January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - ouch sounds as poop as my experience but your little one looks adorable on the picture :) I'll attach my little mans 27-28 week 4d scan pictures to this (he looks exactly like his daddy) :bunny::blue:

aww looks like he is sucking his thumb in the second picture x
He was a nightmare to get a good shot of in the scan, we had to go back, he is always snuggled up and will never budge. However towards the end of the 2nd try we got a little clip of him that looked like he was smirking and laughing like he knew. We can tell hes going to be a cheeky little boy :haha:
AliJo sorry your nesting urge has gone! We put up our Christmas tree yesterday and it tuckered me out. Looks great though. :)

I ordered some PP supplies online - pads, Tucks pads, lansinoh for the nipples. I did order some dates too, so we'll see if I can eat them, lol.

DD was up during the night complaining that her belly hurt, but she didn't seem to need to poop or throw up. It was weird. Totally fine today.

God, I don't want to go to work tomorrow. Why does it have to be Sunday night already??
Welcome, Elonaire! Another FTM here, glad to have you join!

Slammer- I'm order PP supplies off Amazon soon, have a little list started of things I've seen several people recommend. Not a fan of Sunday nights here either!

We got the auto rock n play and fisher price swing set up. The baby room is more of a mess now because of all the boxes and trash, will need to get some huge trash bags and attack that room before dh does the dresser. I also got some soft black lounge pants from target this weekend for leaving the hospital
Slammer - We just got ours up a couple of days ago. I want some ribbon to put on it. I'm hoping I get another nesting urge. I didn't have any PP supplies when DS arrived. I sent DH to the store for pads ha. Didn't use any tucks and they gave me a small thing of lansinoh. I bought some more but never opened it.

Glad your DD is okay! Maybe it was just something not settling well.

Vrogers - The boxes around here are ridiculous. I was wanting to keep some to store other stuff but they're just obnoxious right now.

Elonaire - So cute!! Thanks for sharing! The first part of your pregnancy definitely doesn't sound fun! Glad it's been better!

I tried not to nap today so I would fall asleep easier and failed. I ate something and my stomach acted up so I went and took a nap with DS. Felt better and I'm still exhausted so hopefully won't have issues. I'm not excited to work with the way I've been feeling.
Nesting has been happening to me in spurts... some days I organize and clean a lot then other days I bum around and just keep the girls fed and alive lol!

Thanks for all the kind words. We found out today that hubby's best friend was extremely drunk (4x the legal limit) and luckily nobody else was involved in his car accident. He did a couple tours of duty in Afghanistan with the Army and dealing with the loss of both his parents in the past few years, we think he just hit rock bottom and yeah. Only 27 years old, so young.

I never had issues delivering my placentas... both came out immediately after birth. Just had to do a quick push and that was it.

Have been getting more contractions in a pattern so will be requesting to get checked at my 34 week appointment tomorrow... had a sudden increase in cm plus pains in my cervix so am a little worried I'm already dilating.
I had my baby shower today. I feel so spoiled. My sister designed everything around a Star Wars theme which meant she was doing most of the put together of decorations herself, and it was a lot of work I'm sure, but it was amazing. My aunt found a local bakery that does AMAZING cakes that are gluten and dairy free (I'm only GF, but she and my mom are also dairy free) and seriously, it tasted better than a normal store bought cake. Most of my guests commented that it tasted better than most cakes. They decorated it with a picture of princess leia and wrote "it's a Jedi Princess!" on it. <3

I came away with so much stuff! I still have a lot of bigger stuff and necessities to buy but my sister's neighbor who we've started to become friends with gave us her old stroller, pack'n'play and a diaper genie! :happydance:

Oh, and Genius Idea here: My sister set up a diaper raffle. For every bag or box of diapers that someone brought they got an entry into the raffle. Then I had bought a gift pack as a reward (we were going to do a gift card but couldn't decide for where - so we did a nice gift basket). All in all I spent about $30 on the gift pack and I came home with 7 bags of diapers & a large costco size box of diapers (varying sizes of 1s and 2s). Plus my BIL made me an R2D2 diaper cake (yay star wars) using over 100 newborn diapers anda couple packs of wipes! :wacko: One of the best ideas I'd ever seen!

I'm still gushing a little. <3 :)

Welcome Elonaire! Beautiful Pics!

Thanks everyone for the reassurance about the placenta! That helps!

Greats - FX that everything is okay with you and baby and you aren't dilating yet!
Hi ladies , late to join but glad found your thread .. Thanks Ally2015 for telling me about it :) our little blue bundle is due 19th jan but at last scan they said they would want to induce me earlier due to him being a potential chunky monkey :) last baby 9.7 came week early and I found hard work to get him out :)

I have 2 teenagers and a three year old. All amazing boys .Older 2 are really close but do there own thing now so we though it would be nice for youngest to have a sibling nearer to his age so here we are waiting for our last addition :)
I'm still at work until 16th december .. Can't come quick enough !!

I have 36 week scan on 19th where they will discuss natural or c section... I just feel he is running out of room now .. Can't wait to meet him x

Apple x
slammerkin- let us know how the date eating goes... haha

vrogers- i really need to finish some shoppin g too, need breastfeeding bits like support bra etc. I have these maternity black leggings that are so comfy, i think i will take them to hospital, but invest in a couple more pairs.

ali- hope you got a good sleep, i slept awful last night, feeling it today. Just wat to go home, curl up and sleep

greats- that is really sad about your husbands friend. Tragic.
Yes best to get checked, let us know how appointment goes. Did you have your DD's early ?

Angel- i am so glad you enjoyed the baby shower and got lots of things! The star wars theme sounds so cool!
Apple- you are welcome! glad you joined. That is exciting that you might be meeting him earlier. Would you want a c section? have you had one before?

I have been feeling quite crampy, i definitely think babies head has move further down . I have growth scan next week and im hoping she can confirm whether i am right or not.
What does everyones week look like? mine is quite uneventful really. Need to finish off some baby shopping and get some work done x
Morning all.

Just been for a walk (waddle) in the frosty sunshine. Some NCT mums are meeting tomorrow but do not have much planned. My 12 yr old is having a bad time at school and I still have not got bubba stuff sorted xx
Welcome to elonaire and apple. I read everyone's posts and had replies in my head to them, but I am just too drained to type a reply for everyone. Sorry haha.

We had a very busy weekend and hosted a Christmas party last night. Got to bed late and then dd had a horrible night and was up for 2-3 hours. I think she maybe had some trapped gas/tummy issues because she was grunting a lot and sort of wiggling around like she was trying to pass gas but couldn't. Regardless, it was exhausting, and getting up for work was killer. Even more killer was listening to dd cry hysterically the entire time we got her ready, on the drive to day care and when I dropped her off. TBH I had tears in my eyes as well! I just seriously canNOT wait until I'm DONE work for the year and can actually just let her sleep when these rough nights happen (which are quite frequent with her) instead of torturing her waking her up too early and having to say goodbye every morning. :( It will be so nice to just be home with her. I can't wait. Only a month and a day to go until my last day of work. I also have some time off at Christmas in there so it's really not long to go. Sure feels like torture right now, though.

This week just have to finish Christmas shopping (or even think of what to get people). Our house is thankfully now very clean because of our whirlwind cleaning before the party. I've made no preparations lately for baby and don't really plan on it for a while. Hopefully she doesn't surprise us with an early appearance.
So sorry to hear your DD had a bad night Literati! I can imagine it's very hard to have to wake her and take her to daycare like that. Poor thing. Hope she feels better today.

I'm meeting with my manager tomorrow to discuss coverage while I'm out. Hoping to also discuss going fulltime remote starting the week before Christmas. I'll be hitting 36 weeks that week. My work is pretty flexible with telework so hopefully that will be OK. I could really do with the little extra sleep instead of getting up early to get ready and commute in.
Slammer - thank you! And I thought it was a coincidence that your DD had tummy troubles the other night as well.

That would be amazing if you could telecommute for your last few weeks of work! Wonderful that your job is flexible like that! It definitely would be nice to sleep in a bit and be comfy and cozy at home! What sort of work do you do? Are you working right up until you give birth?
Yes, strange coincidence on our DD's tummy troubles!

I do web content management at a federal agency (as a contractor though). I do plan to work until the bitter end! People keep asking me when I'm gonna stop working, and I'm like "uhhh...the day before I give birth?" Lol. I don't want to waste any leave before baby comes. With DD I was in the process of organizing telework (at a different job) for my last couple weeks when she decided to come a little early! I was talking to my manager on a Friday about it, and he was like "It should be fine, but I need to talk to the Fed manager...you'll be here on Monday, right?" I said "I'll totally be here on Monday." Started having sporadic contractions on Saturday and gave birth on Tues (at 38+6)! So I managed to only take one day of leave before she was actually born. I thought it was pretty funny.
Ali- it's so bad, I also still have all the gift bags from the baby shower because they're too cute to throw away! They will probably be going in storage building though

Greats- I'm sorry to hear about the alcohol thing, sounds like he really was dealing with a lot. Most men in my family are military and some struggled with horrible ptsd it's sad to see what they go through coming back home, I wish they were taken care of better especially after all they've seen and been through and how hard it is adjusting back home.

Angel- glad the baby shower went well! We did a diaper raffle at ours as well, and I think we are set for awhile on diapers of all sizes! We even got a huge box of size 4 and size 5!

Apple- welcome! I bet it's fun having a couple teenagers and a 3 year old! I can understand why you would want a sibling close in age with the 3 year old. Now that my younger brother and I are adults and get along (we fought growing up as most siblings do) I appreciate having a sibling so close in age!

Ally- same here, I was looking at nursing tanks at target and wish they werent so expensive (24.99 just for ONE) but found some cheaper ones on Amazon so will probably end up with those!

Literati- aw, I'm sorry for the bad night for dd! I hope she's feeling better today and you get some rest tonight!

I woke up in the middle of the night with bad pelvic/hip pain and wondered if that was baby dropping. I also felt like I could breathe better (been having to sleep with two pillows propped up). I don't feel any pain now and not sure how to tell if she's actually dropped so I guess I'll find out for sure at my appointment next week. I'm actually hoping to be somewhat dilated and go at 37-38 weeks like my mother did with me. Obviously I want baby to cook as long as she needs, but lately I'm just DONE, like I'm sure is how we all feel at this point!
Lit- that is such a shame your DD had such a bad night and it must have been hard to drop her off. Bless you both.

-vrogers- i think baby might be dropping too, but i am not sure. I feel movement lower done and i have been having a little back pain and pressure feelings. I also feel like when i am sitting down like on a chair, it's as if he is lying on me? does that make sense. i have scan next week so hopefully they can confirm if he has moved down or not. I am really hoping to have baby at 37-38 weeks too, i am DONE. i want my body back.
vrogers - H&M has nursing tanks - 2 for $24.99 or $29.99 depending on the pattern. I just bought some the other day. I tried a Target one last time and there was some stitching right at the hook area that itched relentlessly! Hoping these H&M ones work out better.

Anyone else having a lot of CM and hating it? I swear I get a little gush a minute or two AFTER using the toilet almost every time. It's seriously grossing me out. Pantiliners to the rescue, but I still hate it.
Slammer - I've had tons of CM this whole pregnancy, with a lot of those "gushes" ever since I hit the third trimester. It's very annoying and gross! I often worry I've started bleeding since I often feel crampy as well. Thankfully that has never been the case.
Ambitious of you to work right until the baby arrives! But certainly takes full advantage of your leave with baby. :) Funny that you only got one day before your DD arrived. There is just no predicting these things!

Thanks, Ally and VRogers.

Cool that your babies seem to be dropping. I am carrying quite high still. Even my doctor commented that she was right up in my ribs! I carried much lower with dd1.

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