January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Haha I am feeling same. Against sweeps and induction for no reason but now I am up for whatever ha ha. Hope you are ok? Weve been on off poorly most of december too x
I'm feeling a bit better now I was just fed up this morning because was so tired and felt poorly.

Midwife went well though.. she said all the pressure and BHs are a great sign and she doesn't think it will be too much longer. Baby is fully engaged she couldn't feel her head at all its dropped right into my pelvis. She took a guess at new years night and said she's on call then lol but I don't think it will be that early I've never gone before 39 weeks before.

Still gives me hope I will be meeting baby Evie soon!
Lite - Yeah, I always wish I had a group of friends that were more than willing to all help each other out on watching kids. Need a mommy group lol I'm just so picky about where my son is and who is watching him. My trust can easily be destroyed, too.

Slammer - Glad your appointment went well. Hopefully it continues to go well between you two! It helps having providers that actually feel like they care. It sucks that they're few and far between.

Greats - Hasn't done anything for me yet! I keep losing bits, though. I was before, but now it's more often! I often get a crampy feeling then a little later will have more plug coming out. So hoping it's doing something!
I wish I'd just keep getting clear outs.. I'm going between clear outs and constipation. It's quite annoying! I'd rather not go in constipated.. I don't want to have a BM while pushing.. ugh!

Ana - That's no good, everyone is getting sick! Really hope you recover quickly. I'm going to feel so bad for anyone that goes into labor while being sick! I feel bad enough for those who are sick.
Hope your midwife is right for your sake! Although, I doubt I'll go by then and I'll be jealous!

Midnight - I'm sorry you're dealing with illnesses as well. Especially the throwing up. Hopefully you don't get that as well.

AFM - I'm still very much pregnant! Not that I expected to not be at this time, but still. Life can trick me, I'd be okay with it! The only thing I've been doing to hopefully help labor along is holding myself in a deep squat. Which kind of feels good, but makes my hips weak. Although, I will say my bad hip that always gives me problems has been a little better the last few days after it popped at the OB. Their examination beds always pop it when I sit up, no clue why. I want one just to use it to pop my hip, though!

DS was up till 1 am again. Although, he woke up before 7 and actually stayed up. Then we had to go somewhere and he took about a half hour nap in the car so his schedule is probably still going to be wonky. Go figure!

I have stuff I need to do today, so maybe he'll just take another short nap later in the car and actually have a decent bedtime. Let me laugh at myself now for hoping!

Enough rambling!
Ali, my fear is having a BM while pushing hahaha so far I think I've been ok, but doubt they would tell me anyways if I did! Haha

Hey, is there a Facebook group for this group? If so, someone add me to it! My fb is Emily Grape... profile pic is a silly face picture of me and my DH.

Had some cramping this morning that stretched around my lower back, so I started bouncing on my ball and of course it goes away. Grrr!
Hey, is there a Facebook group for this group? If so, someone add me to it! My fb is Emily Grape... profile pic is a silly face picture of me and my DH.

I'll send you you a PM with my FB info...I'll have to add you as a friend first in order to add to the group because of how it's set up.

Sorry I've not been keeping up on here...I'm much better about seeing everything on FB and all these babies being born!

A very quick update- had an appt yesterday and doctor said i'm not as far along as the hospital put me earlier in the week. She said I'm more like a 3.5/4 but definitely not a 5. Also only 50% effaced. So basically it can be a few more weeks still...sigh. I'm disappointed but overall it's still good news. Going to go through now and read up on how everyone is doing!
How big is the fb group? Are a lot more people active than on here? I will probably join yet but I tend to like posting on the forum better. I am a bit sticky about privacy and wouldn't mind anyone who posts regularly on here seeing me on fb, but for the ones who haven't been active on here I would be less sure about!

Ana - that's exciting that the baby is so low and your dr thinks you might go early! Best of luck!

Kksy - that is really too bad you aren't as far along as the hospital said, although it kind of makes sense as I would be shocked if you stayed at 5 cm for this long! Hopefully you will go into active labour very soon.

Greats - I am scared about that as well...but thankfully I avoided it last time. I will be giving my DH strict instructions not to tell me if I do, though. I don't want to be embarrassed!

AFM - I bought two new maternity shirts on sale today. Sort of a waste since I have less than a month to go, but I am SO sick of all my maternity clothes and many of them are getting too short. I wanted something I could feel somewhat confident in for the next few weeks. Plus, I'm planning on having another, so hopefully I can make use of them next pregnancy.
I also had a 90-minute massage which was very relaxing and nice! I have been sort of emotionally fried this holiday and bursting into tears over small things. I definitely feel I need to take it very easy until the end. I am seriously dreading my last week of work next week.
Does anyone have New Year's Eve plans? DH and I are going to go to a matinee movie and then out for supper but we'll be home with dd by 9 pm probably and then just have a very quiet night at home just the three of us.
I know I pooped in the huge tub at the birth center with DD. Ugh. Embarrassing but it was normal to them.

Literati the forum is WAY more active than FB, but it's picking up on FB now that babies are being born. I kind of prefer the forum too for now. I deleted the FB app a couple months ago to try to spend less time on there.
I'm the same way and prefer the forum over FB. I'm more of a private person I guess!

Is everyone else just SO done with being pregnant? I just want to meet my little one already!!! Although my husband and I both just came down with a cold and sore throat, so maybe it's good if she stays in a while longer.

I wonder if there will be any New Years babies?!?!?
Lit you don't have to be friends with people on FB to be in the group. Just to join - but then you can unfriend them afterwards. As I'm always on my phone I find it much easier to follow on FB!
Baby girl was born this morning! Hazel Chloe 7lb 5oz. Everything went well and she's very chilled out! Ah you forget how tiny they are - even though DD1 was never this small!
Literati, omg a 90 minute massage sounds HEAVENLY! I am planning on booking a spa day in late February when I'm all healed from childbirth... plan on getting my hair trimmed, highlighted, styled, facial, massage, and mani... never done anything like it before but I SO need it!

The fb group is mainly just labor and birth announcements from what I've quickly seen. I also prefer BnB. I'm still part of my previous August 2015 due date fb group from BnB but there are over 70 ladies and it is a very active group still, lots of posts all day long. We even do xmas and birthday card exchanges haha

Chitown, it seems a lot of us are getting sick! I hope you feel better soon. I am very much done being pregnant. Physically it's taking its toll, but I'm starting to feel very mentally drained now... very difficult to just relax my mind. Very much looking forward to childbirth!

No plans for NYE... DH has off work, so will just do my grocery shopping and finish organizing the apartment all weekend. Taking the xmas tree down Sunday morning and setting up the baby swing in its place.
Vankiwi - congratulations!! Lovely name! I hope she stays chilled out for you. Wishing you a fast recovery!

Greats - oh wow, that is very active of your August 2015 group! My August 2014 group completely died. I had a closer knit group of people who were TTC after a mc, and we are still on fb but probably only update about once a week. I think it is nice to stay in touch with the people you were pregnant with! :)
Your February spa date sounds amazing! I try to pamper myself before the baby is born since it can be hard to get away for a while after. When I'm off work I'm getting my hair done, a pedicure and massage. That will be amazing to pamper yourself when you're all healed up!

I also am very done with pregnancy and mentally drained.
Van - Congrats!! I love the name Hazel!! You do forget.. just looking at my car seat I think "How can you fit?!"

Lite - I don't blame you. I'm sick of my maternity clothes as well. I'm sick of clothes to be honest! Everything feels uncomfortable anymore! At least you plan to have one more so you'll use them again!
No NYE plans other than having a baby! :haha: See how well that works out for me! DH has to work. Unless I'm having a baby!

Slammer - Oh my, can't clean that one up without you noticing! I know that's what happens usually and you don't even notice. I'd know, though. DH would tell me and I'd be mortified!
I really don't use FB much. I'm not a social bug as it is and then I don't feel like 90% of the stuff I see people post would be stuff I would post about! Then all the drama.. haha.

Chit - My plan is to get this baby out on NYE! I think if I keep saying it, it has to happen, right?

Greats - At least you'll stay busy this weekend! I don't remember when the last time was I celebrated NY with DH. He's ALWAYS working. I think the last year was going into 2014 actually. I was having some wine with DH, my brother, and a friend of his. Then found out I was pregnant 7 days later! That was a hell of a year. Pregnant, started nursing school, became a mother, finished my LPN. Go big or go home.

I stayed really busy today, but nothing! Got our new tires on our vehicle so that's a relief. I do wonder if he's changed position or maybe is more engaged because my bladder keeps leaking a little and that NEVER has happened. I don't even notice. I'm 99% sure it's my bladder as well. I can hope it is otherwise, but at the same time not. I don't want pitocin!

My family Christmas is tomorrow. Hope this baby saves me from having to go! :haha:
I had a great DDC with my first (from another website), and we're still in touch on FB, but not as often now that the kids are older. But I still know they are there whenever I need support - it was a very small group! I'm glad this group has been so active - I'm sure we'll still be keeping it going in some form for a long time. :)

AliJo - it was kind of mortifying - they had a little fishnet to grab floaters. OMG I'm mortified even typing about it. Thankfully I was mostly too much off in labor la-la-land to care. I mean, pushing for hours on end like I did, I think it's inevitable!

I am also SO SICK of maternity clothes. Nothing is comfortable - even my super stretchy leggings are starting to bother me. I can't wait to get rid of all this stuff for good and just be a normal person again with a relatively normal body!

I'm going to a mom-friend/acquaintance's house for NYE. She has a DD a little older than mine, and there will be another couple with their kids there. It'll just be me and DD - DH will be working.
Slammer and Ali - I'm glad I'm not the only one sick of my maternity clothes, and clothes in general! I agree that nothing is comfy anymore!

Slammer - that sounds like a nice evening. Too bad your DH is working!

Ali - I could easily see you having a NYE or New Year's Day baby! Guess we shall wait and see! Sorry your DH always works for NYE!
Lite - He just informed that I have to pop so he doesn't have to work tomorrow. He wants to avoid something haha!
Ali we haven't even taken the car seat out of storage yet!! Whoops..... DH has to do that tomorrow!!

I'm also part of a very active fb group from July 2013 babies. And another one from bnb too. So great watching the kids grow!
Chitown- you sound just like me, with feeling done with being pregnant and having a cold! I keep telling myself "nobody is pregnant forever" it helps...momentarily!

Van- congrats!!! So glad you are both doing well!

Ali- I say you or midnight are next!

I'm on the "tired of maternity clothes" ship! Some of my maternity shirts don't even fit me anymore, it's sad.
And no New Years plans here. Dh is making Mexican cornbread (it's like a casserole basically) for dinner Sunday as a New Years tradition but I'm sure we'll just stay in like we did for Christmas. I usually like to watch the ball drop, and it will be especially exciting this year to see January 2017 knowing it'll be BABY MONTH finally!
Vrogers - I so hope you're right.. we can both go! That way I'm not jealous, yet again! :haha:

Van - You may want that! I still need to install the base at least. I want to clean the vehicle first. That's happening real fast! Just needs vacuumed, but still.

Slammer - Kind of funny about the net, though! I'd still probably be all "That is totally disgusting.. ugh.. get me new water!" I'm kind of weird when I'm in an uncomfortable state. I usually laugh when I'm in pain, except didn't during labor. I just got really quiet. Really hoping I luck out again..
I feel like just knowing that I'm officially off work made me feel so much better. Today I did laundry and gave the dogs baths. Doesn't sound like a lot, but carrying the laundry exhausts me, and the dogs are not easy to bathe when I'm this pregnant. I spent the rest of the day playing video games. :haha:

Ali - I'm glad your doctor isn't worried about the weight gain. I just didn't realize you could actually gain that much. I mean, I guess you can, it just made me double take!

Lite - 7 lbs in ONE DAY!? :wacko: Wow. The FB group is pretty small. We were also really quiet during most of the earlier/middle part of pregnancy and have only recently become a little more active again.

A 90 min massage sounds AMAZING. I've been getting a massage once a week since Dr told me to, and it's been great. But I skipped this weekend because this close to Christmas I was saving funds. Plus I was hoping I'd go into labor very soon and not need it. :haha: I think if she hasn't appeared by day after New Years I'll schedule another one. As for New Years plans - we are doing a fondue night with my sister, BIL and their kids. We are going to call an early night and come back home and have a quiet night here since I know I won't last until midnight but we'll have a nice evening at least with them. Enjoy your movie! What are you going to see?

kksy - sorry you're not as far along as they had told you before. :( That really sucks.

Greats - I've also got a similar fear. I told DH yesterday that if I do poop on teh table he's not to tell me about it. Ever. I've been told by a couple friends that they didn't even know they had done it until they were told later (by husband or someone I'm sure) and that the nurses are so quick about clean up and changing things that they never knew it had happened. Plus they are so used to dealing with it that it doesn't even phase the medical team. That made me feel better at least. But I am definitely not looking forward to THAT as a possibility.

Chi - I am DEFINITELY OVER this. I just want my baby to be here. Like yesterday!

Vankiwi - CONGRATS!! That's so great!! :happydance: You're only a day or so ahead of me, I'm so jealous! :haha:

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