January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali- oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. My dads parents were both declining in health (my grandpa had cancer and my grandma was mostly from old age) and for the longest time we couldn't get them to accept that they needed help and couldn't live on their own anymore. They lived about 8 hours from us and we finally did get them both to a really nice nursing home. They have since passed but I can understand how frustrating it is when you know a loved one needs assistance in one way or another and they don't want to accept it. I really hope your MIL's health does improve and whatever is best for her, she does!

Ally- aw, I'm sorry! I hope you are able to spend more time together this weekend

I hope everyone has a good relaxing weekend. We will definitely be doing some cleaning and organizing this weekend
Good news - our new floors are in! They have to come back tomorrow to do last bits (add the baseboards and the door thresholds) but should be done fairly quickly. I'M SO EXCITED! And glad they're done since I had tos pend a large portion of my morning without internet and that made doing lesson plans and grading difficult.

Ali - :hugs: I'm there with you regarding the election. I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday crying. And I second everything you said.

I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's surgery. :hugs: I hope they come up with a solution.

Literati - Luckily my husband did most of the moving, I just packed things into boxes and did some cleaning. Now though we have to move it all back! :dohh: Tomorrow will be long. Sorry about your coworker! That's the worst when people assume they are dealing with the same symptoms as you and that you just aren't "pushing through it" like they are.
I told my DH i was upset because he fell asleep, and he was so understanding and said sorry. He stayed up and waited for me till i got back from my friends engagement party and then we chilled out together. Was nice :)

angel- yah on your new floors!
Angel- yay for the new floors!

Ally- that's good you were able to talk to him and that he was understanding. And cute how he stayed up and waited for you!

I forget how quiet it is around here on the weekends. Hope everyone is doing well!
I installed a new car seat for DD today and it destroyed me. Exhausted the rest of the day. I've been so tired this week. I would nap every day if I had the opportunity, but I sadly don't.
vrogers- thank you. My DH can be really sweet, we had a day together too, cooked a meal, went for a walk and watched Sherlock Holmes together.

Slammerkin: I was EXHAUSTED after a 30 min walk in the park, i had to nap and lie down for an hour. Can't believe how easily tired i get now. I can imagine how tired you feel after putting a car seat on. I hope you get some time to rest x
Ally-- I would feel the same way after a 30 minute walk! And that's if I even lasted that long! LOL!
We got our floors in this weekend! :happydance: Now that I see how lovely they are I wish I had done the bedrooms too! :haha: That's on our list for a year or so from now. We didn't have the money to swing the whole house, nor did we want to have to shuffle that much furniture around all at once. I already feel like I Feel a difference in my asthma though when we're in the main part of the house. It was really gross when they pulled up the carpet tos ee how much dirt and dust was under the carpet, and then they pulled up the carpet padding and I could see how much nasty crap had got below the pad onto the subfloor and, seriously, I can't believe all that hair, dirt, and dust was just sitting there! Yuck.

On another note -we went to the roller skating rink yesterday for my niece's birthday. I obviously did not get on roller skates, but was watching and a lady asked me when I was due. I told her January and her eyes got wide and she said "Oh my, I'm SO sorry. You look like you should be due any day now!" :rofl: Yeah, lady, tell me about it! :haha:
Has anyone seen these?! https://www.tagabikes.com/ I don't care how dorky I'd look, I want one! :haha: The price is ugh, though. Just a dream, but I could totally take my boys out together on a bike next summer! Seems a lot safer than those things you attach to bikes.

I got dressed this morning and guess what? It completely exhausted me. I was going to take DS to the store with me, because we really needed some things. I haven't had the willpower to take him out by myself lately. Well DH woke up, because I kept trying to get DS to listen to me and come to me. Yeah, right. He instead screams "No!" then "slams" the door playfully. DH woke up when he came in and laughed, of course. So I went by myself and DH got to watch him! I actually needed that small trip, I was really irritable this morning. I took my time and walked around and I feel a lot better now. I still forgot some things though :dohh: That's what I get for not going with a plan.

I'm also starting to get a little constipated again. I wasn't having any issues and was more regular than normal. I don't know if it's because I'm not eating as much, or what. My heartburn has also gotten worse. I sometimes have breakthrough heartburn throughout the day and I also get it through the night really bad so I've been taking an extra Zantac at night.

I need to start getting ready for this baby to be here. I don't expect him early, but you never know. I don't want to be trying to get everything together with a newborn already here. Time is ticking down fast! Plus I still have things to buy. Hoping to get one more bigger item bought this paycheck.
Ally- glad you two were able to spend the day together! Those are my favorite kind of days, especially knowing they will soon involve a new little person!

Angel- yay for new floors! Lately when people ask when I'm due and I tell them January they say "getting close" and it freaks me out to think about haha

Ali- I hadn't seen those bikes before! I showed it to dh and told him I want one. They look so fun! It's good you had at least a little time to yourself, and ugh constipation. I've been dealing with that more often now since hitting third tri.

We got the crib AND pack n play set up (she'll be sleeping in the pack n play bassinet at first) so now just have cleaning and more organizing to do. We're waiting to see what Black Friday and cyber Monday sales there are to get her swing and a few smaller things we didn't get at the shower. We also knocked out most of our thank you notes!
I have been craving thanksgiving food for over a month now, so I'm glad thanksgiving is so soon because it's torture waiting!
Vrogers - It is about the only time I have to "myself" and that's fine. I just need time to myself to calm down sometimes and get a hold of myself and when I can't that's when it sucks.

Angel - I'm glad you got your floors done! I couldn't imagine doing something like that right now.

Glad you took that comment with humor! She probably actually did feel for you! My brother's girlfriend was miserable looking. She no joke looked like she was holding twins with both of her children. She held outwards really bad. Horrible stretch marks as well. It just looked painful. I couldn't imagine!

I've been craving fruit and of course my chocolate milk. Not so much on dairy products which it has been, just the chocolate milk. I want lots of liquids, too. I was thinking how a smoothie sounds amazing and anything drink wise that has flavor that I like I want it. I think it's probably because I feel like I can't eat much and even though I can't drink as much as I use to it's still more than solids.

DS isn't going to sleep tonight. He's not wanting to wake up from his nap. It's been over 3 hours now. Why I didn't join him, I have no clue. :dohh: I can't wake him up when he's not ready either. It's just as bad as him not having a nap.
Angel--Yay for new floors! And LOL! That was funny what the lady said. And I'm glad you didn't try to get on any skates!

Ali-- Oh I think that bike is neat! I would like one of those! :D

angel- yah for new floors! :)

ali- wow that is a really cool bike!!! sorry to hear about the constipation and heartburn. I have been getting more heartburn recently too, it's so annoying. I've not actually really had any cravings... except wanting more dairy. I never really ate eggs before pregnancy, but had them for breakfast at the weekend
Angel - I want to get rid of the carpet in our upstairs so bad. I'm just not willing to vacuum enough to keep carpet clean. I'm hoping to get ours cleaned sometime in the next couple weeks. I would have been pissed at that kind of comment from a stranger. I don't care if people think they're commiserating, it's rude to comment negatively on someone's appearance. Glad you were able to take it lightly though.

AliJo - That bike is super cool, but yeah, crazy price. I'm also suffering constipation and I hate it. I'm taking iron because I'm slightly anemic, so that's certainly not helping either. Even adding a stool softener a day isn't much help. :( Oh, and waking my DD early from a nap is a terrible idea too. Not worth it. She could have done with a nap yesterday but I didn't give her one and she was passed out and snoring by 7:40 (which is early for her).

Vrogers - I can't wait for Thanksgiving either! It's coming so soon. Yay!

My best friend just got engaged and I can't even. She's so excited and I'm so happy for her, but I'm not into event planning and pinning and hashtagging crap all over social media. So glad her engagement is going to be short and they're getting married in May. But she wants to go dress shopping the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Uggghhh. I'll be glad when this is all over.

Still SO EFFING TIRED. Can I just sleep until January?? Also we were supposed to sell the guest bed yesterday but of course my Craigslist buyer never showed up or replied to emails. RUDE. And I offered it to someone else, and they showed up without warning trying to get it for $15 cheaper. NO. Negotiate before you come, and give me some freaking warning. Sent her on her way 'cause mama ain't playing that game.
Wow, I think we all sound pretty tired and grumpy this week! We really must be on the home stretch.

Ali - sorry you got so exhausted just from getting dressed! That is quite intense. DH and I were supposed to have a date day on Saturday but I couldn't stay awake 3 hours without needing a nap. Very pathetic!

Angel - congrats on getting those floors in! Now you can finally get things ready for baby and hopefully relax as well.

Slammer - I hear you on wanting to sleep until January. So sorry you're feeling so tired and miserable! That is too bad you have to get into wedding planning mode with your best friend now. I know it can be hard to muster up energy and excitement when you're pregnant and already have a toddler and crazy busy life! I actually love planning and stuff, so I can't imagine how much more of a pain it would be if you're not into that stuff!

VRogers - hope you can get some great Black Friday sales.

Ally - your husband sounds sweet! Glad he waited up for you the other night.

AFM - I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. Insomnia for the first part of the night, then a bit of sleep, then up with dd for a couple hours then couldn't fall back asleep at all! DH had a similar night as he was up with her for the period that I was sleeping. We're all exhausted today and dd fell asleep on the way to daycare, which has NEVER happened! Ugh. Hopefully we all get better sleeps tonight. I had a bad sleep the night before too and it's just so annoying. I hate insomnia!
Slammer - One of my good friends just got engaged as well! She told me yesterday. No idea on the wedding date, though. I won't be in it most likely so I don't have to worry about it haha.

Lite - Ha, yeah I felt quite pathetic. I wasn't ready to be awake yesterday morning.

Insomnia sucks and it always hits me when I have to work. Then I feel so much worse during the day and it stresses me out more.
Ive apparently started snoring in the past month or so. Dh tells me it sounds like a bear and sounds weird coming from me because you would think it's a giant man or something. I feel bad because he has to work and I just keep waking him but not sure how to stop it. I guess I will ask my doctor about it tomorrow at my appointment!

Did a bit of organizing and cleaning today-not even a lot but I am wiped and swollen. It's crazy how easily I get exhausted these days. I can't remember who said it but I too would love to sleep until January! It's like we are so close but it feels so far away and I've heard the last couple weeks feel the longest...not looking forward to that!
I am seriously so happy for my best friend because she's been waiting for this engagement for a long time. But I didn't even enjoy planning my own wedding, so it's gonna be a struggle to match her enthusiasm for events and planning!

I feel for those struggling with insomnia. I am so freaking tired even when I get a decent night's sleep.
Lit-sorry you got such a bad sleep! hoping insomnia stays away tonight for you!

vrogers- my dh said i have snored a few times and normally I NEVER snore! maybe we are having more deep sleep! I totally agree, feels like we are so close yet so far!
I'm with you ALL on wanting to sleep until January. I'm so over this. And so exhausted. I came home from work and did the dishes and tried to clean up some of the kitchen which is still a mess from piling stuff on counters when we were getting things up off hte floor/shelves/etc for the flooring. The 45 minutes I spent doing that left me wiped out. DH is making dinner because i can't even function. I don't think I'm leaving the couch the rest of the night.

I didn't ever drink soda except on rare occassions before pregnancy, but I'm so exhausted lately I need a pick me up to get through the evening or rest of work. Today the teacher for the leadership class emailed us all that they have extra sodas they are selling for real cheap (20oz soda for $0.50) because they have expiration dates on the bottles that will be expired before basketball season starts and while they'll still be good, they can't sell them (seriously, the expiration date is like Dec so it's not an issue). I told him to send me $5 worth of them, and I'm stocking up my fridge. I figure if I drink half of one a day I've got enough to get me through until the Xmas holidays :haha:

I don't like the idea of that much caffeine but I don't drink caffeinated coffee anymore and I drink over 120oz of water a day so I think I'm okay.

Slammer - It will be nice to get the carpet cleaned! I always love a nice clean carpet! Craigslist buyers can be SO RUDE! I use Offer Up a lot and that can be a litle better but not much. People will want to buy and then no show and never respond. It's awful. I would have sent that lady away too - she had no right to show up with no warning and then try to haggle. Ugh. Sometimes I Think people just don't understand common decency.

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