January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Newbie - Don't get too stuck on that number! It can be off quite a bit! DS was in the 30-40th percentile during his growth scan at like 39 weeks. Born 40 weeks in the 84th percentile! I've heard people say their scan showed a 10 lb baby but then came out 7 lbs. Obviously do what you feel most comfortable with, but may not be so bad! Or it could be, just keep in mind that it might not be.
You're good for even making the effort AliJo! I mostly have no interest, lol. I figured I'd better try to get one or two shags in though before birth though - I was ruined for sex for 8-9 months after DD.

newbie - aww that's funny that you want it, but DH is weirded out. I mean, my DH didn't come out and say it until I asked him after if he thought it was weird and he was like "uh, yeah, a bit." Haha.

No idea what the doctor fees are here. I guess I'll find out after the birth when I see what was billed to insurance.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't worry about the growth scan either. I've never had one, but have heard lots of stories about them being way off.
I'm way more uncomfortable dtd than dh is? I just feel weird and huge, but he says he still thinks I'm hot so I try not to let it bother me.

Newbie, I had to pay 1400 up front and that was for all of my visits and the drs fee for the delivery. I guess the hospital will bill after birth.
Vrogers- such cute pictures!! It must make you even more excited to meet your little girl. And I hear ya on the comfortable front. Hopefully it passes fast lol

AliJo- love the gift bag idea for your LO. Also with not working I thought I would be so bored and go crazy waiting on babies. Turns out I'm busy all the time! lol I'm constantly cleaning, running errands, and maybe a nap here and there lol

Froggy- you're absolutely perfect pregnant!

Ana- congrats on the engagement! I hope your dad staying there doesn't cause you too much stress. As I mentioned we lived briefly with my mom and even though we have a great relationship it can be really hard.

Newbie- you'll do great! They can be off as much as 2 pounds too so little boy might not be that big. As for cost it's around $2,500 for me for a singleton BUT they double it for twins! Even if it's a c-section and they're already in there... luckily my max out of pocket per year is $3,000. So thats the most I can pay throughout the whole year. Mine is higher than some BUT we don't pay much at all throughout the year. Smaller premiums means higher bills later. The entire bill I'll be about $25,000 so I'm okay only paying $3,000. lol

Midnight- how was your appointment?

RE sex- we still have it really regularly. At least twice a week I'd say. Almost always initiated by me since DH works really really long hours. I'm sorry you ladies find it awkward it feels like 100x better than before (I didn't even know that was possible lol)
Also as someone else said (Froggy?) my DH thinks is sexy that I'm making his babies I'm actually doing a boudoir photoshoot for him tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it.
Ally- thank you! Here's to hoping we both have our LOs before our due date!

Ana- thank you!! I want to pinch her little cheeks already haha. Congratulations on the engagement!! That's so exciting!
Ooh, I didn't think about the whole dtd while baby is low. Mine is pretty low right now and I think it would even freak me out but for sure dh!

Slammer- go you! It's been awhile for us but I told dh we have to after my next appointment to hopefully help things along :haha:

Newbie- wow 7 pounds! Part of me is glad I don't get a growth scan (that I know of) because I'm scared of what they would tell me! Dh was around 9 1/2 pounds when he was born, I was 7 and 11 ounces so hopefully she takes after me. I think you got this though, however you decide to do it! On the doctor fees, I cannot for the life of me remember what our form said. Before I got pregnant we put me on the best ins we could find here (which of course means it's ridiculously expensive) and thankfully we found out around 20 weeks when my doctor gave me the delivery form my ins covers it all. The most we would have to pay out of pocket is...a thousand something? I can't remember the exact number. We also have a little savings built just for delivery in case something happens unexpected.

Mrs.green- thank you, yes it really does! It was so cute to see the difference in her 20 week pictures and these 36 week ones! I'm sorry you are uncomfortable too, I guess that's to be expected at this stage!
What's sex? Hahaha just kidding, but not really... we dtd once a month during pregnancy. It's just SO awkward with a huge belly, only position I feel comfortable with is from behind and dh doesn't care for that one so it ends up being more a chore, if that makes sense? He's greatly looking forward to 8 weeks postpartum when my doctor gives the ok for sex, and so am I haha

Mrs.green, let me know how your photoshoot goes! Dh turns 30 next September and I've been thinking of doing a boudoir shoot for him!

Been having a horrendous time with my SPD. Thank goodness my mom moved in with us a couple months ago because she has been a HUGE help with cleaning and the girls. She's going on a road trip when I'm 6 weeks postpartum and I'm seriously going to miss her while she's gone! Lol

I hope everyone is doing well! We're all getting there!
Greats- I had a friend who did one of these and loved it. She said they don't even show you pictures until they edit and pick the best ones so you don't look at them and get uncomfortable. Once I get mine done I'll let you know but so far I don't feel uncomfortable at all.
Slammer - DS definitely makes it difficult and it's even more difficult since DH works overnight! When I have the energy I tell him to come home on lunch. Then he goes back to work and usually his night is a lot better. lol

It took me at least 6 months to feel comfortable during sex. We could DTD but I had to be completely in charge and careful otherwise it hurt. That tear I had hurt forever! It was always a sharp pain as well, so it could really kill the mood. Hoping it doesn't happen again, but I don't have high hopes.

Mrs.G - My husband would die from happiness if I did one of those photo shoots for him! I'd be nervous as well. I definitely wish we could still be regularly DTD, but life just won't have it.

I think he'll enjoy it, but it'll only keep his attention for a short while. He'll want to go into the halls and run and be crazy! I hope I can stay busy when I'm done working. I have no motivation!

Greats - Your mom sounds like a dream!! So glad you've had someone there to help!

DH almost seems more attracted to me while I'm pregnant. He says he's not sure why.. maybe it's the hormones or something. Who knows! I definitely like the attention, but I sure don't like the fact that I can't match him!
Froggy - That is very stressful about your husband's surgery. I'm sure that's the last thing you want to deal with right now. What a beautiful bump! You look great! Good luck with all those appointments.

Mrs Green - Sounds like a very stressful time recently. I'm glad you were able to be taken off work and can just try to relax and focus on baby now. Definitely sounds like those babies might be coming soon! I hope they hang in there for at least a couple more weeks!

Ali - I haven't leaked any colostrum this pregnancy or last time either! Then when I had dd I leaked like crazy for the entire year! haha. Everyone's experience is quite different I guess. Sounds like you're feeling a lot more ready for this baby now! It's exciting how close it is. I can't believe how far along you are.

Ana - I hope baby comes a few days early for you! Sorry you're in so much pain. Big congratulations on your engagement with your SO! :happydance:

Vrogers - What an adorable baby! Those are really good close-ups of her face!

Midnight - Wow, that's exciting could be your last midwife appointment. I see my doctor much more regularly at the end. I see her in two weeks, and then every week until I have the baby after that.

Slammer - Good for you dtd! I still have no desire. Blech.

Newbie - I agree with everyone that you shouldn't overly worry about the estimated size of baby from your scan! Can definitely be wildly inaccurate. My dd was 8 lb 11 oz at birth, so pretty big, but I survived. I hope never have to give birth to one that's over 9 lb!

Greats - Sorry about your SPD! Sounds horrible.

Sounds like many of you are having signs of your body preparing for labour! That is very exciting. My body is giving me none at all! haha. I am having quite a few BH but they aren't painful and I don't really notice them unless I try to walk with a full bladder while having them!

I have no cramps, no increased discharge, no feeling like the baby has dropped, no nesting urges, etc. etc. :p I really don't anticipate this baby coming early at all. Could see her coming a day overdue but really hoping no more than that.

I am so fed up with working while pregnant and getting dd ready for daycare every morning while she bawls her eyes out. I had a mini freak-out this morning about it, but it only lasted a few seconds because I didn't have time for more! :p It is honestly taking every ounce of willpower to make it to Christmas holidays. I am also getting so uncomfortable now and it's hard to believe my belly could get any bigger.

I have my office Christmas party tonight and no idea how I'll stay awake for it. I'm mostly going just in case I win a cash prize! :haha: Thanks everyone for the well wishes for dd's tummy issues.
Lite - Well you're not missing out when it comes to leaking, that's for sure! I didn't have really any signs at 34 weeks either. Mostly started around 36! You never know!

Same on the work matter, but I only have 2 days left so I guess I really shouldn't complain! Your DD crying before daycare would break my heart! It's one thing when my DS is crying or throwing a fit over silly things (which happens WAY too often), but when he cries because I'm leaving it really sucks! I'm not excited to start daycare at all. I just hope he adjusts well since he's been at home for his whole life basically.
Ali - you're right. It is still early yet for labour signs. I don't remember when they started with dd1, but I am guessing around 36 or 37 weeks as well.
You have every right to complain about your last two shifts of work! That job has put you through a lot this pregnancy! I'm very happy for you that you're almost done. It will be such a huge relief!
I agree - when DD is crying about me leaving it is very heartbreaking. Her crying or throwing a fit over something dumb doesn't bother me much, although it can be exhausting to deal with. Hopefully your DS will adjust well to daycare. At least he has been able to have these early years at home with his parents! :)
Ack, too many people/too much activity for me to reply to everyone!

I'm leaking some colostrum, but not to the point of wetting through anything - I only know it when I notice crusty nipples - yuck!

I had my scan today. It was pretty cool since I've never had a late scan before. The radiologist has to write up a final report to send to my doctors/midwives, but preliminarily my placenta looked good - not too deeply embedded. Baby was moving around a lot during the scan, and the girl doing it was nice and easy to talk to. Got another look at his private parts and confirmed he's definitely a boy! And got a few 3-D shots of his face, which were mostly creepy, but there was one cute one.

All the measurements estimated baby's weight at 6 lbs 2 oz, but the margin of error is nearly a pound either side. He does seem to have a big head though - head circumference was measuring two weeks head, eek! I think DD had a big head too though. The girl said the ratios of head to abdomen were still within the normal range, so nothing to worry about.
Slammer - I know! I almost gave up on replying to people because it was too overwhelming, but I was able to get on my computer at lunch and use the "multi-quote" feature to help me out so I didn't have to memorize everyone ahha.
Yay! Glad your scan went well! I am a bit envious of those who are getting a late scan! That's great you were able to confirm he is indeed a boy, too! Sounds like he's a good size. Hopefully his head is not too too big! Hehe.
anababe- congrats on engagement !!! hope all works out well for you

slammer- love it haha, he must have been like yesss!!! glad your scan went well.

newbie- i think the bump freaks some men out a little. I wouldn'y worry about weight, as other said, growth scans can be quite off. i dont get told a weight at my scans, just that he is in the 50th percentile

as for dtd, we have been fairly regular throughout. Not going to lie, i feel huge and so unattractive and that puts me off a little , but enjoy it, and just dim the light when we do as feel self conscious of my body etc.

mrs green- sex feels better for me too, but there have been times after when i have been like ow! enjoy your shoot.

ali- i think my dh would die from happiness too, but i dont think i could do it haha. my dh always gives me a lot of attention, but during pregnancy he has been extra kind and sweet. I remember when i got discharged from hospital, he cleaned the whole flat for me, and made a lovely dinner and basically didn;t let me do anything. so sweet.

lit- i hope you win and hope dd is feeling better.

phew- feel tired after replying to everyone. sorry if i missed anyone out haha.

i had a lot of crampy feelings today but it;s fine now. Just feeling fat and tired lol
Lite - It's definitely exhausting! Especially when I can't figure out why or he just won't work with me to help him through it. Toddlers! :haha: He's usually pretty good, but there are days where it's every other thing.

Slammer - I know what you mean about crusty nipples! Plus they don't smell the greatest when they're like that in my opinion. I swear I can smell every little thing, though. I can't shower enough at the moment to feel clean!

Glad the placenta is looking fine! The shots can be creepy! I have one with this one where the eyes just look like a socket. It's a bit strange! Feel free to post it! I don't think any of us are tired of seeing babies!

Ally & Mrs.G - I agree on the sex feeling better. It's probably thanks to the increased sensitivity and blood flow. If something hits wrong it is a definite ouch, though! Plus my tear from my first is a bit sensitive at times. If I do manage to make it through without an epidural I think the pulling on the old tear will be the worst! We'll see. If I don't get put on pitocin I have more faith in myself.

I guess something else that's been newer.. I've had an increase in gas. BM are getting a bit more looser than normal as well. Definitely not liking the gas. :dohh:
Also, I want to add this in here because it bothers me every time I see my signature.. CafeMom no longer has tickers!! I really liked the one I had for DS. I keep looking for a replacement, but I'm picky.
I think that this week the full moon + week before break = craziness.

We had a 2 hour delay start today after a completely unexpected snow fall last night. It wasn't much, just enough that our rural areas (and hills) were too slippery for buses. Our district is pretty spread out and has a lot of rural and hill areas outside of the town and those areas can be really dangerous with any amount of snow or ice. So 2 hour start. We were supposed to have the big winter assembly today for "winter wishes" (an amazing program our leadership kids put together that grants kids all kinds of "wishes" from something as small as a coffee, to as big as a piano!!). The assembly is the grand finale of the whole week of wishes, but after a 2 hour delay admin didn't want to add another 1 hour assembly to our already very shortened schedule (50 minute classes were sudden 35 minutes today) so we postponed it until tomorrow (which is already early release so tomorrow's classes will be 20 minutes long! :wacko: )

On top of a crazy 2 hour delay that we weren't expecting, we had a girl fight break out in my hallway today, just a few feet from my classroom. Then at lunch I had to call the office because kids were trying to climb onto the ice/snow covered roofs of the walkways to get something down they had thrown up there (stupid freshmen).

And then when my 6th period students (last class of the day) arrive they are all freaking out, asking me if I'm okay and how the baby is. I was really confused until someone explained that the rumor going around was that I was the one who broke up the fight (wasn't me, was the teacher one door down, she just got there before I did because it was outside her door) and they had heard that I dove into the middle to break it up and got punched in the gut! These kids were in an uproar about it, and were talking about seriously going after the girls who were in the fight! :dohh: :wacko: I mean, super sweet that they were that concerned about me (17 year olds aren't always known for being caring) but a little overboard. These kids had me last year though too so they're a little protective.

And to top it off, there were a group of freshmen being loud and messing around in the hall at the end of 6th who had snuck out of class where a sub was teaching and when I yelled at them to go back to class they blatantly ignored me, one kid was on his phone on a phone call (definitely not allowed), and so I headed down the hall and most of them went back to class but 3 of them bolted out the door and took off 10 minutes before the final bell (truancy). Unfortunately I don't know the freshmen and the sub didn't know who left. :dohh:

all in all, it was an INSANE day!


On baby news: the doctor says I'll get an US next week to check to make sure she's head down. :happydance:

WantABelly - I haven't lost any of my mucous plug to my knowledge. Though I am having quite a bit of discharge lately. Are you losing it already? I can't imagine going through this 11 times!

Literati - Sounds like you've got a lot of 0-3m! Tha'ts great! I was going through the 0-3m that we've been given and found that I have a ton of short sleeve onesies but am definitely lacking in the warm clothes department! :dohh: I've got a ton of 3-6m stuff but only about half as much 0-3m. I'm picking up some more 0-3 this weekend, someone from our Buy Nothing Group in town has been collecting for me.

I started going through purging mode lately too. I keep giving away stuff. DH
just keeps shaking his head at me. :haha:

Ally - Beautiful Pic! <3

Froggy - what a gorgeous bump! I Love it!
Slammer - I'm sorry! It especially sucks if it is accompanied by cramps.

Angel - Oh wow, what a day! They're usually pretty crazy at that age. I wasn't and can only hope to pass that down! Ha.. I think you definitely deserve a break after that kind of day!

I don't know what got into me, unless it was a nesting urge. I completely tore apart our two big closets to rearrange them to try and store more stuff in our storage closet and open some room in our bedroom closet. Well, I did manage to get our closet opened up a lot! The bottom use to be filled with totes. I may have to put another one in but hoping to keep it down to one. I actually could get it in the storage closet, but I'd have to tear it apart again.

I am completely drained now.

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