January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Lite - I keep hoping baby will drop some. I suspect he'll just stay where he is until he's ready to come. I'm holding lower than I did with my first. In the beginning it was similar, but I'm definitely holding him lower now.

Midnight - That reminds me. I want to hit the carpet once more before baby arrives. I spot cleaned the other day since DS decided to spill something with red dye in it. Mostly got it up. So glad this carpet was crap before I ever moved in and I know they're just going to tear it out irregardless. The water still came up brown. I just don't get how!!

I'm also hoping for after Christmas. Mainly because if he comes right before, we don't have anyone to watch DS. We could probably work something out where DH basically has to watch him till it's time to push then my dad/stepmom/brother watch him during that. It's not a guarantee that any of them will be there, though. The doctor may hate me if that's the case because DH will be there even if DS is there. You're not telling me otherwise!

I don't really want to DTD either. When I do get into it, it's nice. The problem is getting myself to want it in the first place. Would be nice for at least one of my pregnancies to make me want it more instead of less!

Also, congrats on 38 weeks!!!! Tuesday for me! I'm so excited!

Newbie - Good luck with the dates! I have had 6 a day except I forgot two days in a row once. DTD hardly feels romantic anymore! I constantly have to shift because something is uncomfortable. I can't breathe so I'm constantly pulling away from him to get fresh air and apologizing. He definitely doesn't mind, but it sure feels awkward for me! :haha: I feel like a bloated fish out of water. I keep referring to myself as a blobfish.

Ally - Ugh we need to clean our vehicle something fierce. REALLY don't want to stand in the cold and do it. Although, I can handle the cold much better while I'm pregnant, it doesn't make it completely bearable. Plus we need to get our new tires on it this week. Driving in the snow is a bit more scary when there isn't much trend on your wheels. I'm feeling a bit more crampy as well, but it's always a toss up between gas or uterine. It's obnoxious how similar they feel right now. I could always tell the difference, but not now. Which me being crampy from gas is a newer thing, because normally it's not an issue.

Greats - It's so strange how you can retain your plug even when it's that far dilated. Were you 4 cm dilated all the way through? I also need to call and see about getting registered at the hospital in town. It's literally down the street for me as well. Just two blocks. Most likely I'll be going there to make life easier for DH. I don't want to just walk in and be all "Hey.. I'm in labor, so deliver me!" They don't deliver many babies. The L&D is often closed. Most likely even if I'm registered I'll have to go in through the ER. Unless I do labor at home and keep them updated.

With all of us getting closer, we're definitely more talkative during the weekends! I keep expecting "I'm having contractions" from someone!! I don't have anything to report. I will say that yesterday morning I half wondered if I was leaking fluids because I felt wet, but not like my pants or anything were wet. I was in bed then went to the restroom and swore I felt some fluid come out. I didn't even think to look for a chunk of plug in the toilet so it might have been that. I laid back down for awhile and repeated and nothing, so all was good!

I work the next two days and I'm dreading it. Mainly because I'm so sore. My hip has been yelling at me continuously and even doing some things around the apartment makes it so I can hardly walk if I rest for even a short while.
I'm so jealous of all you dtd :haha: mentioned to dh Friday evening that we hadn't done it in awhile but he was exhausted from work, and I have a doc appointment tomorrow and seeing how my doctors hand will be up in me i would rather not do it today ha! Plus I'm procrastinating shaving till last min because it is absolutely exhausting to do

Dh finally got the dresser sanded so we are going today to get primer and paint swatches. It'll take a few days to dry before we can actually paint so I'm thinking we'll finish it juuuust in time

I tried to start the dates a few days ago at exactly 36 weeks and got 2 down before dry heaving enough that I had to quit. Guess I'm going to be trying something else!

I can't wait to start seeing cute squishy baby pictures!
Ali- lol I get breathless too during dtd it's so annoying & defo makes sex less romantic.

Vrogers- hope appt goes well. Shame about dates. I heard raspberry leaf tea is good too.
Can't sleep! Heartburn and acid reflux are hitting badly again. I'm so pleased I've started Christmas vacation as this is the second night in a row and there's no way I'd be able to go to work in the morning. Looking forward to when this baby drops a bit to see if that helps. I've also got pain in my upper back which makes finding a comfortable sleeping position difficult. My bottom ribs on my right feel bruised like he's kicking me badly there... ugh... rough pregnancy night tonight...

Complaining done... sorry.
Newbie, sorry about the bad heartburn! Hang in there!

AliJo, I had been 1cm dilated at 36 weeks +some days and was expecting to be the same when they checked me just shy of 38 weeks, but nope, went to 4cm in a week without losing any plug, no bleeding or spotting, no loss of fluids, etc just baby constantly grinding into my cervix lmao

I overdid it this weekend. Seriously so exhausted. Getting checked tomorrow at my appointment. I'm hoping to be 1cm dilated but trying not to get my hopes up.
Greats - Interesting!! Hope your body is making some progress! I'll probably have to wait till next week to get checked. I won't bother asking.

Newbie - Do you take anything for it? I have to otherwise I'm beyond miserable. It'll keep me awake and everything. I can not eat or drink for hours and if I lay down it starts up. I know it really sucks to have! Baby is lower for me this time around and I have heartburn probably 10x worse. I had bad rib pain with my first. Hopefully once he's born it's no longer there! Mine got pushed out of place and were sore for 3 months.

Vrogers - What color are you thinking for the dresser? I've been looking for one because we don't have one. I really want an espresso colored one, since that's what his crib is. Although, that color has really fallen off the popularity list. The one that matches the crib is still available, but I'm not paying 125 dollars in shipping!!

You can look into evening primrose oil as well. If not, baby will get here one way or another!

Well I'm off to bed. I get to work the next two days so I'm sure I'll find something to complain about! Bet you're all eager to hear it! :haha: My hip is killing me. I'm going to probably call and see about getting an alignment done. Might help baby get into position as well. Then I have an appointment on Thursday.
Ally- thank you, I heard about the tea, just haven't gotten my hands on any yet. I did get a pineapple today and also have some evening primrose oil haha

Newbie- my baby has dropped quite low and I still have a decent amount of heartburn. Although now it's been much worse on my bladder! At least we just have a few weeks left of being uncomfortable, there's an end in sight

greats- also getting checked tomorrow and hoping to be dilated, I hope we both are!

Ali- just saw you mentioned the evening primrose oil! I used it the cycle I got pregnant (from end of period until right before ovulating) because I read it was supposed to help the uterus with implantation or something along those lines, and I was paranoid about the chemical pregnancy I had had last December. I'm most likely going to start that again here soon!
we are doing white on the dresser! I was actually wanting to do espresso colored furniture but thanks to Pinterest realized white furniture would look better with the color scheme I chose. Her crib is white so we are matching that color. We already had a light brown colored dresser before, so dh stripped/sanded it and will be painting it when the primer dries. Holy cow, don't blame you for not wanting to pay that shipping price!
I say you are welcome to complain all you want the next couple days with work and how uncomfortable we are!
newbie- so sorry to hear, hope yoi are feeling better :(

greats- hope appt goes well, do update after

ali- haha definitely eager to hear... this is the place to rant!

vrogers- i have heard about the pineapple too, do you know it is about the pineapple that is good? I am going to buy rasberry leaf tea today, my SIL said it really helped with her labours.

ive been really crampy, and feeling pressure. Also i noticed i need to pee more, and when i do i feel like my bladder is about to burst, even though not much pee comes out. i wonder if this is due to baby being lower?
nothing else to report really,going to get moses basket later with my mum. Need to tidy bedroom and make space for it.
Hey all.

I have not tried any 'bring it on remedies' im a bit scared too incase I have 'sudden onset' again?

My Oh phone has completly broke. Crap timing. I have a work number if I need to call him but still sucky timing! Pants.

I feel ok. My eldests 2 kids are a bit nervous for me now so I just want this all over. Dont feel too bad but I will by this afternoon no doubt lol x
Heartburn hasn't actually been so bad the last few days. I didn't even notice until now, but that's a relief.

AliJo - I feel like I'm carrying this one lower than my first as well. At my scan the girl was saying that his head was really low. I'm starting to feel a bit of pelvic pressure and stabby cervix pains now and then. Sometimes when I'm relaxing on the couch baby seems to really be grinding his head (and hands?) around my pubic bone, shifting back and forth. It's weird. I don't think DD did that.

DH's work (bartender) had a customer appreciation day yesterday with free food and Santa. I took my parents with me and DD because I didn't think I could handle it alone (DH was working the bar). Got some good pics of her behind the bar pulling a pint with him. :)

Hibernation mode now I think. Decided we're staying home for Christmas, so my parents are going to see my other local sister that day and DH, DD, and I will just have our own little Christmas. Hopefully we'll see my sisters the following weekend (if they come down to us...I'm not making any long drives, lol).
Yes, I'm taking gaviscon. I had a supply of tablets, but I ran out so I'm back on the liquid, which I find less effective.

Hmmmm... baby's head rubbing on your cervix doesn't sound comfortable at all! Not sure I'm looking forward to that, although as I type, I think he might be exploring that area - lol!

Today, I returned a couple of gifts I got at my shower. One was a duplicate, but the other was just not my style at all. I don't know what she was thinking! Lol! However, the place she got it from (she conveniently (and accidentally) included the receipt) is in an obscure location. I never knew it existed, but it is a fabulous little boutique baby store that has some super cute clothes and other imported products that are really hard to find here. I think the store owner is laughing at my sheer joy of all the things I found that I want to buy! I'll go back with my mum next week.
Ally- it's supposed to help soften the cervix, it has some kind of enzyme that apparently helps. I'm not sure how much I would have to eat for it to help though, but I love pineapple anyway so it's all good!
It does sound like your baby has dropped, that sounds exactly like how I've felt!

Midnight- wow you're so close!

Slammer- exactly our plans with the whole staying home thing! I wouldn't even have to drive far, I just don't feel like visiting 3 different households this year ha!

Newbie- I would be in trouble if I found a shop like that! I got a couple duplicates and things that weren't quite my style at my shower as well, but decided to keep the duplicates just in case and also wasn't sure where everything came from, so the things I won't use I will probably donate!

Have my 37 week appointment in a couple hours, think it'll just be BP check, pee in a cup, hb checked and cervix check. Really wishing I could get a growth scan but doesn't look like this place does those!
Forgot to mention last week my BP was "borderline" according to my doctor. It wasn't high enough to do anything about but she said we'll keep an eye on it. Hoping it's lower this time!
Hope your BP is lower today vrogers. High blood pressure isn't good! I wish I'd been at work today to get the doctor to check mine. I'm sure it was low again.

I have kept other duplicates, but this pack was truly redundant. I got about 6 newborn packs. I have two sitting beside me in a pile of things ready to donate to a charity because I know I won't use them and I'd much prefer someone who needs them to use them rather than go to waste sitting in my closet. I must confess, I'm also regifting a couple of things to someone in dh's family who is due shortly after me. We've got a whole bag of other stuff for her, so this is just a few extra things.

I finally washed some of baby's things today! It wasn't even a full load in my machine, but I completely ran out of clothes pegs/pins as I was hanging them out to dry. Tiny clothes use so many! So freaking cute, though - especially those little socks... Aw.... I can't wait to meet him... :)
Ali - I am the opposite! This pregnancy I have been carrying so much higher than with dd1. With dd1 I constantly felt her grinding her head into my cervix/pelvis. It was so incredibly uncomfortable! The fact that I haven't felt any sensation in my cervix at all until a couple days ago is quite astounding to me! I still don't think baby has dropped fully but maybe she is a bit lower than before. Good luck on your last two days of work. You are FINALLY on your home stretch! :happydance:

Vrogers - I fear that would happen to me if I tried dates plain. I have been eating some sugary Christmas date squares that my mom always makes around Christmas time, though, and I can get those down okay. It is still too early for them to be doing anything though.

Newbie - So sorry heartburn/acid reflux are keeping you awake and bothering you so much! That really is great you're at least on vacation now. I know after a rough night I so wish I didn't have to work! I hope baby drops a bit for you soon. That definitely seems like it would help you a bit (although, tbh, baby dropping comes with its own major discomforts).

Greats - Sorry you overdid it this weekend! You really should try to relax!

Slammer - Sounds like a fun time at your husband's work customer appreciation day. That's good you'll be able to hibernate this Christmas. Again, it sounds like a lot of people on this thread are wanting that. I had been really looking forward to my family Christmas, but now my grandpa isn't in very good health and we are likely going to have to deal with extended family members (aunts and uncles who I'm not close with at all) wanting to stick around the whole time so that they can see my grandpa more since my parents have the biggest house for hosting. This is understandable, but they are very cold, grumpy and socially awkward people and will just make us all uncomfortable and take away our ability to relax and have fun. Oh well.

Vrogers - Hope your 37 week appointment goes well. I definitely hope your BP is back down. Sometimes my BP would be a bit high initially last pregnancy, but once I had sat down for a while she would take it again and it would be fine. Perhaps that will be the case for you?

AFM - Not much new for me. Last week of work before Christmas holidays finally! I also don't feel quite as fed up and ready for a nervous breakdown as I did last week. I was irritable all weekend but am in a better mood today. I could definitely use some relaxation time though and am wishing I had a day off before Christmas Eve to recoup first. Thankfully, Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day will just be the 3 of us, as we are not celebrating with my family until Boxing Day.
newbie-really hope the heartburn eases for you. newborn baby stuff is the cutest!

vrogers-hope appt goes well, i have mine tomorrow. was your bp lower?

lit- so very sorry to hear of your grandfather! i hope things go ok with all the extra guests. i can imagine that would be quite frustrating!

i went out shopping with my mum, got a small crib for baby, it is really pretty.
feeling so so fed up today, hate being so big and uncomfy.
Thank you, ladies. BP was 130/84 so about the same as last week. She said I could go ahead and get a BP monitor just to keep an eye on it at home and said it's really not a worry until it gets 140/90.
I'm only a finger tip dilated but she said even softer than last week. She said the baby is lower than she usually sees for a first time mom so at least there's two things going for me haha

Hope everyone else's appointments go well!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want smoking around the baby, I am always thinking people are going to think I'm "over protective" (My parents used to smoke very heavily when we were kids, in the house, and then they quit when I was 7, and mom took it up again when I was in high school). They used to make fun of their siblings or friends who wouldn't let people smoke around their kids because "we were just fine". And we were for a long time, my sister and I didn't develop a lot of hte problems we have until later in life but the smoke did cause some pretty significant weakening of my lungs which led to later respiratory problems.

I did talk to my mom and started crying on the phone when I was talking to her about my concerns (at our birth class they talked about how smoke increases risk of SIDS and I was able to use that too when talking to my mom). She was so very understanding (which is odd for her, honestly), and has promised to do her very best to have quit and at least have switched to vape before she's here regularly and then try to work on stopping the vape after that.

AFM: 37 weeks today! :happydance: I'm officially at "term" according to my doctor. Except of course doctor doesn't consider me 37 weeks until Thursday, so by her standards I have a few more days.

This weekend DH and I went to a 2-day birthing class. It was SO INFORMATIVE. They almost cancelled it because our instructor was really sick and no one would cover, but there were 3 of us signed up who are due within a month and they had no other class to offer us so they found two different women who were willing to split the class up between the two days.

Afterwards DH told me that he didn't realize just how involved the whole process was, and that he's glad we went because he felt it was really informative and it was certainly "not a waste of a weekend" (which is good because he was kind of frustrated that we were spending our entire weekend, 2 days of 9-3:30, in the class). I'm so glad he felt as good about it as I did. We went through all the processes and stages of labor, what to expect in terms of what our body is going through, pain, emotions, etc. They talked about labor coping techniques and had us practice different movements and different breathing techniques - and then we were practicing on day 2 while holding ice (which really helps you simulate the pain a little). And labor partners got a lot of practice in what to do to help us through it.

Day 1 was all about labor. Day 2 was talking about what to expect for C-sections (planned or unplanned), postpartum care, what to expect for recovery, the hospital policies on skin-to-skin and all of that, plus how to's on breastfeeding and newborn care. Honestly, I think this class was one of the best decisions I've made. I feel a lot more ready (informed!) for birth. Plus DH now feels more confident in what he should do and what to expect. :) When we came home yesterday he was saying we need to start putting together a hospital bag and figure out what we want in it. I think he now feels a lot more involved (he realized just how involved he needs to be as a support person), and wants to be part of the process. :)

Sorry, that was so long!

Ali - Your coworker sounds stupid. Sorry. Smoking just to prevent a "big baby" is not healthy or smart in any way! Neither is taking up smoking just to "get more breaks" at work. Ugh.
Okay I'm replying in two bits because I was tired of trying to keep up with everything while writing a reply - it's not htat easy to do! I need to check in more often. :haha:

Sounds like everyone is getting ready with their hospital bags! We need to pack ours. Probably will work on that this week. I need to pick up a few things still and get some last minute things put together (like putting the carseat in the car - we finally got one though!)

As for the "bring on baby" tricks: I'm doing 6 dates a day and I'm drinking "pregnancy tea" which I think is more of a trick for toning the uterus to make labor easier than for bringing on baby faster. I'm also doing kegels and pelvis tilts to help strengthen muscles for labor. I am incredibly jealous of all of you who are DTD!! I am off and on horny but usually at inconvenient times (like when DH is at work) and then when it would actually be convenient, I'm definitely not in the mood. :rofl: I really do feel bad for him at this point. It's been awhile since he's had any sex, and won't have any for awhile post-baby either.
Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. It sounds like everyone was super productive and getting things ready for babies!

As for smoking I'm so conflicted about this. I absolutely do not want it around my babies or even someone holding them smelling like smoke. The problem is, DH smokes. He always said he would quit when we got pregnant, never happened. Now that rhe babies could come anytime I actually freaked out a little last night thinking about it. I really don't want to nag because let's face it, it do t change anything. He just said "I know" so I'm not sure what that means...

My weekend was super busy.
Friday I had my doctors appointment (as you all know nothing is happening) then did the boudoir shoot and it was so much fun. I felt super comfortable! Just waiting for them to edit them and get them back to me. Saturday we took a few maternity pics in the snow. Not sure how amazing they came out but we had a blast. My MIL took them and we went with my BIL and SIL so it was more like hanging out and having fun. Sunday we had a pipe brake! So we cleaned the house and then just relaxed while it for fixed.

I think someone will be having a baby either right before or right after Christmas! Can't wait to see who it is.
Newbie - Nothing wrong with returning! Neither is regifting if you think the person will like it! I love washing baby clothes! I also love how washing a full weeks of baby clothes doesn't take up much room!!

Vrogers - Glad your BP didn't raise, but too bad it didn't drop! Hopefully it just stays around there and you don't have to worry too much. The dresser sounds nice! I keep looking for used that I could refinish even and nothing is popping up that I like.

Lite - I was actually wondering if this baby dropped some more today. My belly button hasn't popped and probably won't as it didn't with my first, but the top of it seems to be sticking out more. I was definitely feeling pressure today down there at work! Also if I push on his bottom.. I feel him put pressure into my cervix. Hope it's a good sign. Really hoping your Christmas break is great! I'm going to use the four days I have with DH as some family bonding time.

Slammer - Hibernate away! I'm about to join you on that!! I still need to buy stuff for Christmas dinner. I have no problem doing the dinner, but I don't want to do the dishes! Dishes have been my worst enemy during the third tri. I never even remotely want to do them.

Angel - I'm really glad the talk with you mother went well! Honestly I think you breaking down probably really hit her how much it means to you! It's sometimes easy to blow something off when someone just "talks" to you, but when their emotions show through it's hard to ignore.

Also glad you and your DH found the class really informative! Sounds like they have it set up pretty well. I think if we ever went it would have been more for DH's sake instead of mine.

I'm with you on being horny during the most inconvenient times!! My body just likes to play with my head.

Yeah, she's pretty ridiculous. Saying something like that to a pregnant woman AND being a nurse.. you'd think she'd know better and discourage it and instead of encouraging it. She's on a real high horse right now as well because she just got her RN recently.

Mrs.G - That's definitely a tough situations. My SIL and brother both smoked. She stopped when she found out she was pregnant and he went to vaping. He did really good for a long time, but went back to smoking and using chew. He only does it outside and he's not a heavy smoker, but I can tell she's a little annoyed about it. Yeah, the "I know" is a little hard to read. Maybe think of a constructive way to talk to him about it? Set goals towards quitting or cutting back. If he's not I guess it's better to know he's not going to than thinking maybe he will try and waiting.

Glad the photo shoot was fun!! Both of them at that! I know, bribe your DH with the photos to quit smoking!! :haha: One picture for every goal met!

AFM - Work wasn't bad today. I was working with a coworker I enjoy working with and took the easier cart. I actually got decent sleep before going in as well, which really made a difference! Tomorrow on the other hand.. ugh. I work with the obnoxious coworker that drives me up the wall and can't handle the heavy cart due to behaviors. That cart has a TON of charting, so I'll spend all my "lunch" trying to do that. I know I won't get a moment to rest and will be running the whole time while she goes and has several cigarettes. I really just don't even want to talk to her the whole day. If she tries to act like her day is stressful I'll be tempted to tell her to shove it.

Also may just be dropping down to PRN. Which means I won't be on the schedule and I'll only pick up hours. That way I have something to fall back on just in case I can't find something that works out. Or if I do find something it'll provide me with extra hours if I need them or I'll basically just "time out" if I don't ever pick up hours.

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