January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Just getting properly online now, had wifi issues and this weekend was hectic.
Just reading everyones updates now:

slammer- glad you had a wee cry. It is really getting so close now. Its a shame you aren't impressed by the staff but im sure all will be great on your birth.

ali- oh god, prunes are horrid. Maybe try a different type of date, some are sweeter than others. or try blending them with nuts and that might make it easier to eat. I actually cry really easy, but not at stuff i should cry over. I'll cry at my series ending but not when im organising the babies tiny clothes.

midnight- you are so so close!!! your full term now!

anababe- nice to hear from you and i am glad you are sleeping alright. I am on iron tablets too. But i honestly forget to take them. im sure your kids will be ok about xmas, they know they have a little sister joining them soon!

AFM: Moved back into parents. was really sad leaving my flat, it was mine and dh's first place and while it wasn't anything special, we made it nice and cosy and loved our privacy. We had a lovely last night in the flat on saturday. The wifi wasn't working so we chatted lots, had a nice dinner, dtd and played card games. Lovely way to finish the final night there.

sorry for long message!! x
Ali- I did that too and then cringed at the price haha

Ana- I'm sorry about the Christmas/money deal. Hopefully at least the older ones will understand. If it helps my favorite Christmas memories don't involve gifts at all but rather memories with my grandparents and other extended family.

Ally- I can imagine how sad it was to move out, I would feel the same if dh and I had to move as we have lived in our house since we got married 3 years ago (he's lived there for over 10 though). I hope it's an easy transition and your parents are able to help some when baby gets here!

I've been doing school work today that's due tonight, just have one last final by Wednesday and will be done. When I start back in January I'll have a baby and that freaks me out
I've been in denial that baby is actually coming, it still just feels kind of like it will never get here. It's surreal to think about it actually happening (I may sound crazy!)
I haven't been on in a few days. we had a snow day on Friday, which was nice to stay home and be lazy,and then Saturday DH had his work Xmas party which was okay but I was glad when it was over. Most of the guys he works with are a lot young than us and act like stupid kids sometimes (amazes me they have children and stuff), and this was no different. although it was nice that every wife there kept telling me how tiny I looked for being this far along :haha: Quite the opposite of what I hear from my students and coworkers. But that's because my coworkers know what I looked like BEFORE baby, and these ladies do not.

Thankfully the Tylonel PM has made me HUMAN again. So I'm doing okay. I don't take it on weekends, because if I don't sleep on the weekend it's not a big deal. I have just this week of work left before I have 2 weeks of break for the holidays and I'm REALLY hoping this LO shows up before I have to go back for that first week of January. :)

Newbie - I'm so glad that you had a great time at your baby shower! That's wonderful!

Slammer - I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time with all the appointments! They should tell you what is going on as they are doing it, it just makes sense to me that they would tell you. Ugh. I'm a little confused though - do you see a different midwife/doctor each time? I guess I missed something because you mentioned it as a different one and I only see the same doctor at every appointment, and she'll be the one delivering my baby unless she's out of town or something drastic happens. I would not want to see someone different each time, that would not make me comfortable.

Ally - Good luck with living with the parents. I know how sad it can be leaving the place that was your "first" with DH, but hopefully living with the parents will make thinsg easier (and more cost effective). :hugs:
I'm going to reply in two parts because I'm (as always) on my phone and I can't memorize two pages of replies!

Slammer - sometimes you just need a good cry without even realizing it. And I have been a bit more weepy at this point in pregnancy too.

Ali - I'm sorry you're feeling stressed about switching hospitals and such. That is also too bad you can't have DH the entire time. I am lucky that my parents are very involved with dd and they have such a good bond so she will be able to stay with them for the duration of my hospital stay, although I am sure she will miss me a lot!

Great - so sorry you're so tired, sore, emotional and 'done'! This home stretch is so tough. That is a lot of baby clothes. I can't get motivated to pull out my baby clothes just yet.

Ana - I hope your iron gets better soon. Sorry about the money woes for Christmas. It really is so tough. Sorry you're feeling so "done" as well.

Midnight - wow, congrats on being "early term"/"full term"! So exciting!
Ally - that is sad about leaving your and DH's first home. I hope staying with your parents works out well for you. Sounds like a lovely last night at your flat.

VRogers - I am the same way. I keep forgetting that I'm actually getting a baby at the end of this. I see other people post baby announcements on fb and I think, "how nice...oh wait! I'm going to have one of those soon too!" I'm not sure why it's not sinking in this time.

Angel - I know what you mean about people who don't know what you looked like before pregnancy thinking you look small, but those who know what you looked like before think you're big. same here.

So glad the Tylenol PM is working for you. Also glad for you that you only have a week of work before Christmas left. I hope you have the baby before new year's so you don't have to go back. I have two weeks until my Christmas break and I can't wait.
vrogers- thank you, the transition is easy really, my parents are great and they are going to be a huge help. Plus we can save money up now. Will just take a week or so to get into a routine f things, and a lot of our stuff is still in boxes.

you do not sound crazy, i feel the same! i mean really, baby could come next week, and yet i just feel like it is not going to happen. it all feels surreal!

angel- glad the Tylenol helps! and hopefully LO will be here before you have to go back!

lit-two weeks, yah, not long to go now!

i can't believe how close we are all getting now, i wonder who will have baby first!
Angel - Glad the Tylenol PM is working for you.

Vrogers - I'm the same with feeling a bit in denial about actually having a baby here. I think it's more for me because it's mine and OH first together so although we have 4 that are mine, just can't belive next month we will have a newborn it seems crazy, especially as this pregnancy has flown by for me so feels like it's all happened without me noticing and although I've had enough of being pregnant I'm not quite mentally prepared for having a baby within the next 4 weeks!

My last week of work this week I can not wait! I'm so tired, I've finally given in with doing the horses aswel and paid my friend to sort him for the next 6 weeks.. I'm going to feel lost but it's just one less worry to think about now and I'm really struggling now to sort him out its killing my back.

Baby has become alot quieter this last week she's not half as active. Maybe she's running out of room now. Braxton hicks are getting stronger and sometime take my breath away for a few seconds but not painful just a bit crampy so guess it's all normal..
Wow, anababe, I'd love it of this baby would run out of space and stop moving as much. I think he bruised my ribs over the weekend! He rarely stops moving and while I know that's a good thing, sometimes it just hurts!

Thank goodness for Christmas vacation - three weeks starting on Friday. Can't wait to turn of my alarm - dh doesn't have to leave nearly as early as I do, so hopefully we'll get to sleep In for an hour or so.

Ally, good luck living with your parents. It sounds like you've got a good set up with a big room and support available. My mum will be here for the first three months and I know she'll be a great support for me (and dh). I just hope dh doesn't put pressure on me to have my MIL move in after that. She's not well and stuck in her own ways and would be of no use at all with the baby and, sadly, would just frustrate me with "helping" around the house. I'd be more than happy to pay for her to rent a place nearby so dh can check on her more often, but we're likely to have huge fights if she lives with us. I could avoid fights before because we speak different languages but I'm much more fluent now and she knows I can argue well enough... she'll push my buttons :-(

Rant over! Need to start cooking some food before dh comes home so he can finish off.

Oh! Placed my first US order for baby today. My boss's daughter is going today get surprised with a stash of cloth diapers showing up in a few days - she'll probably think her mum is literally sending her hints!
Newbie - wow, 3 weeks of Christmas vacation! That's amazing. I thought I was lucky getting a week plus a day haha. The end of this week will be here before you know it. I hear you on looking forward to not waking to an alarm! I think poor dd is needing Christmas break as much as I am. She has been bawling from the moment she wakes up until after I leave her at daycare, and it's very heartbreaking and frazzling when all I want to do is stay home with her and be done work already! Oh well - we'll get through it. That will be nice having your mom stay with you for a while to help with baby. I hope your DH doesn't feel the need to get your MIL stay with you. That sounds stressful.

Ana - congratulations on only having a week left of work! Must be an amazing feeling! I hope you get a bit of a break before baby arrives, and maybe then it will fully sink in that a new baby is coming! I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble processing it all and also not feeling mentally prepared for baby to arrive even though I'm so sick of pregnancy.

AFM I had as busy of a weekend as I thought. In fact, it was even worse! On Saturday, spent 12 hours straight on errand running, cookie baking and Christmas card stuffing. I could barely walk at the end my hips were so stiff from it all. My feet were still sore yesterday but I feel better today. Thankfully it paid off and we are done the majority of our Christmas errands (not quite all of them - gag - but hopefully DH can do the last few himself this week) and my Christmas cookie exchange party on Sunday went smoothly and was just a relaxing time with some friends. I'm glad I had a pretty relaxing day yesterday to make up for the chaos of Saturday. It also didn't help that I woke up with a full-blown cold on Saturday and was feeling very low on energy to begin with.
I am feeling very very tired of feeling like a beached whale crossed with a turtle on its back trying to get out of bed 6 times a night to pee. It is seriously so difficult to get out of a lying down position or roll over! I'm looking forward to that being easy again (and better yet - not having to pee 6 times a night haha).
Angel - I'm going to a large practice that has a bunch of OBs and midwives. They have like 5 offices, though I always go to the one closest to me. They kind of want you to rotate through most of the people with your appointments because it could be anyone on duty when I go into labor. They always have one midwife and one doctor on duty at the hospital 24 hours a day. I think most practices around here are a bit like this...even if you see one doctor most of the time, you could get someone different at the hospital. Even when I went to an independent birth center with DD there were multiple midwives, and while you could express a preference for one, you might not get her for your labor due to their rotations. With this being my second I wanted the convenience of easy-to-schedule appointments. And at least if they have standard rotations of staff at the hospital then I won't have one tired doctor/midwife wanting to get my delivery over with if it goes long - the next one will just take over. I'm jealous of those who have a doctor they like, but considering how many I've met and not particularly liked, I don't know how I'd even go about finding one I DO like. I'm probably just super picky.

Anyway... I did some more Christmas shopping yesterday. I think I'm done except for something small for DH and stocking stuffers for the two of us.

DD is sick so spent a restless night in bed with me last night. :: yawn ::
Literati - sounds exhausting. I was pretty tired after only 1.5 hours of shopping lol. Sorry to hear you have a cold. I'm hoping to not catch DD's cold.
New week ladies! Means we're all getting closer! I can't believe some of us are starting to hit early term. Tuesday is early term for me!

This will be long as there is a lot to reply to, sorry in advance!

Ana - Oh how I wish my last week was this week! Although, I only have 3 days left. It's good you're having someone take care of the horses as well. You're most likely not going to feel up to it and it gives you more time with baby!

Mine hasn't seemed to move as much either. Most movements seem to be him shifting.

Hoping you get your iron up! I can't stand the smell of vitamins right now, but I know liquid ones are so much worse!

I'm sorry about Christmas, but I'm sure they'll still have a great one. Look for activities to do with them! My parents often couldn't get us much, but they'd try to do the most expensive part as a family gift for us all to enjoy. I learned a lot and took a lot away from not having many gifts for Christmas. I was the only 2nd/3rd grader that would say family was my favorite part!

Ally - I think Danser beat us all! :haha: I know what you mean, though! We should try to predict who it will be!

Haha I'm not a real picky eater! I mainly just get tired of food vs not liking food. I don't think I can find any different types of dates. Theses are the only one I found.

I'm sorry about you moving, but I think you guys will really appreciate the help! If I was your mother I'd probably be super excited to have my grandchild in the house for awhile! Glad you had a great last night!

Lite - You're definitely fortunate to have great family ties! Definitely not the case here. I think if my actual mom wouldn't have up and left things would be different. My stepmom is wonderful in many ways but she is not grandma material. I will admit that my real mother could have been but there are too many issues there now. Plus she lives out of state.

Angel - I'm so glad the Tylenol PM helped you! It'll be good for you to be rested up before baby gets here instead of being stressed over lack of sleep the whole time. Fingers crossed on baby being here before going back!

Vrogers - I almost forgot some were in classes. I had such a hard time getting work done after DS was born. Mainly because I wanted all my time at home to be with him and plus I couldn't find the energy to concentrate.

Greats - Spread the nesting love!! Glad you're set on clothes! :haha: Did you get a lot of snow? When traveling back from Michigan once we hit lake effect snow. Talk about crap weather!! We traveled really slow until we found a rest area. Had a truck pass us going 15-20 more mph hour more than us. 15 minutes later we pass him in the ditch! We didn't really want to stop on the side in case someone (like that truck) slid into us.

AFM - At work yesterday we had a newer resident. Has only been there a few days, but has fallen 3 times. :dohh: I was not about to deal with a fall and the paperwork along with it so I did everything I could to keep him off the floor. This included me sprinting down the hall a total of 4 times. After that first time I was in such pain! No joke, the worst I've felt this whole pregnancy physically. I walked so slowly back and it felt like baby had dropped and I had bowling ball in my pelvic region.

I was really feeling it the rest of the day. I managed. When I got home and was allowed to rest for awhile I got up and couldn't hardly move. Thankfully moving around slowly relieved the pain and stiffness.

I'm definitely achy today more than normal, but everything feels fine.
anababe- glad it's your last week! my baby is crazy active, bit does have more quieter days now- maybe it's him getting ready. The last 2 mornings i have woken feeling pretty crampy and sore.

newbie- thank you, it is actually a good set up, i just like to moan and rant haha. My mum is an awesome cook too. Its nice you will have your mum too :) Not long till your vacation, the 3 weeks sound well needed!

lit-i can't believe you did that much, you poor thing. i did a 30 min walk today, it killed me and my legs ache!! hope your cold goes soon. I am feeling so fed up now too and feel big and massive. Just counting down the days now!!

ali- thank you- both my parents are excited and it's going to be such a great help when he is born :) i have started the dates now too.
exciting that you are 37 weeks tomorrow! yah!
haha yes danser beat us all (hope u are well, danser, please update us!!). We should guess... i think midnight will be first.
I was going to say Midnight will probably be first as well! Then again, I could see there being a surprise early baby born around Christmas time! I wonder who that might end up being.

I will likely be one of the very last ones as my due date is toward the end of the month and I think I'm unlikely to go early.

Ally - Thanks! It was a lot to take on. I plan on taking it easy for the rest of the holiday season! You're not too far away yet. Hopefully we can all get through this last stretch without going too crazy.

Ali - Yay for only a few more shifts. That sounds extremely painful what happened at work after your little sprints. Please take it easy as much as you can!
I'm waiting to see what my doctor says on Thursday... I'll be 36 weeks by then and really hoping baby stays put for another couple of weeks after that. My mum doesn't arrive until December 27 and my SIL arrives the day before, so I'm happy to give birth any time after that!

But, yeah, my prediction is that midnight will be next.
I think I will have bub last week December...BUT I dont think I wil the first from this group!
Agreed, Midnight. There are others due at the very beginning of January, and one of them is bound to go early - whereas you have normally gone pretty close to your due date, yes? I'm excited to find out who is next!!
Well maybe if we eat too much for Christmas it'll push our babies out! :haha:

I'll say.. Shobbs or Van.. mix it up some! Had to go look at the list. We have quite a few due early January but many aren't active on here anymore. I do stalk them from time to time.

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