January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali-yes, I've definitely become a hermit as well! I don't blame your dh at all, I'm not going anywhere with the baby for awhile when she's here and definitely not something with a ton of people. It's good he's on board with you!

Angel- I hear you on the smoking thing. I don't have any health problems with it, just not a fan of the smell. My mom and stepdad and brothers (so everyone at my moms) smoke and I've always hated the way it will stick to my hair and clothes. I don't blame you at ALL for not wanting smoking around baby, we feel the same way and it's one of the many reasons my mom won't ever have her. I mean no offense to any smokers as well!

Literati- I am glad it's not just me, makes me feel better because I felt like a terrible person for deciding not to grin and bear it! Thank you, I will make it relaxing with Christmas movies and cookies :)
Yes, smoking is definitely not my friend! My mom moved in with us a couple months ago as she is going through a nasty divorce from my step dad, but she smokes. But she is not allowed to smoke inside at all, and since it's been so cold here the past couple weeks she can't stand to be outside for more than a couple drags, so she is slowly starting to quit! She used to smoke a pack a day, now it's 1 cigarette in an entire day, if that.

I have definitely become a hermit as well! We aren't going anywhere for the holidays when normally we end up going to 5 different places! We offered to host the in laws xmas eve, but they're all quite ridiculous about breaking tradition so they can all f*ck off for all I care lol

I forgot who asked me, but yes I am currently a SAHM... I used to be a police officer but quit 2 years ago to stay home. But am going back to work in April, just not as a police officer.

I'm almost positive I'm starting to dilate as baby's head is constantly hitting my cervix all day long now... I had the same with dd#1 and got to 4cm dilated before I was even 38 weeks. I get checked on Monday morning so we'll see!
lit- have fun on your early xmas celebrations! Not much planned, except some tidying and work. Might go out for dinner with dh tonight

ali- yah i do feel a bit stuffed up. Hope you find time to dtd. We did last night but for a while after i cramped and felt a little sick... you are sounding very organised. i need to finish hospital bag.

mrs green- oh i have been laughing at my snoring also, dh finds it amusing too. What to do but laugh eh haha.

vrogers- i feel like a pig too lol! oh how i love pregnancy. xmas at home sounds nice and relaxed- sorry to hear about your mum being upset about it though.

angel- yah for xmas break!! the classes sound exciting!! i totally understand the smoking

my dh smokes, but its a bad habit he has had since about 15.I dont smoke, and since we have been together, he has cut down so much that he hardly smokes now. He is always considerate too, and takes it outside. never smokes in front of children and would never near baby. Hope he fully stops, but i know its hard for him after so many years of it. plus all his family smokes, but i will be sure to tell them to not smoke around baby.

greats- exciting about how you may be dilating!!

Anyone else feeling extra hungry? i am starving all the time, but goodnesss i hate the thought of gaining more weight!!!!
Greats - I was the one who asked! What position do you think you'll go into when you go back?
Definitely sounds like you could be dilating! That's exciting.

Ally - well I hope you have fun. Supper out would be nice! I am also extra starving! I ate all my snacks at work yesterday and didn't have any extras left in my desk and I was famished! Ended up begging a danish off a co-worker (also pregnant, so she gets it! Haha). There really is no way for me to "watch my weight" at this point because I'd be absolutely starving and miserable and all times if I did.

VRogers - cookies and Christmas movies are an excellent plan. What are some of your favourite Christmas movies? DH and I need to decide on one to watch Christmas Eve.

I have been more of a hermit this entire pregnancy, but since 30+ weeks I've been slightly more sociable. As much as there are a LOT of crappy symptoms in the third trimester and I am getting really sick of pregnancy at this point, I find that my personality starts to come back a tiny bit in the last trimester. But my normal self is a hermit as well! Haha. Socializing is exhausting.
Literati- I have too many probably! Elf, all of the Santa Claus movies, polar express, the grinch...those are my favorites! We have so many on DVD, dh teases me haha
That's a good thing you are more social at the end! I wish I was, I'm sure I'll miss adult interaction when I'm home with an infant all the time. I'm generally more of a hermit as well though!
Literati, I'm not entirely sure... I finally graduated with my Bachelor's in Business Administration this past May, so I'm trying to get in with the Secretary of State doing what my husband does, or possibly banking. We'll see, I'm planning on starting to apply every where probably in February. I'd really love to work as a records clerk for a police station but those positions are very difficult to come by because it's great pay, great hours, and a solid career.
VRogers - those are some good ones for sure! And, yes, I definitely did get a bit lonely when I was home all the time with a baby even though I can tolerate (and prefer) a lot of solitude. Make sure you have a friend or two you can call up for a visit once in a while!

Greats - good for you finishing up your degree! It sounds like you of all people should be extra qualified to be a records clerk with your experience as a police officer and your additional education! I hope you get that position! But if not I hope you get another amazing job that you love! :) That would be cool working for the Secretary of State!
lit- glad im not the only one eating lots extra! feeling super tired today. dh and i are hermits for sure haha.

it feels so surreal that are will all be having our babies soon!! i am so excited . who will be first!
I'm also going to be looking for jobs while I'm on leave. I'm determined that 2017 is my year to get a government job and get out of contracting.

Overdid it a bit today with DD. Took her to the library and then spent too long at the mall getting presents for DH and buying random things in Target. The walk back to the car weighed down with bags was slow and painful. But at least we didn't spend the day in front of the TV!
Thought I posted earlier, but it was on my phone and must not have gone through.

Lite - I'm bigger on Christmas now than I was in my younger years. Christmas became a time of stress for my parents (especially my actual mother) and it ruined it for me. I can't remember how old I was but I started telling them I didn't want anything, that it's fine. I was probably 12-14 years old. I was more about family anyways even younger than that. The sour moods ended ruining it for me completely for awhile. It's been better since I have DH and DS. I love gifting people, but I'm not big on receiving and never have good suggestions to give people.

Glad you've been more sociable! My socialization is almost nonexistent since DS. I'm mostly fine with it till DH starts going out and doing things with friends. I'm glad he's going out, but I feel so excluded.

Greats - Baby is down low and putting pressure on me, but I don't think I'm dilating at all. I could be effacing, but I don't believe I'm dilating unless I start to see more bigger chunks of plug. I've seen what was probably small bits, but nothing significant.

I really hope you find something you enjoy! Even if you don't get into something you really want at first, keep trying for what you want. I'm hoping I get into a place that runs under a big hospital so I have the choice to move spots after 6 months. The one I'm looking at has clinical positions that are great hours and pay just as well as a floor nurse. Then down the road when I have a more flexible schedule I can transfer into something I really want.

Slammer - I am always proud of myself when I get up and get out with DS, but it usually is super exhausting and not without a tantrum. I feel better as a person, though. He's been kind of hooked on TV and crap lately because I don't have the energy and I feel horrible about it. I've been trying to keep things off for longer periods lately. He usually is happy if I'm up doing something around the apartment because then he can join in. He use to be so good! It got ruined these last exhausting months. I know I can get him out of it, but it'll be a battle.

Ally - I'm not really eating more, but I'm definitely more hungry! Started a week or so ago. I noticed I wasn't able to skip supper like I was. I know it's not good, but I just wasn't hungry and had no energy to make anything, so why bother?!

I did manage to get a session in the other day with DH! We have a four day weekend together over Christmas. I told him we have to go on a marathon! :haha: It'll be a good time, I'll be almost 39 weeks! So if my body is ready at all that'll be a good push, I think! If not then at least we had a good go at it before DS2 arrives!

I'm glad I'm not the only hermit! I think I'm going to go stir crazy this winter, though. Guess it will help once I find another job. I wish I had more places to take DS, though.

Well, I got all of our NB and 0-3 month clothes washed. Only a few had stains and I was able to get them out. There are just two pieces that have a little bit left, but I think I can get it out of one and the other is just a white onesie so not a big deal to replace. Finished packing baby's portion of the hospital bag. I still need to throw in some undergarments, socks, and shirts for me. Other than that I should be good to go other than grabbing chargers and my camera. The car seat is also put together. I almost forgot to put the newborn insert in and the strap protectors.

I have gotten a lot done, but I still don't feel organized. The place still feels like a disaster to me, which is partly because I've been reorganizing and things haven't found their new home. Slowly I'm getting it done. It's just exhausting!

DS got to "play" in the snow today for a short while. He actually just stood out in it laughing and talking, holding a teddy bear. It was super cute! He definitely was not wanting to go back in, but he was getting caked with snow that was falling and his little face was cold! We got several inches.

So, I'm wondering if my extreme pain I get in my hips when I've been up too much is SPD. I never had it with my first, so I never really thought about it.
Finally dtd last night! Dh offered and I, quite literally, jumped on him. It wasn't at all romantic and tender - haha! But it was just what I needed. I felt bad afterwards because I didn't really give him a chance. I'll try to get him in the mood again soon and take it easy next time - haha!
AliJo, I never lost any pieces of my plug with my first until I was past 4cm dilated. I just remember her headbutting my cervix constantly and somehow that got me to 4cm at 37+6 lol

I finally packed mine and baby's hospital bag. Just have a medium size duffel bag that we are sharing. I overpacked last time so I kept it simple... few outfits, hats, just general warm clothing for baby since it's freezing here, and 2 comfy outfits for me (yoga pants, tank tops, zip up hoodies, socks, ballet slippers, sports bras). I have my makeup and toiletries in a makeup bag in the bathroom since I'm still using it so can just grab that on the way out. Not too worried if I forget something though because my hospital is right down the street from our home lol

I FINALLY did my hospital pre-registration... been putting it off for ages so now that's all done.

All I really have left to do is to install the infant carseat base... but can't do that till Monday because I'm supposed to be getting our new convertible car seats for the older two... had to get the Diono Radian RXT for both in order to fit 3 car seats in our car. Thank god Zulily had them for basically half off last week so we essentially got one for free.
38 weeks. Agh.

My midwife brought a homebirth supplies box over.

Carseat needs a wash but we wont need it hopefully yet.

Moses is up. Bags packed incase. I need to do an emergency bag for kids just incase x
Ali- Super cute about your ds playing in the snow! glad you got a session of dtd in.

newbie- that did make me laugh. DTD doesn't feel romantic or tender to me these days either, it's literally jump on dh and get some action then go to sleep haha.

Greats- sounds like you are all organised with bags. I have babies done, need to do mine asap.

midnight- you are so close now! i really wonder if you will be first, eeek!

not much to report. Have felt a bit more crampy but that is it. Got car all cleaned yesterday and out car seat in. Just need moses and to pack my hospital bag. Also need some breast pads and nursing bra.
Ally2015, you make me feel a bit better! I kept apologising to dh afterwards because I felt like I got what i wanted but he didn't necessarily enjoy it as much as he could have. He made me laugh afterwards when he commented that I had put on weight - no sh*t! Haha!

Can't believe how close we're all getting! Wishing all of you the best over the coming weeks. I started the dates today in preparation - hope they work!
Hope you are all ok. I felt bad as dont want to DTD :( but try occasionally... lol

Had energy surge cleaned bathroom and hoovered. Still a ton to do.
newbie- haha i think dtd will be more passionate and romantic once baby here. I feel like a mini hippo, not exactly sexy or attractive. i've been having dates everyday, all finished just now so need to stock up.

midnight- all good thanks, im sure you'll get everyone done, allocate tasks to each child :D

ordered some cellular blankets, nipple cream and breast pads and nappy sacks. tomorrow going shopping with my mum for moses basket - nearly all organised now!
was supposed to go out fo dinner last night with dh, but was too tired. going today instead, to a nice japanese place. looking forward to it :)
Ali - that's too bad Christmas was a stressful time of year for your family when you were a kid. I'm glad you're enjoying it a bit more now.

Sounds like everyone is getting very prepared with baby supplies, hospital bags and more. I haven't done up a bag yet but I am a couple weeks behind everyone. I do feel somewhat prepared now though.

Yesterday I started getting a bit of lightning crotch and other pressure in my cervix so I am not sure if that means baby dropped a bit or if my cervix is just getting more effaced (like Ali, that's all I anticipate it would be doing)!

We had a pleasant Christmas celebration with DH's family. :)

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