January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Froggy - They are! I could tell when they upped me!! Really hoping to experience a natural labor. Really killed my willpower quickly to not get an epidural. It went from bearable to sickeningly painful over a matter of moments.

Lite - I don't know what they taste like. I only ever had date bars once. I like prunes and I'm not sure if I'd like a plain fig so I have no idea since the description I see says they taste between the two. I'll probably like them because I'm weird like that! I'm really hopeful that it'll help!
Ali - me too! You can be our guinea pig and let us know if it worked. ;) it does sound like you'll like them if you like prunes.
Also, about job interviews - I totally agree! They are terrifying. I don't think the questions they ask are a good assessment of how good you'll be at the job at all. The only jobs I've ever gotten are the ones where the interview was very informal, short and sweet. However, I'm sure you'll do great and won't have any issues finding anything after! Also at least this way you could probably stay home slightly longer with your baby if you can afford it?
Ali- I did think about refusing but I'm like you, I'm curious to know! I just hate having to take my clothes off at doctors appointments ha!
Also think I will definitely be forcing myself to eat the dates! Worth a try anyways
Thanks all for the birth plan info! I'm thinking I probably don't need one as I'm really pretty open/laid back about the whole thing. The only thing I'm really determined on is the skin to skin and I need to check with the hospital on their usual policy on that. I also think I've decided I want to see about trying to go without an epidural but there is a very good chance I will change my mind on that. I've been doing some reading on hypnobirthing and listening to a hypnobirthing meditation type audio at night before bed and it is amazing how relaxed it makes me. The more I listen to that and read about it, the more I think I can possibly do this without the epidural, even though I don't 100% agree with all the stuff they talk about (like never needing to push ever, and some of the hypnobirth books are very anti hospital which I disagree with for myself).

I know I'm having a girl so I don't have to worry about circumcision, and I'm actually really relieved its' a girl because we hadn't decided what we were going to do. DH is not circumcised (even though his brothers are....so weird, no idea why) and so we had gone back and forth on it. In the end I think we were going to opt not to circumcise, especially after my sister (she's finishing her last bit of her license to be a family therapist, with speciality in child therapy) had told us that it's really important to little boys to have an image of being similar to their father, and so if dad is not, then it's a good idea not to circumcise boy, etc. Of course then my friend was telling me about all the stuff you do afterwards, ointment and stuff you have to apply because it's a healing wound etc, and I just balked at the idea because I had never really thought about what it entailed before. There are definitely pros I know to circumcision, and I think of DH was circumcised then we'd probably lean differently. Over all, I'm just glad that we don't have to make that decision yet!

Slammer - wow! Those pushing times are crazy! That sounds like a really really long time to me! :wacko: Thanks for the info on the dates! I did some research and found there's actually some data backing it up. I'm not a fan of dates but I might start forcing myself to eat some. Anything to make things easier :haha:

Froggy - You're right, circumcision is a very personal decision. Do they do it right away usually? I think my friend said that they didn't do the actual circumcision on her son until something like a week or so after birth. I don't remember for sure though because it was just in passing conversation when she mentioned it.
Everyone in real life that I know haa had long pushing times for their first. I pushed for over 2 hours with my first and then 35 minutes with my second. My cousin's wife pushed for 3 hours with her second and close to that for her third. I honestly think it all depends on baby's positioning and mom's positioning during pushing.

No birth plan here besides skin to skin after. I'm not picky and just go with the flow during it all.

Heard some terrible news tonight. My husband's best friend passed away from a car accident the other day... severed his spinal cord, numerous broken bones, etc. Poor hubby doesn't even know what to say. :(
Omg I am so sorry to hear that greats :(

I pushed for 45mins with my first...2nd was about 10mins and 3rd was out in 2 pushes lol. I told the MW I was scared to push as I remembered the pain. She said it would be over fast with my 3rd. It was.

I didnt do a birth plan the first 2 times but birth traumatised me with my 2nd and I had PTSD over it. I actually had a 'straightforward' labour only 55 mins long. But I felt none of my voice was listened too and I dont know how it evoled to PTSD but it did. Anyway, thats why I need a voice because if I have sudden onset labour again I may not be in a way to state dont examine me and dont have all the lights on lol. In an emergency I will go with the flow.

In the UK I dont think they offer an Epi so much. Definitly not on the Midwife led units at the hospital. The NHS now do Hypnobirthing for free. They wouldnt do that if it didnt work lol. They said it was reducing interventions.

I dont think Circumsision is common in the Uk. I dont know anyone that has. Def not common practice.

I hate dates 😣
Oh greats, that's awful! I'm so sorry! Our little boys middle name is the same middle name of my dhs best friend that passed away in a car accident about 9 years ago. It's so horrible to lose someone you are close to.

Angel, I'm not really sure what the timeline is for the circumcision but I know they do it while they are in the hospital. I just didn't want it done immediately. I have heard the same thing about little boys having the same as their dad and my dh is circumcised so that was one of our deciding points. It supposedly helps them to have a better self esteem if they match their father.
ali- not many plans for weekend, boxing up stuff, as moving into parents next weekend. flat is a mess. Date bars is a good idea. i used to make them before i went on runs, as they gave me too much energy. I just made them by blending a cup of nuts and cup of dates. Really tasty. But i hate prunes haha.

slammerkin- yes to dates! one of the best foods ever, i love them.

vrogers- i am quite open minded too, i would like to avoid epidural if i can, and i want skin to skin contact straight away, and too breastfeed. But apart from that i am not really sure how i feel on this stuff.

greats- so sorry to hear that :( that is awful

froggyfog- we are circumcising also, but in the uk I dont think it is offered, i think it is a seperate thing you have to pay for. I should really find out haha!

lit- learn to like dates haha!! there are so many different types and varieties, and you can buy they cut up etc. my favourite ones are Palestinian ones, they are big and juicy, but a bit pricey so we don't buy them often/

angel- that is interesting what your sister said, my DH is circumsised so we want the son to be too.
I'm not sure I understand the looking like dad thing. It's not like mothers and daughters compare labia. It seems like it should be easy to just say people come in all shapes and sizes. But either way do as your own conscience dictates. It doesn't bother me which way people decide. DH is from Ireland and he's circumcised and so is one of his brothers, but his other brother isn't. Not sure what the factors were that made his parents choose differently among their boys. Seems kind of odd! Either way caring for a penis is gonna be weird for me after having a girl, lol. Hopefully easier since cleaning poop out of the nooks and crannies of a girl is a pain!
Literati, strangely the pushing was not that bad to me. I was in my own little world and it honestly only felt like maybe an hour. I was surprised when they told me four hours after it was done. But my placenta wouldn't come and the midwife basically scraped it out of me and THAT was traumatic and something I never want to go through again. I'm sorry for anyone who has a traumatic birth experience. It's tough.
Greats- I'm so sorry to hear that, I can't imagine how you guys feel.
Slammer - I had the same thing with the placenta after! It was horrific and so incredibly painful! I remember learning in birth class that many women "are so busy with their new babies they don't even notice pushing out the placenta." So imagine my surprise when this went HORRIBLY and was SO painful because it was stuck in there! I had been really calm the entire labour and even the sort of the pushing, but after the birth it all caught up to me and I was extremely angry that the placenta removal was so bloody painful and everyone was still touching me and bugging me when all I wanted to do was enjoy my baby!

Greats - wow, I'm so sorry about your husband's best friend. That must be absolutely devastating for him, and anyone who knew him. Lots of hugs!

Ally - Yes, ma'am! :p I will try to force myself to like dates! Cool that you can just blend them with nuts for easy squares! What kind of nuts did you use?

Midnight - so sorry your second birth traumatized you! I'm glad having a birth plan helped you have a voice and made things a bit better for you.

Angel - I'm also glad we are having a girl so we don't have to think about circumcision! Seems like a tough decision to make and there are pros and cons to both.

VRogers - I find I am curious as well for the cervical checks! However, my doctor only ones one when she does the GBS tests and then not again unless I ask. So I will probably get one at 36 weeks and then not again until I ask for a sweep at 40 weeks if I haven't given birth yet.
Lite - I like them. They're.. a bit different textured than I'd like, but the taste isn't bad. A little too sweet for me, but I can get past that.

Vrogers - Same! I feel so vulnerable! I always keep my socks on so I feel a little better haha. I read someone put them in oatmeal and stuff like that.

Greats - I'm so sorry! That's just terrible. I hope your husband can find some peace and comfort. That'd be so hard to deal with especially during this time a year when almost everyone is happy.

I pushed for 40 minutes then they used the vacuum assist. I wasn't making much progress I guess? I don't know. I just know he seemed stuck and it was because of his position and the fact that his hand was on his face so he came out head and arm.

Midnight - Labors that fast can be traumatizing anyways. It all just happens so fast and then you look back and think about how it all could have gone differently. Some hospitals almost push for an epidural here. It's ridiculous. The hospital I go to is like that and aren't likely to help you get through labor like they should. Like using other pain reliving techniques. They're very medicine based and a nurse that worked with my instructors even said that. Talked about the epidural like it was the best thing. Sure, it's great, but it's not everyone's wish and you as a nurse should be an advocate for your patients and be there for them instead of sitting at the desk watching monitors. It irritated me! I'm not worried about inconveniencing them, though so I'll get what I want! Still planning on going to the small hospital here in town, though.

Circumcisions are generally just common in the US. I read somewhere that it was going up in practice somewhere else, but it's been falling in the US.

Froggy - They can do it after your hospital stay, but I think they'd want to still watch and wait for them to have urine output before you leave. They were going to do it about 24 hours after DS was born.

I actually read both that it doesn't matter and that it does. I'm not concerned about my boys being different than their father.

Ally - I'm weird. I like nuts, but not in food.

Slammer - Wrinkled little baby testicles can be a pain to clean!! I don't think DS will ever notice this young. He's more interested in watching the urine stream :haha: By the time he starts using the potty I know DH won't allow him to watch like he does now. He'll just have the next boy doing it!

My pushing didn't feel like 40 to me. Felt like 15. You get into a zone sometimes, I think.

I didn't even notice contractions to release the placenta. I never had any contraction pains after birth. Even when they pushed on my belly it didn't hurt. I did feel my contractions even with the epi, but only really on one side. Which I was SO thankful for because I had no urge to push and wouldn't have known when to if it wasn't for my epi wearing off. I'm going to try to go without one again because I really fear not knowing when to push.

I did start eating the dates. I know I'm a few days shy of 36 weeks, but I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal.

I have to go to a birthday party for my nephews. I almost forgot :dohh: I was looking for more Christmas gifts for DS, saw something I know one of my nephews would like. Then it slapped me. I am so over this pregnancy brain! They were both born in December so they're just doing it together. One was the 15th the other was the 24th. Last year they didn't get many people to show when they did it close to Christmas for the oldest so this should work out a lot better. Now my father might have another December grandson! That would make 3 in Dec, granddaughter in January, and then DS was born in September. He'll never keep the December boys straight!
Thanks so much for the reminder about dates! My friend told me about them early on, but I had totally forgotten. One of the benefits of living in the middle East is a great supply of delicious dates from all around the region! I'll stock up!

Went swimming today with dh. He wanted to swim but the only pool available to us is one in my school and I knew he'd feel awkward swimming if I wasn't with him. I enjoyed it, but I'm exhausted now. Baby LOVED it. He was going crazy inside the whole time and hasn't stopped since. Gave me terrible heartburn and acid reflux - hahaha.

Greats, I'm so sorry about your husband's best friend. May he rest in peace.
lit- haha, i normally use cashews, but almonds work well too

ali- have fun at your newphews party!

this whole talk about delivering the placenta scares me!!

newbie- so jealous of your date selection, you can stock up on all different dates, lovely!
Literati- I'm hoping I don't need too many (I think she does one at each weekly appointment) I would be okay with just the one at 36 weeks!

Ali- same here! Maybe I can wear my Christmas reindeer socks and feel a little better haha

Ally- the placenta talk scares me too! I've read how it's easy for some and difficult for others so I guess at least I know what to expect beforehand!
My sister pushed for 30 minutes or less with her first. But they waited to have her start pushing until my niece had descended pretty far, they wanted to let gravity do most of the work and it worked well for my sister. I'm hoping I am able to have a similar experience.

However, this whole talk about placenta problems terrifies me. I have never heard of that! everyone else gives me horror stories about the birth itself and then is like "but the placenta just comes out afterwards no problem". I didn't even realize it could be a problem! :wacko:

Greats - I'm so sorry to hear that. :hugs:

Slammer - I don't know the details on it all, since it isn't my field, I just remember my sister reading several studies for one of her classes which talked about it as being a factor involved in something (self-esteem maybe). I think the difference between penis vs labia comparison is that at a glance a the labia aren't going to look drastically different but a circumcised penis looks very different from an uncircumcised penis (this coming from a girl whose first boyfriend was uncircumcised and was actually really thrown off because it looked nothing like what I had seen in pictures or health class). My DH is the same way though, he's uncircumcised when both his brothers are and we have no idea what factor went into his parents making that decision! I thought it was odd that they chose differently for him versus his brothers (especially when he and his brother are very close in age - only 13 months apart so not much changed in that time)
Vrogers - Yes to the Christmas socks!

Ally - Too many people for me! DS had fun running around, though! He passed out on the way home and slept 3 hours. I should have joined him because now he'll be up late again.

Newbie - Glad you have a better selection than us! The packaged dried dates are fine for me. Although, I have a feeling I'm going to start to really hate them by the time I give birth!
I love dates! Especially the medjool dates. Yum!

I had suspected retained placenta last time but luckily it turned out not to be. One of my friends had retained placenta recently and had to have surgery!

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