January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

VRogers - I am glad the cervix check was nothing major!

Slammer - I hear you on motivation. The only reason I finally got motivated is I just got back dd's old baby clothes from my sister and I had to get the big storage container back to my mom and it taking up extra space in the room was annoying, so I just bit the bullet and did it. I honestly half expected myself to wait until the baby was born. At least all your boy clothes are out now. It would be hard to sort through the gender neutral clothes from your DD!
That's exciting that you don't have much to do now.

Midnight - do you think 4 is it for you, or are you thinking of having a 5th?

Danser - glad E is making progress and getting closer to coming home. I do hope she can be home for Christmas! Must be so stressful for you. If you're not on maternity leave yet, does that mean that you are still working?

Newbie - I am very sorry your heartburn is so awful!
wantabelly- no loss of mucus plug yet

lit- i think with pregnancy and hormones we get emotional over all sorts of things!!

danser- i am so glad she is doing well, lovely update. Not long till you have her home!! you are doing amazing, i know this cant be easy

midnight- newbie- really hope the heartburn eases for you both.

slammer- i am going to pack a little bit of my hospital bag now and also just need to set up car seat and buy moses basket and some nappies. But feel like there are other things i need to do..

vrogers- glad cervix check was ok. What time is your scan tomorrow?
Hi all! Sorry it has been so long since I've last checked in. I've been SUPER busy with work lately and then in my spare time trying to get ready for baby. I've been reading everyone's updates every few days or so, just haven't been able to post. From what I've been reading it seems like everyone is doing well, minus some late pregnancy aches/pains. Also Danser - so glad to hear you and Baby E are doing well. She is a strong baby, that's for sure!

I had my 36 week cervical check and GBS swab today. The cervical check was only somewhat uncomfortable, and found out I was 1cm dilated and "pretty thinned out" whatever that means! The worst part about it is that I've been spotting the past few hours. They warned me that might happen though so thankfully I'm not too concerned. Also baby was head down, so she moved from her 20w ultrasound breech position, yay!

I agree I can't wait to see who will have their baby first! I think we will have quite a few Decembers, too. Ally I think you will be our New Years mother :)

Hope everyone continues to keep well over these next few weeks - getting so close!
Forgot to say it's great to hear E is doing well danser! I hope she comes hope soon!

I have an appointment on Thurs for a scan to check "placentation and placenta position" - basically to see if there's any sign of my placenta being too deeply embedded like last time. My bet is there won't be much they can see, but I guess we'll find out. I've never had a scan this late so if I get a glance at the baby too that would be cool!
The last week for me has been so odd, i've cried twice for no reason. I've also been feeling lonely and a bit down as the other half is at work almost every day. staying at my mothers overnight helped me a little bit. Increase in CM has been so irritating and I am peeing even more often. also, dat heartburn :cry:. I'm glad that I can still manage to sleep, it takes a bit longer to get comfortable but nothing major. No matter how much I sleep I still feel exhausted. Can't wait till little Freddy is here now, i'm just about done :haha: (My momma thinks he will be a few weeks early and she has been right about everything so far, when I would concieve and his gender)
Ally- thank you, scan is 5:30 tomorrow, I will share pictures if I get any! Hoping so since she's now head down and away from placenta

Chitown- yay for baby being head down! Also got told I'm thinning so at least that's headed in the right direction for us!

Slammer- good luck at scan and enjoy (hopefully) seeing baby!

Elonaire- I'm sorry it's been rough! I cry at the drop of a hat no matter what emotion I'm feeling, hormones are a mess. Glad your mom has been a help
chitown- nice to hear from you girl :) glad to hear all ok and baby in right position, yah!! haha my dh thinks i will be a new years mother too. Excited to find out haha!

when do finish work? will be great to hear more updates from you

slammer0 hope your appt goes well and you get a wee glance of baby

Elonaire- sorry to hear you have been having a tough time. My DH has been working a lot too, and hes so tired in evenings. I also am peeing more, so annoying. Glad mum has been helpful.

vrogers- yah! so exciting! i have my growth scan later, and cannot wait to see the wee guy. Will try post a pic also.

nothing really to report, except i have my growth scan at 1.45pm (uk time). Will try to get out for a little walk today and finish packing baby things for hospital bag.
Ok, feeling AliJo's pain - I jogged to catch a train this morning and now my hips are killing me. Bad idea!
Slammer - Isn't it the worst?! Don't let them get stiff, makes it even worse! Also, enjoy your scan Thursday!! I have a feeling I won't get a late one this time, just because DS was 8 lb 1 oz they aren't worried about a big baby as much.

Ally - Have fun seeing your LO! Let us know what they think!

Elonaire - I'm glad it helped to stay at your mom's for the night. Heartburn is once again my biggest irritation during this pregnancy. Much much worse than during my first, though!

Chit - So glad to hear from you!! Glad the check wasn't bad. They don't bother me at all, but I think my cervix isn't sensitive.

Vrogers - Glad it wasn't too painful for you! I didn't dilate any more from my first to my second check with my first. I did efface more though. He also said he could see his head. I definitely didn't think that was fair! :haha:

Danser - I'm so glad baby E is doing well! She's been such a little fighter! I bet you're glad to finally have the nasal canal off of her! Fingers crossed you're home for Christmas! Will be such a wonderful gift! Of course every day with her is!

Lite - I know it's not too early, but I'm in denial of how close it is! This baby won't be able to wear some of the stuff DS1 did either. Although it got cold right away with DS even though he was the end of summer so thankfully all the clothes from the beginning are warm!

Sorry if I didn't reply to you! I will when I get back from my appointment! I have to go now, though. I ran out of time trying to type this us. I'll update when I'm back!
scan went well, baby growing fine and no more scans for me now. hopefully rash wont flare and i can have a normal natural birth!

ali- do update after!

slammer- take it easy!!!

have attached a bump pic and pic of baby. His hands were in front of face in pic x


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Wanta - I do think I'm losing some of my plug, but nothing significant. I had increased amount when I ran several times one day.

Ally - Aw! Look at him! Glad everything went well!! I think you'll get lucky and not have a flare up! Hopefully I'm right!!

Appointment went fine! Other than the fact I went up 3 lbs in a week. :wacko: I know it's mostly water weight and baby but it's still a shock!

They didn't check me, which is fine. One more week down.. three to go. Hopefully less.

I've been having more colostrum leaking out. I just remembered why I couldn't really sleep on my belly after DS was born. The pressure on my breasts would cause me to leak really bad at night. Several times I'd wake up to being soaked because I rolled over onto my belly.
ali- thank you , hope u are right about the rash :) Glad ur appt went well. sorry about weight gain. I am so glad they did not weigh me haha. i feel huge and my face is so round.

i havent lost any plug, nor have i had any leaking... i hope i start feeling some pre labour signs next week. All i've had is an increase in BH;s
Ally - I'm happy the scan went well. Great bump pic!

Ali - that's great you have lots of warm clothes still! I didn't have a lot for 0-3 mo, but my sister also gave me some of my niece's things and she had plenty of warm clothes.
I can't believe you're full term!

Slammer - sorry about your hips! It was my hips that were bothering me after that long day of errands as well.

Elonaire - sorry you're so exhausted and emotional. This isn't a very fun part of pregnancy, but at least the end is near.

Chi - yay for baby being head down and your cervix being a bit thinned out! Too bad about the spotting now but good to know it is normal. Hope your GBS test comes back negative. I get mine in two weeks.

AFM - I'm quite exhausted after yet another rough night with dd. good thing it is my day off, but going to our doctor's appointments this morning completely wore me out and I'm feeling sooo done now. Poor dd has a tummy virus that she just isn't recovering from so we have to cut out dairy from her diet for a few weeks to try to let her good gut bacteria to regenerate. That is going to be difficult because DD pretty much lives on dairy!! Sigh!
Hi ladies!
It's been ages since I've posted. I have read a good portion of the forum but with everyone getting so close to having their babies I figured I'd jump back in so I can keep up. It looks like a few of you are getting ready to pop. Does anyone have any reasons they think labor might be near?
Ally - glad your appt went well. Still such a cute bump!

AliJo - I tried to sleep on my belly once after DD was born and got painful clogged ducts, so didn't try again until probably 18 months because I was too scared!

mrs.green - welcome back! How are you doing with twins?
Lite - Oh gosh that would be horrible!! DS loves his dairy products as well and lately he's been on a huge milk kick. I wonder if he's having a growth spurt. He use to nap 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Anymore was rare. Now it's 3 or more hours a day consistently. His eating has dwindled, though. It started before his cold he's about over so I'm not sure. When DS had bad diarrhea I got yogurt with probiotics and it seemed to help. Doesn't help you if they don't want her having dairy.

Hi Mrs.G!! I was wondering if you were ever going to pop back over! How have you been feeling?? I bet those little boys don't let you rest much!

I actually was thinking I was having contractions the night before last. Which is a story I didn't share. I only had about a hour and a half of sleep between the normal insomnia and also I kept having an achy lower back that would worsen with contractions or I had some slight period cramping. Nothing regular but it kept me awake and uncomfortable. I had to work but called I'm for in for the first part of my shift so I could get some sleep. I've also gotten waves of pressure in my pelvic region. Not like lightning crotch. So maybe my body is starting to work up to it.
Slammer - That sounds awful! I never had any issues with clogged ducts. Hopefully I don't have to experience it because it sounds horrible.
Haven't posted but have been following along with everyone.

Mrs green, it's good to hear from you! How are the twins?

Cute bump ally!!!

Lit, sorry your dd is so sick lately. I hope kicking the dairy helps. Sounds pretty stressful!

Ali, when did you find you started leaking? Does it happen to everyone?

We have been so crazy over here. I start weekly BPP and NSTs this week per my MFM. So that's three appointments every week now! My husband is still having pains in his hip after surgery in September, and his surgeon just wanted to send him to pain management. We went to get a second opinion and it turns out his surgery wasn't even completed correctly. So he may be having a redo of the surgery in just a couple of weeks so I'm trying to pinch every penny possible right now so that our bills don't get behind right before baby comes. We also might end up having a malpractice suit on our hands if I can get the documentation to prove it. So all of that plus getting ready for baby is making me stress so much!
AliJo- sounds like your body might be preparing for labor! How exciting! Do you have a gut feeling on when your little man might come?

Froggy- wow that's a lot to handle. I can't even imagine that on top of the regular baby stuff. Whatever happens I hope your DH gets some relief soon.

Thanks ladies for the welcome back. Life has been hectic which is part of why I was MIA. The short version is work was giving me a ton of stress and actually making me have anxiety attacks. Then we found out we we're no longer able to purchase a house we had been in escrow on for over 2 months. We found out the day before we were supposed to close! It turns out our realtor did some illegal things and we might be taking him to court. This happens while we're living with my mom. We originally moved in with her until the house closed and to help her with bills. So I was 6 months pregnant and things kind of fell apart. Luckily I was taken out of work early and found a place to rent. We actually moved in the same day as my shower. It was a little crazy lol

Pregnancy wise everything has been going super smooth. Prenatal appointment every other week, growth scans every 4 weeks (and extra as needed), and NSTs every week now. Tons of Braxton hicks but not regular. Until Sunday when they were every 5 minutes for over 3 hours. Went in and I wasn't dilated so they released us.
Then yesterday (Tuesday) I lost a good portion of my mucus plug, and lost a little more today. I want the boys to stay in but I think they'll be here within 2 weeks. Once 34 weeks hits (Saturday) I will graduate the "pre-term" program and if I go into labor on my own they most likely don't interfere or try to stop it.

Wow so sorry that's so long I guess I shouldn't have left for so long. Lol

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