January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - with my first I was certain about when I ovulated but thankfully my LMP due date matched up exactly. This time we only dtd once so I know that was the time that did the trick...but I have no idea when I ovulated after that so I am trusting that my early dating scan is correct. According to that, I ovulated two days after we dtd.

Slammer - yay for GBS negative.

Mrs green - that is scary you might have pre-e. I'm glad they caught it. Keep us posted.

Midnight - aw, oh no! I hope that cold sore clears up before baby arrives. I could see yours coming on the 30th.

Sunshine - thanks for posting an update! It is hard to keep up with everyone.

Ali - I am also having more cramping with contractions but I am also purposely not paying attention until I have to! I think that's how I didn't go crazy last time. I ignored any early labour until it was actually the real deal.

I had a good Christmas but it wasn't as Christmassy as some years, and I felt very unsociable and a cranky. I had to escape for naps and alone time a lot.
I got a message from my OB on the message portal. My GBS results were positive. :cry: So I know I have to have antibiotics during the labor but I don't know much else. I've done some research as to what that means but some of the stuff out there is definitely on the scary side. I think thought that as long as I have the antibiotics during labor there's a very high chance that baby will be ok?

Thanks to everyone replying about due dates. I guess I'm just anxious to be done, and I know that if she decides to be stubborn doctor has said she will let me go up to a week over due :wacko: Since in my head my doctor's due date for me is a week past my own "calculated" due date that makes me feel like I should be having this baby in the next week or so and have this fear that she'll never come at this point!

I think I'm finally getting all the emotional/hormonal aspects of pregnancy :haha: I've been really fairly calm and not emotional this whole pregnancy (even DH has commented on it) and the last few days I'm just SO frustrated/emotional/etc.

Greats - Oh no! Good thing she's little and lights were off! That's something I keep forgetting we'll have to worry about....LO's walking in while DTD! :dohh:

Thorpedo - Welcome back! :) I'm with you on the no more visitors thing. I'm so over having people come over right now! Especially because everyone keeps asking "So when is she coming?" and I'm just like "you've all been through this before, you all know I can't answer that and you all know my due date." :haha: Hope the bouncing ball & RRL tea works for you!

Slammer - Wish I had thought to lie! :haha: Congrats on GBS resuts! What a relief!
AliJo - you're 39 weeks, yay! Baby will be here before you know it. Hang in there.

Literati - feeling cranky on Christmas sucks, but it's understandable!

Angel - sorry to hear you're GBS positive. The antibiotics during labor will definitely reduce risks. I was actually just reading about GBS and antibiotics a few minutes ago on my fav birth information site, Evidence Based Birth. Check out the info there - it gives a great overview.
Too lazy to reply to everyone's posts... just know that I read them all! Lol

I woke up sicker this morning... almost positive I have bronchitis. I have all the symptoms :(
I have a check up tonight at 645pm so will see what my OB says. I feel very wiped out, it hurts to take a deep breath, lots of mucus when I cough, etc. No fever though!

Thank god my DH is off work today and my mom is here... I'm currently laying in bed, moaning about life.

I have a feeling with being sick my body is going to postpone labor until I'm better, which sucks!

Hang in there, ladies! Try to get as much rest as possible. Sending DH out later to grab some eucalyptus epsom salts so I can have a nice, hot soak before my appointment. I don't even care if I'm not dilated more, I just want to feel better!
Sorry to hear about gbs. I have been gbs positive in all 3 pregnancies. Baby has never had anti Bs and not have I...never had an issue sxx
Sunshine- I'm sorry about the cold, I'm right there with you! Seems like quite a few of us are sick right now. I hate cold/flu season.

Ally- I bet you're ready to be home with baby! I'm sure it feels so surreal. Hope you're able to at least get some rest

Mrs.green- I hope it's not pre-e and they are able to keep babies cooking a little bit longer! It's good they are monitoring you now though

Ali- nothing yet sadly! I'll be checked Thursday so I'm hoping I'm more than a finger tip dilated this time so I feel like at least it's continuing to progress!

Angel- I am also GBS positive. I freaked out when my doctor told me but she said it's pretty common (think she said around 30% pregnant women test positive) and I'll just have to make sure to get antibiotics 4 hours before delivery. I'm a little anxious about making sure I get to the hospital in time but I'm sure that won't be a problem

Greats- oh no, I'm sorry about the possible bronchitis. I feel bad enough as it is with this cold and cough I can't imagine having to deal with anything worse while this pregnant. That's good there's no fever though. I hope you are able to rest and feel better asap! I think you have every right to complain right now, if anyone was home with me I would be doing the same I'm sure!
Lite - I had to escape myself on Christmas. Plus, I didn't go all out on food. Not that a lot of people were over, but I usually still have more snacks and what not.

Angel - They give antibiotics to try to prevent any possible complications it can cause. The complications it can cause are low chances but can be life threatening so they just go ahead and treat it as standard practice. Basically, chances of it harming your baby are low without antibiotics, but with antibiotics it's pretty much impossible.

Slammer - That I am! It's insane! Now.. this baby can come now!! I'm going to be more jealous every time someone else goes into labor as I get closer and closer to 40! :haha:

Greats - That's sounds awful. Glad you're at least able to rest, but still!! Really hope it passes soon. Glad you haven't had a fever.

Vrogers - Nothing for me either. I actually had the energy to get a session in today. I think it will throw you into labor if your body is ready for it. If not at least it will help some!

So, DTD with DH and got to finish DS's nap with him. I think it's been a productive day! :haha: I'm glad I was able to get some sleep. These midnight bedtimes are killing me atm. Mainly when I don't take a nap with DS. It would still kill me if he got up earlier and went to bed earlier. I'm just exhausted, period.
Woop woop on DTD AliJo...we did too! DH made the offer. It was good!
Slammer - It was definitely nice! Definitely need to try to utilize this time. Took me awhile to be able to enjoy it afterwards.
Is anyone else having hardening of the stomach? I don't mean like a BH and then it goes away.... my stomach has been rock hard (like it gets during a contraction) literally ALL DAY. It's incredibly uncomfortable, and I can't feel baby moving very well because of how hard my stomach feels. I managed to get some relief laying down this afternoon and this evening it lightening up a little, but it certainly was uncomfortable and a little odd today.

Greats - Oh no bronchitis does not sound good! I hope you start to get better soon!

vrogers - Thanks, that makes me feel better! Since my doctor is out this week and I'm seeing someone else I'll make sure to check with them too, but that makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I am a little worried about getting the antibiotics soon enough because I was worried before about going to the hospital too soon and now I'm worried about being too late. :dohh: This whole labor thing is so complicated! :dohh:
Angel, it could be the way baby is laying... probably butt and backside facing and pushing out. When my baby does that, my entire stomach feels rock hard and it's very uncomfortable and can last for hours until she moves.

Had my check up, definitely have bronchitis. Still 1cm dilated but cervix is very soft. Thinking I'll definitely be having a 2017 baby. Getting some burning round ligament pain in my lower right pelvis today so thinking baby will be dropping sometime sooner than later. I'm just ready to get this bronchitis to go away and to have this baby!
Ali- at least it's fun even if nothing comes from it haha

Angel- exactly! My doctor told me as soon as my water breaks go in, or when contractions get to 10 mins OR 5 mins apart, I'll most likely go ahead in when they're 10 mins apart!

Greats- I don't think I've ever had bronchitis, although with this ridiculous cough I was questioning. I hope you feel better and are able to rest! I'm REALLY hoping to kick this cold before baby gets here and I'm sure you feel the same

I'm miserable between how low baby is and this darn cold/cough. I'm trying to remember there is an end in sight-I will not be pregnant or sick forever although at times it feels like it!
Greats - so sorry you have bronchitis! I hope you can rest up and feel better ASAP!

Ali - I'm also just so tired period! I have learned never to skip a nap, though! So far every day off this holiday I have taken a nap. I cannot manage without one. DD is also going to bed quite late. It's quite tiring.

Angel - that sounds uncomfortable! Definitely could be how baby is positioned.

VRogers- sorry you're so sick and uncomfortable!

AFM - I have been feeling super out of breath again. If I have to walk to the other end of the house and back, I come back so winded and huff and puff for several minutes after! It's quite ridiculous. I honestly thought the trouble breathing had gone away but maybe just with baby growing some more it has put more pressure on my organs again.
I am 36 weeks today and can't believe I still have 4ish weeks to go! It feels like I should be on my final 2 weeks for sure. Feeling exhausted and HUGE.
Eugh! I'm with everyone who has the cold/feeling ill! How horrendous is it when you're pregnant! I've not slept at all tonight, when I lie down I just can't breathe right so I've come through to the sofa but still no sleep at all. I would hate to go into labour just now, I have zero energy!

:( moan moan! Sorry girls!
Sending hugs to everyone ill at the minute, everyone in our house has had some form of bug over last two weeks been horrible.. I'm not too bad now had antibiotics but no energy at all b4 .. Was dreading lo arriving early 😁.. Luckily stayed where he was :)

Trying to sort house after christmas but only managing to do half hr standing then feel like little fella is going to pop out and get shooting pains above my pubic bone.. Not sure if it's the Lightning crotch thing 😁.. I'm getting BH about 8/10 times an hr and they really push lo down but not painful just uncomfortable..and I always get them when bladder is filling up and after waking a while they seem constant but I can remember being like this with last ptegnancy.. I'm 37 weeks tomoz thought it was today losing track of where I am lol ..

Good luck to all ladies getting regular tightenings.. not long now :) very exciting..
I don't have much energy either, though at least I'm not sick. I'm not inspired to get anything done these days. Just standing in the kitchen at times I find myself feeling out of breath and leaning on the counter - I think I'm having BH when that happens. It's harder to tell when standing up.
I'm officially exhausted. My mum arrived yesterday and I've been trying to keep her active to help with jetlag. We did some tidying up and sorting today then walked around a huge mall. I now feel like falling asleep. I think I'll be asleep before her tonight.

Angel, my bump has been super uncomfortable all day as well. I'm not sure if it has been bh or not. Things are definitely feeling different... More pressure on my cervix, need to pee way more frequently, different baby movements. I'm beginning to wonder if my body is getting ready.

Tomorrow, I'm going to review my hospital bags and add a few more things. Just in case.

I hope those who aren't feeling well get some good rest and feel better soon. Sending hugs!
I must have been exhausted yesterday because last night I slept really well (I think that has something to do with the hypnotherapy CD I've been listening to at night - helps me sleep!) and I didn't wake up this morning until 9am! :wacko: I never sleep that late unless I'm up all night. I didn't even have any insomnia last night and only woke up once to go to the bathroom. Plus my pelvic pain seems to have diminished a lot. I didn't feel it at all yesterday. not sure if it's because I wasn't on my feet as much or if maybe she's shifted lower so she's not putting as much pressure on the same spot on my pelvic bone. I'm hoping it's a good sign. Because, I was beginning to worry about how I'd do labor when the pelvic pain was so bad that moving in any way was excruciating.

Still no other signs that labor is coming though. :( I'm beginning to think she'll probably be a 2017 baby for sure. Not that it's a bad thing, I just want her here soon. <3

Sorry to everyone who is sick! This is definitely not the time to be sick, right before labor! :hugs:

Greats - Oh no! I hope you are able to recover from the bronchitis soon! :hugs: That's awful. I've had bronchitis a few times and it really sucks.

Vrogers - at 10 minutes apart they said to go in? I'll definitely have to check with the doctor and see what they want me to do then because so far my last instructions were at 5 minutes apart, but that was before the GBS test.
Angel- she said I could at 10 mins because the 5 min ones will be right behind, but you can definitely go ahead and check with your doctor! I'm just a little nervous because I don't know what contractions feel like that I'll question if it's the real thing and waste time. Hopefully I'll just know like I've seen some people say, though!
Angel - I'm jealous! I haven't slept well in ages. Glad you're feeling a little better!

Newbie - I need to look at my bag as well. I probably forgot to put something in there. I need to make a grab list, too. Things I can't pack, but need to grab before leaving.

Apple - I get BH all the time and sometimes they're regular. Like 3 minutes apart for long periods of time. I hate it when I get them when my bladder is full! It's painful.

Sunshine - I hope you find some time to rest and get some sleep. I was up all night several nights when I had an awful cough and it's just plain miserable. You start to feel tortured!

Lite - I try not to miss taking a nap, but it happens. Definitely makes for a long day.

For being out of breath.. I feel out of breath a lot myself. He's lower than my first was, but sure doesn't seem to matter at this point! I even noticed my airways sounded a bit tight after DTD. That's always fun. The nasal congestion sure doesn't help. It constantly feels a little swollen up in my nasal cavity and then when I lay down I can't breathe out of them at all.

So, I had my appointment. I'm 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Baby is right up against cervix, so that's good. He said he wouldn't be surprised if I didn't make it to my next appointment, but I bet I will.

I also have an issue. I don't have anyone to watch DS now. My great grandma (edit: Just found out she did have a stroke, which I expected, but still.. I was hoping otherwise) is in the hospital so my aunt is most likely not going to help out. I have no one else to ask. I'm just really hoping I have baby during the day. I can probably figure something out for the pushing stage, but overnight is out of the picture.

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