January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Okay so both Ally and KK talked about DTD and then baby coming shortly after. I'm beginning to wonder if that's the trick! :haha: Unfortunately I'm not sure how to make that work with my pelvis/hip pain right now and my HUGE belly. I'm so uncomfortable, I don't know how to even get us into a position that would work! :haha:

Ali - I have thought about asking for a membrane strip but next week I won't see my regular OB as she's out of town so I don't think the person I'm seeing would even be willing since I'm not her patient usually. I wasn't sure whether I could just ask for that or if they would make us wait until we were closer to due date?

My contractions are painful. Not really bad, but uncomfortable enough that I have to stop walking or moving and breath. I have a fairly high pain tolerance to stuff like that so it's hard for me to judge just how painful they are versus just "uncomfortable". They are definitely more painful than the ones I used to get where I just felt tight. And changing positions doesn't stop them.

Your hip sounds awful! Sounds about how my left side of my pelvis is right now. It's not quite in the hip but on the pelvis bone on the left side only and no matter what I can't seem to get comfortable sometimes. Even laughing hurts. What's really bad is if I try to get up from a standing position I end up doubling over in pain! We are so ready for these babies!

KK - Oh my! I'm so sorry they sent you home! That sucks! But hopefully it's a sign you will have baby in a day or two! Are you going to try anything to get it going again?
Angel - with DD I had my first sweep at 39 weeks, then had one at 39+6 and went in to labour that night. I've heard of them being done at 38 weeks though, think it depends on the reason.
My 4yr old knows and speaks but I do not think she will understand how much bub will need me.

Nothing to report here xxx MW offered a sweep on Friday. Ive declined.

Feel achy but nothing awful. Xx
I think I'm gonna try DTD too - but not for another week. I really need to wrap up some stuff with work before this baby comes out.

37 weeks tomorrow! Yikes!
Dh and I finally dtd last night after awhile of not doing it so I'll let you all know if anything exciting happens :haha:
Has anyone played around with due date calculators using conception date vs LMP? I'm just curious because I was playing with some due date calculators. We can pinpoint conception down to 1 of 2 days: we had sex only two days total that cycle, day of and day after +OPK, and 2 days after my +OPK, the doctor did US (I was seeing a specialist) and could see I had already ovulated. Based on those calculators, if I do it based on conception date my due date should be Jan 5. Based on LMP it's Jan 9 (that's also the due date my specialist gave me). My OB for some reason has it listed as Jan 12 (I think she has the wrong date for LMP on computer).

Anyway, I know that doesn't actually change anything, it was just interesting. And it makes me feel like I'm even closer to when baby SHOULD be coming, which makes me want her to come out even more. I'm so tired of being pregnant, and hurting, and not sleeping, and I just want to transition from being very very pregnant to being a mommy.

Sorry, I'm having an emotional day. :cry:

Vrogers - Good luck! Let us know! I Feel like we could conduct our own mini-study on whether sex is actually triggering labor :haha:
Has anyone played around with due date calculators using conception date vs LMP? I'm just curious because I was playing with some due date calculators. We can pinpoint conception down to 1 of 2 days: we had sex only two days total that cycle, day of and day after +OPK, and 2 days after my +OPK, the doctor did US (I was seeing a specialist) and could see I had already ovulated. Based on those calculators, if I do it based on conception date my due date should be Jan 5. Based on LMP it's Jan 9 (that's also the due date my specialist gave me). My OB for some reason has it listed as Jan 12 (I think she has the wrong date for LMP on computer).

My doctor's office has my due date as January 16th based on my supposed LMP (which was only 2 days of the lightest spotting possible... I didn't even need a pad!) whereas the ultrasound tech has been trying since my first ultrasound at 6 weeks to get them to change it to January 9th as every single scan she's done shows that due date instead... but since the dates aren't more than 10 days apart, my OB refuses to change it. They are strictly by LMP which personally I think is dumb.

So I kind of go in the middle around January 11th as a compromise lmao but technically speaking I truly believe my due date is January 9th and I should be 38 weeks today.

Going to attempt to dtd tonight to try to get things going... if only we can get our 17 month old to bed! It's just past 11pm and she is still up... normally she's down just past 7pm. No idea what's up!!!
Has anyone played around with due date calculators using conception date vs LMP? I'm just curious because I was playing with some due date calculators. We can pinpoint conception down to 1 of 2 days: we had sex only two days total that cycle, day of and day after +OPK, and 2 days after my +OPK, the doctor did US (I was seeing a specialist) and could see I had already ovulated. Based on those calculators, if I do it based on conception date my due date should be Jan 5. Based on LMP it's Jan 9 (that's also the due date my specialist gave me). My OB for some reason has it listed as Jan 12 (I think she has the wrong date for LMP on computer).

Anyway, I know that doesn't actually change anything, it was just interesting. And it makes me feel like I'm even closer to when baby SHOULD be coming, which makes me want her to come out even more. I'm so tired of being pregnant, and hurting, and not sleeping, and I just want to transition from being very very pregnant to being a mommy.

Sorry, I'm having an emotional day. :cry:

Vrogers - Good luck! Let us know! I Feel like we could conduct our own mini-study on whether sex is actually triggering labor :haha:

Due dates are tricky things. LMP is the one usually used because even if you know exactly when you dtd, that's no necessarily the date of conception because it depends on how long it takes the sperm to get to the egg and penetrate. Knowing when you ovulated will help because we all ovulate at different times from our day 1. Sadly, all due dates are arbitrary dates to give us and the doctors a better idea of when our babies will come. In my opinion, I'd suggest you acknowledge your early growth scans but keep in mining that baby might decide to make and earlier appearance. Expect anything from 37 weeks on...
Apparently operation DTD to get this baby out is not in the books for us tonight. Finally got dd#2 asleep only to be right in the middle of DTD and dd#1 walked in on us... oops!!! Thank god she's only 4 and the lights were off! Lmao!
Hi Ladies,

I'm so behind on whats been going on with everyone. I just got my computer fixed so now I can comment back.

KK- I hope things kick back up after resting some. I glad that you and your family are feeling better. We just had the bug hit our house last week too.

Ally- Congratulations on your baby boy!!! He's so cute!!

Slammer- I'm glad that your DD has been going to bed on her own. I was relieved when my dd started doing it.

Sorry to everyone else that I havent gotten back to.

AFM- We are just getting over a bug in our house. I was having some back heartburn for 3 weeks but luckily since she dropped last week it has resolved. I have been bouncing on my birth ball and drinking red raspberry lleaf tea. I'm hoping this little girl makes her appearance within the next two weeks. I have a feeling she will be born the first week of Jan. as long as its not the Dec. 31st- 3rd I'll be good. My midwife will be out of town and I would have her two back up midwives which are wonderful women but I'd prefer my midwife who helped deliver my first dd.
But other than that nothing much has happened here. I made my hubby promise no more visitors until after baby is born with the exception of my MIL because she's my doula and will be staying with us from this upcoming wed. until baby is here.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
Midnight .. I'm in baby number 4 .. According to my notes my last 3 births I managed ok.. But I know I def struggled with my last getting him out and he was my biggest at 9.7 born 39+3 . They are inducing my 9 days early this time due to lo being big baby again and if no joy they want to give me section and not let me go past 39 weeks.. I am really nervous this time .. I hate transition 😁😁 but nervous about section. I'm 37 weeks tomoz so think I'm going to try and get things moving next week myself .. I just keep giving myself a good talking to and doing as Ally says and focus on end goal 😃 hopefully this time I'll feel more in control it happened so fast last two times so at Least I can expect it this time.

Ally sorry about the pain you are in with your hips .. I had spd last preg .. Not this time which has surprised me but has lots of hip problems after labour if was awful so really feel it for u , mine did go after few weeks ️xx

vrogers sorry about u having colds my lot have had bad time last couple of weeks .. Been a nightmare ️xx

Kk... Exciting .. Good luck hon ️xx

I'm just plodding , thinking of trying to get things moving I think in a few days .. 37 weeks tomoz.. Just going to have few days rest if poss as all been poorly so want to get strength back as shattered x my 3 ur old very grumpy bless him n feel I need to sort house again after xmas...

So exciting babies arriving 😃😃
Hugs to all.

Weve dtd every eve for a week...didnt work yet lol

Woken up with a coldsore too....so kinda hoping baby will hang on till it goes. 😣
Sorry I've been MIA. I've been reading everyone's updates daily but I just find it difficult to actually type and respond to everyone when I'm just on my phone, so I end up not replying or updating. Encouraged to read everyone's progress though and excited that we've started having babies :)

I feel pretty much organised now but my husband would like me to hang off until the new year before baby arrival as he has some work commitments he'd like o get out the way. He jokingly says baby is scheduled in the Gantt chart for 10th January. I'd be more than happy for baby to arrive whenever now though! I've got a stinker of a cold just now so would like to get this out the way first!

I'm not really feeling nervous, just s bit apprehensive about what to expect.

Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas time and looking forward to hearing about more baby arrivals! Xx
Oh goodness I've missed so much!! I'm still in hospital , should be discharged today. It's too hard to read all posts on my phone. But a quick glance and I see some babies might be born soon!!

KK- good luck!!!! Hoping it's very soon for u
Someone said something about dtd then labour, I'm sure it was dtd that got labour going. I had no inkling labour was imminent, I remember saying I thought I had weeks yet!!

Midnight- don't worry, I'm sure all will go well !! You got this

Hope rest of u are well!! Will catch up once I'm home & on laptop
Can't believe I had a xmas baby !! Still so surreal!!
How are you doing Ally?

According to my previous births and moon chart...I am gonna guess 30th for me...or 11 Jan. Shal we see if the moon plays a part 😏
Hello beautiful ladies. I got so far behind with the holidays.
I skimmed quickly but didn't retain much. I hope everyone who celebrates had an amazing holiday!

First of all, huge congrats to ally! He is absolutely beautiful. So happy for you.

Kk- can't belive they sent you home! Must be so frustrating but hopefully you're getting some sleep.

A selfish update for me below:
It's 2am and I'm currently in the hospital and have been for 4 hours. I came in for high blood pressure and turns out I have some protein in my urine. They aren't ready to call if preeclampsia yet until they do more blood work in a couple hours and confirm it and see how severe it is. Doc thinks it might be the start of it so we'll see. Depending on how severe it is (if indeed it is) I'll either go home in the morning or deliver in the morning. We will see. Also, baby A has won the race to the cervix and baby A is the breach one so I will be having a c-section for sure at this point.

Hopefully it was a fluke and I go home in a few hours and can catch up properly.
I'm nervous about labor too. Just trying not to think about it really. The labor with my first wasn't traumatic, just the complications that came after. But I'm scared of a hospital birth this time. I feel like I won't be able to relax.

Regarding due dates - I just lied about my LMP date - I ovulated 3 days later than the standard 14 days after LMP, so I just added 3 days to my LMP. Not worth it to me to argue about LMP vs ovulation when I knew my dates. 3 days probably isn't a big deal, but I don't want to be pushed into an induction earlier because of dates being off, so I just lie.

I hope everyone who's feeling ill gets some rest and feels better soon!! I'm just tired!
Oh yeah, got the results of my tests and my iron has improved and I'm negative for GBS. Phew!
Mrs.G - Oh no, I'm sorry! Hopefully it isn't preeclampsia. Though, I'm glad they caught it if it is. They missed my SIL having it and then she developed HELLP syndrome. Thankfully they caught that, though. She was in the hospital for 10 or more days because of it. It would be great for you to hold those two in for at least a couple of more weeks! Sorry you have to have a c-section, though.

Ally - Glad you're doing well!

Sunshine - So many are getting sick! I've been worried about it, but I think we lucked out! DS had a minor cold, but he was completely wiped during it. I expected to get it, but I must have already had it at some point because DH and I never got it. Hope you get well soon.

Apple - I need to get some post Christmas organization done as well. I need to get our Christmas tree down and what not. Just keep staring at it like "I should do that now.. well maybe later" Not happening very fast!

Thor - Glad you got your computer fixed! Glad your heartburn didn't last. I've had mine since first trimester. It's just gotten worse throughout the whole pregnancy. I'm thinking this little guy will be after his due date. So most likely the first week of January as well. Don't blame you for wanting your midwife!

Greats - :haha: Oh gosh. I'd still die! That's part of the reason I demand the lights off. DS sleeps with us, but he gets put in his bed sometimes and will come looking sometimes without warning. He wakes up crying usually so still disrupts, but at least isn't walking in usually.

Angel - I don't know.. it's hard to say! With my first I got bumped up 9 days (I have shorter cycles). Honestly I don't think I should have. One, it was a later ultrasound, but also that would have put me at the beginning of my menstrual cycle for conceiving. I do have very regular cycles, though. Going by LMP for me works pretty well. I think they simply didn't believe me!

It's okay to be emotional! I think we're all dealing with days like that especially as it gets closer. We know it's almost over so the pain is just getting more emotionally and physically draining. Not to mention the conflicted emotions many face towards the end.

Vrogers - Anything?? Doesn't seem to work for me, sadly.

Slammer - Glad your iron has improved!! I wasn't bothered too much in the hospital, but I felt restrained with the monitoring devices and IV, etc etc. You can still get up and move around, but I never felt like it because it was awkward there for me. Plus my membranes already ruptured so I didn't really feel like it. I really hope I go into labor on my own at home without my membranes rupturing so I can spend less time hooked up too everything!

Thanks to those replying about their LOs being aware. It feels like DS is the only one that doesn't seem to care. He's always been stubborn and does things his own way, so I guess I'm not too surprised. He might get it more than I realize because he does that from time to time. He absorbs then waits to use what he knows.

AFM - Nothing going on. Last night my whole stomach was hurting during a contraction and it would not let up. I had to turn in bed and it finally went away. I think I'm getting more period like cramps with contractions as well, but I'm still not really taking notice of them. I'm pretty much just going to ignore any sign until it's something I can't ignore.

I have an appointment tomorrow and they are going to check me. I expect to be 1-2 cm dilated. No idea on effacement, though. I really don't expect much unless something starts to happen during the day.

Long post, I apologize. I'm sure you guys are use to it from me, though! My bad..

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