January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I guess I forgot to add. I had my appointment today. Like I figured I made up for the weight I didn't gain last appointment. :dohh: There's just no controlling it! No concerns as per the norm for me. I always tell them I'm boring!

I got my preregistration papers and will turn them in at my 36 week appointment. I'm still kind of in that zone where I don't know if I want to change hospitals or not. I hate changing out of my familiar zone, but I know how much easier it would be to be in town. I also got appointments set up for every week till I'm 40 weeks. It felt so odd seeing all those dates. I know it's getting close, but it sure sinks in when you get handed 4 appointment cards. GBS test next appointment as well.

Another reason I kind of want to change hospitals is I'm afraid I'll have some of my fellow nursing students in L&D. A lot of them lived in that town because that's where the college is. I won't allow them in there with me. That would be too awkward for me. No way for me to know until I go in. I have the right to tell them I want someone else, but if for some dumb reason there was no other nurses I'd probably just have to cave and that'd be my luck!

Also, hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving tomorrow that is celebrating! I still don't know what I'm doing. I'm sad that DH won't be with us. We'll have Christmas together, but I really enjoy Thanksgiving.

If you're crazy and do Black Friday shopping, have fun! I will be doing it online.
Ally- it's good you get along with them, and I'm sure the extra help when baby is here will be nice! I can definitely understand why you would want it to be as temporary as possible though

Ali- glad your appointment went well! I am with you on the weight thing. Last appointment I had only gained 1 pound since the previous 2 weeks but I imagine my appointment in a few days will make up for that due to all the thanksgiving food I've already and will be eating. I don't blame you at all for not wanting any fellow students in the room with you! Way too awkward. I'm sorry your dh won't be able to spend the holiday with you! We will be going to my MIL house along with a massive amount of other people. I'm not looking forward to all the baby talk and comments but the food will be worth it! Will also be doing all shopping online, I'm not into shopping in stores much to begin with, Black Friday just seems miserable to me!
Vrogers - Haha.. believe me, I HATE Black Friday when it comes to in stores. I cannot do crowds. My anxiety kicks in and I get really tense then all I want to do is leave. On top of that I start to get really angry at all the inconsiderate people. I literally had to shield my son several times last year so he wouldn't get smashed with other people's carts and items. Yeah I know, why did I even take him?! I didn't want to, but we wanted just like one thing. We got it and left.

The deals are nice, though! I've only ever gone to Walmart. The one here is town isn't that big, but it still does get really crowded. Just isn't as violent as some other places, thankfully. I feel so sorry for DH. He doesn't get Thanksgiving and he has to deal with those crowds. He is the same as me and can't hardly handle crowds. He's a manager there as well, so just more responsibility during such a dumb time. One of his bosses is acting like they're going to go hide, though. :haha: I hope for his sake that happens. I will be getting what I can online tonight.

It's so quiet here this week. I figured it's because of holidays. Here I am, though.

I'm pretty sure I'm nesting. I wake up and I feel exhausted, but later in the day I feel like doing this and that. Really starting to get into organizing and cleaning. I can hope it means baby will make and earlier appearance, but DS sure didn't and I nested early with him as well.

I put the mamaRoo swing together. DS of course already had a fit over it and that's party why I decided to do it earlier. I wanted him to get use to not being able to mess with it without it seeming like he couldn't play with it even though baby could. I'm sure it'll still cause an issue, but hopefully it won't be so bad. He was tired as well, so that added to it. I absolutely love it space wise, though! It's so light as well. Also it goes together really easy and comes apart really easy so I'm going to save the box for storage.

Right now I'm sorting through clothes. I'm going to make DH go through his and take out what he doesn't wear right now so I can store it or get rid of some.
I have never done black Friday shopping in a store. I do "cyber Monday' or whatever deals are on around that time. I hate people, lol. Plus I always work on black Friday.

Well I was so excited to get our carpets cleaned, and though I'm sure they are "cleaner" they still look like shit. I'm really disappointed. Ultimately I want to get rid of the upper level carpet and get wood/laminate but that's obviously not in the cards right now. I was hoping a nice deep clean would at least make them look ok for a while, but yeah, they still look grimy. :'(
Slammer - ugh, that sucks your carpets still look grimy! I have been considering doing ours as well because they look so bad - particularly on the stairs!
I also hate people! :haha: Online Black Friday shopping is definitely the way to go!

Ali - wow, the fact that you have all your appointments until your due date must make it feel So close and so real! It's so exciting how close it is getting! I'm glad the appointment went well and was uneventful. An uneventful pregnancy is the ideal! hehe.

I hear you all on lack of storage! We thankfully do have a lot of closets but still not nearly enough storage room.

I just had an emotional preggo moment when dd fell back asleep in my arms on the couch after I woke her up from her nap. Can't believe she's going to be a big sister soon when she still seems like my little baby! I was crying and so sappy over it! :haha:
Slammer - Our carpets look horrible because of the type they are. At least it probably hides the grim haha. I don't like carpet because it does get gross looking after awhile no matter what you do. I always tackle stains with Oxyclean spot cleaner meant for laundry. Usually works the best for me. I haven't tried much else, though.

I can relate to the moment you had with DD. DS still relies on me so much! I had to cave awhile back and let him sleep in my arms for a hour. I know I won't get the chance to really hold him while he sleeps once baby comes. It reminds me of a quote I read once it went something like "At some point you put your baby down and never pick them back up again." I don't want that to happen with DS yet!!

Ah.. my eyes are watering.. lets make a sob train!
We have finally got the keys to our first family home :) so excited but means we will be moving, having a baby, Christmas, my eldest sons birthday and selling a business in the next 4 weeks :)
ali- an uneventful pregnancy is the best one.. i've not been weighed yet, and i hope the midwife doesn't start. happy thanksgiving, sorry you can't be with your DH. I hope he survives the crowds haha. Thats good you are nesting... i read anyway that first babies tend to be overdue, so maybe with this one, you will be earlier!

slammerkin- i hate black friday too, i will only do shopping online. Sorry about the carpets though, that sucks!

lit- that is a nice emotional moment :) not long to go now :)

shobbs- congrats on your new home!! that sounds like an awful lot going on, but it's all good things. very exciting.

AFM- nothing exciting to report really. had antenatal class with DH last night, was all about pain relief options and interventions in pregnancy such as inductions. It;s really cold here, but going to try and get out for a walk later and do some exercises on my birthing ball. Sunday is my baby shower, SO EXCITED! :D
Happy thanksgiving to all the ladies celebrating! Hope you all have a lovely day whether it's thanksgiving for you or not
Yes, happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating! Ours was in October. Eat lots of pie for me!

Ally - wooohoo! Enjoy your baby shower this weekend!
Happy thanksgiving to those celebrating. DH and I just bought a pram + car seat deal and a nice play mat for the baby in the shape of a big woolly cute lamb. Woo hoo, cant wait till he arrives :)
Ally - That's exciting!! I love having baby stuff around! I got something in the mail that I ordered and it just made it feel more real! The delivery people are going to know us well by the end of the month between Christmas and baby! :haha:

I can only hope this one comes a little earlier. I still wonder if DS did come a little early since I didn't get an ultrasound until later. My cycles are as steady as they get. Who knows.

Have fun at your baby shower!

Shobbs - Huge congratulations!!! I can't wait to unlock my first house! It's funny how big changes come all at once it feels.

AFM - We went to my cousin's for Thanksgiving. DH slept all but the last hour so he could eat before we left. DS had a lot of fun with his cousins. He did really good for needing a nap and not taking one! I had to chase him up and down stairs a million times which is never fun. We don't have stairs here, so it's always something new and exciting for him. He's good on them, but I don't trust him enough to let him loose on his own. I have been teaching him to sit and scoot down, but he still likes to walk down them.

The cops showed up, thanks to one of my little cousins calling 911 accident. By the time someone got on it they were off the phone. They heard arguing so they sent someone. :haha: It was two kids arguing over a game then the mother arguing loudly about the phone. When they called back and she explained it they said someone would probably show up anyways. They just laughed about it, but I guess the police are on high alert today. It's normal to get some calls on the holidays about family disputes, but they were on higher alert because of the recent election.
Ali- thanks :) i will post some pics on sunday after the baby shower. I am so excited! Glad your DS had fun, and its cute that he finds stairs so exciting as you don't have them. Glad the cops saw the funny side and weren't mad!

next week december starts, and some of us will be having our babies that month or at the very latest the month after. How exciting!!!!
Well we had a great Thanksgiving. Went to my parents' house and my two of my sisters were there - one of them has 5 kids. My DD loves her only female cousin, who's 13, and they were attached at the hip the whole time. My niece wishes she had a sister, so she loves to spend time with DD.
Happy Thanksgiving all! I know I'm a day late, but itw as a busy day yesterday. I'm glad to have 3 days to still recover! :haha:

I can't believe that in just about a month I'll be considered "Full term" by my doctor (she says full term at 37 weeks) and I'll be safe to deliver at any point after that! My students, and my friends, are taking bets on when I'll actually give birth. Many are saying late December, but I've also got a bunch saying late January and I REALLY HOPE they are wrong. I'm not interested in going that far over my due date!

Ally - I feel like a heater all the time. :haha: It hasn't been excepetionally cold here, but I live on the coast so it's fairly mild. It's been dropping into the 40s lately and so I need a light sweater but that's been about it. This is very odd for me because I typically run cold and usually by now am freezing and running the heat full blast.

I think it'll be nice to have the extra help of your parents around, and getting out of a place with mold (def not good for baby) but I can understand mixed feelings about living with your parents. I get my fill of my mom when she's with us for just a week, I don't know if I could actually live with her again :haha: How long are you planning to be there?

Slammer - Oh that sucks about hte carpets. I've had that problem before. Did you have someone come do it or did you do it yourself? If you are doing it yourself, there's a product I use called "Genesis950". You can really only buy it online but I swear by it. I use a 1 to 7 part ratio (1 part cleaner, 7 part water mix) on carpet, and it makes a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. I have run it through any carpet cleaner (both the kinds you can rent from the store and the one I owned) and it worked great in both. The only thing I can't do now is use it in my current carpet cleaner because I now have a Kirby and the carpet cleaner does a special kind of foaming thing, which requires a foaming cleaner (it doesn't suck the water back up in the same way because it doesn't spit out water but spits out foam). Anyway, I still use the genesis to spot clean. There's a place in our bedroom where the dogs keep urinating (its so nasty) and the carpet had become completely discolored and gross. I basically poured the cleaner mix onto it let it sit for awhile and then soaked it up with a towel and the carpet was back to normal color, the stains completely gone. Still gone weeks later. I swear by this stuff. Seriously!
Slammer - Oh that sucks about hte carpets. I've had that problem before. Did you have someone come do it or did you do it yourself? If you are doing it yourself, there's a product I use called "Genesis950". You can really only buy it online but I swear by it. I use a 1 to 7 part ratio (1 part cleaner, 7 part water mix) on carpet, and it makes a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. I have run it through any carpet cleaner (both the kinds you can rent from the store and the one I owned) and it worked great in both. The only thing I can't do now is use it in my current carpet cleaner because I now have a Kirby and the carpet cleaner does a special kind of foaming thing, which requires a foaming cleaner (it doesn't suck the water back up in the same way because it doesn't spit out water but spits out foam). Anyway, I still use the genesis to spot clean. There's a place in our bedroom where the dogs keep urinating (its so nasty) and the carpet had become completely discolored and gross. I basically poured the cleaner mix onto it let it sit for awhile and then soaked it up with a towel and the carpet was back to normal color, the stains completely gone. Still gone weeks later. I swear by this stuff. Seriously!

I had someone come clean them - it was a Chem Dry franchise. The main traffic areas look fine, but we have an accumulation of black dust/grime along the edges, in crevices, and on the stairs - mostly I think from being bad first-time homeowners and not changing our air filter regularly for quite a long time. Also from soot from a gel fuel fireplace we have. Thanks for the recommendation. I have a carpet cleaner that I bought a while back thinking I'd do it all myself, but I tried it once on an area rug and it was too much freaking work for not enough of a result. I might try it again just for some of the worst spots.
Angel - I'll have to look into that cleaner! Where do you buy it? I saw it on Amazon for 25 dollars for a quart. Hope none of us have to wait, but either way our babies will be here when they're ready! I wish term here was 37.. they would be sorely mistaken if they think they can stop my labor if I went at 37 weeks! Well, as long as everything was okay.

Slammer - I love seeing cousins that are close to each other! I really hope DS is close to some of his first cousins. He loves playing with them, but hardly ever sees them. My nephews don't live far, but my niece is 16 hours away. Sadly it doesn't seem like they'll move this way after they're out of the service. His more distant cousins that we saw absolutely love him, though! Which is great to see.

Midnight - Have fun visiting! Can't wait to hear more from you!

Ally - Can't wait to see them!! I'll be surprised if none of us have our babies next month. I'm kind of hoping I do! I'm ready to meet this feisty little one!

So, I turned in my notice at work. The last time I'm scheduled to work will be the 20th. I'll get a four day weekend with DH because he has Christmas off, well it would technically be the day before because he works overnights. He doesn't work Sunday though, which gives us 4 days together! I'm super excited for it! If baby is here by chance we get that family time together. If not it'll be perfect time to spend time together as just us 3.

It won't work out for me when I get off maternity leave to work there. There has also been some issues that can't really be avoided and will make things harder for me. So, I just bit the bullet and quit. It's not like it'll be hard for me to find another job, it's just whether or not it works for us hour wise. There has to be something even if I end up driving a ways until we buy a house. Just hoping everything falls into place.
Ali - I've always bought it from their general website: https://genesis950.com/

I get a gallon for $45 ish, which sounds like a lot, but since it's a concentrate it lasts me forever. Plus their website has a lot of the directions and tips and stuff that don't show up on the bottle or other places. It's an amazing cleaner. And, seriously, it's the only thing I've been able to use that truly gets out pet smell (particularly pet urine)!

What does your doctor consider term? I'm in WA state and my doctor says 37 is term, but I don't know if that's just her or if that's common around here.
Ally - I looked at Amazon again. It's actually selling through their main website, but using Amazon. Almost same price then! Maybe it will get rid of this weird apartment smell that always comes back! They have a 10 dollar off code right now. Ends tomorrow. I'm debating on getting it or not.

My office considers term at 38. At least that's when they told me they wouldn't stop labor. I read that early term is considered to be 37 weeks to 38+6 then full term is 39-40+6 weeks. Late term 41-41+6, then post term is 42+. So I believe those are the actual definitions right now.

I'm ready to go to bed. DS went to bed at a perfect time for me last night. I went to bed shortly after, but was awake another 3 hours with horrible insomnia. I even changed my clothes because my pants were bugging me. Which they never do, it was just everything was waking me up. I'd start to fall asleep then I'd be shocked wide awake by something ridiculous. Of course, he doesn't seem tired tonight.

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