angel- not sure if it's exactly what you're describing but I'm getting something similar (usually when I move in a certain way or too fast) and I've assumed it's RLP. It has been bad for me in 3rd tri so far

I had a pelvic exam at 8 weeks and my doc said she will start checking my cervix at...36 weeks?? She told me last visit but I cannot remember when she said she'd start!

Literati- I'm sorry about your dh! That happens to me sometimes. My dh is a mechanic and sometimes does work for a friends shop. So when he does that, he goes after he gets off work and will sometimes not be home until after 9pm. I can't complain because it's extra money which definitely helps but it's still annoying. I hope you guys are able to spend time together soon!

Ali- I hope your cousin and her baby are okay and hope your appointment goes well!
Since my cervix measured short at my 20 week scan, my doctor has been checking my cervix through either abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound and will continue to do so. I think if that hadn't happened, I doubt he would be keeping an eye on it just yet.

31 weeks today!
vrogers- yeah i don't like either haha. Hope you get one more attempt and this is the lucky one :)

chitown28- was thinking of you and if you were ok. Nice to hear from you! I feel the same, haven't ran in months now and just feel fat. sorry you had a scare... my boy is generally really active all day and then quietens down at night, but still has his quiet days. At your midwife appt, they will be able to feel if baby is breach or not just by feeling your belly.

angel- i have been habving some pelvic pain, similar to how you described. I would also describe it as mild period cramps. Sometimes i think it's just BH but other times i just feel achy. I never have my cervix checked at appts, i hand in a urine sample, they measure my belly and check babies heartbeat. I have growth scan today, i'll mention my pelvic pain and see what they say.

lit- that would totally annoy me too! I actually feel a bit annpyed at my DH just now but not really for any valid reason. I was annoyed the other day cause he fell asleep after dinner and slept through to the next morning, while i (the pregnant one!!) tidied up, washed up after making dinner and having a full day of work.

AliJo- glad to hear work wasn't too bad, hope you got a good nights sleep :)

newbie- woo hoo on 31 weeks!

I have my growth scan today and then antenatal couples classes in the evening. Looking forward to seeing baby again, but hope he is growing well! i certainly am getting fatter!!
Ally - oh, that would annoy me too! I am usually the one doing all the supper prep, clean up and childcare this pregnancy by myself, so I'm used to it but it also gets very old.

VRogers- thanks. DH didn't get home until 4:00 am last night actually. I ended up having insomnia for 3 hours because I woke up a 3 am and was worried when he wasn't there. Had to text him and he was fine, but then I just felt generally angry that he was gone so late and after that my mind wouldn't stop so I was awake until at least 6. Thank goodness today is my day off so I got to sleep in a bit more than usual. That sounds busy for you when your hubby does other jobs for friends after work. DH is salary and unfortunately doesn't get paid for any of his overtime, and he puts in at least 10+ hours per week, so it does nothing to help us at all.

Ali - I also seem to have less water retention this time...so more actual fat I guess? :/ that's amazing you didn't gain anything for 2 weeks. I gained 7 lb in the past 4 weeks. I don't seem to have any control over it.

I hope your ds doesn't drop his nap just yet (if you don't want him to)!
Cervical checks typically don't happen before 37 weeks unless there's a reason to check. Mine was checked because I had long enough contractions where a change could have happened to my cervix and it did... my cervix is now soft and down/forward whereas at this point it should still be hard and high up to where the doctor can barely get to it. So now I will be checked at every appointment unless I decline. If I don't have any contractions or cramping before my next appointment on the 22nd, I'll be declining a check.

I love reading all of your updates! It's nice to have a bunch of ladies going through pregnancy together. I'm still very much active in my previous pregnancy group on fb and love it!
Lit- that sounds stressful, but glad it's your day off and you got a lie in. I really am just ranting, i'm lucky with my DH, he helps out a lot with cleaning etc normally. Just some days when i do it all, i get annoyed haha.

greats- i know i love this little group :)

i had my growth scan, baby is doing great, measuring exact for his dates and they have no concerns with him. I probably won't get induced unless my rash flares up and becomes unbearable. Right now it is manageable. I have a meeting next week to discuss this with the consultant.

Lite - He better not! He tends to not nap as well when I'm not home. DH just doesn't have the best of luck I guess or I just know how to get him to settle down.

I actually lost a pound on the scale at the office. That never happens! I expected to be bloated from the junk food I had yesterday. I think it's just me not hardly being able to eat much at once. I never really felt I couldn't eat my normal amount with my first. Watch me more than make up for it next time!

Ally - Kind of restless over the election actually. Although, I managed not to look and see in the middle of the night when I had to use the restroom. Glad everything was great on the scan and things seem to be stable for your rash!

Newbie - Congrats on 31 weeks!!

Vrogers - Appointment went fine. Didn't check position, which is fine. I need to just not be anxious over it!

I feel sapped today after the little running I did and all I did was go to my appointment. It's probably just the last two days catching up to me. I'm so ready for a nap already! Just hope DS doesn't try to skip it again.
Ally - glad the scan went well. I really hope the rash doesn't flare up again.

Ali - I hear you on already needing a nap, and I haven't even left the house. But being awake 3 hours in the night sure didn't help. Later I have to make supper for a friend who recently had a baby, so hopefully I have enough energy. I chose something nice and easy at least.

Yeah, I really want my dd to keep her nap for quite a while. I will need it when the baby comes for sure, and I can't even live without it now! That's good you have more success with naps than your DH. Plus your DS might be extra tired from not napping yesterday, so good luck. Glad your appointment went well.
I really don't do naps for my DD anymore when I'm with her because it leads to a late bedtime. She naps a few days a week either at daycare or with DH, but Fri-Sun? NOPE. She usually sleeps a bit late in the morning, so if she naps it's like a 10pm bedtime and I can't hack that.
Literati- wow 4 am, I guess I can't complain about 9pm now! I'm sorry he was so late and that's good you were able to sleep in and hopefully relax today! Also I'm sorry you guys don't benefit from him working more. That's got to be frustrating.

Greats- I agree, I love our group as well!

Ally- glad you and baby are doing well! I also hope your rash gives you a break and you can keep baby cooking longer!

Ali- glad the appointment went well! I'm a little anxious over baby's position but I know I will be until she's head down and stays head down

I think I'll try a tall iced coffee next time before my scan. My best friend brought me one and it really got baby moving so maybe that would help. I will probably wait another week or two until I make the appointment though
It's been a few days since I've been around. E has been doing really well. She is gaining weight doing well on the CPAP and her increased feedings. I just feel awful I can't see her every day it's breaking my heart so much right now. Between that and the election results I am so sad today.
Lite - I never got my nap today. DS slept on the way back from my appointment so I'm not that surprised, but I am a bit disappointed! I was so tired earlier. I feel okay right now. At least we should have an early bedtime.

Slammer - DS still really needs a nap. If he gets up at his normal time and doesn't get a nap he has a rough time in the evening and will fall asleep WAY early then be up in the middle of the night.

Vrogers - Iced coffee sounds so good! I'm really thirsty so almost any liquid sounds good, though. I've been drinking a lot of fluids, I think it's jut the weather.

Danser - I'm so glad she is doing well!! She sounds like she's breathing pretty well if she's only on a CPAP! Plus gaining weight is always a good sign.

I couldn't imagine how you feel with not being able to see her everyday. Hopefully you'll get to bring her home sooner than expected.
Danser- I'm glad she's doing well! I can't imagine how hard it is not to be able to have her home with you.

Ali- I love iced coffee! I used to make some to keep at home to spend less money going to coffee shops but stopped when I got pregnant because I didn't trust myself to stay under the limit. I just may start back again though because I think I can stick to a small one!
VRogers - good idea to try an iced coffee before the next one. Hope it works!

Ali - my dd also really needs her nap, even though she goes to bed at 10 pm when she naps! She just cannot last without a nap, and the couple times she's survived without a nap or only a 10 minute one, she STILL went to bed at 10 pm, so there's absolutely no point in dropping it and having us all be miserable!

Danser - glad your little girly is doing pretty well! That must be so heartbreaking not being there all the time for her! Hugs.
Thanks for the update danser! So pleased to her she's doing well. Be heartbroken about not being able to be with her as much as you would like, but rejoice that you CAN see her and she is fighting all the way. As for the election, remember that he's all talk and much of what he has proclaimed he would do. He really can't because he doesn't have that kind of power.

Afm, I woke up (with my alarm) to a super active boy today. Literally kicking me so hard I can't sit comfortably in the position I'd like to. Love that he's so active but it will make is a LONG day - haha! Good morning baby :)
froggyfrog- hope it moves but imagine having baby next month, HOW EXCITING!!! 36 weeks sounds pretty safe but i am sure they will scan and check before.

danser- OH MY GOD!! massive congrats, i am sooo happy for you!!! please post pics once you can!! how are you feeling???? how much did she weigh when born?

AFM- i had meeting with dr at the hospital, they want to give me a growth scan next week to check baby and then after that will discuss options for deliver- i think they are keen to deliver earlier than due date in case my rash flares up again. But we shall see, my preference is to let him come when he's ready, as long as rash is manageable.

I hope you don't need to be induced. I am feeling ok a bit sore here and there. I was sent home with pain meds though. She was born 2 lbs 4oz, she has lost a ounce or two, but she should be gaining it back soon since her upped feedings are going well.

Huge congratulations danser my little man now 3 yes old was born at 28 weeks weighing 2lb 4oz. Here's my little miracle

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