January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

My DD was up at midnight too. Shame as I was so sleepy!

I felt sick and crampy last night but I went to bed early and all gone. Must just be tiredness. X
greats- no constipation for me but think i've always been lucky like that. eat lots of fruit/veg and water, and hopefully things will get going!

ali- so sorry to hear about debit card, it's such a bummer!but it defo is that time of the year. i really hope you get your money back!

vrogers- sorry to hear about heartburn. i've been getting it more, but airwaves chewing gum with menthol seem to give me relief, i always have a pack on me!

midnight- yeah must have been tiredness, we need all the sleep and rest we can get in the last few weeks!

yesterday i was absolutely exhausted, DH was too from work. we both got a take away then fell asleep early. I am feeling good from that sleep, really needed it!
I had Midwife yesterday. Baby head down but foot in my ribs hurts so much. All ok otherwise though. Xx
I had Midwife yesterday. Baby head down but foot in my ribs hurts so much. All ok otherwise though. Xx

glad all good! my baby head down too, but feel like he has grown as can feel movements in hips and ribs and it can hurt sometimes.

i've got growth scan on dec 14th and midwife check up on 19th. Nearly there!!
I'm so glad that we're finally in December! And TGIF ladies! <3

My baby shower is Sunday. :happydance: After that then we are going to pick up the final things we need like carseat and a couple other random things. Wow, I can't believe it's getting to that time!! :wacko:

I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on birth plans? I hear about "bring your birth plan" to the hospital and stuff, but I don't actually know what I'm supposed to put ON a birth plan. Is there a form of some sort where I can like check boxes? Does my doctor provide me with something or is this just me writing down on a piece of paper things I want? I'm really pretty laid back at this point about what I'm wanting, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something and if this is supposed to be a bigger deal than I'm making it?

Greats - I'm super impressed you blind shave! I found my electric razor which I haven't used in awhile because it sometimes pulls and can be unpleasant and started using that. It was a little tricky to do blind but at least I am not afraid of cutting myself with it.

Ali - that sucks! I'm so sorry! I hate when that happens! Hope things get resolved soon!

Ally - I'm jealous you get another scan! I don't think I'm getting another at all, unless Doctor decides she's concerned. :(
Midnight - Glad everything is good! This one doesn't push on my ribs as much as my first did. I definitely know how that feels, though!! Took my ribs 3 months to stop hurting after he was born because of all the pressure he put on them.

Ally - I'm really hoping they mention a growth scan for me soon! I may not get one, but I'm hoping to get another peek at this little one before he's born! I don't expect them to mention it next appointment, but if they do they'll probably mention it at my 37 week one. Which reminds me. I need to call and reschedule since I missed their call. He's in surgery during my appointment time.
My birth plan is just because I feel so strongly lol so the supervisor of MWs helped with one.


Home birth

Low light
No examinations (unless a problem)
Minimal monitering
Baby to be born up to my chest
Delayed clamping
Natural 3rd stage (il wait up to 1 hr 15mins)
No vitamin k if birth is straight forward

These are just basics for me but easiest way is bullet points x
Angel - Have fun at your baby shower!! I didn't do a birth plan, but it's smart if you want your wishes made clear. Also, having someone there to advocate for you. I wasn't out of my mind from the pain, so I just went with the flow. My hospital didn't supply anything. There are lists online I believe.

Just think about what you want during your delivery. Do you want medication or not, skin to skin, are you breastfeeding or bottle, do you care if they supplement or not, etc. You can request giving their first bath and what not as well. The one I went to just did it without asking if I wanted to. I'd like to, but it's not a huge deal to me either. Another one I was at for clinical said they offer for the parents to do it. I wish that place was closer!
Angel- hope you enjoy baby shower- so exciting!! i;m only getting growth scan because i have a chance of my rash flaring up again and they just want to check that he is growing ok in case they have to induce.

in the UK they have a birth plan section at the back of your pregnancy book you get. I haven't actually looked at it or filled it out, but my plan is to have a natural birth with minimal intervention, and just on gas and air. I also want skin to skin and to breastfeed.
Enjoy your baby shower angel!

I have some ideas of how I want things to go, and now that the previa moved I will have a vaginal delivery so I'll get to do it all.

I want to go as long as I can without mess
Delayed cord clamping
Delayed bath
Delayed circumcision
Latch first
Kangaroo care for both dh and I
Angel - my personal opinion is that unless you have some very specific and/or out of the ordinary wants for your birth, a birth plan is unnecessary. I also think they can be a recipe for disappointment because births often don't go the way we planned. Yes, ideally we want the hospital to follow our plans, but if something goes wrong the last thing that should matter is our "birth plan" as the first priority is baby's health. Also, you could end up with an absolutely horrible labour and end up wanting things you didn't think you did in your birth plan (e.g., epidural, etc.). That is just my personal opinion but if you feel strongly about something then by all means just write it down and give it to them! Your doctor will generally not give you anything so it is on you to do. The only thing I feel strongly about is getting skin-on-skin and trying to breastfeed immediately after birth. We simply communicated this to the nurses when we were there, and everything went great. For the most part you can just communicate any preferences when you get to the hospital whether or not you have them written down.

Ali - yikes! I haven't had lightning crotch yet this pregnancy but am dreading that! I think baby is higher up this time as people have commented I am carrying high and I've had way less pressure on my cervix, low back pain, etc.

Midnight - I was super crampy yesterday too and also extremely tired. I went to bed early as well and actually am still a bit crampy today but do feel a bit better.

Ally - sounds like we were all exhausted last night. I couldn't even move after 7 pm. Just lay on the couch in a half-asleep state while DH bathed dd and got her ready for bed. I went to sleep at 8:30 (only reason I didn't go sooner was that I was too tired to get off the couch) and I'm STILL tired today! Ugh.
Lite - They can be unnecessary, but it helps people feel they have some control in a situation that can get quite out of control. I will agree that people should be flexible and not expect it to go as they demand. Not only be flexible with the situation but also with yourself. I didn't want an epidural, but I also was okay with having one if it got to the point where it was just too much. I won't do a birth plan again. I'll just talk about what I want when I first go in.

Froggy - I didn't circumcise. We couldn't decide 100% then when it came down to it I couldn't do it. I started to panic after signing the papers and what not and having an anxiety attack. That ended that one! I don't regret it. DH basically said he didn't care either way. Real helpful!! :dohh:

Yeah, the lightning crotch is real! I'm holding high, but I don't have much of an abdomen. He's pushing in both directions! I had a girl who's about a month behind me tell me it's worse for taller people. Okay.. :haha: Not saying it can't be.. but to straight up say that..

Any plans for the weekend for anyone? I don't have any. Probably just continue to prepare for baby. I'm so excited to be off work and part of me hopes baby comes after my 4 day weekend with DH. Although, if he came right before DH could have even more time with us.
We had our "hospital tour" last night - it was actually a little class put on by two midwives from the practice with a tour of the labor and postpartum rooms afterward. I don't know exactly what I was expecting but it didn't quite meet my expectations. They did a powerpoint show talking about preparing for labor and when to call/come in. I could have done without most of that. I wanted more specifics about actual procedural things. They'd just mention something sort of offhand without much explanation - like intermittent monitoring or nitrous oxide. All but two women were first timers and they should have gone into more detail. But whatever. Though this isn't my first it's my first hospital birth so it's new to me. I'm just hoping to have spontaneous labor and to go in with only a few hours left before baby comes, so I can just get it over with without too much fuss and bother.

They did throw out this statistic about how long first time moms are likely to push - without an epidural 1-2 hours and with an epidural 2-3 hours. I have never heard that before, and I've also not heard of many women who push that long, so it kind of surprised me. I pushed for 4 hours, no epidural. One of my sisters pushed for 3 hours with an epidural for her first. But I thought we were kind of unusual...

Anyway...I don't think I'll do much in the way of a birth plan. I want to avoid the epidural, but might be more flexible on that this time. My hospital is part of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative so they already do immediate skin-to-skin for the first hour. The only thing I need to remember to refuse is the eye ointment for baby. I don't want that.

We haven't really made a decision on circumcision. I think we'll probably not do it though. I just don't want to cause my little newborn any pain. :( I can see the pros and cons though.

Oh, and I did find out that my practice doesn't do routine cervical checks, so that's nice. They will offer it if you want one at 39 weeks, but not before, and you can still skip it then.

They recommend eating 6 dates a day starting at 36 weeks to ripen the cervix. Apparently some study in a country that eats a lot of dates (Jordan I think?) showed that women who ate 6 a day had labors lasting 400 minutes while those who didn't eat dates had labors lasting 700 minutes. Strange that the birth center I used for my first didn't mention dates at all. Dates are yucky to me though, so I'm not sure I can handle that. Blegh.
Oh man I hadn't thought about a birth plan other than "get her out safely" and I don't want an epidural but am very open minded on that, I know I may end up changing my mind once I'm actually in labor. I know my hospital does skin to skin and that's the other thing I care most about.

This weekend I'm probably going to help my mother (she's not in good health) decorate for Christmas while dh is hunting tomorrow, and then dh and I need to make a target run. Other than that I wanted to try to organize a little more baby stuff, I keep putting it off and don't want to wait too long and then she'all be here before it's all ready.

Slammer- ouch on the pushing statistic! I'm always amazed at how wide it varies when people talk about how long they pushed. Jealous about the cervical checks, wish we didn't do them here as much as we do!
I read the thing about the 6 dates and have it in my phone to remind myself because I'm all about trying to make labor even a tiny bit "better". I don't like dates though so not sure how that will go
Ali, I think it's a very personal choice. Dh and I talked about it and the pros and cons and both decided that we want him circumcised. I just dont want them to whisk him away and do it, I want us to have our bonding time first.

Slammer, I read that about the dates too, sounds interesting and definitely worth a try!
Slammer - my hospital also automatically tries to give skin on skin contact right after birth, but it's definitely worth pushing for if it's important to you. Although dd was given to me immediately after, apparently the nurse had wanted to take dd away sooner than she did because she wasn't picking up all that quickly. I was unaware of this, but my mom (a former L&D nurse who was present for the birth) sort of held her off and assured her baby was fine which gave DD a nice chance to latch immediately after birth, which I am so very thankful for! Her APGAR score ended up being 9, so there was nothing to worry about and I am glad my mom pushed to allow me more skin on skin time.

Re:the pushing statistic - that doesn't sound right to me at all! I believe we were taught at our birthing class that average was about an hour for first time. I had to push for two hours and it definitely seemed beyond excessive, and almost no one I talked to had had to push that long. They all agreed it was longer than average. I can't imagine pushing for 4 hours - you poor thing! Pushing was the most horrific thing I have ever been through and it took months after to get over the traumatic memory of it. I used to shudder when I saw women with more than one child because I couldn't believe they had given birth TWICE! :haha:

I had no idea about the date thing but I really don't like dates at all! I will think about forcing myself, though! Haha

Ali - it's very exciting that you only have 2.5 more weeks of work! I agree that you just have to be flexible/open-minded, whatever route you go. If it helps you feel more in control, then go for it.

VRogers - yay for Christmas decorating! We did that this past weekend.

Is anyone else getting stains on their clothes constantly from dropping food on their stomach? Haha. I find with the bump so big I am just getting stuff on it constantly! Some of my shirts are getting wrecked and it is so annoying.
I think the problem with the pushing statistics is hospitals intervene a lot anymore. So the average is dropping because they don't wait for women to naturally push them out over longer periods. Of course I could be wrong, but I can see that messing wit it. I just did a quick search and the top result was 30 minutes to a hour.

At least the wave of intervention is starting to be pushed back a little.

Lite - I can't wait. I'm a bit nervous about job hunting, but I'm sure it won't be as bad as I fear. My biggest problem is interviews. My anxiety is horrible during them. I get sweaty palms just thinking about it! "Practice makes perfect" psh more like some Xanax.

Froggy - Definitely is!

Slammer - Causing my DS pain was a big breaking point for me. I hate the little boards they strap them to as well.

Vrogers - I hope you have fun with your mother! You can refuse the cervical checks if you want! It is your body after all! I kind of want to, but I like to know at the same time.
I looked up the dates during pregnancy and found the study. It was a small study but definitely shows promise! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21280989

Having the hubs pick up dates tomorrow morning!

This link breaks down the study. https://www.mamanatural.com/dates-during-pregnancy/
That is so cool about the date study! It actually sounds somewhat promising! I am going to have some date squares and such at Christmas as I can't stand them plain.
I think the dates are def worth a try! When I hit 36 Weeks I'm going to start eating them daily, and bouncing on my ball and dtd as much as possible. I know the semen has something in it to soften the cervix as well as orgasm helping get contractions started. Maybe he will come just after 38 weeks on his own so I won't need to be induced after 39 weeks. I hear that pitocen contractions are hell!

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