January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Sorry for all those suffering insomnia. Hope it gets better for you all. i feel sleepy alot and a lot of heartburn.

i think i am feeling dehydrated, definitely need to up my water intake.

lit- i have those days where i am just grumpy for no reason. Hope the day goes in quick for you.

newbie- i hope you have a fantastic time at the shower- update us after

apple 111: baby still has time to turn, fingers crossed. Hope you feel better soon though.

angel- this forum is great for venting isn;'t it :)
Hope the Tylonel PM helps.

nothing really to update, moving in with parents this weekend. They have a huge house, so DH and I will get the big bedroom downstairs. We are going to just get a nice little sofa and desk in there so we can have our own time.

one things that has been on my mind , and maybe those who are not FTM's will have some insight- how did having a baby change your relationship with partner/DH?
i just have it in my head i'm going to be a sleep deprived mess and dh and i will never get any proper time together etc.
I really feel for those of you suffering insomnia. That has to be so hard. I'm just sleeping fitfully and am too uncomfortable to get good sleep, but at least I'm not awake for hours at a time.

The vast majority of comments people make while you're pregnant are rude or unhelpful, and it really pisses me off that people don't think through what they say to pregnant women. I get comments about "are you sure it's not twins?" "are you sure they have your due date right?" SHUT UP

Sleep will probably be bad with a newborn, but it's different, and at least you can begin to be more comfortable without the massive belly. I actually didn't find the newborn period too hard - waking every two hours didn't bother me much. Waking every hour or less once DD hit four months - now THAT sucked! lol

Ally I think it varies a lot how a baby impacts your relationship, but most people do see a decline in the relationship for a while. Thankfully that wasn't the case for us. We were both just very flexible and tried to help the other as best we could. In the early days I just recovered and fed the baby and DH took care of things like shopping and cooking. I think it made a big difference that when I went back to work at 3 months DH stayed home with DD during the day (since he works weekend nights), so we ended up with probably the most equitable childcare arrangement possible. We both had to struggle through getting her to nap, changing a lot of diapers, dealing with sleep deprivation. Since we were both so in the weeds with her, we knew exactly how the other was feeling and could trade off when one of us was beyond exhausted and needed a break. I couldn't handle sex until I was 8-9 months PP and DH never pushed the issue at all. After DD's first year I honestly felt like it had been our best year together because we had just taken everything in stride and worked together. I'm tearing up thinking about it!
Sex is a big issue I think as it does make you close but as long as you still cuddle and do things for one another like little hugs and kisses etc its OK. Its only temporary and a baby can make you closer too xx
I had such a great time at my shower today. And baby was thoroughly spoilt. I've made four or five trips from the car with gifts before I collapsed on the couch and there are still a few gifts in the car! I can't move right now, much less contemplate going down to get the rest. I live on the (american) third floor/everywhere else's second floor with no elevator. I'm exhausted! Can't wait for dh to come home to see our dining room table, which is covered in gifts. I'm so grateful to my colleagues who arranged everything and everyone who bought gifts. I'm tearing up right now... so touching!
I made this really long and I apologize in advance!!

Newbie - Glad you had a wonderful time at your baby shower with such a great outcome!

Ally - For us, things got really stressful at first. It didn't help that I most likely did have postpartum depression that or a very severe case of baby blues and had to go straight back to classes which were stressful on their own. We got closer than ever, though, thanks to DS coming into our lives. He was definitely a new type of bonding between us. It's important to keep close on other levels than just your children, though.

Angel - I kept meaning to pick up Tylenol PM for the nights before I have to work, but always forgot. I'm paranoid and will only take it if DH can respond to DS if I don't wake up for some reason. I hope it works out for you!

Apple - Sorry you aren't feeling well! I'm afraid I'm going to get sick right as baby comes! DS is getting a stuffy nose and coughing in his sleep. I was also around a sick coworker. I will hate it if baby comes and gets sick really soon! Sorry for the insomnia. I think a lot of us have been there now.

Midnight - You're getting so close! I know you're only a couple of days ahead of me but seems like you have them just shy of 40 weeks! I don't know what to expect. DS came at 40+4 according to their due date, but I honestly think they were ahead because I had a later scan and they aren't as accurate to date with. My cycles are very regular which would have put me at having DS at 39+2. My due date with him based on LMP would have been Sept 16th instead of the 7th that they had me at.

Kk - Glad to hear from you on here! Would be a great time to be more active on here. We're all going to be labor watching soon and meeting our little ones! I'd be getting super impatient at this point to find out what baby was if I didn't know! Glad you get that experience, though!

I don't get a ton of rude pregnancy comments probably because I don't see many people. It is irritating when they blow you off because "Oh it's because you're pregnant." At work I get irritated when one of my coworkers blames all my stress and everything on my pregnancy. No. My job sucks. Sure pregnancy isn't making it better, but I'd still be having a hard time. The stress doesn't come from my pregnancy. She doesn't help it all when she starts to have a melt down, can't handle the more stressful cart because she can't keep it together, goes out for countless smoke breaks, and then tells me everything will be fine. Yep, tell the pregnant lady that doesn't take lunch or breaks so she can get out of there on time that everything is fine. If I work with her again and she tells me that I'm pretty sure I'm going to lay it out for her and tell her to back off. I've had it.

I'm still pretty irritated from work. I had a horrible two days thanks to corporate being in the building doing a mock survey. I didn't get out of work till 8 last night when I'm scheduled till 6. I probably still didn't get everything done. I didn't take a lunch break or any sort of break for that matter unless you want to count hiding in the bathroom for a minute or two so I can try to pull it together. I do only have 4 more days there since I'm part time. I should only have to work with the one coworker for 1 more day if that.
Lovely RE baby shower! Enjoy xx

I cant believe you are still working, heres to the last 4 days xx
Newbie- glad the shower went well! I was so sore and exhausted after mine and slept so good that night

Ali- I'm sorry about work! I have so much respect for you, I get so tired so easily and would be useless at a full time job.

Told dh baby could (even though she most likely won't) come in 2 weeks, and that's around the time my mom had me, and he said he needed to do the dresser this weekend. I was mostly trying to freak him out about how close we are haha. I'll take a few trash bags to the baby room and get all the boxes and trash out and then work on packing hospital bags. I just hate not knowing when baby is going to come, it would be nice to know exactly how much time I have left!
slammer- sounds like you two were working as a great time when your baby was born.

midnight- sex is important for intimacy but i guess after baby its the extra cuddles and kisses with OH can replace that until you are ready for sex again.

newbie- so glad you had a great shower and that baby was spoilt! :)

ali- thats a shame, hopefully the baby blues will stay away this time. I know people shurg off baby blues, i have heard people say how can you be down once you have had a baby, but i totally get it. Thanks for sharing. Agree about bonding on other levels, i guess the good thing about moving in with parents is they can look after baby and dh and i can have some alone time.
sorry you are having such a rough time at work, sounds really tough. Just a few more days left though, yah!

vrogers- i know- it would be great to have a date, but hopeuflly we will start getting signs beforehand and instinct will tell us its starting to happen...
Slammer - wow that is so annoying of people to say that to you. I find the things people will say to pregnant people absolutely atrocious! I've had a few rude comments but people have mostly kept their mouths shut this time. However, I keep having people ask when my due date is (and I can tell they think it must be imminent), and when I tell them they act quite surprised and say, "oh! That's quite a while yet!" Thankfully they have so far bit their tongues, but I can tell they are shocked it's so "far away" because they were thinking I look huge. Even just their facial expressions annoy me! :haha:
My dd was the same about being way worse with sleep after the 4 mo sleep regression (except hers happened at 3.5 months). However, I have never ever been so deliriously tired as I was the first two weeks. Also I actually wasn't as tired after the 3.5 month mark despite DD sleeping way worse because that's when I started co sleeping and it allowed me to get a lot more rest. So it all just depends I guess. But I definitely am dreading the waking every hour stage if it happens again (for DD it lasted until she was over 16 months).

Ally - I think everyone has a bit of a transition phase with their DH after the baby comes but it is very different for everyone! A lot of people adjust very quickly and don't have very many issues. For us unfortunately we did have quite a tough go. DH had also just started a high pressure job right when DD arrived. He wasn't around nearly as much as I'd have liked (although, technically more than he is now), he was stressed and I think also depressed. Not sure if the depression was from DD or his job or both. However, he really withdrew and he also wasn't nearly as helpful or involved as I thought he would be (he is usually a pretty helpful and involved husband), and I became extremely resentful. Our relationship was pretty rough for probably a good full year. After I went back to work our relationship did seem to improve a lot and he started helping out a lot more. I sincerely hope that isn't just because I started working and that he plans on being uninvolved when I'm home again, because I can't handle that! We also were unable to dtd for a full 17 months after dd's birth because I developed a condition called vaginismus. I think that definitely put a strain on the relationship as well. When my cycle finally came back at 17 mo PP, my hormones regulated and the pain thankfully disappeared. Anyway, we are a very bad example but that's our story so thought I'd share it.

Newbie - I'm so glad your shower was so great and that you got so spoiled! You deserve it!

Ali - I am really sorry about your crappy, stressful job and so happy for you that you're almost done. Hang in there. You have almost made it! I'm sure you cannot wait to be done for good!

VRogers- I'm glad that scared your DH into wanting to get things done! Haha
Vrogers - It's only part time, but 24 hours a week there is enough to make me hate my job every week! The 12 hour shifts wouldn't be so bad if I actually had time to rest. Some days aren't bad but those are few and far between. I was so out of it at work yesterday! I was told things I didn't remember and it was just awful.

It's really starting to weigh down on DH how close it is. I'm still kind of in the whole "It can't be that close.." phase. I'm good at being in denial.

Lite - I really can't wait to be done. It'll be stressful looking for another job, but I'm really hoping I land one that doesn't make me depressed just thinking about it. There are parts of my current job that I love, but I can't rule chaos in that setting.

Ally - It really sucks feeling so low after having a baby and not everyone feels like that. I was over the moon in love with DS and didn't want to be apart from him at all, but everything else was awful. I hated my pets and I LOVE animals. I expect to go through that again. I'm trying to prepare myself to handle it better.

Midnight - Oh how I wish I didn't have to. I do tend to get painful contractions and more pressure in my pelvic region when I work, so maybe that's a plus.

I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow. Yay for getting swabbed for GBS! Ugh. They may check me since they're already there, but I honestly don't know if they will or not. Kind of hoping they'll mention a growth scan just so I can get a peek at baby once more before he's here!
Ali- see 12 hour shifts would get to me pregnant or not! When I worked retail we usually worked 6-8 hour shifts, and 12 hours on Black Friday.
Good luck at your appointment! I'm hoping I get a growth scan as well, curious to see how much she weighs now
Vrogers - They're more emotionally tolling on me when I'm not pregnant than physically. I hate being away from my family the whole day. When I did overnights when DS was a baby I'd sleep pretty much all day and he'd come in and nap and feed with me, but I wouldn't really see him for 3 days in a row. Definitely not worth it! Seems like most people love the 12 hours and I think I'd be okay with them if my children weren't young. I find the family time on a daily basis is more important than four days off when they're little. DS doesn't really get that he gets me for several days in a row. What he gets is he didn't see me all day and now I'm going to bed, but he wants to play and wants time with Mom.

I was starting to swell yesterday at work. I was drinking a lot of water and was super thirsty still, but I was hardly going to the restroom. I got home and checked my feet and what not, but didn't see much swelling other than right above my toes. I also felt it in my hands. Then even overnight I only got up once to use the restroom. I think it's probably dispersed at the moment. Just want I want to see on the scale when I go in tomorrow!
Lit- thanks for sharing. Sounds like a hard time, and i really hope things are going to be better for you this time round.

ali- i cannot believe how close it is now either, and if baby comes before due date, then its really no time at all. I still have a bunch of stuff to buy and pack hospital bag etc. i do hope the baby blues stay away from you this time.

good luck on your appt, let us know how it goes.
Ive not had any swelling yet but i am not weighing myself, its too depressing. i feel so fat.

vrogers- i have growth scan next wed, but the NHS don't tell you the weight. or at least in the hospital i am at they don't. i would quite like to know, it's my baby, why withhold that from me! last time they just said he is in the 50th percentile.
They wrote it on my notes here Ally. Said 5lb 3 at just under 35 weeks but I dont know how accurate they are. They said my daughter was going to be under 5lb at birth and she was 6lb 15...but that was 10yr ago!

Good luck at all apps.

My heartburn is back. Its made me sick all morning *cries(
Ali - I'm also experiencing some swelling lately. It isn't as bad as last time but I'm definitely feeling it. The other night we had people over so I was sitting on a kitchen chair with my feet down as opposed to sitting on the couch with feet propped up like I normally do, and I could seriously feel my feet swelling by the minute!
Lite - Same here about it not being as bad. I can barely see it but I can feel it. I gained 3 lbs since last appointment. There is just no way other than water weight and baby!

Midnight - Sorry your heartburn is back! Mine never went away and just continues to get worse. I have to tackle it with 12 hour maximum strength heartburn medication and use Tums to battle breakthroughs.

Ally - Try asking specifically? Or check your notes like Midnight did. I don't have any online information to access, but I think it's because I never actually set it up. I should ask next time I go in.

Appointment was typical. GBS was done and the results come in a week so I'll know next appointment. Last time I was negative, so hoping for the same.

They didn't check me which is fine. I actually don't expect it even next week. Probably at 38, though. I honestly don't remember when they did, but I remember it happening twice so maybe it was 39 and 40. Who knows! I'm fine with not being checked as it's not a very good indicator anyways.

Fundal height was 35, HR 142, and pre registration is in. Did talk about possibly going somewhere else to deliver since it's closer and they just said to let them know so my information can be sent over.

Something I noticed when I stepped out of the shower yesterday. I have the linea nigra line starting to show up. Although, if I look down I can't see it. Only in the mirror.
Ali - my linea nigra only just showed up in the last few weeks as well! I am fairly sure it showed up a lot sooner last time!

Hope your GBS test is negative!

That weight gain is nothing. I gain an unmentionable number every time haha.
Lite - Ha, sorry! It's been pretty much a pound a week for awhile for me. At first I was jumping a lot quicker. I definitely had the line waaay sooner with my first.
Blood pressure dropped super low today - 80/45. I felt awful. Ate some food, drank lots of water and lay with my feet elevated for a while. Finally got back up to 90/50 and the school doctor was happier with that. Going to take it easy tomorrow.

Swelling over here, too. Not too bad and hoping it will go down overnight.

We're getting closer to the end, ladies!
Ali- ugh I can understand why it would be so emotionally exhausting then especially with little one(s). Glad your appointment went well! I'll have to keep in mind that it isn't a great indicator because I know if she says there's nothing going on I'll be a little disappointed.

Ally- if they can tell you the percentile you would think they would tell you the weight. I've heard it can be off quite a bit at the end but at least for me it would be interesting to have an idea!

Midnight- with you on the heartburn, it has picked up and I've had it allll day today, cold water has been helping a little

Newbie- hope you are feeling better now! I'm also with all of you who are swelling

We have our last ultrasound attempt (the one we paid for about 5 weeks ago) Wednesday evening, I'm hoping she's head down for sure but now that it feels like the end is in sight I'm not super concerned with trying to see her face. It's already paid for so might as well do it!

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