January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - General rule is to stay under 200 mg and you should be good! Sometimes I cave and get one at work and it really helps me get through the day. Since I don't drink much of it even a little gets me going!

Vrogers - The last weeks can be long, but at the same time they creep up on you! I keep going back and forth between feeling like 7 weeks is forever and 7 weeks isn't much time.

I'm pretty sure I'd wake myself up if I snored. I'm so easily woken! Never use to be that way, but ever since having DS I wake up to the slightest things.

I've been organizing a little as well today. Didn't get much done yet, but I know I need to start. Tackling DS's room and getting some toys put away. Which is eating up space elsewhere but at least they won't get dragged out. He has so many small loose toys. Thanks to us getting him all sorts of building toys.

Speaking of getting carpets cleaned. Our carpet cleaner died on me. Most likely it could be fixed but after me tearing it apart and not finding the apparent problem then not being able to get it back together I said screw it. For some reason it won't click down right so getting a new one. Just waiting till after Thanksgiving because we'll get a 25% discount on our entire purchase. Going to get most of DS's Christmas shopping done, stock up on food, and get a few household items we need.
angel- i'm not a big caffeine drinker, normally i just have about 2 cups of tea and a little bit of fizzy juice with my dinner. Yesterday I had a bit more than normal, and my baby was definitely hyper haha. Sorry to hear you are feeling so tired, i think we are all feeling it now! glad your DH made dinner so you could rest :)

ali-I really need to organise and start buying baby stuff. I just feel like it's ages away yet so I am being so lazy. I need to make a to do list and just get organised!

I have my baby shower on the 27th of this month, so looking forward to it. My best friend told me she is buying the baby bath and accessories, and my other friend is buying clothes 3 months + - both really handy.

Tomorrow I have my antenatal class, and meeting with consultant to discuss birth options if my rash flares up.
Angel - there is generally less than 50 mg caffeine in a can of Coke/Pepsi so you should be more than fine for caffeine! As Ali said, 200 mg is the limit. I was nauseated by coffee until 26 weeks pregnant but I honestly couldn't function without because I was so tired, so since it has stopped repulsing me I am up to just 1 cup per day and I keep it pet that. Apparently my Tassimo cups are 130 mg so I am still well under the limit.

So sorry you're so exhausted as well! I'm glad your DH was able to make supper!

Ally - thanks.i slept much better last night. Just wish it had been longer.

VRogers - if it makes you feel any better, I think the last two or three weeks went faster for me! Of course, that's because I was off work!

VRogers and ally - I think starting to snore in pregnancy is normal! I forget what causes it. I think I started near the end of my third trimester last time but I haven't yet this time that I know of.

Ali - sounds like you've been quite productive with your cleaning and organizing. Good for you! I have had a few spurts this pregnancy but mostly I've gotten very little done, and I can never seem to get my whole house clean at once so something is always a disaster. That's too bad your carpet cleaner broke!
Ally- I hope your baby shower is a blast! That's when it felt more real for me because of the massive amount of baby things now in our house haha

Literati- good to know it's normal! Not sure that there is any way to stop it so dh may just have to put up with it for a little while longer!

Have my 32 week appointment in a little bit but nothing exciting, think it's just the usual pee in a cup, blood pressure taken, hb checked and then talk to my doctor
Well I hope the appointment goes well, vrogers!

Just realized I am 30 weeks today finally! Feels like a big milestone to me. On the home stretch and can finally start counting down with just 10 weeks to go!
Exhaustion is hitting me too! Literally collapsed in bed when I got home yesterday and slept. Swelling is getting worse too and I've got really bad irritation under my right boob at the top of my bump. No rash or anything, but incredibly sensitive and painful! It reminds me of the nerve pain I had when I had shingles years ago. I can hardly touch the area. Tried moisturising, which doesn't help. I've got my 32 week appointment on Thursday, so I'll bring It up with my doc then. I even tried wearing a different bra today and it made It to worse !

Rant over...

Can't believe most of us have less Than 10 weeks to go! I guess we'll have to get a parenting group started soon, especially since danser already has her lo. How's she doing danser?
Thank you literati! Appointment went well, but they were so busy they forgot to schedule my next appointment so I'll have to call tomorrow for that

Newbie- Can't believe in 7-8 weeks a lot of us will be having our babies. My ticker thing says baby is now 80% done cooking (yours too since we have the same due date). I'm not ready haha

Hope you're doing well, midnight!
I'm not ready either! Dh just checked with how many weeks were left and when I said 8, but really any time from 6 weeks on, he freaked out a bit. We really need to get our stuff organised. A teacher at work asked me if I was having a baby shower and I didn't know what to say. I'm their boss, effectively, so I don't want to be the one to arrange anything. I ended up being very noncommittal and suggested that if someone wanted to throw one for me, I'd be happy to attend. He's applying for a promotion, so maybe he'll take the lead - haha!
Newbie- I hope they take the hint and put together a shower for you! It was so helpful for us, even as antisocial and awkward that dh and I are :)

How painful are cervical checks? Is there anything I can do to help make them less uncomfortable/painful? I have read how painful they are and I'm quite nervous for them. My doctor confirmed today I'll be getting them starting at 36 weeks, so I just have one more "boring" appointment until they start! I'm dreading them
Newbie - I have a spot at the top of my belly that's almost numb. I had the same thing when I was pregnant with my DD. At least it doesn't hurt or anything, but it's creepy!

Vrogers - I don't recall checks being painful in my appointments before labor, and I honestly don't recall any pain with them during labor either - though I think that's when you're more likely to find it painful because of contractions going on at the same time. Maybe my midwives were just super gentle?
Thank you, slammer! Hopefully I have the same experience!
Vrogers- none of my cervical checks with my 3 pregnancies have ever been painful except when I was in early labor with my 1st and was already 4cm dilated and they decided to do a sweep without letting me know beforehand (which was one of the reasons I switched practices for my 2nd). Even during labor the nurses were gentle and checks never hurt.
I'm starting to get super anxious for birth! I always get excited and nervous as the weeks start leading up to go time... no idea why, but ahh! I need to organize my 3 month clothing, still. Bought new bottles, just need to wash and boil them. Have a few more small bits to buy but nothing crazy.

I have a story for you ladies! My cousin had her baby last week after YEARS of trying to get pregnant between 2 marriages, was told at two ultrasounds they were having a boy, had two large baby showers with blue/gray elephant theme, had the nursery all done... out popped a girl! Total shock! I'm sending her a bunch of headbands and bows because no sense in trying to get a bunch of girl clothing when she's already washed and hung up baby boy clothes lol
Greats- thank you, you've both made me feel a bit better! I had read too many horror stories. I'm also anxious! It's overwhelming to think about and I balance between excitement to meet baby and "what have I gotten myself into". That's crazy about your cousin! I wonder how they missed that with two ultrasounds. I'm sure she's thrilled either way after waiting so long!
Haven't posted in a few days but have been following along.

Holy crap greats, that is so crazy! Baby won't really care what she wears!
VRogers - I don't remember cervical checks being painful. Maybe a bit uncomfortable but not bad? I did find getting a membrane sweep painful, but it was extremely brief.

Greats - that is crazy. I think I would have a hard time suddenly wrapping my mind around a different gender when I'd prepared for the other!

Froggy - how are you doing? Any news?

Newbie - I think I got a spot like that last pregnancy but it wasn't anything serious. Weird!
They have this theory (old wives' tale) in the culture I live in that says if the pregnant mother gets more beautiful during pregnancy, she's having a girl and if she gets uglier, she's having a boy. Apparently, I'm looking good through my pregnancy because I've had several people question if I'm really expecting a boy! If mine pops out a girl, I'll be surprised, but many others won't - lol! Hope your cousin is handling the surprise well.
vrogers- thank you- really looking forward to the shower :) Hope your 32 week appt goes well. no idea about cervical checks... doesn;t sound nice at all though.

lit- it is a big milestone, countdown has begun!

newbie- sounds like you are having a tough time, the end is in sight though!! yes defo start a parenting group or just continue on this thread and rename it? that old wives theory... i feel uglier and i am having a boy... hahaha

greats- i dont feel anxious yet... but more excited just now to meet my boy. I just want to hold him!! thats lovely news about your cousins pregnancy and must have been a shock to get a girl in the end haha.

afm- got consultant today to discuss birth options if rash flares and antental class this evening with DH. I haven't weighed myself in ages, i just feel huge and look it too. sigh!
Newbie that's interesting. I think most people here say girls steal their mother's beauty during pregnancy. Not that I put stock in any of that kind of thing!

I was seriously SO anxious with DD that she would pop out as a boy. I wanted a girl so bad. Now I dont know how I'd feel about this one coming out a girl when I've gotten used to the idea of a boy.

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