January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally- sounds like you didn't have a very good birthing class. The one I took with dd went over all the breathing techniques as well as a bunch of birthing positions, etc. Actually - I had completely forgotten there were breathing techniques so I'd better read up on those before this baby comes! I definitely used them last time.

Newbie - that would definitely be difficult taking a class if the instructor was hard to understand.

Vankiwi - oh no! Moving at this stage in pregnancy sounds stressful!

As for pre-registration, my dr doesn't give me those until maybe 35 weeks so I don't have to worry about that for a while.

Slammer - good idea to your the hospital this time. I actually don't think I ever did last time, but we did at least check where to park and I had been to the labour and delivery unit before because I needed a non stress test etc so at least I wasn't completely unfamiliar.

AFM - in case we needed some more craziness in our lives, we discovered some water seeping in from an internal wall in the basement so now DH is trying to figure out the source of that and then hopefully our landlady will hire a contractor to fix the issue ASAP! She is not very on the ball and I can't believe this is happening again, because about 6 weeks before dd1 was due, we discovered major mould and moisture issues in our basement and my DH had to fix it all himself because any of the contractors wouldn't have been able to fix it until DD was born and we needed the mould gone as it can cause breathing issues for baby etc! He ended up spending two weeks renovating the basement for our landlady, and she never even ended up paying him! I had to stay at my parents' the whole time, and I didn't even get to see DH on my birthday because he was working around the clock! It was such a stressful time and I can't believe something similar is happening again, but this time DH is definitely refusing to do the work himself!
Literati - I feel your pain on the water damage! We have had water damage in our basement 3 out of 4 years we've lived in this house. First from a leaky kitchen faucet that sent water down the basement wall/ceiling, second when rainwater backed up in the basement window well and came pouring in, and third (last month) when a plastic pipe fitting gave out and started leaking into the ceiling. Thankfully this last one was caught and fixed quickly, but we still have the hole in the ceiling. I have a feeling we're not gonna deal with it until after baby comes. DH repaired the drywall the second time we had damage and did a terrible job mudding so the walls look like crap and I told him I wanted a professional to fix things this time.
Oh dear! That sounds quite stressful! Water issues are really never fun! You should definitely spring for a professional next time!
Hi everyone

Hope your all well. Feel like such a stranger in here now it just seems like one thing after another this pregnancy. Had a nightmare couple of weeks with my dad in and out of hospital, hospital is 35 miles away and I don't drive so the stress and worry has been crazy. I even slept on the hospital floor next to his bed one night.. I'm not sure how I haven't gone into early labour with the stress I keep getting thrown.

But all seems well, baby is super active as always and not had any issues. BH'S are getting stronger now.

I've got just over 7 weeks and haven't bought anything for her, apart from some clothes and a bouncer. Seriously unprepared considering xmas is coming up too.

Not stressing about it, I co sleep so cot isn't am urgency and I tend to have baby in a sling for few weeks so again if I haven't gotten round to getting a pram before xmas it's not end of the world.

I'll try to catch up what I've missed now!
Evening all

Just thought I'd drop by and say hey. It's been ages since I've posted. Hope all you ladies are well.

AFM I'm 34 weeks tomorrow and huge. Been to see midwife each week for the last week weeks due to blood pressure being raised. Baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead and as it stands 4/5 engaged. Also I've had terrible painful Brixton hicks the last 2 days I've never got past 37 weeks ( first was born at 37 and 2nd was born at 28 weeks) today though the Brixton hicks were really painful especially in my back. This is exactly how my eldest sons labor went, had Brixton hicks on and off for about a week and then a total of 3 hour labour.

I tend to go from 1cm to 10cm in a matter of around an hour. Each of my labours are very fast but this time I've got to have iv antibiotics for GBS so need to be on the ball when its time.

How is everyone else keeping???
Almost 33 weeks here and doctors appointment tomorrow night. I've had lots of people comment on how well I look and that pregnancy suits me. I must hide how I really feel better than I think I do! I'm exhausted! No BH yet, but this kid us rarely still for long these days. Loving it!
I could definitely use a nesting wave too! I keep wondering when it's going to kick in but I'm still just tired all the time

Ally- glad the appointment went well! I want to try a pregnancy ball, let us know how you like it!

I also need to pre register at my hospital! I have the form filled out, just need to bring it up there and do a tour as well.

Literati- sorry about the leak! What a mess and horrible timing. I don't blame him for not wanting to do it all himself this time, I hope you guys are able to get it fixed asap.

Ana- good to hear from you! You're not a stranger here, you can pop in here as much or little as you're able! I'm sorry to hear about your dad and how stressed you've been. There's still quite a bit we need to buy as well so you're not alone.

Shobbs- it's good to hear from you! Fast labor sounds much better, I would rather that than a long one for sure. Hopefully baby cooks as long as possible and get your antibiotics

Newbie- I get comments like that, mostly about how small I am (although I'm measuring perfect at all my appointments) and I've started to get frustrated because all women/pregnancies are different, this is my first so of course I'll show later and it just weirds me out when people comment on my body like that. Oh well!

Think I had BH yesterday? They felt like super small period cramps and had me worried, but they got better when I got out of the car and walked a bit and I was also a little dehydrated. I hate how I don't know what's normal and what's not since I haven't done this before so every little pain and twinge keeps me on edge
I only have one more day of work this week and then I get the rest of hte week off! Yay! I'm so excited. Of course that will make the next 3 full weeks after Thanksgiving (before Christmas break) extremely long. I can't believe how close we are to December, which means how close I am to being less than a month away from baby! :wacko:

Ally - I really wasn't sure about the classes originally, but my sister pointed out that she didn't take any and then it came time and she felt really unprepared, so I decided to go for it. :) Plus the birthing class includes the hospital tour so I can kill two birds with one stone. :)

Vrogers - I strongly considered not bothering with the class but I know how bad my anxiety can get and that the one thing that helps me is being overly informed. :haha:

newbie - not at all! You don't have to do classes. Most of my friends never did, I just have a lot of anxiety over anything "new" (going someplace new, doing something new, etc) and I combat it by being overly informed. I'm not relaly worried about the birth itself, in fact my sister has been "kind" enough to make sure to give me all the "real" details about her labor and things to expect (unlike the happy glowy stories so many people want to tell) that I think I could probably be okay otherwise but I Know this will help me mentally prepare. Plus, I think it'll help me feel like it's "more real". I'm still in "lala land" sometimes about this. :haha: You don't have to go to class, you can do your own research on whatever you have questions about. I just don't know what to look for! :haha:
Ally - It was probably around 6-8 weeks early. I didn't really have an energy burst near the end. Just after DS was born. So, this one seems to be similar!

I totally forgot about pre-registration because they just had me do it during a visit.

Lite - That's really no good on the moisture issues! I couldn't have convinced myself to stay if I didn't get paid for that kind of work or was given some discount on rent for awhile. Nope nope nope. I fix minor things here, but nothing big. Like the toilet seat or door knobs. I had to literally BUST through DS's bedroom door to get him out. The door knob locked on it's own like they do for some dumb reason and no matter what we did it would not pop. DS was crying and screaming hysterically on the other side.. he wasn't even 1 yet. I finally took a butter knife or something like that and busted through it. Even after breaking the handle on our side we couldn't pop it with the trigger. It was literally stuck locked and you couldn't get a card in there to pop it. Landlord took responsibility and was going to replace the door at no cost. Never happened. The door sits with the hole covered by tape haha. He's really busy, though. He's a great guy, but was handed this place a total wreck.

Ana - You're never a stranger! Just pop in whenever! I'm so sorry about your father, I hope he is doing well now. Glad all is well with baby as well!

Shobbs - 34 weeks for me tomorrow as well! Of course it sounds like you'll be way ahead of me! Keep us updated! I hope baby stays until term, but either way chances right now are great!

BH happen throughout most of your pregnancy. You notice them less with your first generally. They tend to get more uncomfortable later on. They say they aren't painful, but when they push baby into your cervix or if you can't hardly move because it's so tense it can be uncomfortable. I've noticed A LOT of BH with this one for quite awhile now. I've felt at least 3 sitting here typing this. I can feel my belly tighten up.

AFM - So, I wake up this morning to rocks hitting our bedroom window. Was my might as well be brother. Well turns out.. I'm suppose to work today and I had no idea! Thought I work tomorrow. I had several missed phone calls and text messages. Whoops. So I got to work almost 3 hours late, my bad. Serious pregnancy brain. I swore today was the 20th and that I worked Tuesday which I swore was the 21st. DS even tried to save me by setting my alarms while playing with my phone which I turned off because I though I didn't need them!

I'm so ready to have my brain back. I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. Only 4 more till I'm considered term here. This baby won't decide to come till after his due date, I just know it. Even though I feel like he will come early, my brain tells me otherwise.
Hi everyone I've been reading and playing some catch up. Life has been busy. I am pumping and it's exhausting and my supply sucks. Life is exhausting in general. However Emi is doing awesome. She was on a CPAP and is now on a nasal cannula, she is 3lbs 1oz now. She is doing well with her feedings and is more and more alert each time we see her. H & I are so in love with our miracle baby. I had my baby shower last weekend and Emi was thoroughly spoiled.
Danser - It's so great to hear that Emi is doing great! Maybe you'll get to bring her home for Christmas! I know that breastfeeding was exhausting so I can imagine trying to build your supply is probably more time demanding! Glad she got spoiled at her shower!!
Lit- i will just be using youtube videos now to practise breathing. Sorry about the water damage, that really sucks and I hope you can get it sorted once and for all!

anababe- so nice to hear from you, but so sorry you have been under so much stress! Is your dad out of hospital now?

shobbs- nice to hear from you. At least you are prepared for a fast labour!

newbie2013- a few people have told me the same, that I look great and suit pregnancy and i'm like REALLY??????? I want that pregnancy glow haha.

vrogers- that is exactly how my BH's are. It's my first time too, so don't worry i am always like, is this ache normal etc. The pregnancy ball is great, did some stretches on it yesterday. Going to try and do some everyday, there are some good youtube videos I can just follow.

ali- that is serious baby brain! bless you!! i think it will be interesting to see if those who think their baby will come early, will come early or not. I have a feeling i will be a couple weeks early.

danser- that is such lovely news, i am so glad she is doing well. Of course it must be exhausting for you, but i hope you get some time to rest. Keep us updated.

AFM- i felt so emotional this morning, just cried for no reason. I've also been feeling so warm. The weather here is so cold now, so outside i feel cold and pre-pregnancy, i was always one to feel cold. But in my flat, especially at night, i jsut feel like a heater. DH even said i was radiating heat. Anyone else feel like this??
Danser - that does sound incredibly exhausting! I'm so sorry you're having a rough go, but so happy Emi is doing well and that she is growing and getting better every day! This is going to be a long road, but I know you can get through it! :hugs:

Ali - yes, my landlady is nice but not the most involved or helpful in the world haha. I do feel bad for her though, as she is an older lady and she has to manage the property by herself because her husband had a stroke a number of years ago and can't work or really communicate very well. Our rent here is more affordable than the average housing in our city (which is atrocious) so we are just trying to stay here and save money a little while longer while we can still make the small space work. We will probably have to move by baby #3, so we might as well spend a bit less on rent until then!

Angel - I'm very glad you have a short week this week! You deserve it! I also like being overly informed haha! Helps me feel more in control.

VRogers - thanks! I think more cramping and BH at this stage is pretty normal! Make sure you take it easy and drink lots of water!

Shobbs -I hope you don't go too early! Make sure to get lots of rest! I have heard BH also get stronger with each pregnancy so hopefully it's just that.

Newbie - that's good you're hiding your exhaustion so well! I don't think I am doing the same! According to my DH, quite a few people have noticed how grumpy I am this pregnancy! :haha: WhAtever, though. They can judge if they want but I am completely exhausted as well!

Ana - that sounds incredibly stressful! Make sure you take care of yourself too! Is your dad doing okay now? Don't worry about being unprepared. You definitely know what you're doing and babies don't need much especially if you co sleep! Hang in there!
Wow! Everyone is living through different stresses. I hope you can all take some time to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy.

I've just come back from the doctor and I've got a tentative plan. I'll go back to him in 3 weeks and stop the low dose asprin he's had me on since doing the ivf. Then a week after that, I'll stop the progesterone suppositories I've been taking because of my shortened cervix. After that, he said if my body needed the progesterone to support the pregnancy, then my body will get the signal to start getting ready for labour, which should take about a week or so. If not, then it will be wait and see until I'm 40 weeks, then he'll induce me. He doesn't want me to go past my due date of January 13. I'll stretch out stopping the progesterone until closer to when my mum comes - she'll be so upset if I stop too early and the baby comes before she get here!

Getting closer... almost time to get really organised!
Ally - I missed your post earlier! Good idea on the YouTube videos. I have been feeling very warm lately as well! Good ole hormones haha.

newbie - sounds like a good plan about how you'll taper off the progesterone and aspirin. I hadn't even thought of that as being something you'd have to go off so that your body would go into labour!
Newbie - Probably feels good to have a plan kind of laid out! Makes it feel really close, I bet.

Lite - That's great that she's really nice! Sounds like the pros definitely outweigh the cons of living there! I don't have enough room here for DS2, but we'll make it work until we can buy a house. There was one I kind of wanted, but I'm not sure if I will be working close to this town after maternity leave. So I'm waiting to really buy.. if something perfect pops up I'll probably go for it then just work on finding a job around here. For now we're just waiting, though.

Ally - I felt horrible! It was nice to sleep in, though! I didn't get in trouble because I never call in or come in late. I had to be educated per company policy which is new because we have some problem people. Wasn't a write up or anything, so no big deal.

I'm definitely easily overheated during pregnancy. I was with my first and it was during summer so extra miserable! It's pretty common to feel hot during pregnancy! I do get cold outside as well. We finally got a cold wave in and it finally feels like winter is coming. Been warm and nice all fall! We JUST turned our heat on last night. Our landlord actually came to my door to ask if our heat was working because our pipes were cold. Told him we simply haven't turned it on yet. I guess we were the last in the building!

AFM - I am now 34 weeks! I kind of feel like I hit a milestone. I think I was going to use it as a milestone because in 4 more weeks I'll be considered term.

We went to the mall today. I kind of wanted to buy some stuff, but we didn't end up buying much for the hour drive haha. I did get DS some jeans that were a great price and they're soft. I hate putting him in stiff jeans. Got one nursing bra that's like a sports bra. Super comfortable. I am going to order some nursing camis they have because they didn't have my size in the color I wanted. All the stores are getting hit hard already.

Appointment tomorrow. Just general stuff. Then my next one will be the GBS test, yay...
newbie- sounds good, slowly taper off the meds and like Ali said, must feel good to have a plan set.

lit, Ali- glad i am not the only one feeling hot. It's getting really cold now in scotland -3 today! Car is all iced up.

ali- yah on 34 weeks! it is a milestone, we are getting closer and closer. Term is 37 weeks in the UK, so i am also just 4 weeks off it. In a weird way, it seems ages away, but it's actually really close, so i need to finish getting organised.

DH and I have decided to move in with my parents, they have a big house and thought it would be better for when i have the baby, especially with DH working and studying. Our flat just now is nice, but on the small side, and it has like no storage space. Plus it has mould and i don't really want baby round that. Mixed feelings about moving in with my parents, i get on really well with them, but we won't have that privacy as a family. Hopefully we won't have to be there too long.
Ally - oh yes you definitely don't want to have your baby around mould! It can cause respiratory issues. That's a tough decision to live with your parents and I'm sure it will be an adjustment, but hopefully it won't be for very long, and the help from your parents will be amazing! Do they both still work? Do they have a basement you can hang out in for more privacy?
Ally - oh yes you definitely don't want to have your baby around mould! It can cause respiratory issues. That's a tough decision to live with your parents and I'm sure it will be an adjustment, but hopefully it won't be for very long, and the help from your parents will be amazing! Do they both still work? Do they have a basement you can hang out in for more privacy?

Yes their help will be amazing :) both parents are self employed just now, so they will be around to help.Both my little brothers live there too, so will be a big lively busy house for a while. The bedroom DH and I will take is huge so we are just gonna out our own little sofa and tabke etc in it, for privacy and when we just want to relax together. xx
Ally - That would be hard to move back in with your parents, but I'm sure the help will be amazing to have! Hopefully it isn't too stressful for you guys. I'm sure there will be times, but hopefully it's more helpful than anything! We don't have any storage here either. It's quite a pain! I've gotten creative with storing things.

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