January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Hi all! It's been almost an inexcusable amount of time since I last dropped in. Across the board, I just haven't been very active on bnb this pregnancy. I am so far behind that I don't even know where to start with catching up with everyone. So I will just say that I hope everyone is doing well and babies are all healthy and growing. I'm going to try and stay active on here this next month or so :)

I am doing...okay. I'm 35+1 today and it's been a rough go of it this time around. I am still dealing with nausea daily, though the medicine has been a lifesaver the last few months. Pretty much daily I have long stretches of time with braxton hicks going every few minutes. Several times there have been real contractions in there as well, but nothing to make me need to go in to be monitored. There is a ton of low pressure and my feeling is baby is not going to make it to their due date! SPD has been sticking around for the last 10 weeks. It eased up for a couple weeks to just be a dull ache but is starting to act up again. Time to bust the stretches back out!

With all of that though, baby is healthy and doing great. We are THIS close to having everything ready for them to be here. I'm very hopeful by the end of the week we will be fully prepared. I am nervous of course, but more excited and just want them to be here and kiss their little fingers and toes. I am also very ready to not be pregnant anymore. I feel pretty confident this is our last and I am ready to deal with the emotional side of being done making babies so I can start enjoying the next phase, if that makes sense.

Still team yellow and surprised by how easy it has been to not find out! I thought it would be so hard but I guess having a toddler is distracting from not knowing lol.

This turned out a lot longer than intended. I really hope you ladies are doing well and feeling okay. I can't believe we are just about at the home stretch and will be starting labor watch soon! Can't wait to see everyones beautiful little ones and hear your birth stories over the next few weeks!
Ally- I get it, I've been feeling a little bit more pressure including on my bladder. I bet it'll be exciting to see how much growth there's been at your scan! I'm not sure if I get any more at my doctors or not

Slammer- ooh thank you for the advice, we don't have an h&m close but I will try online!

Kksy- so good to hear from you! I'm sorry it's been rough on you this time, I've only had a couple bouts of nausea in third tri and I didn't miss it from first tri at all. Sounds like most of us are feeling done with being pregnant, we are so close! Glad you and baby are both doing well :)
I decided to take some bump pics today since I'm at 35 weeks. I haven't been taking regular bump pics lately so I did a comparison to the last one I took in the same shirt (back to the last week of October). Not sure if there's a drastic change but I'm definitely feeling it more!

Apple - Welcome! So exciting that you'll know soon when your LO will be joining you! I think Dec 16 will be my last day too...maybe. We go on break for the holidays then (I'm a teacher) and I'm supposed to return Jan 3-6, but I am REALLY hoping she comes by then so I don't have to go back! :haha:

Vrogers - could the bad pelvic/hip pain be baby dropping? Because My hip/pelvic pain was much worse the last couple of days and I feel like maybe I'm breathing better but I really don't know. I'm with you on being DONE. I just really want this little girl to come out at the 37 week mark. :haha:

Slammer - I'm having LOADS of CM lately! To the point where by the middle of the day, early afternoon, I really wish I had a change of underwear!! :dohh: I need to remember to start wearing some pantiliners....

kksy - good to hear from you! Glad you are doing well! :)


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Hi ladies thanks for being so welcoming :),
Ally- no ive not had a section b4, it had been discussed as an option and we wil decided after final scan in 19th December..

vrogers- yes def hands full with older boys and three Yr old but wouldn't change it.. My eldest is at college now doing really well so doesnt need much from me in terms of my time as he just gets on with it .. We r really close.. My 14 year old is having trouble at school at the minute which is quite worrying as its got to the stage where I'm having to move him school.. We are waiting for a decision this week if he has been accepted with the plan of him starting straight after christmas which will fall within days of due date 😣...n youngest is just a delight :) ... Really excited for Father Christmas this year :)

Got few days off work this week back in in thursday so been trying to do last bit of shopping... Last day on 16th can't cone quick enough!!.I think I'm trying to get over organised, ive spent a fortune gonna have to stop really ha .. Got family over tonight, just a few of us and making a curry and got some decorations for young ones to paint.., everyone bringing something so not that much for me to do really .. Trying to do my festive bit before I just can't move lol.. But think it's one of those moments where u think to urself .. Why did I do this !! ... Just trying to be good mummy I suppose, it's something I have done every year with older boys..I do need to take it easy a bit, im shattered and stomach really pulling lately...he was head down last week..got midwife today so will c if she thinks he is still in right position x
Angel - such a beautiful bump! Thanks for posting. I'm so shocked that your bump barely looks any bigger! I have grown monstrously since my last pic at 27 weeks! Haven't taken a pic yet but am going to get DH to take one this weekend. I know there is a big difference, though!

Apple - enjoy your couple days off and have fun with your family over tonight! Sounds fun!

Kk - sorry you haven't been feeling well this pregnancy. Thanks for checking in.
I'm just popping in real quick! I'll respond better tomorrow night. I need to be heading to bed here quick if I want any good sleep. I really did not sleep well or much last night.

Tomorrow I'm 36 weeks! Starting to wonder where all those weeks went! Just going to get through the work day so I have a couple of days off to get things done. I can't keep putting it off at this point!

Apple - Wanted to say welcome!! I got the front page updated! So glad you joined us!
slammer- not really had any discharge at all i think, maybe a little. I thought i would have tons!

kksy9b- so nice to hear from you! Sorry to hear you have been having a rough time though, but the end is near! glad baby is well, and yes please stay in touch and update us more regularly :)

vrogers- yes i am excited for scan and to see the little man one more time.

angel- that is a lovely bump :) i think most of our are wanting our little ones out in the next couple of weeks, exciting. I am so looking forward to seeing how everyones labours go and seeing pics of the newborns!

apple- we are a friendly bunch! glad you joined. good luck at midwife appointment, do update us after

ali- yah on 36 weeks
Sorry only managed to read this page...so sorry if i missed anything. :(

Kksy- I am the same. My updates are terrible. Having other LOs makes the pregnancy fly by. We are also team yellow. I found out 3 other times and I know its still exciting but this time feels so so special not knowing and also not having people talk about our baby as if they 'know' what they like already by whether we have a boy or girl. I dunno,just christmas and not knowing is cool. With my 3rd I hesitated with pushing, I didnt want the ring of fire LOL so wandering if not knowing will give me that extra push motivation.
Sorry you still have bouts of sickness but hope its manageable.

Good luck at scan Vrogers!

Angel I am loving the bump pics!

Hi apple! I have older kids too. My son is 12 and daughter is 12. Then a 3 (nearly 4 YO) my son is having school issues too. On Friday he was so stressed and my BH got real bad from all the commotion in the house. I hope the change of school helps.xx

Hey LL cant wait to see a bump pic!

Happy 36wks AliJo. Hope you slept well.

Hope you are well ally.

I am 36+ 2 today? I thought I was 35 in my head so its whizzing by so fast. Feeling ok. Super tired but still in denial I am heavily pregnant. Its all been a blur. Worried about bonding with baby as just been so focused on the other 3 and big move that its just not been like it was for my 1st or 2nd. Obv i love baby but baby is not on my mind allll the time. Like so much other stuff lol.

My bump is massive
How on earth am I full term on sunday!?

Ive put on loads of weight now lol
This insomnia is killing me. I'm in bed by 9pm every night, fall asleep before 10pm most nights. I find myself waking up between 1:30-2am every night and CANNOT GO BACK TO SLEEP. Most nights I fall back asleep around 4:30 (my alarm goes off around 5am for work). Today I was still awake when the alarm went off. I am functioning on less than 4 hours of sleep every night, and those 4 hours are broken up because sometime between 10 and 1 I wake up from the hip pain and have to move.

If one more person tells me "what do you think you're going to do when the baby is here, you won't sleep then either" or "it's God's way of preparing you for when the baby comes and you aren't sleeping" I think I'll punch someone. Two significant differences: when baby comes I'll have 3 months of leave so even if I am not getting a lot of sleep I WON'T be getting up at 5am to go to work and try to teach math to a 140 teenagers! And secondly, the excruciating hip/pelvic pain I'm dealing with (which is now almost nonstop even when I'm NOT moving) is (supposedly) going to go away after birth. So even dealing with no sleep I'll at least not have excruciating pain.

My point? It's not the same thing and I'm tired of people telling me to get over it, or "well what did you expect". :growlmad:

Literati - I was surprised too that I don't look a whole lot bigger! However at my doctor appointments I am measuring bigger (doctor says I'm measuring right on track and growth is good). I think it might be the shirt. :haha: And I think I've dropped some, which I think might make it look not quite as large. Carrying way up high made me look HUGE.
Angel5000, I'm right there with you on sleep. I'm going to be early but waking up so often that it can hardly be called sleep. My boss told me to have a nap in my office this morning - only way I got through the day. I'm also excessively thirsty, especially at night. I drink a lot of water, so don't know why I'm so thirsty. I think I drank almost a litre of water overnight, which doesn't help with waking up! At the same time, it is thirst that wakes me... and the baby and being uncomfortable...

Baby shower tomorrow! I'm excited about it!
Midnight- nearly there! when did you have your other kids? were they all before 40 weeks?

angel - so sorry to hear and yes that must be so frustrating to hear. Have you got a pregnancy pillow, if not would that may be worthwhile? is there something that wakes you up every night or do you just wake naturally?
Angel that was me with DD - the insomnia was so bad! I'd wake at 2am every night, be awake til around 6am and then my alarm would go off at 7! It was awful! Once I was on mat leave I'd get a nap in the day and have no alarm so that helped.
Angel - I'm in the same boat with insomnia, but mine usually starts around 3 or 4. It really is so hard. I can't wait to be done work and not worry about getting up and being productive after those nights. People make dumb and unhelpful comments all the time about everything, but especially pregnancy/motherhood. I understand being very annoyed.

Newbie - I have been having the extreme thirst in the night as well despite drinking a lot during the day. I started putting a big water bottle beside my bed and I guzzle that whenever I wake up thirsty. Usually I get up and have to pee anyway, but it's nice to not have to get up for the water, especially since I'd often get back in bed and get all cozy and then realize I was still thirsty and have to get up again. It sure is annoying, though.

I'm in a grumpy mood today for no particular reason. Really looking forward to being done work.
I hate peoples comments. I sleep and feel ill because I am pregnant. Yes sleep deprivation is hard BUT in pregnancy our bodys do so much it makes everything hard work x
Angel- I think it may be that she's dropped, dh said it looks like I may be carrying a little lower. I hope so anyway.
I definitely see quite a difference, you have such a cute bump!
I'm sorry about the insomnia! Its the worst to finally fall asleep right before you have to get up. I've been dealing with insomnia a bit but since I'm in (online) school it's not a big deal to nap later. I hope it gets better for you asap! Also, I HATE when people make comments like that. I don't understand the point, it doesn't help anything!

Apple- I'm sorry to hear about your 14 year old struggling! That's a rough age as it is. The start date near your due date is inconvenient though, let us know what you find out!

Ali & midnight- happy 36 weeks!!

Newbie- yay have fun at your baby shower!
Hi ladies , had midwife appointment today said everything on track, good heartbeat moving about lots , She did say she thought he was in breech position today but can move again.im 34 weeks on Thursday ..was suppose to have family round tonight but called it off as feel really ill,my teenager unwell, bad chest ..and looks like I'm getting it.. I'm so exhausted at the min and out of breath .. Must have got 3 hrs max sleep last night .. Just can't sleep ,like u other ladies I'll wake at 1am then that's it for hours .. So annoying 😞
Sorry for vent ️xx
Apple - aww, so sorry you're so tired and not feeling well to boot! Hope you feel better soon. The insomnia sure sucks!

Midnight - very well said about pregnancy wearing us out so much because of our bodies doing so nuch
Thanks everyone! I appreciate having a place to vent, and it's so nice that everyone else understands my frustration!

This morning my sister told me that her doctor recommended taking Tylonel PM during the last few weeks of her pregnancy to let her sleep. I did some research and it's a Category B medicine, just like Tylonel is, and did some more research on using Tylonel PM during pregnancy and apparently it's a fairly common recommendation from doctors. I had hubby pick some up today. I should probably call my doctor first but I won't get a reply right away so I'm going to try it tonight, and try to leave her a message tomorrow to see if it is something I can use more often for the next couple weeks. Because, seriously, if I have to repeat another day like today where I am teaching math on less than 4 hours of sleep, I might just die. :cry:

newbie - Oh that's awful. I'm so glad that your boss is so understanding! I wish I had the ability to do that! I think my students would probably destroy the place though. :haha: Enjoy your baby shower!!

Ally - I don't have a pregnancy pillow but I do have a couple body pillows that I use. They help me stay comfortable, I couldn't sleep at all without them. There's nothing necessarily waking me up, I just wake up and I'm wide awake. Sometimes it's because i need the bathroom but last night that wasn't it at all, I just woke up. Wide awake. and couldn't go back to sleep at all. :nope:

Vrogers - Thanks! <3 That's nice that you have online school so you aren't quite as regimented to a set schedule. I just keep telling myself I have 1.5 week before the holiday break and then I can rest all I want during the day for 2 weeks. :happydance:

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