January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

VRogers - well I hope you have fun seeing baby again even if you still don't see the face!

Newbie - yikes that doesn't sound fun about your blood pressure! I don't think that's ever happened to me before,although on Tuesday for the entire day I felt faint and short of breath so that wasn't fun either.
midnight.ali- doesn;t have weight on my notes, just says he is in the 50th percentile. I did ask at my last scan but she said we dont disclose this info. Ill ask again on wednesday at my scan.

ali- glad appt went well. i got linea nigra a long time ago now. Ugh i feel for you RE weight gain. I just dont want to know how much i have gained.

newbie- hoping you feel better soon. I did faint twice in this pregnant and i think that was due to lower blood pressure. Hasnt happened again thank goodness. Just drink lots and eat regularly.

vrogers- i hope ultrasound goes well, i hope you get some nice pics. i have my growth scan on the wed also so lets hope we have nice healthy babies who give us some good pics!

nothing really to report. I guess my main concern in the coming weeks is my rash flaring up, which happens in majority of cases. i managed to join an online group of other women who have suffered it, and it made me sad. pemphigoid gestationis is a horrid disease. I hope continuing to apply the steriod cream will keep it at bay. The cream comes with it's own problems anyway, such as really dry skin and thin skin so my skin bruises and gets marks easily.
Honestly, i am looking forward to just having my baby now and getting my skin back to it;s normal lself. Never in my life did i have any type of skin problem before, so i have my days where i feel quite down about it all, especially as i have marks all over my skin. Dermatologist said they fade away in their own time after birth

rant over!
whats all your plans for weekend?
My line has shown up too. Never had this before!

Starting to get nervous. So unprepared but think baby needs to be born so I can start to feel more like me. I feel like I am snapping at everyone. I jùst wanna start our new routine. Xx
Ally2015, I'm so sorry you're going through this! Praying that you get through the rest of your pregnancy safely and it calms down afterwards.

Long weekend for me! Hanging out and buying a few bits and pieces for baby are on my list of things to do. And sleep!
Ally- I hope yours goes well too! And I'm sorry you are having to deal with the rash- I think it's good you've joined a group with other women who know exactly how you feel. I hope it lays low and goes away quickly after birth

Newbie- long weekends are the best, enjoy! :)

Only plan really this weekend for me is for dh to get started (finally) on the dresser and I'll be able to finish organizing baby's room. Right now there's only a small amount of storage so most things are crowded on a storage shelf or in her crib. It'll feel nice to finally have finished
Haven't posted in a couple days...

Ally I hope you get by without a flare up of the rash. It sounds awful.

It seems like we're all feeling a bit sick of pregnancy. I'm over it. I just want to have the baby and be done. I hate the belly. I hate going to my appointments. I haven't been particularly impressed with most of the midwives and doctors that I've seen. I saw a young midwife yesterday and she was mostly useless with the questions I had. It just leaves me feeling like I want to cry. I hate going to the doctor in general anyway. I asked about an ultrasound to check the placenta since with DD it was too deeply embedded and DH is scared of that happening again. An NP I saw many weeks ago said it was something we could do. This young midwife yesterday was like "I don't think we can do anything with that" but said she'd ask a doctor. So I get a call from a complete ditz of a receptionist on my way home saying they've written me a referral to an ultrasound place to look at it. :: eye roll :: Trying to get the details of the referral and where to go from this receptionist was torture too.

I was also trying to figure out when I needed to decline the eye ointment - if I need to file something with the office, or just say it at the hospital when we go. And she starts asking me if I'm doing a birth plan and going round and round about that because I wasn't sure if I need to bring that to the office, or just to the hospital. She just wasn't answering my questions directly.

Annnnd she felt baby's position but said absolutely nothing to me about it. Like...silence. Could you possibly say ANYTHING about what you're doing and what the position is?? I shouldn't have to ask. And I didn't even because I was too annoyed with her and just wanted to leave. The only "chat" I got out of her was about whether I'm having a boy or girl, and whether I already have a boy or girl at home. I don't want to chit-chat about that! I want you to answer my questions and discuss what's happening AT THIS APPOINTMENT RIGHT NOW.

Sorry, complete rant there. It's sad that the best part of my appointment was booking all my future appointments afterward with a receptionist that I usually don't like. :(
On a more positive note I put away a bunch of diapers and little toys for baby last night (had to unroll all the ones my coworkers had rolled and rubberbanded for my "diaper cake" at the shower they threw me). DD had fun helping me. DH is also doing a bunch of odd jobs around the house, so that's nice. I need to organize the baby clothes, but we should be fairly well set up by the time this baby comes. :)
Slammer - I'm sorry you're so disgruntled and unhappy with the prenatal care you've been provided this pregnancy. It does sound very annoying. I've also found I have had less good care this time around but I do at least like my doctor. That's exciting you got a bit of baby stuff to put out. I've received nothing this time and am sure I won't. I don't even have any idea where our old baby toys are and have no motivation to get them out. I haven't taken any clothes out or anything. This poor baby is not getting much preparation. Hopefully she can forgive me for being so tired and unmotivated.

Ally - I truly hope your rash doesn't flare up again. It really does sound awful. Sounds like you're doing everything in your power not to let that happen. Try not to stress!

Newbie - wow, enjoy your long weekend! :) You deserve it! I wish I had one as well. This wait until Christmas break is almost killing me because of all this stupid insomnia. Getting up is brutal, and doesn't help that it's pitch black out and -30 C outside. :(

VRogers - I hope you and DH have fun organizing baby's room this weekend. Good for you. I'm fairly certain this poor baby's room (shared with our office) is not going to get any more organized before she arrives, even though it's a mess right now. I just have no energy. Sigh.

Midnight - I also feel very unprepared but maybe it will be nice for baby to just come so I can be myself again as well. I definitely haven't been a joy to be around this pregnancy either. I am finally a bit less irritable but I have no energy and never really feel happy.

I'm not even looking forward to my weekend aside from the sleeping part. DH's family is celebrating Christmas on the 17th and we have been so disorganized this year so we have to run around to a bunch of different places buying EVERYONE'S presents on Saturday! There are 6 adults and 5 kids to buy for on his side so it's kind of a lot. Plus have to make Christmas photo prints, address Christmas cards for 45 people, etc. Also have to clean house and make cookies as am hosting a cookie exchange on Sunday afternoon with a few friends. Just thinking about the weekend makes me tired. :(
thanks for all the thoughtful well wishes regarding my rash. It just feel so cruel to have that on top of the normal pains and aches and stresses of pregnancy too. But as long as this baby is healthy and happy, thats the most important thing.

Midnight- i hear ya! i want my body back now too. Really hopinh mines is ready to come out around 37/38 weeks.

slammer- this is the best place to rant! sorry you are not satisfied with your care, it does. It is frustrating when people don't answer your questions. At least you are pretty much organised though.

lit- i hope you manage to get lots of sleep at the weekend :) Saturday does not sound like fun, but hope you manage to get all the presents quickly. Never heard of a cookie exchange but it sounds like fun!!

dh and i still have to buy xmas presents but he has 13 nieces and nephews, 2 sisters and 1 brother. But we are just going to buy a few small bits and send over as we really need the money for rest of baby stuff.
That sounds like an exhausting weekend literati! I hope it's not as tiring as it sounds. I don't have anything planned except a tiny birthday party on Saturday morning for which I don't even need to buy a present. Oh, I need to do Christmas cards too though. We took DD to see Santa on Weds and I'm trying to decide if I want to get prints of the picture to put in my cards. It's not the best picture, but it's something. DD was excited, but scared so DH and I are in the pic and DH doesn't like how he looks, lol.

It doesn't seem to matter even if I did find a doctor or midwife I liked. They said at the hospital tour that basically the doctors don't do anything and don't catch the baby unless there's something going wrong. A midwife will catch and there are a lot of them, so it could be anybody on duty when the time comes. Hopefully I'll just get some nice nurses at the hospital and that will be good enough.
Newbie - That's definitely no fun! I did have that happen to me once and I did what you did except I couldn't sit down. I had to continue to try to pass medications with my blood pressure dropping then raising then dropping. My heart rate was really fast on top of it. Managed to get through it and then I actually did have time to sit and by the time I was passing my next round I felt a little better. It's a weird feeling, but I could tell every time it dropped. Hopefully it won't happen again for you!!

Vrogers - Definitely isn't a good indicator! You can stay a 2 for days and weeks and you can go from 0 to 10 in a matter of hours sometimes quicker! I think they mainly check to make sure you're not dilating and not realizing it. My OB wouldn't want me walking around if I was dilated to 4 cm.

Hope you can see her little face! If not, then like you said it won't be long till you meet her! Maybe this means she'll be real snuggler! I'm jealous of the ultrasound! I want to see this baby again so bad right now!

Ally - Ask them why! If they have that information documented anywhere then it's your right to know. If they just don't use it flat out because it's not a good indicator then I guess that's a little bit of a different story.

I really hope you don't have to deal with it again with another pregnancy! At least you'll know the signs, but I'd be dreading that it would come back!

Midnight - Same here with being snappy. I get irritated and snappy then I want to cry because I feel awful that I did it! DS is sick and grouchy because of it and I know it's because of that, but I can hardly handle it right now.

Slammer - I don't blame you one bit for being irritable with her! Maybe she's inexperienced, but there are ways to handle that professionally. If she felt for position and couldn't tell she could simply tell you what her BEST guess was and she wasn't 100% sure. As for your questions she should have told you she will find out for you if she didn't know. Beating around the bush makes you sound like you don't know what you're doing. Telling someone you don't know and will find out lets them know you DO know what you're doing even if you don't have the answer.

It's too bad about the doctor/midwife situation. I know there are some doctors around here that say they will be there for you no matter what. My SIL's doctor said the only reason she wouldn't be there is if she was in L&D as well. She was expecting around the same time and sure enough with a NB at home she was there to deliver.

Great on getting things done, though! I did buy a smaller pack of NB diapers and a box of 1s so I should be okay on that for awhile. I still have a lot to get done but some things we need to buy so we may have to wait till tax time. Like a dresser. The closet won't be big enough for both boys.

Lite - I have so many nieces and nephews to buy for and I feel bad because I just can't do it this year. Blood wise I only have 1 niece and 2 nephews, but add in my stepmother's grandchildren there are 7 more!!

I would just give 20 dollar gift cards for the older ones, but I don't trust their parents to use it on them.

No real plans this weekend. I have to work Sunday. Probably just going to attempt to get things together better for baby. I want to really get through things and get rid of some stuff, but it's hard to find the energy after getting the need to be done stuff out of the way.

I was just thinking how I'll be considered early term by definition next week. It's all weighing down on me now! I'm extremely exhausted lately as well. Then when I can nap I can't do it. It's quite frustrating.

Sorry for yet another long post!
Slammer- that sounds absolutely ridiculous that they wouldn't tell you anything about baby's position, that they didn't think they could do anything to see about the placenta position, and wouldn't answer any of your questions. I would have trouble wanting to stay with them but at the same time it's late to switch. I'm sorry you're having such a bad time with them! we should be able to trust our doctors and feel cared for and especially our babies cared for.

Literati- thank you! I have a feeling it won't be ready by the time she's here but she won't be in there for awhile so I guess it's alright. As long as she has a place to sleep I think we're good. I definitely hear you on being too tired!

Ali- that makes sense! i definitely didn't realize how fast you could go to 10. That's encouraging though!
Thank you, I really do hope she's a snuggler, dh hated being held when he was a baby and I don't think I could handle that haha. I wish I knew if I'll get a growth scan but at the very least I'll see her somehow. I feel like I could see her on u/s every day and not get sick of it, it's so amazing
Thanks y'all. I'm sure she would have told me the position if I asked, but it was just weird that she was checking and didn't volunteer anything! I'm sure my care will be fine for delivery, but I'm just not enthused about anyone except for one nurse I've met there.

Was talking to my best friend tonight, who has bad anxiety, and she's anxious about trying to get pregnant in the next year, and anxious about my upcoming birth too. I didn't even remember, but apparently she was anxious and worried about me when I had DD because I didn't tell her I was in labor and she went days trying to contact me and me not getting back to her. Having this discussion just made my own anxiety about this birth rear its head and I was crying on the phone. She felt bad for me ending up crying, but I probably needed to do it anyway!
Vrogers - I agree! I even looked at ultrasound devices!! :haha:

Slammer - I'm sorry about your anxiety! That's great you had someone to cry with, though! She sounds like a wonderful friend. I'll probably do what I did last time and not think much about it till it happens. Then when it does I'll just go with the flow.

I keep having crying sessions. It's not like me to cry at all. Before DS I hardly shed a tear for anything. DH is actually more likely to tear up than I am! I cry a little more now that I have him because I worry about things involving him and it gets to me. Right now I can cry over the smallest things! Plus, my fears keep coming to me and I can't help it and end up crying.

Update on the dates - I am starting to really hate them!! They aren't bad and I "like" them, but they're too sweet!! I just get through them. Prunes are much better!

I also had two people on FB have their babies recently! Both super cute girls! One was one of my cousins and another one from a game I played with her. Making me want to meet my baby even more!
AliJo I'm mostly just trying not to think about the birth too! I know once I was in labor with DD I was in my own world and wasn't worried despite being fearful beforehand.

I'm also crying more than usual. I'm not much of a crier usually either.
Slammer - I'm mostly stressing about changing hospitals just for delivery. I hate the fact that it'll be a different place than what I'm use to. I need to call over there this week and see what they want me to do for the flip then let my OB know so they can send the information. I want to just continue my care where I'm at and deliver here in town. Only reason I'll deliver at my current OB is if I go in for an appointment and a complication comes up and they want to deliver right then.

It'll be way easier for DH to visit with DS, though. Wish he could be there the whole time but DS is going to need his father. Plus no one to watch him the entire time. Just during delivery.
Just caught up! Sounds like everyone is just about done with pregnancy. In the same boat over here! Just over it.

I've been on an intense nesting kick this past week and with my girls being stuck inside all day because it's been too cold (and now we're in the middle of a snow storm) I broke down crying hysterically this morning. Just too tired, too sore, too much of everything right now.

I finally managed to sort through all of our baby clothes plus the toddler sizes. Definitely feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Having a 3rd girl is crazy... I brought out all the newborn and 3 month size clothes and holy shit... we 40 onesies, 18 footie pajamas/sleepers, 15 pairs of pants, 4 hoodies, and 10 hats. And that's just newborn and 3 month size O_O

Plans for this weekend will be sitting out this snow storm... expecting 8-12" of snow so finished my grocery shopping today and other errands.
Hi everyone!

Just caught up! Looks like we are all definitely ready to have our bodies back and meet our babies!

Midnight - Yey for 37 weeks!!

Greats - I feel exactly the same, just too sore and tired now. Sounds like you have more than enough clothes.. I've not even began to sort through clothes for her yet was just saying to OH this morning I need to start sorting through what we have got for her.

Sorry for those suffering insomnia, I'm usually like that but I'm sleeping alot better these days, apart from finding it difficult to get comfy I'm usually ok once asleep.

Midwives rang last week and said my iron is low still and I'm going to struggle to get it up in time.. so I'm on iron supplement now, the liquid not tablets and I hate it. It tastes vile and makes me feel so sick. My HB is 102 (So its low but not drastically) and ferritin is only 3.. but explains why I'm so tired and also have been so short of breath. I def need to get it up best I can to have my homebirth.

I'm huge now, and hurting all the time, I'm tired and snappy, have no patience for anyone so I'm def ready to have baby and get back to normal. I'm not quite prepared as in don't have all the stuff I need but not too much left to get now just a moses basket and nappies etc

I'm feeling really upset this year because my children are used to such a huge xmas with loads of presents and this year we just can't afford it at all. I've only got two weeks and I've barely even began to think about xmas. I just hope they are not too disappointed :-(

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