Ttc - Welcome and congratulations!!
Sadie - Congratulations and welcome!! You're due the day before me! Can you believe we're already 8 weeks?! My hunger was insane, but thankfully it's dying down. I've gained too much weight in such a short time. Some might be water weight, but it's still hard to look at!
Danser - !!! That's so exciting and I can completely understand being freaked out! I was wondering if we were going to get any twins!
Mrs.G - That's awesome!!! Congrats!!
Chit - I really don't have much for symptoms myself. When I think I'm getting a symptom it's gone in a few days. Nothing that screams I'm pregnant though.
Ej - Welcome and congratulations!!
WDW - I have a decreased sex drive. I did with my first pregnancy. Definitely no fun.. especially for my OH!
Country - Welcome and congratulations!! Sorry about your previous loss. Hope your appointment goes well!
KK - I'm right there with the weight. I'm up about the same in about the same amount of time and there just is NO WAY. I've been more active than normal. It's going to be really disheartening for them to put that weight in my chart! Oh well.. I really just want my little one to be growing and healthy.
Greats - Welcome and congratulations!! My brother before me is only 15 months older than me. I'll tell you.. we use butt heads like none other growing up, but we're super close now!
AFM - Finally got the chance to catch up. Sorry if I missed anyone!! I worked the last two days and I never have time to get on during that period. I'm 8 weeks already and it feels pretty insane! It's going by pretty fast so far. Thought it would be slow for me, but it isn't so far! Going to go get my fingerprints done today so I can get set up for my boards for my RN license.
Best of all.. my first appointment is today!! Going to start getting around soon to take my son to my aunt so OH can go. Hoping he can make at least most of the appointments. I'm debating on telling a few people after this appointment, but not sure yet.