January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Slammer - I would have if I had not napped with him earlier. It was kind of my fault. I forgot to shut all the lights and everything off before it was already too late. He definitely needs that time to calm down.
It's at least a start. I would have been more excited if it was blood tinged. That would probably just fool me into excitement, though!

I kind of want a New Years Eve baby. Hmm.. better get busy! Ha
A NYE baby would be good for the tax break! ;)

You mentioned swelling too - I've got some going on as well. My fingers and ankles. Finally reached the point in the last week or so where I don't want to wear my rings for fear of not getting them off. I love bling though, so I have a few CZ alternatives that I can still wear, hehe. They're all a half-size too big when my fingers are normal, but fit now. I can't do a naked finger - just can't! :p
Slammer - I'm very minimal in "bling" haha.. I'll wear a necklace from time to time and my wedding ring. About it! I have some treasured jewelry and I'm too afraid to wear them much in fear of losing them.

Had more plug come out.. not as much but it can keep coming.. I'll be happy for it haha. Even if it is slightly disgusting.
Shobbs- congratulations!!! I'm sure you guys are thrilled!

Just had my appointment, no change in dilation but baby is super low (she said lower than last time, and baby's been at -1 station) and about 60% effaced. She said the way my cervix feels it looks like I'll go past due date, and if my cervix still feels the same next time I may go ahead and schedule induction. I know it could change and checks don't mean everything but I am still quite disappointed!
Ali - yay for plug. It's all a good sign! Sorry DS was in bed so late.. I totally sympathise, my older two were after midnight til they settled too. But they have been very poorly over Xmas so that's not helping.

Vrogers - Aww sorry you are feeling a little disappointed with the check. But honestly it can change so quick.. they said exactly the same to me with my first and 2 days later I was in labour. That's why I refuse VE's, they only give an accurate idea of where your at in that particular moment but it can all change within a few hours. Keep positive try not to think about induction just yet!

I've been having loads of pressure like down there when I'm having the stronger BH, which are coming alot more often now, I thought maybe I was a bit constipated and that's why I'm feeling it so much but I've been toilet quite frequently today and certainly not constipation.. quite the opposite if im honest..so can't help but hold on to the hope it's my body getting ready.. although I've never gone before 39+5 so there's no reason to think I will this time. Just wishful thinking I guess! Lol

I'm really struggling to DTD at the min but told OH we have to try in an attempt at evicting her. Its not so much that i dont want it but more finding a position that works now.. im just like a huge whale but will try anything now :haha: I bath in clary sage most nights too which usually helps labour progress once it has started. It's been fab for that in all other pregnancies so again hoping that might help get things going.

Got my 38 week appt tomorrow then nothing til 41 weeks. I can't think about the possibility of going over at the min. I just want it to be over with.

My partner said I was very quiet today and asked if im depressed.. I tried to explain I'm just fed up now and tired but he struggles to understand. He tells me he's put weight on so he knows what it's like to have a big belly.. I can't even begin to give that an answer.. if only carrying this bump around was as easy as a bit of extra weight!
Oh lord, anababe, I might have laughed in his face. Definitely not the same thing.

Vrogers I agree - things can change so quickly, so don't worry about anything yet.
Thank you, ladies! That does encourage me and I keep telling myself she will come when she's ready, things can change fast (which my doctor did say, it's just that all I focused on was "statistically you'll go past due date") and to be patient..I'm just not a very patient person apparently haha
Ana, sorry to hear about your dad, can't imagine what that must be like to deal with at an already hard and hormonal time for you. Take care, you sounds like a wonderful daughter!
Shobbs - wow, congratulations! :happydance:! That is so exciting! Things are definitely happening on this thread now!

VRogers - like everyone said, don't be discouraged and it really doesn't mean much! Your doctor could be very wrong.

Ali - sounds promising that you are stArting to lose your plug! Woohoo!
You're probably just swollen for sure. I haven't been able to wear my rings in weeks.

Midnight - I understand the need for naps! Maybe baby will stay put for a bit longer.

AFM - I had my appointment today but unfortunately I am not getting my GBS test until next week, which is too bad because I need to find someone to watch dd for it (today would have been ideal because DH is home). I embarrassingly cried at my appointment and my dr offered to write me off work a few days early, but I think I can survive my one short week back next week. Blah. I am measuring on track, have decent blood pressure and have gained oodles of weight. Pretty uneventful! Oh - and she said that the baby was positioned very low! So I was definitely right that she dropped
Follow up doctor appointment today. I was seeing one of the associates in the office because my doctor is on break this week. She came in, took one look at me and said "are you still working?" I explained that I'm a teacher so I'm on xmas break but that I'm supposed to go back next week and she said "umm, no. I don't want you going back to work. You look exhausted, and you need rest, and you just told me you're already on break and look like this. You need to rest and sleep before you go into labor."

So, I'm officially on Mat leave now. I'm kind of relieved to have a fully valid reason not to go back to work next week.

Of course she followed that with, baby could come any day or in 3 weeks. :dohh: So, joy.... I'm just hoping she comes sooner than later! I want to meet my LO. I'm so anxious to finally get to HOLD her!

I really wish I had a cervix check though. I just want to know if there's any progress! I knew that since i wasn't seeing my normal doctor they probably wouldn't do one at all (and she was running 45 minutes behind today because this one OB was covering for the other 2 OBs who are BOTH gone this week and they overbooked her). I'm hoping next week my doc will do one. If not I'm going to ask if that's something she does in her practice.

Plus I did ask about the +GBS. She said that the recommendation is getting 2 doses of antibiotics before delivery, but that they've found that getting at least 1 dose before basically means baby is fine. She said that if she were giving the advice she'd say that one dose is 100% adequate during labor (my concern was if there wasn't enough time for the full 2 doses before) and they are working ot change that in the medical community but that things move slowly so that the rules still say 2 doses and if you don't get a second dose before delivery they may keep me an extra day for observation for me and baby. She also said that even w/out antibiotics the risk is really small, but because the outcome can be so horrendous they always test anyway because it's so easily prevented. Made me feel a lot better. Now I know I just have to make sure I tell them first thing when we check in that I am GBS+ incase the hospital doesn't have my paperwork on file (they should though).

Slammer - unfortunately my body decided to retaliate after that lovely night of sleep by not letting me sleep last night. Bah. I'm with you on the inability to get out of bed - the ability to ROLL OVER is something I never realized I was taking for granted until now!

Ana - Oh hon I'm so sorry about your dad. :hugs: It sounds a lot like what happened to my dad after his stroke. He went from being this intelligent, outgoing guy to being a shell of his former self. My dad's not much older than yours (56) so I know how hard this can be. :hugs:

I know what you mean about not being able to turn over, or stand to cook a meal without pain. I just "feel off" too. You are welcome to post about how miserable you are any time! We all understand! :kiss:

Vrogers - waiting for labor is very much like the TWW. Especially right now (when we're all so very close). I'm constantly googling "is this a sign of labor" and I swear that the answer to everything is "It could be, or not" just like the TWW. Epic frustration!

Shobbs- CONGRATS!!!

Ali - 4 lbs in a week?! Woah! What does your doctor say about that? I think i read somewhere that if you gain 4 or more lbs in a week during the last tri to talk to doctor because it could be a sign of edema and/or preeclampsia? Hopefully the swelling goes down soon!
Angel - They never said anything about it. I swelled really bad during the last few weeks with my first as well and they never said anything about it then either. My blood pressure and urine is always good. When I was in labor with my first they of course hooked me up to an IV and start giving me fluids.. I went to the restroom once and had very little output after they put the catheter in. In the whole 12 hours I was in L&D. I had edema pretty bad with my first, but no complications.
I'm glad she was able to calm your fears. She sounds like a really helpful step in! It would probably be hard to go back to work after being on break. It's funny how a couple of weeks can really change how you feel. Again she sounds like a great step in by actually paying attention to you!

Lite - I wish some of us that don't have people to watch our kids lived near each other! I'm always like "If only I was there I'd help out!" :haha: I hate not having people to depend on to watch DS. It makes life so much more stressful at times. I'm with you on gaining oodles of weight! Glad the appointment went well.

Ana - Oh my, I don't know how I would have reacted to your partner! haha.. I don't want to go over either, but I feel like I will. Technically I did go into labor (with the help of a sweep) on my own last time, but I feel like since they ended up giving me pitocin anyways that my body still isn't sure what to do. Hopefully neither of us go over.
Yeah, I can see how Christmas break throws everything off! I see many parents wishing for it to be over as soon as it starts.

Vrogers - I didn't get a station number, which is fine I guess, but it would be nice to know! He was really beating me up down there yesterday, though. So I'm not too surprised I lost plug today. I'm hoping you go into labor naturally!

I really wish these headaches would go away. I need to take something for it. I've had it all day and although it's mild it's annoying because it's constant.
Angel - haha, I guess I'm not the only one whose doctor thought maybe we should be off work already! I am happy for you that you are officially off work now! You deserve it, and now you don't have to worry about needing the baby to come early just so you can be off! Woohoo!
Also, re:Ali's weight gain, it CAN be a bad sign to gain so much weight in a week, but I think it's more common than we realize. Last pregnancy I dealt with major swelling (and I definitely didn't have pre-eclampsia) and I gained 7 lb in one DAY! My doctor never batted an eyelash at it. They always check blood pressure and hopefully they're checking urine for proteins regularly so in absence of those being off, a bunch of weight gain is often not a big deal. It often happens in spurts, and water retention definitely plays a big part!

I'm also glad your doctor was reassuring about being GBS+ and getting the antibiotics on time!

Ali - it definitely would be good if we could help each other out in the babysitting department! I am fortunate in that I at least have someone to watch dd while I'm in the hospital since my mom can take family leave with her work. But, for day time appointments and such it's really tough! I feel for you having no one!
Nice that you're on leave now Angel! Enjoy the rest and relaxation and I hope baby comes a little early.

I had a decent appointment for once today, and with a midwife that I was kind of meh about before. But I've seen her a few times now so she remembers my details at least and seems to have an interest in me. I gained two pounds, which she thought was great given it being over Christmas - I could have gained more, lol. Nothing else of note really.
AliJo, yay for starting on losing your plug! I've never lost mine before labor so would be pretty excited if it happened to me haha

Angel, glad you're officially on leave! Rest up, momma!

Ana, I'm sorry about your dad... that's such a difficult situation to be in especially while pregnant! You are an awesome daughter for helping him, though.

Sorry, I'm sure I've missed a few updates.

Had 3 clear outs yesterday which is unheard of for me as I'm usually a once every other day kind of gal. Also baby is super low! I keep trying so hard not to read into everything but you're all right, this is totally like the TWW!!! I am literally driving myself crazy symptom spotting haha

315am here now, and I can't sleep. Baby is super active plus been up with both my girls already. Bah! I seriously just wish my body would go into labor. Just had 2 contractions less than 10 mins apart but I'm not even going to bother, I'm sure they're just BH.
Oh wow what a night. Been up and down since 5am with contractions. They were really quite painful for BH. But have eased off now and I've just been really sick so think I've got the bug my kids have just had. Great!

Got midwife appt in an hour and really can't be bothered moving.
Oh wow what a night. Been up and down since 5am with contractions. They were really quite painful for BH. But have eased off now and I've just been really sick so think I've got the bug my kids have just had. Great!

Got midwife appt in an hour and really can't be bothered moving.

Same here Ana with the pain..now my youngest is throwing up 😣
Aw Midnight is horrible isn't it when kids start getting ill. Mine have been so poorly over Xmas. They haven't really been sick just really high Temps but just my luck to get the sickness aswel.

I have fought all through this pregnancy for a natural homebirth but I'm so fed up now I wish they would just offer me a csec and get it over with.

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