January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Just doing a quick update... will go back tomorrow to read everyone's updates properly.

1cm dilated! Woo! Even though I know it doesn't mean anything haha Earliest they will induce is January 9th, but not sure if I want to be induced this time. Had my Group B Strep swabs done... forgot how uncomfortable those are!
angel- soo glad classes went well!!! sounds like your dh is ready now and feeling more part of the whole process.
i have baby bag done, but still need to do mine.

mrs green- my dh smokes too, but very little now, about 3-5 times a day and only outside. Just raise your concerns with ur dh. It no good for baby to be around it or smell it.
oh yes i think there will be baby before and after xmas too!!! so exciting

ali- glad work was ok, and you got a good sleep. it really does make a big difference! also happy 38 weeks!!:)

greats- i cant remember but why might you be getting induced?

afm- 37 weeks yah! full term, at least in the UK. Have midwife later. my bump felt sore this morning and was crampy- but some of that may have just been gas.
really at the fed up stage now, i am hoping he makes appearance in the next week or so!
Greats - Definitely better than nothing! Anything involving exposing myself is uncomfortable to me!

Ally - Yep, good sleep sure makes a difference. Too bad that won't happen today. I was up later than I wanted to be and then woke up before 3 and between hip pain, heartburn, and DS not sleeping well I couldn't fall back asleep. So today will most definitely suck.

Thanks! 38 weeks is about the only good thing so far today! Happy 37 weeks to you!!

Off to be a crab ass at work!
I can't believe some of you are 37 and 38 weeks already! That seems like such a milestone. Your babies could come any day now!

VRogers - my doctor has never been concerned when my BP is around that number. I'm sure you'll be totally fine. Good that she wants to be cautious though.

Angel - I'm so glad your birthing class was so informative and that your DH enjoyed it as well. That's also great that your mom was understanding and is actually going to try to quit smoking for the baby.
Are you talking about red raspberry leaf tea? I don't know how so many people manage to drink that tea regularly! It tastes like elastic bands to me. I guess I might be doing nothing to prepare my body for labour and it will just have to cope haha.

Ally - Thank you. And I am fed up with being so big and uncomfortable as well. Hard to believe I could get any bigger!

Mrs green - wonderful about your boudoir and maternity photos. I agree that a baby should arrive right around Christmas. That's what I expect as well. I feel like this group is statistically lower on pre-term labour than average! But there is still someone bound to go early (besides danser of course).

Greats - still exciting to hear your progress even if it is only 1 cm.

Ali - you are so lucky your belly button has never popped out! Mine has been out for ages with this one and it popped last time too but took longer. It actually never fully went back in after dd1, and I absolutely hate it. :( That sounds like a good idea re: your job. That way you have a way to pick up hours if you can't find something right away. Would take some of the pressure off for sure. Good luck on your last day of work. I am glad yesterday wasn't too bad.

AFM - scratch the not being irritable anymore. I am SO cranky again today. Yesterday was overwhelming because I had a very mentally draining day at work and then had to drag DD by myself to a family steak night because DH had a migraine and stayed in bed for 21 hours straight. I never even got to see him yesterday (if you don't count the outline of his body in the dark :p). After the steak night where they served the supper way too late and I got super water logged and poor dd got trampled on by another kid after being knocked over on her back when everyone was running around, I remembered we had a work lunch pot luck today. I had intended to go to the store to buy ingredients for a salad, but at that point I was SO done with putting DD in and out of the vehicle and going out in the cold so I just made a dessert instead with ingredients we already had. Then put DD to bed and she wouldn't let go of me until midnight! Argh! So very very cranky today. Was hoping to mentally check out these last few weeks of work but now suddenly there's so much to do even though for months it was so slow. Grr!
At work, but just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone...and tell you a funny story!

Before I get to the funny story, just got my Group B strep results back and I'm positive for it, booooo. At least everything should be fine as long as I get treated with antibiotics during labor.

Now for the kind of funny story - yesterday the hubby and I were watching a show on Amazon and he was laying on my chest. He was occasionally turning in towards my side and kissing me, and you all know how kisses make a distinct sound...almost reminds me of the sound of suckling. So I'm thinking about how it kind of sounds like suckling, and next thing I know my husband says "why is my cheek all wet?!?" in a freaked out tone. I move his head off me and look down, and I had started leaking colostrum on him!!!!!!! I almost died of laughter/embarrassment.
Chi - that IS hilarious and embarrassing! Thanks for sharing! :haha:
Too bad about being GBS positive! I'm sure it will be fine though!
AliJo - good luck with your last day! Just keep your eye on the prize that is the end of the day!

Literati - sounds exhausting! I was going to go shopping yesterday with DD after DH spent another Monday letting her watch TV all day, but she got distracted with random things and then we ended up reading books for almost two hours! Whatever keeps her entertained I guess...She didn't sleep that well last night either. It was supposed to be DH's turn with her, but she came and found me at 11:30 and then 3:00. I stayed in her room from 3:00, but she was awake again at 6:00 saying there were snakes or something in her bed so she was fitful for the next hour. I should have been getting up for work at 6! Slept in instead until 7:30. Then she was cranky with DH this morning while he tried to get her ready for daycare. Womp womp.

Ally - yay for fullterm!

Chitown - that's hilarious!

Oh, and Angel - that's great you and DH found the class so helpful!

I need to take a shower!! I was going to take one with DD last night but ran out of time. Was going to this morning, but then slept in and was late signing online for work. Ugh.
ali- hope work went well!!! it's your last day right??

lit- oh that sounds like a stressful day to say the least. I hope today is better. rasberry leaf tea is not that nice but i can handle it.

chitown- that is hilarious!!! i've not leaked yet at all.

AFM: had midwife appt, she confirmed babies head has engaged- yah! i know it could still be ages but at least it feels like progression. I am currently drinking rasberry leaf tea and eating dates haha! After i went and bought some nappies so i feel organised. Baby bag is completely done :) just mine to do. I have nipple cream, a packet of underwear i can throw away after use and lots of sanitary pads for now.
Thank you for all the BP reassurance! The main reason my doctor didn't seem too concerned is because I didn't have protein in my urine or any other signs of pre-e. I'll definitely be getting a home monitor and at least tracking it though.

Chitown- that's hilarious! I haven't leaked but I keep checking because I hear about it often. I'm GBS positive as well, my doctor said it's quite common and it should be fine as long as we get the antibiotics 4 hours before delivery!

Ally- yay for baby engaging! It was exciting for me too when we confirmed mine was, it shows you things are moving in the right direction

Ali- happy 38 weeks!
vrogers - that was the first time I'd noticed any leakage whatsoever! Good to know I'm not the only one GBS positive. Seems like it's not a big deal at all which is good. I'm just going to make sure my doctor knows as soon as I get to L&D!

Ally - it was only a tiny tiny bit, I wouldn't have noticed it had he not pointed it out! OMG still so embarrassing haha. Hope you're doing well due date twin!
Evening all

Thought I'd give a little update.

I am officially on maternity leave and do not return to work until January 2018!!!!

38 weeks pregnant today yeahhhhh.

Had a couple of false labors the last week even went to delivery suite to get checked out currently 2cm but that's normal after multiple babies. I had a stretch and sweep on Thursday and had my show on Friday but nothing since :(

And it official after 3 babies and being told you have babies earlier and earlier this is the longest I've ever been pregnant. My first born arrived at 11:11 10years ago tomorrow so hoping this baby holds off tomorrow.
Slammer - sorry you had a rough night with your DD as well.

Shobbs - thanks for the update! Congrats on being on mat leave. Hopefully that false labour turns into real labour soon - if you're ready!

Well my day is not better today. I found out that dd has been exposed to fifths disease at daycare. It is too late to prevent it now as my daycare provider's son woke up with the rash today which means he's already been contagious for 7-10 days. DD gets absolutely everything she is exposed to at daycare, and she hasn't been feeling well the last little while so I am guessing she already has it. Which means I have already exposed. And guess what? Fifths disease can pose a risk to the unborn child when a pregnant person gets it. :( It is mostly a risk in the first half of pregnancy and it is rare but can result in baby becoming anemic and even cause stillbirth. So...obviously I am freaking out a bit! My doctor isn't even around this week but I was able to talk to another dr and he is ordering blood work to see if I am already immune. If I had it as a child then I should be immune for life, and there will be no risk to baby. I am definitely hoping for that but I feel quite stressed now. Sigh. I wish I'd been off work the last couple weeks so we never would have been exposed in the first place. :(
Shobbs - congrats on being on leave! I'm so jealous, lol. Hopefully baby comes soon-ish, but not tomorrow.

Literati - that sucks that DD's been exposed to something that could cause such complications for you. I'd never heard of Fifth disease before. I hope your blood work comes back that you're immune and you can stop worrying. So sorry this is stressing you out. :(

AFM, has anybody tried to check their own cervix? I was too chicken to check it near the end with DD, but just got up the nerve to check today out of curiosity. Of course I have no idea what a dilated or effaced cervix feels like! I'm used to feeling for a firm tip when TTC. Well...I couldn't find it! Everything just felt soft and squishy - sorry for the TMI! So I guess there are changes going on? I'll have to ask the midwife about it when I get my GBS swab on Thursday, because now I'm really curious what's going on in there! Threw me for a loop!
Shobbs- wow, that's awesome about your maternity leave! Hopefully baby comes SOON!

Literati- ugh that sounds stressful, I don't blame you for being nervous! Hopefully your blood work comes back showing that you're immune

Slammer- I tried just seeing if I could feel it before my first check last week and I couldn't even reach! I'm too chicken to try harder to do my own checks, I wouldn't know exactly what I'm feeling for haha. I did feel it a few times when ttc just to track where it was, but it was easier to feel when not pregnant!
Lite – I’m glad it hasn’t popped as well. DH hates how weird it is as it is! :haha: I’m hoping I won’t have to work there again in some ways, but it’s nice in others because I do enjoy most of my residents.

I’m with you on being cranky. I mean a lot of mine is lack of sleep, but I’ve been really irritable lately. I dread taking DS places by myself, right now. He’s exhausting on a normal basis, but when I’m pregnant and can’t even BEGIN to keep up it’s so much worse. Sounds like a rough day I wouldn’t want to revisit!

I guess hand foot and mouth has been going around pretty bad. I heard that and was glad DS is still mostly at home. Hope you DD doesn’t get it, but sounds like she will! Really hope you don’t, but glad they’re checking for you! Not that baby should come early, but if baby needs to you’re at a good gestational age!

Chit – Hey! Nice to hear from you!! I love your story! I get a burning let down feeling when I get to thinking about stuff like that or even cute things. Thankfully I don’t leak a ton. Just wait till after baby is born.. you’ll spray! I had someone tell me how they started spraying after having sex! :haha:

Sorry about being positive! Glad it was caught, though!!

Slammer – Thank you! I made it manageable. I basically just ignored my coworker and gave her short replies. She still managed to get under my skin, but was better than I was fearing!

90% of my showers are with DS now. Otherwise I don’t get them enough to feel clean! Sorry you were late for work! Sucks being late for work when you don’t even have to leave home!

Also, I’m a bit guilty of checking myself! I was able to find my cervix, but from what I can tell I’m closed tight. It feels like a scar or something on it so I’m assuming that’s my opening and it’s plug? I never felt it before! I’m paranoid while checking and wash my hands vigorously!

Ally – Yes! Finally!! Mostly glad to be done!

Haha, I probably won’t bother buying pads till after. Maybe I’ll actually bother this time. I need to throw the nipple cream I never opened from DS in my bag. Thanks for reminding me! I had a small one given to me, but if I deliver elsewhere I may not.

Vrogers – Thank you! I like having a blood pressure monitor around anyways. You may find it useful later! Getting high blood pressure can be dangerous in general and it’s one of those things you can miss easily.

Shobbs – Woot on maternity leave! I wish I could take a year!!! I’m so jealous! I start today and can kind of take it how I want it. Basically money will be what drives me back. Hope baby comes when you’re ready! Happy 38 weeks to you and me!!

Today wasn’t too horrible, but I wish it was with someone I enjoy working with! I basically ignored her and did my thing without communicating much with her. I wasn’t rude, but I didn’t want to start any kind of conversation with her. I was in a bad mood and didn’t want to snap even though I think it would feel good, it’s not me.

Baby has been putting A LOT of pressure on my cervix today. It would hurt continuously for long periods of times. There was a point where I couldn’t sit because the pressure was way too great. Hoping it’s a good sign.

Sorry for the super long post!! I just like to reply to everyone and I get behind when I work these long days!
Oh no! Found a really weird mole on my back last night. Can't remember if it is an existing mole that's changed or a new one. Either way, I hardly slept last night worrying and am now waiting at the dermatologist to check it. I've got lots of moles, but never had one that's caused me concern before. I knew I should have got all of them checked when I was home in the summer. They're set up much better for scanning moles in Australia where skin cancer is/was so prevalent. Trying not to freak out too much. Fortunately, doctor Google appears to show that local anaesthetic and mole removal is common and ok to do during pregnancy...

37 weeks today!
chitown- still so funny I am well due date twin, hope u are too.

shobbs- congrats on 38 weeks! hope you have a good year off from work!

lit- i had to look up fifths disease, i am so sorry ur dd has it and i am sure all will be ok with your baby. Hopefully you can get tests done soon. are you feeling symptoms of it also?

newbie- what did dermatologist say?

midnight- i know its exciting, when are these babies coming!

AFM, nothing much really. I am feeling ok, i get random crampy pains and pressure feelings, but sometimes it is just bad gas haha!
i feel so excited at everyone having their babies soon- we need to make sure we all update regularly on this :D
Newbie - Sorry about the mole! Hopefully it's nothing. Yay on 37 weeks, though!! After such a long time trying to conceive I'm sure this is so surreal!

Ally - I have bad gas that's been doing that to me, but my bowels are more active as well. Could be a good sign I guess, but I really hate it! Didn't happen with my first.

Midnight - Yes.. I can't wait for all the babies to start arriving!

Danser - I hope baby E is doing fabulous and you're almost home if not already!!

I'm feeling.. pregnant. Pretty much sums it up. I'm thankfully not too sore from my two days at work. There is a Christmas party there I told people I'd go to on Friday. I don't need to take anything, but I want to and I don't know what. I don't want anything super time consuming. I'm too pregnant for that!

Ladies, it's almost the end of of December.. the end of the year! Christmas is just a few days away. Might order some last minute small gifts off Amazon for stocking stuffers.
I will reply to everyone else later, but just wanted to reassure
Newbie: it is very common for moles (and skin tags, etc) to appear or change during pregnancy due to the hormones. Try not to worry too much! Last pregnancy I had a mole that changed which I had to get removed. They did a biopsy and it was definitely not cancerous! They didn't think it would be but they always check to make sure. This pregnancy I got a skin tag that decided to start falling off suddenly. So as long as you're getting it checked out, try not to worry and it's probably totally fine!

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