January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I have a pile I have started of stuff to go into the bag, but haven't officially packed anything. I have started a list though based off of some pre made lists I found on Pinterest. I like to look at a bunch of ideas and make my own based off of others. I did the same when I got pregnant and trying to figure out what was necessary for baby.
Today I decided I couldn't make it in and stayed home. It was a really rough night for me. I fell asleep around 10pm, woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom. Fell back asleep, woke up around 1:30am with a weird dream and then could not go back to sleep no matter what I tried. I finally started to doze off around 4:30, but my alarm goes off at 5am. I tried to get up and go to work but I realized I probably needed to stay home when I was sitting at the table crying. Just not a good day. What sucks is I feel guilty about taking a day off because I have such limited sick leave. :nope: After I went back to bed around 6, I slept until 10, so clearly I needed it. I still don't feel well though, I'm still feeling kind fo sleep deprived, and having sharp pains in my stomach (middle/sides). Not sure what that's about but it's accompanied by nausea. :wacko: I've got my regular appointment today so I'll mention it to her when I see her.

Now that I'm up I feel so very lazy about having taken the day off as i'm thinking "it's only 10:30am I could have been working at least a half day) but the other hand I have to keep reminding myself that a half day for me is actually right at about 11ish since I get to work around 6:45am, and student classes are from 7:45-2:15. By 11 I've already taught 3 of my 5 classes for the day.

I haven't started the hospital bag yet but I figure I'll start that and the baby's bag (going to pack two separate bags for easier time finding things) after the baby shower.
I'm sure it's a good thing you took off Angel. I hear you on not wanting to use up any leave, but sometimes you just need to rest!

I just ate two bags of Doritos from the vending machine. Ugh. Why? Anyone else giving in to guilty pleasures?
Angel - try not to feel guilty. You're very pregnant and you needed it. I have so many of those nights and have to force myself to work still but It would be amazing to just once call in sick and sleep all morning! My pregnant co worker just called in sick the other morning for the same reason so you're not the only one! Sometimes you just can't be a sane, working person on no sleep! :hugs:

Slammer - oh, I am horrible for this. Once I start eating a treat I can't stop. And I indulge myself pretty much every day. :p

Froggy - yes, I think I'll eventually look at some lists online and customize it for myself. You'd think i would have written down what I packed last time, but I didn't.
Ali- I feel gross down there as well especially because I cannot see to shave! I actually cut myself a week or so ago because I was trying it blind..never again.

I have been looking around for some cheapish black yoga or lounge pants because I read someone else say they recommended black pants, and I don't want to spend too much money on pants that will probably get messy. I've started baby's bag with 3 outfits (one newborn and two 0-3 month) but that's about it for bags so far. I figured I'll slowly get things for my bag over the next couple weeks and try to have it packed by 37-38 weeks.

Angel- your body clearly needed the day off and some sleep, don't feel bad! Relax and take care of yourself :)

Slammer- I give in to food cravings way too often! Today has been mashed potatoes, I think because at my doctor appointment in the parking lot I swore I smelled mashed potatoes (dh thought I was crazy) so that will be a side to whatever I eat for dinner! For about a month it was thanksgiving food and thankfully last week was able to satisfy that craving.

Had my 34 week appointment today, the dreaded cervix checks start in exactly 2 weeks, along with weekly appointments. Apparently I am GBS pos so I'll have to have the antibiotics during labor. Most of baby's movement lately has been down super low (those kind of tickle sometimes) and the sharp jabs in guessing from limbs and elbows are to my right side.
Dh went and slept in the other bedroom last night because apparently my snoring was making the bed vibrate. May get those breathe right strips after all
Thanks everyone! I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. Honestly, if I was working a job that didn't require me to deal with 150 teenagers every day I would have a much easier time forcing myself to go in but I just could not see myself handling a bunch of teenagers very well on zero sleep!
We dont have cervix checks here? I am also GBS positive but still home birth booked.

I have always taken old pjs to hosp. By time I came home I was just bleeding period heavy not enough to ruin clothes.
Midnight - They're not really necessary from what I read. At least in a non complicated pregnancy. . Some places don't do it because of that.

Angel - I don't blame you for calling in. Sometimes you just need to! I hate working when I don't feel well, but I do. Part of me always hopes for a good excuse to call in because I'm so sick of working right now!!

Vrogers - DH just informed me that last night I was snoring really loudly. Made me feel fat! :haha: My first check is a week from tomorrow. Yay.. not.

Slammer - I crave chips now and then, but generally I just want to drink chocolate milk all day.

No bag for me, yet. Probably pick up some black lounge pants with our 25% off. I'm not going to pack much. Enough to be comfortable for a couple of days. Worst case DH can bring something. I'm more worried about getting DS's gift bag together.

I'm 35 weeks today and a week from tomorrow I start my weekly appointments. Which means I really need to make sure everything is together. Coming home from work today I didn't have my glasses because DS took them out of my purse and I forgot. Which is fine I can drive without them, but prefer not to. Of course it's dark to make it worse. I had a stupid deer decide it was going to try to get smoked by me. I'm just glad I spotted it early. DH was on the phone with me and I was cussing up a storm at it. Whoops! Been a long day. I'm so ready for bed, but DS's schedule is all messed up. So I doubt I'll be getting to bed any time soon.
Had my 34 week appointment today. Doctor actually has me at 3 days earlier than I have, so according to their records I'm not 34w until Thursday but I don't think 3 days makes a difference. Either way, she said once I'm passed 34 w then if labor starts they won't stop it but she prefers 37w. I've got my next appointment in 2 weeks and then everything is every week after that!

Of course then she tells me that she'll be out of town the last week of December (26th - 31st), and so baby can come anytime before Christmas or after the new year but that week is off limits. :haha: She did assure me that if I do happen to go into labor that week she will have a very good back up in place, but I love my doctor and don't want someone else. :( Which sucks because I was originally REALLY hoping baby would come that week and now I'm alternating between wanting baby to come vs. delay her arrival to be more "on time" so I can have my regular doc. Bah.

Totally different topic: hopefully not TMI, but I need some thoughts/advice.... what are you ladies doing (if anything) to keep things "trimmed up" down there? I prefer to keep my bikini area trimmed, especially because I really really hate having a lot of hair down there when I'm on my period. But I've reached a point where I can't SEE myself, and I am struggling. I don't want to risk actually harming myself when I can't see (going at it blind just seems like a terrible idea!), but I don't want to go another 5-6 weeks without doing anything and then I know I won't feel up to doing anything afterwards.

Thoughts? Am I the only one thinking about this? LoL
Ali- I really wish we didn't have to have cervix checks here, but it didn't seem like a voluntary thing. I'm not really sure how to stop the snoring other than to try those strips! I feel bad

My doctor asked if I was planning on inducing or letting the baby come naturally and I said naturally. Didn't even know inducing was an option unless medically necessary and I think I would just prefer to let her come when she's ready!

Angel- you're definitely not the only one! I prefer to keep it trimmed down there as well and when I tried a week or so ago just by feel I ended up cutting myself so I don't recommend that. I read to either try in front of a mirror or have dh do it.Think I prefer the mirror option more haha and I will definitely be doing that before my next appointment!
I usually shave down below but I cant see and I can feel it is now awful as missed a few days/weeks lol. I really dont want it a mess...but I do not know what to do. I cant see at all. I dont think I can do it blind either as can barely move!
slammer- it's great you aren't worried, i'm sure it will be easier without the big bump!
I am like Literati- I just indulge everyday. I have avoided weighing myself, i just can't stand the thought, but maybe i should, as im sure it will stop me eating so much junk. I live in denial haha-

angel- you need to do what is best for you, i'm glad you took the day off! Glad your appointment went well./ It's funny how we all have our desires and wishes for when we want the baby to come, but i bet baby will just ignore them completely and come when they feel like.

vrogers- glad appt went well. I am going to pack bag next weekend, i want to be prepared. My supervsior at university told me she had her baby at 36 weeks and didn't have bag packed, and the nurses asked her why she hadn't packed her bag and she replied i still had a month till my due date!!
I would opt for natural like you did also, i would prefer to avoid induction unless it was necessary

midnight- hows the heartburn? i have it bad today, but airwaves helping.

ali- i hope u got some sleep! exciting about the weekly appointments. It's the same here- weekly after 36 weeks. DH says I snore now too sometimes :(. But i think i am more tired, sleep deeper and because i am almost constantly congested, i snore (thats my theory anyway! haha)

angel- i can still manage to shave, it's a little difficult but i am extra careful. I probably don't do a very good job, but i haven't seen 'down there' in so long that i dont care too much now haha. I also worry about my leg hair lol, i normally wax but with my rash still there and skin extra sensitive i am too scared to wax. But i don't want to have really horrid hair legs for labour. Oh god- it's hard being a woman. I think i will shave my legs as best in a couple of weeks. Thankfully, i don't have too much hair- pregnancy has made my hair growth a lot slower.

i have a question for you ladies then- hows things in the ahem, bedroom department? we normally DTD every other day or every second day but i think DH is starting to find it weird with my bump getting so big, but he hasn't said that to me yet x
My bush is outta control. I'm never super regular about keeping it up, but I prefer a close buzz with an electric shaver and I haven't done that in a couple months. Even then I had to do it squatting over the toilet with a mirror sitting on the cistern, lol. I'm thinking of asking DH to take scissors to the bush - I wouldn't trust him with the electric shaver or a razor! I do want things to be tidy before labor because I hate lots of hair down there when I'm on my period as well.

Ally that's awesome you're still getting busy! We haven't had sex in....a couple months? I just really don't want it and I'm so uncomfortable. DH is understanding. It was the same with DD. I should throw him a bone and give him at least something other than full sex, but ughhhh.
With DS and DH working overnights it's hard for us to find time. Then if we do I have to hope I feel up to it. I'm so exhausted most of the time that I just can't get myself into the mood.

I guess I can blind shave pretty well. I hate the way hair down there feels. My skin actually gets more irritated if I don't shave. Same with my legs. I get inflamed hair follicles that are prone to infection. Plus with the increased CM and what not.. ugh. DH would be too nervous to help me I think.

My leg hair growth slowed with this one which I love! With my first it was faster. My hair grows fast enough as it is. I'd have 5 o'clock leg shadow while I wasn't pregnant. Everything else seems unchanged.
We used to manage daily but it is getting hard work and now definitly not managing. My belly is just in the way and I cant move. I agree about OH and the bump. Mine has not mentioned it...but I am aware of it.... its just in the way and off putting!
I just got news that my placenta previa has resolved! So we will be dtd for the first time in 12 weeks! I'm pretty excited!

I just get waxed now. I started earlier in pregnancy when it started getting harder to see what was going on. I go every four weeks now and it gets easier every time. It's so nice to not have to worry about it for long periods of time.
Ladies, thanks for the tip about the black pants. I'll definitely be looking out my old ones and packing them in my hospital bag... when I get around to packing it!

As for hair down there... ugh! I hate It! I got so lazy when it became harder to see what I was doing. When I finally got around to it, it was like clearing a rainforest - haha! I used the trimmer on my electric shaver and did it feel and occasional checks with a mirror. Not perfect, but better than before!

34 weeks... One week to my baby shower... Two weeks until we break for Christmas and I have my next appointment... 42 days until my die date!
Oh ladies dont have 4 kids lol I have varicos (cant spell) veins down below and have heard its worse the more pregnancies you have. Am in soooo much pain!
slammer - gosh i dont think i would want to ask dh to use scissors down there haha, i can blind shave pretty well i think too

ali- i love the slow hair growth its great!

froggy- thats great on the placenta previa!!!

newbie- excited for your baby shower!

i did a fun little task with my family and friends and got them all to make estimates on the weight and date of baby. i have from 24th december - 12th january, with weights ranging from 6 pounds to 8 pounds 5! it was good fun.

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