January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Awww, Ali! :hugs: I wish you had more people to help you out with babysitting and such! I understand not really being able to take DS out much because of his tantrums. Thankfully, DD is surprisingly well behaved at restaurants (to a point), possibly because she got very used to them when we went on holiday to Hawaii last winter and went out for every meal. However, I can't take her anywhere besides a restaurant or a grocery store where she's strapped in the cart. If I ever try to take her clothes shopping or something not strapped in a stroller, she runs away from me as fast as she can, giving me a heart attack, and then when I try to stop her or pick her up, she has huge kicking and screaming tantrums while everyone stares at me. It's kind of awful! So I definitely have to avoid certain outings that other people seem to be able to manage because she's so wild. Oy!

Sounds like you are definitely due for a new job after this baby comes out. Time together as a family and a couple is so important. I hope you're able to find a job that allows for a better balance. I am also the same way at night if I'm stewing about something. I end up thinking of everything in the world that makes me upset or stressed and can't sleep for hours and hours! I hope you got a bit of a rest.

Midnight - That is interesting that your FH isn't going up. Will they do another growth scan, or are they just assuming all is fine since the last one was ok?

That lady sounds incredibly annoying. I, too, would have been fuming on the inside but wouldn't have been brave enough to say anything.
They are going to do another growth scan. I was 2nd centile last time and since no growth I guess I would have dropped down. I am not majorly worried...but its never straight forward is it. The baby does not feel small to me. But agh.

Its hard with toddlers. My DD is a blooming nightmare in public atm lol cant go in shops she touches everything and runs off. X
Lite & Midnight - I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with a toddler out in public. I'm not ashamed or even embarrassed.. if people want to judge me and compare my children to others that are more well behaved then so be it. Not me wasting my time, it's them. My child is stubborn and strong willed. Although, it can be frustrating at times I feel they're good qualities to have. He just needs to learn to direct and control it. No one wants to confront me about it, though. I think my mama rage would kick in. Obviously if my child was having a huge tantrum in the middle of a restaurant or something I would end up removing him from the situation if I can't get him calmed down, but it would be more for his benefit than others because he obviously can't get a grip and needs a moment.

I would definitely be one of those to offer assistance instead of being rude if I saw someone losing control of their child.

Midnight - I don't know if I could have kept my mouth shut.

Well, DH got my birthday off, so I guess he can celebrate it without me. I asked if he could so he could watch DS. He was originally going to ask anyways to spend the day with me, but that's not happening. I was suppose to have the day off, but someone at work is backing out of their deal. At least I don't have to worry about him being forced to stay up over 48 hours again. Hoping I can at least just do the RN coverage which is 8 hours then come home instead of the full 12. Still wouldn't be able to do anything because DH will have to get some sleep.

It's all a big mess.
Ali- that does sound like a mess! So he's off work now for your birthday but you have to work? It's hard when your schedules are so different, which is one of the many reasons I hated working retail especially during the holidays.

I'm hoping dh can paint the baby's dresser this weekend so we can start really cleaning and organizing. Even though she'll be in our room for awhile at first, it'll be nice to have everything organized and put together so we don't have to do that later when she's here.

When are you ladies packing a hospital bag and installing car seat? I was thinking of installing the car seat around 35 weeks and hospital bag around 36-37?
Vrogers - I think I did the car seat around that time last time. Definitely crazy when you see it sitting in there! I'll probably install the base in the next few weeks. I need to get a couple of more things for the hospital bag, but I'll pack that whenever. I also need to pack an overnight bag for DS and to buy his gift bag for when he comes and sees baby for the first time.

I'm not too worried about the hospital bag. I won't take much other than the necessities. I'll also have the diaper bag packed and ready, but it'll be in the car or at home since I will probably deliver just a few blocks away.
Ali - that does sound like a big mess. I wish you didn't have to work your birthday!

VRogers - I can't remember when we installed the car seat base last time, but 35ish weeks does sound like a good time. It's not a huge deal though, because our base only takes a few minutes to install. Worst case scenario we could install it while I'm in labour or DH could drive back and get it quickly after the baby was born. Last time I only packed a few things in my hospital bag ahead of time and ended up barking orders to DH to pack while I was in the middle of horrible contractions and throwing up. I want to be more prepared this time even if it means buying travel sized toothbrush and other items so I don't have to worry about them the day of. I also had to fill out the pre registration papers while in labour and I won't be doing that again! No more procrastinating for me!'
Be careful installing the seats too early in the event you get into a car accident beforehand and the seat gets damaged. Sounds crazy but I've heard of it happening! I'll have hubby install it arounf 37 weeks. Hospital bag I have no idea. I've always had it done around 33 weeks which would be next week for me, but I'm soooo lazy right now! I live 2 mins down the street from my hospital though so if anything not having a hospital bag packed isn't a huge deal. I underpacked with my first and over packed with my 2nd hahaha maybe I'll get it right this time lol!
Our carseat is just seatbelt fixed so no installation. We cant even fit in the same car unless we get a bigger one. Lol 😑

Hosp bag is lightly packed but I need a hodall to put it all in. Just in case I have to go x
Greats - That's why I was thinking just the base, we have an extra one. Well I actually have TWO extra ones. I think I'm going to give one to a girl that found out she was pregnant recently as long as she gets the same type. Base is cheaper to replace. Although, I really hope I don't get into an accident. :dohh: We're fully covered, but I'd be devastated to have to get a new vehicle or wait on ours to be fixed during this time.

I was only half packed when my water broke. I ended up coming home in the most absurd clothing because I didn't have anything packed. :haha: Maybe I'll get it right this time. I could have had DH get the rest for me, but honestly wasn't thinking about it. I was too captivated by DS.

Midnight - Oh, that doesn't sound fun! I already think about what I'm going to have to do for our next. There is no way we could fit 3 car seats in there! Well, I think we COULD, but it would be a snug fit and no fun for putting baby in and taking baby out. We plan on getting a full sized SUV or I'll break down and get a minivan. I have a couple of years before we need to worry about that. I do need to consider it when we buy a new vehicle, though.

Yesterday DS would not take a nap. By the time it hit 4 pm I gave up and just hoped I could keep him up long enough to sleep through the night. Well didn't really work. I had to sit and feed him because he was so tired and I didn't want him going to sleep without something on his stomach. He fell asleep about 6 pm and woke up at 4:30 am this morning. I, of course, could not fall asleep last night despite how tired I was. There's no way he won't nap today, though. I'm excited for that nap already.
Eeek! Hospital bags and fitting car seats! Haven't thought about either yet. We need another chest of drawers that we'll use and then I can fill our current one with baby's things once I've got them out and washed and ready to go. Once I've done that, I've can start thinking about the hospital bag.

I've been trying to think about what I've will wear after delivery but before I've go home. It is tradition here for visitors to come to the hospital to see the new baby and I bet might not have much privacy when I need the baby to suckle. Any suggestions?

I guess I need to think about what to put in the hospital bag for both baby and I - they supply virtually nothing for babies here, not even diapers!
Oh, and my boss whispered to me the other day that the faculty are arranging a baby shower for me before we finish up for Christmas. Apparently they're going all out with someone in charge of food, someone else in charge of games, etc. I didn't really expect it, so I'm really happy! Now I'm going to hold off buying much more until I see what they get for me!
Newbie - I'm sure everything they supply us costs us just as much if not more anyways. :dohh: They find anything they can to bill us/insurance. I remember during one of my clinicals we had to let them know if we used almost anything so they could bill the patient. You could get away with using cotton balls, tape, and band aids basically.

Maybe take a light blanket and a few nursing tops? That way you can cover you and baby and pull out the goods under the blanket.
ali- we will have to hold a birthday party for you on the forum haha. sorry to hear you have to work it :( such a mess

midnight- pregnancy is never straight forward it seems...

v rogers- how exciting thinking of hospital bags and car seats! :) I'm going to pack my hospital bag soon, when i'll be about 35 weeks and to the car seat then too. still need to go buy my car seat though!

newbiew- how exciting about baby shower!!! I have mines a week on sunday, i really can't wait.

i really need to start buying baby things. Last night i bought bottles off the amazon black friday sale.
I have really blocked ears, driving me mad , i cannot hear anyone haha
I installed DD's new car seats on the driver's side, so her old ones are still installed on the passenger side. I need to take one of them out and wash the cover though, and find the cushions for a smaller baby and put those in. We have a minivan and a small sedan. Even now with DD's new forward-facing seat it's CRAMPED for her legs behind DH in the sedan. He's 6'1". We would never have been able to fit two rear-facing car seats back there, so this age difference between our kids is a good thing!

I need to think about my hospital bag too. I want to be prepared. I don't even know what kind of things the hospital gives you...I didn't have DD in a hospital, so this will be totally different for me. I did transfer to hospital from the birth center after DD was born, but I wasn't on the L&D ward - they put me in pediatrics, lol. The one thing that stands out is they didn't have proper shampoo. It was some weird stuff that didn't properly lather, so I had yucky hair until I showered at home.
Newbie - nice that work is throwing you a shower! You deserve it. When I had visitors in the hospital, I just kicked them out when I needed to nurse. BFing was incredibly new and awkward at first and getting the right latch and position required s lot of work, so there's no way I could have managed with a cover. This being the second time around I might be able to handle just using a cover, but really don't feel bad if you need to kick people out or just let it all hang out if you're comfortable! Also people suggested bringing own clothes, robes, etc, but honestly the easiest thing for me was just wearing my hospital gown and some maternity sweats. You'll be shocked how much you bleed after, and you won't want to ruin all your good clothes. And the hospital gown was just easy enough and made for easy nursing and skin to skin so I was good with it! I know my sisters in law always wore real clothes and make up for visitors, but my looks were the absolute last on my priority list after giving birth! So pack some nursing tops and comfy pants and whatnot just in case, but don't be surprised if you don't use them!
Also - word of advice. If you were thinking of bringing slippers for labour and after? Don't! Bring flip flops! I bought nice white slippers and they ended up getting soaked in blood and I just threw them out. Flip flops were perfect because kept my bare feet off the dirty floors but they were very easy to clean off and even wear in the shower, etc!

I am amazed at you all thinking of hospital bags and such already. Glad you've all forced me to think on it, because I've given almost no thought to any preparation this pregnancy. I am so disorganized! I feel like I'm in a fog. Oh well. At least it's not my first time so I know what I'm getting myself into.

I'll reply more later.
Newbie - That's so great they're throwing you a shower!! My coworkers wouldn't do that for me. No one even did it for me for my first!

Ally - I've been keeping my eyes open for any good deals! I think the deal on Fisher Price is going to take some of my money, but that 10 dollar code isn't coming through. I'll just have to miss out on that. I compared prices and it does come out cheaper. I'm getting the bath, bouncy seat, a mobile, and DS a Christmas gift.

Haha thanks! I'll consume all the virtual goodness! Pushed again to get the day off. I got a "I'll think about it" Which is most likely a "I'll just act like I'm thinking about it, but no, just so you leave me alone" ha.

Slammer - Well that doesn't sound pleasant! I made sure to take all my hygiene necessities. If I remember right they didn't have shampoo for me. They supplied diapers, wipes, and baby shampoo. I just got travel sizes. Also a change of clothes (kind of mostly failed at that), camera, charger, gripper socks.. and that was about it for me. I'll probably take some small snacks this time, though. They had snacks, but they weren't always the best and wasn't want I wanted.

Lite - Oh that's horrible about your slippers! I hardly bled afterwards. I had one decently soaked pad, but after that it was like a mild period. I just bought a couple of pair of gripper socks to wear in the room and what not. If I get actual slippers I'll get cheap ones because I don't really wear them anyways.

I need a new pack n play and I'm trying to decide which one to get. I really used DS's a lot so I want something similar, but I'm picky about the way they look design wise. Plus so many of them have the half play yard at the top now instead of the full play yard size. Will not work for my child if he's anything like DS. He grew like a weed! I would just rather he be able to be up high while he's still young. Easier on me.
I'm in an international school so we're really each others support network as expats in the community. I am slightly different because I have dh's family, but it is still lovely that they're doing it for me. This baby will be raised in a village type atmosphere with about 100 expat aunts and uncles looking in on him daily, not to mention over 1000 "cousins" in school kiddos. The first group I taught are now in grade 8 and are super excited that I'm going to have a baby. They'll be all over him - lol! I am truly grateful for the extended family I have at work.

Flip flops are my slippers - haha! All day, every day. Definitely makes it easier to clean off and I will wear them in the shower, too.

Thanks for all the hints and tips! Fortunately I'll have a sort of sitting area that I can close off, but I'll have to fight to get my mil out of the room into the sitting area. I'll try to position the best seat for her out there right from the start. I'll get dh to explain that I need privacy.
Thank you for all the advice, ladies! I feel so clueless about everything especially when the best time is to do certain things. I'm also really wanting to do some freezer meals and don't want to put too many things off until the end when I'll be even more uncomfortable.

Newbie- that's so sweet of your work! I hope you have a blast :)

I'm not sure what all they give you in the hospital either so I'm not 100% sure what all to bring. I think I would rather be overpacked than wish I had packed something though.

I was up until 4am with the worst heartburn/acid reflux I have ever had. I almost got sick quite a few times. I am about to have lunch with a few friends but then will definitely be taking a nap before school work!
My sister just finished getting out the last of the invites to my baby shower. :) It's set for Dec 4th. We were going to try to do it sometime this month but between her kids' birthdays and Thanksgiving it was too much so we opted for early December. :) The 4th is coming up though soon! I'm just hoping that people actually come since everyone I've invited is mostly work friends. I don't have a lot of good friends up here that I spend time with.

As for my hip/pelvic pain: I've been doing some of the stretches my doctor recommended and that seems to be helping some. I was at least able to get around my classroom a little more yesterday. And I've schedule myself a massage for this weekend so that will help loosen some of the muscles too. If this keeps working then great and if not I'll contact doctor for a PT rec.

Question: What are thoughts on hospital tour and preregistration and stuff? I've seen it pop up in places and haven't really thought much about it. Have you done it yet, are you going to do it, etc? I almost feel weird calling the local hospital and saying "hey I want a tour" because I didn't know people do that (until I got pregnant) but if it's normal than I want to do it because i Know it would ease some of my anxiety.

I haven't even thought about carseats and hospital bags! :dohh: We JUST started looking at carseats yesterday and deciding what we are getting. I think I'll wait and buy the carseat after the baby shower and look at installing the base at least closer to Christmas. I don't even know what to put in the hospital bag! :dohh:

Literati - congrats on 30 weeks!! I was so excited at 30 weeks, suddenly due date is close enough to count the weeks on our fingers!!

newbie - that sounds really painful! I hope your doctor can give you something to help! Its awesome that your coworkers are throwing you a shower though! So sweet of them!

greats - oh my gosh!! That's actually one of my fears that this LO will pop out a boy even though they told me it's a girl! A friend of mine was told both her kids were girls and they both turned out to be boys! :dohh: I told DH I really want to schedule a private 3D scan and get a gender confirmation just to ease my mind. :haha:

Ali - That sounds great! Where do you apply for samples? I was just thinking the other day I needed to have some formula nad stuff on hand just in case I can't breast feed enough or can't keep up. My sister and mom both had trouble with BF so I want to be prepared in case that's the possibility for us but I Didn't really want to go out and buy a bunch if I might not need it.

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