January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

newbie - get some rest! Glad your mom made it before baby comes though.

Angel - I'm jealous of the good sleep! I'm so over the hip pain, having to pee, and having it be such an effort to move/roll over/get out of bed. Ugh.

My belly was hurting yesterday - more like my skin feeling so stretched and tender. This baby is ruining me with stretch marks and any pulling on my belly - like if my bare belly and thigh rub together - just hurts!

Definitely more cervical pressure at times.

Packing that hospital bag today - I swear!
Oh crap, AliJo. I'm sorry you're stuck for someone to watch DS. No other family who could do it? That's super stressful!
Sunshine - sorry you have no energy today. I feel the same.

Apple - that's good you're at least trying to get the house sorted from the Christmas mess. I really just can't be bothered to clean anything these days. So tired. I'm glad your antibiotics worked their charms.

Angel - glad you slept so well last night! That's excellent. Sorry you're disappointed that you're likely having a 2017 baby.

Newbie - sounds like a lot of work getting stuff done with your mom. Hope you sleep well and that it's very helpful to have your mom there.

Ali - glad you can related to the breathless feeling as well...although that sucks! I am with you on the nasal congestion as well. Blah! Also, looks like I won't be napping today and dd slept in very late (as did I) so I am almost certain she won't nap today. It's going to be a loooong day but hopefully she'll go to bed early for once. I am home alone with her today because Dh had to go into work just for today (he was supposed to be off all week). I am disappointing myself with how cranky and impatient I am. I feel like this pregnancy has ruined my personality and I'm just never relaxed or in a good mood anymore. :(
Also - I bet you that you will not make it to your next appointment! You are so close to your due date now! I bet you'll go a day or two early. Great sign that you have made some progress.
And that is very stressful about not having anyone to watch ds for you! So sorry!

Slammer - I am so over those things at night as well! Argh!
Lite - I hope you're right.. really wanting to see the end, but I don't! Yeah I'm a bit lost on my situation with DS. It's stressful, but I can only go with the flow at the moment.
Don't worry, you're not the only one feeling like their personality got destroyed. Mine definitely is not what I want it to be.
Hope she goes to bed early for you. When DS does that I can't keep him up long enough for it to be a proper bedtime.

Slammer - Yeah.. it's an all around bad situation. I know I needed a back up in case, but honestly I have no one. My Dad mentioned my brother's girlfriend will probably be there. I was like.. "Um.. no" because then both her kids would be there and just no. Plus, she drives me up the wall. I'd be okay with my younger brother waiting, but it would cause issues with her.

Omg I missed babies being born.. congratulations!!

I've just caught up on everyone. Sounds like we are all super fed up now.

Ali - Sounds like things are progressing, fingers crossed baby arrives before your next appt! Hope you manage your sort out childcare for when your in labour. Guess that's partly why I'm glad I'm having a home birth because I generally just leave them asleep in labour overnight.

Sunshine/Slammer/Newbie - I'm with you on the no energy and exhausted. I can only manage 20-30 mins of cleaning/cooking now before I need to sit down. My pelvis doesn't feel strong enough to hold me up anymore the SPD is awful now she's dropping.

I've had such a rough few weeks I don't know if I'm coming or going. Not sure if I mentioned my dad was poorly a bit ago well long story short he took an overdose and although we are very thankful and lucky he is alive it's left him with some form of dementia/cognitive impairment. His brother who's house he has been staying at after coming out of hospital couldn't be bothered dealing with him, so just dropped him off at mine 2 weeks ago. My dad is my best friend in the world it's always been me and him and I struggled so much when he came to mine, his memory is terrible he started doing strange things like putting ketchup in his coffee.. he lost his car doesn't know where he parked it, he started having accidents in the mornings and was interfering with the discipline of the kids, telling the wrong children off and even smacked my youngest. With 4 kids at home and caring for him I have been literally going out of my mind crying all the time. In the end he fell down the stairs and I had to get social services involved urgently. They placed him in a nursing home 3 days before Xmas. 2 months ago he was a healthy well educated man.. I want my dad back.. well no I need him back I wasn't ready for this. He's only 52. Now he sits in this home just staring at nothing and not remembering to shave or what he's had for dinner.. how can this happen so quick someone's life just changing in a matter of weeks. They say he will never live independently again :-(

Braxton hicks are major at the min, last 3 days I've just felt off.. not ill just not right. Im literally exhausted all the time and with every Braxton hicks I'm getting so much pressure down there so she's obviously dropped now. I just need her out I'm tired of not being able to turn over in bed or stand a cook a meal without being in pain.

So sorry for the long and miserable post!
Ali - Thanks. I guess we are all pretty miserable at this point. At least you really are extremely near the end.

Ana - wow, that is incredibly stressful and sad about your dad. I'm so sorry you're all going through that. I can't even imagine. :hugs: As for the pregnancy, I am right there with you on being way too exhausted for anything and it's just so crappy. I hope you get a bit of energy back to last you through until baby arrives.
Ana - I'd love a home birth. Not having to worry about DS while I'm in the hospital sounds like a dream. I feel very blocked from that option in my area.

I'm so sorry about your father. I couldn't imagine.. you did what you could. You tried to keep him home, but it sounds like he really does need higher level of care that someone just can't provide at home. He's about my father's age. I couldn't even think about basically losing my father at this point. Take care of yourself through this hard time!

Don't apologize about your post. We all want to be there for each other the best we can. You're getting there. Hopefully those are good signs, although they sound like crappy ones to have to deal with!

Lite - Maybe I should start operation "Get Baby Out"? Seems like a lot of work, labor should just start like yesterday! :haha:
Ana- I cannot imagine, I am so sorry about your dad! I have always been a huge daddy's girl and can't imagine anything happening to him. Your dad is even a little bit younger than my own. I hope you are able to focus on taking care of yourself and that you are still able to visit your dad where he is now. I wish you weren't having to deal with this period but especially now. You can always vent here without apology!

I have noticed waiting to go into labor is reminding me of the tww. Back then I would google "is ____ a sign of pregnancy" and I've noticed I'm doing the same except googling if it's a sign of labor. Apparently the entire ttc/pregnancy/labor process involves a ton of waiting!
38 week appointment is tomorrow and I may cry if I'm told there's little to no progress.
Vrogers - Don't cry if there isn't much progress! Things can change overnight. They aren't really good indicators! My stepmom would be in labor for hours on end and not progress at all. Like stuck at 2 cm and say 75% effaced. Then out of nowhere she would go from a 2 cm to a 10 cm in 30 minutes to a hour.

I get it, though. It's nice to have some progress so you feel your body is getting ready.
Vrogers I said last pregnancy I wish you could pee on a stick to see when you were going to go in to labour!

Ana sorry about your dad, that would be difficult at any time but especially now.

My dad is old enough to be your grandad! :haha:
Morning all its currently 5am here and wanted to give you all a brief update will update in more detail once a few hours sleep is in me :).

After having 2 boys and this being our third and final miracle we stayed team yellow (hardest thing I have ever had to do) I was sure that the baby was another boy.........

But please let me introduce to you my gorgeous baby GIRL!!!!!

born naturally at 00.52am on Thursday 29th December weighing in at 7lb 9oz
SHOBBS!! Congrats!! What the heck! We're due date buddies, you weren't suppose to leave me behind!! :haha: Aw can't wait to see a picture if you decide to post!!
Yay congrats on your baby girl Shobbs! So happy for you and your family!
Hope everyone is having a good day. DS didn't go to bed till 1 am last night. That was fun, not.

Oh yeah, so I gained 4 lbs in a week! Seriously? What the heck! I know it's water weight mostly, but I don't know where it is going. I'm probably just having general swelling in areas I can't really tell. I know my fingers are getting puffy because I can't wear my ring at all anymore. I put it on yesterday and had trouble getting it off and my finger was turning purple.

Was having more crampy contractions last night, but nothing this morning. Although, as I was typing this I needed to go use the restroom and a huge chunk of my mucus plug came out. No blood, but hopefully it means I've dilated some more! Could have just been caused by the check, though.
Congrats shobbs!

Oooh AliJo - plug is a good sign! Sorry DS went to bed so late. I'd lose my mind, lol.

Appt later today. Should be a quickie.

Had to do some shopping today was so stressed with 3 kids all moaning 😣

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