January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Thanks for the concern, everyone. Got my blood work done yesterday so we'll see what it comes back as.

Ally - it's hard to say because I've had a stuffy nose/phlegm for probably 3 weeks now which could very well just be a cold, but some of the early symptoms of fifths are cold-like symptoms. Argh! Great for paranoia haha.
I am getting lots of crampy feelings and pressure as well. Hopefully our bodies are getting ready!

Ali - that is a lot of pressure to not be able to sit! I am also getting a lot more pressure in my cervix but thankfully it isn't that severe. Also getting some crampy BHs more and more. My body does seem to be prepping, although I know this carried on for weeks with dd1 and I'm expecting the same this time. Congrats on finally being done work! That must feel so great!
I can't handle outings with dd right now either. I also don't have nearly the energy (or patience) to deal with taking her out. Ugh. I'm so cranky again today. I need Christmas break NOWWWW! And a lot more sleep. I was hoping DD would sleep in a tiny bit for my day off today like she often does, but no such luck. :( Definitely having a nap later. I hope the Christmas party on Friday is fun. I don't think if I ordered anything on amazon that it would arrive on time at this point! But I am too cheap to pay for faster shipping haha. I think I mostly have to give up on stocking stuffers though. We have just been so busy this season, and I don't have the energy to go out Christmas shopping today!

Re: the ladies who have checked their cervix- I haven't done that but I don't blame you for being curious! I get my GBS test next week so if she offers to check then I will see if I am dilated or effaced at all.

Hope you all have a great day and last few days before Christmas! Of course, I'm sure I'll be on here lots before then!
Thanks for the reassurance Lit. Fortunately, the doctor said it wasn't a mole, but a benign skin legion that is harmless and easily treated... After deliver. The cream he said I need shouldn't be used during pregnancy. He suggested starting with vaseline to help soften it and help kick start treatment. Big relief.

I'm so fascinated by everyone's different progression. We're all at similar stages (it helps that I'm a mid-month due date, so halfway between most of our stages), but experiencing such different things. I've got increased gas and bowel movements as well (although dh has TERRIBLE gas right now - and he can't use pregnancy as an excuse!). Haven't had my cervix checked yet, but I'm not surprised because I'm still taking the progesterone suppository which should (in theory) prevent the cervix from dilating. I stop that on Thursday, so I expect he'll check my cervix at my next visit. Haven't had much pressure down there yet either, but I can still feel the baby quite high, so I'm not surprised. He's still kicking around my ribs.

I have now washed almost everything I need to get started. Tomorrow I'll pack baby's hospital bag and get started on mine. I've got nursing singlet tops, super absorbent pads, flip flops, lounge pants, cardigan and a few toiletries set aside. I need to empty the bag I'm planning on using to repack it with hospital stuff. Dh is actually nagging me to get I'm to with the organised, so I'm to with normal nagging him to get the crib from his sister's place! I also wrote a list of things I still need to buy, which I'll get next week after my mum arrives - better to drag her around the shops with me than go alone!

Have a great day everyone!
Yesterday and today I've been feeling kind of off. Having lots of dull crampy feelings, like I get before my period would come on. Some radiating in the back, some down my thighs, and some just in the abdomen. My sister says it sounds like labor pains and to start timing them but it's hard to time when I don't really notice when they start I just notice I'm uncomfortable. They have been off and on though but not real frequent so I'm not worried about timing yet. Thinking it could be a good sign that labor might be coming soon though?

I've got my 37 week appointment today and they'll do US to check her position and I think they are also doing Group B Strep test. I am hoping she'll actually check my cervix because I want to know if there's anything going on!

Ali - I think you're right and that my break down probably made a big difference in how she reacted. She was so angry with my sister a few weeks ago when my sister tried to tell her how her smoking was affecting her she just blocked her out, and basically said she was going to do whatever she wanted. But I think me crying, combined with the fact that it's my child I'm concerned about, made a difference. NOw I'm just hoping she follows through. Not just for my sake, or LO sake, but for her own.

I can't get over the fact that it was a NURSE who was giving you that advice! I mean, seriously, what kind of health care professional does that?! :dohh:

Good luck with work and the annoying coworker! You know I once worked at a place where a couple of my coworkers started saying they were taking "Smoke breaks" whenever the regular smokers would come back in they would go out. The smokers were like "wait, you smoke?" and they said "Nope, but if you get to take a break to smoke, then I'm taking an equal break to get fresh air". Our boss started to try to say something but someone pointed out that they weren't making the smokers clock out for a smoke break so they were getting free breaks for having bad habits, and our boss just shut up and let them do it. Not sure that is remotely feasible for you, it's just something I remembered as I was typing my reply. :)

Greats - congrats on the 1cm! EVen though it doesn't mean much it's better than nothing!

Ally - Congrats on 37 weeks! My doctor in the US also considers 37 full term, even though a lot of other practices are calling 37 "near" and 39 "full". I like my doctor's version better. :haha: I'm right with you hoping that baby shows up within the week or so! I'm done!

Literati - it seems like just yesterday I was complaining about being only 35 weeks! I can't believe I am finally at 37! :) You'll be here too before you know it! I am drinking the red reaspberry leaf tea and I really hate it! :dohh: I steep it for 10 minutes and then I add honey to make it palatable. And I drink it quickly to get it over with. I was recently given a tea called "pregnancy tea" - it is red raspberry with a few other things in it and that mixture is much easier to stomach. Honestly I am NOT a fan of tea, especially the herbal teas like this. :wacko: I am just choking it down because I want to do whatever I can for my body....

Sounds like you are having a rough couple days. I'm so sorry to hear about the fifths disease!! I'm keeping FX that you are immune and everything is okay for you and baby. :hugs:

Chi - That sucks about the strep b. :( But that is a funny story! I haven't started leaking or anything, I didn't realize that could happen this soon!

Shobbs - Congrat son Mat leave! :) So exciting! :)

Slammer - I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to check my own cervix! :haha: I tried a couple days ago just out of curiosity. I know what I was looking for when TTC but I could barely feel it (if that was what I was feeling) because everything is so soft! I suspect mine is still pretty high. In early pregnancy (within the first few weeks after bfp) I had checked it once or twice and could still find it, though it was soft but not so high. Now I'm not sure I'm even reaching it.
Angel, yeah I can't tell if it's just out of my reach or if I don't know what I'm feeling for. My cervix was a lot lower after having DD, so I was just feeling around where I was used to finding it, but maybe it's gone higher.

I had a new mole develop while I was pregnant with DD. I never got it checked because it didn't seem to have any suspicious characteristics, and it hasn't changed since then. I also got skin tags and other little spots that cleared up after birth.

Nothing else exciting going on here. Might go to the mall with DD this evening to look for a present for her daycare provider. DH has to work tonight.
Oh wait, I do have something exciting. At the risk of jinxing it all...

DD is three and we still always have one of us lay with her until she falls asleep. Well on Saturday she randomly said she wanted to go to sleep all by herself. So I read her books, said goodnight, walked out...and she went to sleep! Four nights in a row we've done this now. I'm shocked and amazed. If she keeps this up it would sure be a great thing when it comes to handling two kids at bed time.
Slammer - Yay for DD sleeping on her own!! That's super exciting! I'd be jumping with joy and crying at the same time. :haha: She's at that age, though. Independence really starts to kick in.

Angel - I survived! Weird knowing I don't have to go back! They'd let me go out and take short breaks, but it's a bit annoying to see all the smokers doing it. The only smokers that generally don't are the CNAs. Which is pretty sad when all the ones that run the place will. I know the CNAs would get their asses chewed if they took as many as everyone else normally does. The laid back feel is nice until it negatively affects others.

She's.. morally challenged I think and doesn't realize it.

Hopefully those are all good signs for you! I've had some crampy contractions, but they're random and rare.

Newbie - Glad it was nothing! Yeah, pregnancy can bring on some strange things. I haven't had any skin changes really, but I know it's common.

Lite - I get the "free 2-day shipping" since we have prime. Yeah it costs yearly, but I think we get our money's worth. We use the video service, we order from there often, prime pantry can be nice, but we don't utilize it very much. There are other bonuses that we use. I saved 100 dollars on a 300 dollar convertible car seat once and was so excited. Had no idea until I went to pay for it and it was only 199 dollars. I was so confused then realized it was a prime exclusive deal. I'm definitely cranky as well, so you're not alone! DS is being whiny and clingy and I've been having headaches the last four or so days. It isn't my blood pressure, I checked as soon as I could. I think my body is just getting fed up.

I honestly don't feel like labor is close. I know it can just happen, but just doesn't seem like it will. I'm feeling kind of nauseous and overall not good today. I have another headache and I just want to sleep. I'm 38 weeks and I want to start seeing signs! Other than the random ones that don't stay enough for me to think much of it.
Slammer - wow, that's amazing! I hope she keeps it up! That gives me so much hope for my dd who also needs us to lie with her to fall asleep and I just don't have the energy to try to 'train' her to fall asleep on her own. Plus, I want bedtime to be a tears-free and comforting time for her, not a time of stress! I really hope someday she just asks to fall asleep on her own and does it, because that's probably the only way It'll ever happen!

Angel - that is good of you to force yourself to down that pregnancy tea! I'm glad one is easier on the stomach. Yeah, that's crazy you are 37 weeks now! So excited for you! All the cramping definitely sounds like your body preparing. Very early contractions feel like that, so definitely watch out if they become more regular or intense. Otherwise they're probably just your body preparing. :)

Newbie - I'm glad the skin lesion was nothing to worry about!

Ali - we must have posted at the same time. Sorry you're getting frustrated with no signs of impending labour! Still early yet though, and it definitely could happen all of a sudden. Maybe your nausea is a sign? Although be sure to mention those headaches and nausea to your doctor, even if your BP has still been good. I'm sure you are right that your body is just fed up though!
That definitely sounds like you get your money's worth with amazon prime. I do love amazon! So easy with such great deals!
Lite - Happens! I will, the nausea has been off and on the last month. Sometimes I just don't feel very good. It's never anything too severe, just obnoxious. The headaches are generally mild, but after months of pretty much never having a headache they're quite annoying.
Being tax free was always nice as well! Although, starting soon my state is going to be one of the taxed ones. Still find things cheaper, though!
Newbie- glad it turned out okay! I'm sure it was quite a scare for a minute there

Angel- that sounds like something starting, but only from what I've read as obviously I have zero experience to speak from!

Crazy that it's almost Christmas+ end of month and then baby month! I'm not having anything symptom wise but I know I still have a couple weeks, mainly just a little more cramping here and there but hopefully that's just dilating me more.
Hi ladies, sorry ive not been on for ages.. Ive been hassled with chest infection and unfortunately now my oh and 3 yr old are unwell. My teenager had it last week been a nightmare. 😔..
I had my last growth scan yesterday I'll be 36 weeks Tomoz, they said they thought my little fella was about 7lb 10oz.. They plotted him quite a bit above 90th cent.. I was undecided to go natural or section.. Ive had 3 natural but last was a struggle .. He was 9.7...I'm due 19th jan but plan is I go in to be induced on the 10th jan and if no joy they want to give me section on 12th 😁😁.. I'm going with the plan .. Not sure I'm happy with it but to be honest I don't know what I want.. I'd like natural.. Mainly for quicker recovery with having other little ones but I was hoping consultant would just advise what he thought was best option.. He explained options but left it to us really.. Only thing he said was section on 12th if no movement with induction if that makes sense.. Ive definately been getting lot more BH last week , baby is now head down, last night I was getting loads, quite uncomfortable and everytine I had one I got loads of pressure down back passge bit like b4 u need to push 😣..and shooting pains deep just above my pubic bone.. Was actually struggling to walk with it..I actually started getting bags ready and when other half came home from work I just started crying saying I don't want him to come yet lol ..im not ready 😣😣 ... I went for a long bath and felt much better after .. Lol.. talk about drama and hormones !! I think I might have just overdone it.. I feel very swollen down below, so he must be low down now ..
Seems like everyone ready for births now :)

I'm ready for xmas, have bits to do for baby but getting there..finished work last week thank goodness , but my planned week of chilling has ended up nursing my nearest and dearest lol...
Sorry for rant ... I'm trying best to catch up just doing it in bits between mummy cuddles at the min with my poorly little 3 yr old :( ️xx
Ali- my bowels have been more active also, i hope it is a sign!

lit- aw well fingers crossed they are just cold symptoms. Hope you get results back soon. im not a huge fan of the rasberry leaf tea, but i am managing my 6 a day dates so hopefully that is enough.

i also havent checked cervix, i didnt when ttc either but then it only took us one month and i am not sure what to really look for or feel!

newbie- so glad it was nothing to worry about, hope the vaseline helps. i am also fascinated by everyones progression! I am really excited to see babies! and i think it is exciting to follow everyones progression.

angel- how did appt go? ive had an increase in crampy feelings but it is random with no pattern to it.

slammer- that is exciting news about your dd sleeping on her own! must feel like a great milestone

ali- i am sure it's near for you, we know in the next few weeks it will all over over. i am so ready for this to be done!

vrogers- i am just the same as you, a bit more cramps and using loo more. might still be a bit early for more symtoms i guess.

apple- i think that plan sounds wise. but hopefully he will make his own entrance soon
Soooo tired today! With a massive headache that won't go away. Youngest is refusing a nap today (damn wonder week leap!). Told hubby when he gets home from work tonight that he's in charge of dinner and bedtime... I desperately need to lay down. Thank god my 4 year old has been a dream today. Hope you all are having a good day! Few more weeks, ladies!!!
They did the Group B Strep test today at my doctor appointment and did a quick US to see if baby is in position. Doctor said she's head down, and turned the right way and she said she's pretty low on my cervix which explains why I'm feeling her ram into my my cervix. Doctor is out of town next week, so she's hoping baby doesn't come until after the new year but she says it's probably a 50/50 chance that she'll come while she's gone, although she also said it's common for first babies to not come until 7-10 days after due date!

She did say to keep an eye on that crampy feeling I'm having and if it's happening about 4 times an hour we're still okay but if it starts happening every 5 minutes or so to go to hospital.

She didn't check my cervix, probably because she had so many other things to check today, but I think next week I might have a cervical check. Depends on the doctor I'm seeing. I'll see one of my OB's colleagues while she's out.

I'm still holding out that baby comes before the new year. ;)

Slammer - That's great! Hopefully she keeps it up!

Ali & Lite - I use prime all the time too. It does cost yearly but I use the streaming on occasion and I use the free 2-day all the time. I hate going to the store, so I'm constantly ordering things off Amazon and just having them shipped. :haha:

Ali - The headaches & nausea don't sound good. I would definitely mention them at your next doctor appointment. Those are questions my doctor always asks about so I assume it means something. I miss being tax free. What state are you in again? I grew up in Oregon, and enjoyed the "no sales tax". Then I moved to Texas (and now Washington), so I haven't been able to shop tax free in awhile. Though when we have Xmas my moms house we order things online and have them shipped to my mom's house to avoid paying sales tax because she's still in Oregon. Cheating the system :haha:
Apple - I'm so sorry you have sick loved ones! You do what you must and take care of them, but be careful not to over do it! Glad everything calmed down for you and baby is still cooking! Hopefully baby comes at a size easy for you! I know it's not looking it like, but there is still a chance. I guess I'd plan for the worse myself, though.

Ally - I know it's close either way, but I'm really hoping to go into labor naturally. They'll probably induce around 41 weeks.

Greats - Sorry you're so tired! I'm definitely exhausted and should have napped with DS, but I really wanted to get a good shower in.

Angel - I live in Iowa and they just passed something that will force Amazon to start charging sales tax. Super bummed about it! It is what it is, though.

The nausea is slight and the headaches nothing major. I'll mention it tomorrow, but I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. After just laying down for awhile, not sleeping, they both went away. I think the headache is making it's return, though.

Keep us updated on the cramping! Maybe you'll get lucky and baby will be here sooner rather than later!

My appointment is early in the morning. I don't expect anything to be done, but maybe. They don't usually tell you when you're going to get a cervical check till you walk in and they tell you to strip. Thanks for the warning! Then those flimsy paper sheets do me no justice! I won't refuse it because I want to know. I'm pretty sure I'm not dilated at all, though. Even though I know it doesn't mean much, I'll be bummed if I'm not. I also don't think baby is engaged at all.

Super tired and I expect DS to be up late. Until I start getting up earlier in the morning he's going to keep this late night schedule. I'm not going to bother trying to fix it, though. Baby will throw everything off anyways.
Day 5 of DD going to sleep on her own! She does wake in the night to come find someone, but seriously this just walking out of the room instead of laying there and sneaking away is the shiz! Literati I hope it happens for you someday! It came completely out of the blue, but like AliJo said - she's definitely trying to exert her independence these days.

Appointment tomorrow. Definitely going to ask about baby's position/how low he is because I am feeling more cervical pains and even rectal pressure.

Washing the car seat cover tonight and reinstalling that tomorrow. Really need to do my hospital bag for reals now.
Slammer - brill that your Lo is doing so well. I had a little chat with my 3 yr old a few weeks ago about his big boy bed 😉.. And we started a little routine ..teeth , last wee wee, story cuddle , sleepy time and mummy is just in bedroom doing some tidying lol.. And he can shout me if he needs me..he was a little unsure first night but no tears or anything and was still asleep with in minutes..I was shocked ! he has to have his cosy blanket and teddy.. Really cute ha..He now does it every night , he used to just sleep with us and we would carry him in but didn't mind that either.. But I am glad I tried this time, I had my older two with me for years.., we found after a couple of weeks he decided to try and push it a little bit and stay down longer we havnt got a strict time he goes up, We have just Sussed best way for us is to ensure he is tired b4 .. No late naps, and if he seems a bit hyper still leading to bed time we put his favourite song on YouTube on tv and he has a crazy 10 min dance ha .. Neighbours must laugh at us but it Works a treat ! Lol.. Oh and we make his last drink about 30 mins b4 as he was waking for toilet x
Lit - im sure your lo will be doing fine soon xx

Well it's 4. 30 am and sat on couch with little man tonight with his poorly cough.. bless him he is all over the place.. I just found it easier on here hopefully better soon and hope his little brother stays put ! :)

Wonder if we are gonna have any christmas arrivals ! ! 😄 ?? ️Xx
greats- hope your headache eases and you got some chance to rest last night.

angel- i have heard first babies tend to be late too, but i hope it's not the case with me.

ali- hope you are feeling better today, with no headache or nausea.

slammer- great about dd :) good luck at appt

apple- sorry your lo is ill, and hope he feels better soon.

nothing to report, got a few amazon things in post today, including nappy bags, breastpads and cellular blankets.
is everyone washing all baby clothes before baby puts them on, even new stuff in packets? i wasnt going to till i read online that many people do.
going to put a wash on tonight

i have most of stuff for my hospital bag, i just need a big bag, cant find my old ones. will see if my mum has one.

i think all i have left to buy is bottle sterilising kit, slippers for hospital and nappy changing mat. Almost there!
Apple - sounds like a great little routine you have going with your son! We don't have a set bedtime here either - depends on when she gets up in the morning and whether she takes a nap (which she doesn't do most days). Definitely best to wait until they are truly tired. DD's nowhere near night-time potty trained, though she's fantastic during the day. We just do a regular diaper at night.

Ally - yes, I washed everything new and hand-me-downs too. I like a fresh clean start. :)
I washed everything as well. But then, I often wash new stuff for me before wearing it too. My mum asked me if I wanted her to wash the stuff she's bringing before she comes but she's then going to wrap it up and pack it in a suitcase for about 30 hours at least. I declined. We'll do it when she's here.

Hospital bags for baby and I are mostly packed. I'll reassess what I've put in each next week. I'm sure I have packed enough stuff for either of us, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Incredibly thirsty today. Can't get enough water...
We dont have a set bedtime either. It does help to be more flexible I find!

Mw today. Nothing to report. Xx house a tip lol and so fed up

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