January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - wow, that sounds like a completely crazy day at work! Hope tomorrow is more normal.

Ali - oh yes, it's so annoying when they throw a fit over every little thing and nothing you say or do really helps - they just feel like being bratty. Gah! Good job on organizing those closets! I don't blame you for being exhausted now. I have also been quite gassy lately! Haha.

Ally - Thank you. And I'm with you on feeling fat and tired!
Angel, oh my goodness! My sister used to teach high school and now does junior high... so far high schoolers' attitudes are way worse than the younger teens from what I'm told haha

Dtd in the hopes I can start getting my cervix ready for labor in a few weeks. Hope it works haha

Anyone else getting pains in their breasts? I keep getting this deep, shooting pain on my right side... ouch!
ali, slammer- i have been gassy too. Oh pregnancy is just so elegant. I have no nesting whatsoever. damn it!

angel- oh my goodness, what a day for you!! good to rant and let it all out though :)

greats- no pain for me but nipples and breasts feel a bit itchy.

well i learnt this morning that i now snort loudly in my sleep. I did it so loud i woke myself up. DH said i've been doing it for a while now. God i must be bloody heavy now to be snorting like that!!!
think i am going to try and be super healthy from today on, hate feeling so big and fat.
Ally - snoring in pregnancy can also be from swollen nasal membranes and increased blood, if it makes you feel any better. Lots of people have a stuffy nose their entire pregnancy. So don't be too quick to blame your weight gain! I'm sure you're just fine! I can't wait to get this weight off me though. I've gained a lot!

Greats - that's odd about the shooting pains. I don't think I've had that. I hope dtd helps your cervix get ready!

Quiet day at the office today as so many people are hungover and either called in sick, or they booked the day off in advance because of what happened last year. I surprisingly feel better than I have all week despite getting a couple hours' less sleep than usual. :p I can hardly wait for the weekend though. DH's family is celebrating Christmas already tomorrow which will be busy but hopefully still fun and relaxing. They're a pretty chill group, and the kids play well together so DD will require less entertainment than usual. Any other weekend plans for you all?
Literati, have fun celebrating Christmas with your husband's family tomorrow!

I didn't sleep well last night, baby kept head butting my cervix all night. Woke up feeling very moody, been having low back pain, period cramping, and loose stools all morning. Made dh call in sick today at work so I can rest. Need to go grocery shopping in a bit as we are getting our 3rd snow storm for the 3rd weekend in a row!

My only plan this weekend is making 6 batches of kolacky cookies to give to family on Christmas Eve.
Lite - It killed me! My hips are yelling at me today.

Greats - I'm going to try to find more time to DTD as well. Hopefully between that and the dates labor is closer and easier!

I just get a burning sensation sometimes in my nips. Feels like my let down reflex.

Ally - Some get it just days before labor. That's why they say to take it easy.

Yeah the snorting is probably more to do with what Lite said. I've been mouth breathing because my nose is so closed up.

Lite - That's funny.. why don't they do I at the end of the week instead? Have fun at the family Christmas! I get why some people do it early.. most people have several family Christmases they don't make it to all because they are on the same day.

No plans here. Probably try to dig up the energy to do more organizing. Realized my pump is stored in the back of the storage closet. :dohh: I want a new one through insurance if I can so it runs better.

I need to take it easy so I don't go into work sore. Just hope I'm not stuck on the heavy cart both days. I Will be on Tuesday because the one I work with can't handlet herself on it.

I had to reply on my phone. The website has a Disney ad up and no matter where you click on the page it sends you to the ad.
AliJo I'm having the same problem with the website if I try on the computer. Seriously the ads on babyandbump are out of control annoying. Worse than any other website I visit.

I'm able to telework here on out, which is a relief. I might go in one or two days to make sure I have any papers I need and to prep my backups for when I'm gone.
Angel- I hate days like that! Where all these small things go wrong and it just makes for a bad bad day. Hope today is better for you.

AliJo- that definitely sounds like nesting to me. It's kicked in a little for me too. Why must my house be messy?!! And why as soon as the kitchen is clean it's dirty again?!!

Greats- yes I get them every once in awhile! Also what you are feeling today is how I've been feeling the last couple days.

Ally- your snoring post literally made me lol sorry it woke you up.

we're finally taking maternity pictures tomorrow! Hopefully the weather holds up.

Also at my NST testing then prenatal. I'll update once it's all done. I'll be suprised if I'm not dilated at all.
Greats - that sounds like a very uncomfortable night for you. Are you a SAHM?

Ali - I think a lot of people wish they would have it on a Friday, but I'm guessing maybe they get a discounted rate or better availability by booking it on a Thursday? Oh well. Doesn't matter too much to me as even when I'm not pregnant I don't drink much. But it does make for a late night and early morning the next day. DH's family probably would have celebrated closer to Christmas Day, but some of his family members are going to Mexico the entire week of Christmas! So yeah that's why such an early celebration. I do agree it is better than trying to cram in all the celebrations into one day or having to miss one. We always just celebrate over multiple days. :)

I'm impressed you even put your pump away into storage! I totally still have my pump up in the kitchen from dd1, so I don't have to worry about finding it and taking it out again. Oy, my procrastination!

Slammer - yay for being down to telework only until baby arrives! I hope that is a nice treat for you!

Mrs green - enjoy your maternity photos! Definitely update us after your appointment.
Appointment update- absolutely nothing is happening. Not dilated at all.. and to top it off both babies are equal distance from the cervix meaning there isn't one yet that will be born first.. well one is breach and one is head down so still no birth plan since they're not sure who will go first. Once one gets into position it'll be determined if it's c-section or vag but we have to wait to see.
Slammer - I know. I've never had such an issue with ads until this website. Glad you get to telework! I wish I could work from home in my field. I'm not one that likes to be away from home much.

Mrs.G - I guess I do have more motivation to get things done, but not the energy! I just have been pushing through it because I really need to get it done. I totally understand where you are coming from! Things are so out of place it feels. Then DS is like a tornado! Then when we're cleaning up he goes crazy because he feels like has room to run. Yep.. and you would have room before if you didn't drag every other toy out! He definitely keeps me on my toes.

Yes, please update us!!

Lite - Lucky them for getting some warmth!

Ha.. I get into random cleaning sprees and things end up stuffed away as tight as I can to free room. We out grew this apartment long ago! At least your procrastination helped this time!! :haha:

Got a little more done. I got more packed in my hospital bag. Sorted what I had washed for baby. Tomorrow I'm going to wash DS's baby clothes and go through those. Just NB and 0-3 for now. Went through DS's 2T clothes and put most away except the shirts since he can still wear those okay depending on the brand. I definitely need to buy him pajamas and pants. I'm also making a big pot of vegetable beef soup and I'm going to freeze most so I have some quick meals. DS really liked it too so it'll be good for him! I want to crawl into bed and nap with DS but I have that soup going. I'm so tired.
Mrs.G - You beat me! Well definitely didn't sound like the update you wanted! I'm assuming the one that is head down needs to drop first for a vaginal? Once one drops I suspect you'll start to dilate.
Anyone on the computer or any device that is having an issue with the ad.. try clicking "Mobile" at the bottom of the page. It will turn the website into the mobile version. Not as pretty, but at least then you can use the website. It was the only thing, literally the only, on my computer that I could click.
Getting laundry done today, including last minute sheets for DD since since she randomly informed me her diaper leaked overnight. Apparently this is not something DH ever notices, and she didn't tell him. Grr. I'm in an irritable mood today. I want to throw away half the shit in my house. I was already on a decluttering mission and then I watched something on Netflix today about minimalism so that just made me want to get rid of stuff even more. Have to pace myself I guess!
Angel- wow, what a crazy day! My dad is a high school ROTC instructor at a pretty big high school so there's always something similar happening. I always tell him how much I respect him because high school students can be quite the challenge!

Ally- I feel you, but that made me giggle! I ended up buying breathe right strips from Amazon and they have made a huge difference! I feel like a pig though, with the noises I apparently make and how I feel.

Literati- have fun with your Christmas this weekend! Im jealous, dh is making me wait until Christmas Day before we celebrate. Im so impatient!

I always reply on my phone (it's easier than my computer) and lately the ads have been more ridiculous! Sometimes they don't pop up until I've scrolled halfway down the page already, definitely triggers a growl from me.

Mrs.green- have fun with the maternity photos! And don't worry, not dilated at all here either. It'll happen eventually!

Dh and I (well mainly me) have decided to stay home for Christmas this year. Otherwise we would have to visit my mother and her family, my dad and his wife, and MIL side of the family. This year I'm just not feeling it and don't want to pick any to just skip, so they all get skipped. Finally told my mother because she asked what time we would be coming, and of course she took it how I imagined. She got all passive aggressive and complained about me behind my back and kept repeating "it's fine, it's up to you" but then would get mad at me. She's been trying to stay on my good side since I got pregnant like she thinks she's going to get to babysit all the time or something. Not happening for many reasons! MIL is polar opposite and took it perfectly. She understands and is even offering to cook for us and bring us our gifts. She's seriously a dream. And my dad is probably going to be upset but won't show it. He obviously doesn't understand the being pregnant part, and his wife never had kids and doesn't get it either, which is one of the reasons I think they go a little overboard with the excitement at times. We are going with them this evening to get coffee and look at Christmas lights (it's a little tradition) so hopefully that's good enough for them ha!
Wow, I'm sorry that was so long.

We also really for real need to get her dresser painted and done. It'll help me clean and organize her room and help me feel more prepared!
I made it to Xmas break! Woot!! I now have 2 weeks off! Phew! So glad you guys don't mind me ranting. :) Today was a MUCH better day.

Greats - I used to teach middle school before I moved up to high school and I hated it. I much prefer the high school kids' attitudes, but each group of kids is different and so are teachers. Some are great with MS kids and some handle HS kids better. :)

I'm not getting any breast pain but I am doing all the stuff I can to help with the cervix. :)

Ally - My DH Told me I've been snoring for awhile now also! :haha: I didn't snore before. :dohh:
Angel - Glad you're on break! Any plans during it?

Vrogers - We're probably going to be home for Christmas as well. The only family Christmas we have will be during new years weekend. Part of me feels like baby will already be here and DH already said that we are absolutely not going if baby is here. I don't want to either, but it's nice to have him on board. My brother, his GF, and their two sons will probably be over on Christmas. I would like it to be just us to be honest, but I want them to have a good day. I'm just tired and being around people is exhausting right now. Turning into more of a hermit than normal!
Right now the big plan is sleeping and resting my hips/pelvis!

But this weekend we have birth classes, which I'm excited but kind of nervous about. It's the equivalent of the 5 week course but in 2 days instead (9-3:30, with a lunch break). So it'll be a really busy weekend but I think I'll feel better after the class, which also includes information about registration, labor techniques, and the hospital tour. I'm just not thrilled that my first day of "break" and I'll still have to get up at a decent time tomorrow. :p

As for Xmas - we talked about going to visit our parents (both of our parents live in the same town about 3 hours from here) but I'm not comfortable being that far from the doctor that close to due date so my mom is coming up here. That will be interesting.... her smoking is a major problem for both my sister and I (we're both very allergic, it's her #1 trigger for migraines and my #1 trigger for my asthma) and yet our mother completely disregards how it could affect our health, insisting that she smokes outside so we can't complain (except she carries the smell so strongly that the minute she opens the door to come in we both have reactions, even if we are on the opposite end of the house! :wacko: ). It's going to lead to a blow up, I'm sure. We've told her she has to stop or she wont' be watching our baby in the spring like she wants to, but even though she agreed she's not even started to try to stop or switch to a vape, so I think she figures we won't be willing to spend the $ to hire a nanny and so she doesn't have to worry about it. She'll be sorely surprised to find out that we've already decided we'll pay the $1500 for a nanny before we will let her watch our baby while smoking.

And, I want to say, I mean absolutely no offense to anyone who smokes. Our big concern is that my lungs are very weak, which lead to a multitude of respiratory issues all the time, and I'm already worried about passing that genetic issue down to my child. I don't want to add anything else to possibly make her worse. The smell is so bad on my mom that I can't get by without using an inhaler multiple times a day when she visits, which is sad since I haven't had to use my inhaler in months. I'm not willing to risk putting my baby through that kind of discomfort. :(
Angel - I don't have medical problems that make it worse, but I definitely hate cigarettes and other tobacco products. I don't want them around me or my children, unfortunately the majority of my family smokes. I grew up around it and ALWAYS hated it. So did my brothers, but each them have taken up the bad habit. I use to get ear infections a lot and I think it was from all the smoke. It's one of the reasons I hate going over to my Dad and Stepmom's place. I can't stand the smell of it. Although I hate it on many levels the only reason I ever ask people to stop is for their health. Also, to respect my wishes of me not wanting it around my children.

As you said, I mean no offense to anyone.

I actually had a coworker tell me to pick up smoking multiple times so that I wouldn't have a large baby. She's the one I don't really like. Plus, has told me countless times that if I want a break I should just pick up smoking. For someone who is really against it, that just rubs me the wrong way.

I really how your little one doesn't get the same problems! Genetics can be scary.
Slammer- I get in that purging mood from time to time as well. It is hard to resist the urge to get rid of everything in those moments.

VRogers - sounds like a few people are feeling like Christmas with family is too much this year. I hope you have a relaxing one at home. I'm glad at least your MIL was supportive.

Angel - congrats on making it to Christmas break! That will be amazing to relax for a couple weeks. That sounds frustrating about your mom's smoking. I can't stand the smell of smoke and definitely wouldn't let my baby be exposed to it either. I hope she will try to be sensitive to your wishes.

Ali - at least you will still see some family around Christmas time. It will be nice to keep it low key when so heavily pregnant. You could definitely be right about already having your baby at new year's! I would still want to celebrate with my parents/sister/BIL if I had my baby, but I don't think I would want to see any extended family or any of DH's family with a brand new baby! It would just be too overwhelming. I am extremely obsessed with Christmas though, so I can't even imagine missing my family Christmas! DH and I will be spending Christmas Eve and day just us though, as my family is celebrating on Boxing Day this year.

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