January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - you're right! That will be exciting introducing January 2017 knowing that it will be baby month! I hadn't even thought of that. Sort of looking forward to new year's a bit more now. :) That casserole sounds yummy.

Angel - you should definitely schedule another massage if you haven't had the baby by after New Year's yet! And I'm so glad that just knowing you don't have to go back to work has helped. I'd imagine I'd feel the same way. It's always such a relief to be done.
A fondue night sounds just lovely! Hope you have fun! I think we will be seeing 'Passengers.' I wasn't too impressed with the movie choices right now, but hopefully it will be good.

So...I was having quite a few painful BH tonight and it made me realize that I need to get a move on with our last few baby things! Have to get DH to install the car seat base (even though annoyingly we can't seem to find the infant head support insert for the car seat), we have to get the swing from storage at my parents' house and assemble it, I need to pack my hospital bag, and then I'm hoping my last few baby items will arrive from amazon before she comes. I was too lazy to go to the store so I ordered some things like lanolin cream, breast pump sterilizer bags and milk storage bags, etc. from Amazon the other day but they won't arrive until late next week. There's not too much to do, but it would not be ideal if I went into labour before any of it was done! I highly doubt I'll go into labour this early, but I'll feel better once it's all done.
Thanks everyone! She's been very chilled out so far but lets us know when her diaper needs changing!

Ali yes DH will go home tomorrow to install the car seat! I've been asking him all week to get it out of storage but it didn't happen!

DD got to meet her baby sister this afternoon - we told her her name but she wants to call her Banana :haha:
Sorry guys been so busy with baby Isa. We are still in hospital he has jaundice so is on light treatment.

Massive congrats to vankiwi & shobbs!

Wishing the rest good luck
Also quickly scanning through, I don't have facebook. Are we still going to stay active on this And make it a parenting etc forum?
Hi ladies, been really busy last few days so not managed to message but have been scanning through best I can.. Sounds like lots are getting very close to meeting babiea now..

Van.. congratulations !! Beautiful name ..

Lit 7lb. Wow .. I bet im not far behind that.. I don't know if I'm just fed up of being pregnant and plodding but I can't stop eating junk.. I'm a nightmare with chocolate and there is so much of it in our house at the minute! I keep feeling guilty for a minute then just eat another ! Lol..

Angel- im glad you are off work now ..hope you get bit of time to relax :) I finished before xmas and I can't believe the difference in me in 10 days.. I'm exhausted.... So glad I'm home now.. I have a toddler and 14 yr old at home who both have their own demands so nice to be home with them..even tho 14 year old only seems to want to come home for food and money lately lol..

Slammer .. It does sound funny about the net.. I'm sure I must have myself at some point .. As you say the staff are just not bothered must see it all the time.. My last labour I was away with the fairies so would not have had a clue anyway lol..

I'm also totally fed up of matetnity clothes can't wait to be able to get back into my normal clothes again, although it will Prob be a while with weight ive put on..ha..

The 90 min massage sounds wonderful :) and spa day a good idea..with having other little ones and not that much childcare im not sure if be able to fit a full day in straight away but I asked for vouchers for my birthday recently and xmas and plan on spending them on papmper items and a new outfit after baby arrives...my bath times are my little getaway..

Midnight-Ali .. Def don't think long to go ladies :)

I'm getting loads of really uncomfortable shooting pains down below.. Lost some clear discharge more than normal but not plug..I really don't feel like I can go out alone any more.. I'm managing about 20 mins standing then pressure is too much and get loads of BH, and can't walk with it..I keep thinking it's prob because this is my 4th pregnancy and my muscles must be weak:( pelvic floor rubbish !! Loads of pressure on bladder.. Little fella def very low down.. Ive always started naturally , last baby was just after 39 weeks but was 9.7, my induction is 9dayd early this time due to big baba..so will be the 10th jan..

Feeling quite emotional last couple of days crying at anything..then will be ok, spending lots of quality time with my 3 year old.. Lots of mummy cuddles.. I'm seeing midwife Tuesday so might ask her to check my cervics as these shooting pains are really not good and happening a lot more each day..
Sorry for little vent ����
Feeling terrible here. Crampy and really uncomfortable. Had some brown mucus discharge as well and painful bowel movements. Wondering if all of this combined is the start of labour... No contractions, though... Hoping that if it is, he'll hold off until tomorrow. I don't want a 2016 baby - lol. Just about to take a nap to see if I can get some energy, just in case. I'll keep you all posted.

I hardly use facebook, but I'd love it if we had a parenting thread to continue with...
Literati- it made me more excited and motivated to stay up until midnight haha

Ally- love your new picture! :)

I don't use Facebook a whole lot and would also love it if we continued this thread!
Ally - I would love to stay active on both to keep in touch with as many possible. I enjoy coming here. It's a good time killer. Although, once life gets back to "normal" I can see it being harder to get on.
I'm so sorry you're still in the hospital! I expected you to be home in lalaland and just forgetting about the world! Hopefully soon!
Also, his cheeks! I'm in love with them!!

Van - That's adorable!! I'm excited and afraid of DS meeting baby. I so want it to be a happy meeting, but it could be the complete opposite. My only hope is that he has been very interested in babies for awhile now and is usually happy to see them.

Newbie - Well good chance is that if you do go into labor you'd make it till 2017, being your first. Hopefully you are almost there! I'll be jealous, but happy! :haha:
I asked my brother what day this baby was coming and he said Jan 4th. He was right about DS, so I hope he's wrong and it's earlier. Although, I could see it being the 4th or 5th because I have an appointment and most likely they'll do a sweep. It's what kick started things last time.

Well, I think we can keep this or a parenting thread going! I'll start ticking down the time till next baby. :haha: Obviously won't be actively thinking about it, but I already have a plan set in place.

So I think my NYE baby is out of the picture. Only 16 hours left to go. Which is fine, but I really wanted one!

I have a lot I need to get done today and I don't want to do it!
So did I Ali! Looks like a 2017 baby after all. How ironic after all the efforts to keep them in. Lol x
Midnight - Right? I also joke about how you'll poke and prod at your baby while they're in the womb but as soon as they're out you want to do everything to keep them asleep and comfortable! :haha:
Congrats Vankiwi!

Apple - I'm feeling very much the same being on my 5th. Everything feels weaker compared to my earlier pregnancies. Struggling for more than 20-30 mins and not really wanting to go out alone now. Fingers crossed the wait isn't much longer now!

Newbie - All sound like promising signs. Think you can def say your looking at a 2017 baby now. I'm the same.. really didn't want a 2016 baba lol

Ali - That is def true.. all the times we prod them to make them move and when here we turn into crazy mums shh'ing everyone so they don't disturb baby haha

AFM, BHs have eased off slightly today but I've started to lose bit of plug now and getting pains 'down there' she feels so low she might just fall out haha I've just had major panic on with my OH saying the house is a mess there's so much to do and we are not ready if I go into labour. He just laughs at me and says I need to breathe and stop stressing. Whenever we start to argue now or if i start getting irritable one of us has to stop and remind the other we need Oxytocin not Adrenaline.. love starts labour not fighting haha

I was supposed to go shopping today but I've just not wanted to go out so nesting and wanting stay close to home tells me it can't be much longer!

I spend more time on fb as it's just easier to get on with my phone than here but I'll definitely want to keep active on both fb and here if the group carries on.
I'm getting all sorts of advice from every person under the sun as to how to bring on baby! :haha: The craziest thing was my cousin telling me she wanted her baby out so she went for a jog and had baby that night! :wacko: I can barely walk, let alone jog! :haha:

Yesterday evening I had a ton of pressure and shooting pain down low on cervix. Plus my back would NOT stop hurting no matter how I moved or changed position. Was really hoping it was a sign that I would wake up with contractions, but no go. Looks like she's going to be a 2017 baby after all. I doubt she'll make an appearance in 15 hours!

Lite - I did the same thing, ordered all that stuff from Amazon because I was far too lazy to go to the store! Glad I'm not the only one. :haha:

Ally - Would love it if we stayed active and made it a parenting group!

Apple - I'm similar, in that after about 20 minutes of standing the pressure is too much and walking = lots of BH. I have gone for a short walk every couple nights around the neighborhood with DH hoping to get things going and while I'll have loads of BH the minute I get home and stop walking they are gone. And hten my hips/pelvis punish me for hours soooo I think I'm about done with that. Good luck at your appointment. Hopefully they'll be able to check cervix and see what's going on. :)
Yeah, only 5 hours of 2016 left, so I think there's a good chance I'll be waiting until 2017, thankfully. Cramps/mild contractions are staying about 11 minutes apart. Getting more painful, though. I'm hoping that I'll be able to go to sleep soon - just in case. Good thing we had no plans for new years! Lol!
Managed to get out for a walk today and did a bit of food shopping with oh and little one in trolley.. I had to stop a couple of times due to strong BH.. Think I was getting funny looks lol..like I care .. Not.. With being ill leading up to christmas ive not been out for days so really felt like I needed the air and bit of exercise so we stopped off and took our 3 year old on his new bike on the way home..He loved it bless him.. We went on a school yard near us.. So he could just go where he wanted whilst mummy was in a mission " doing laps to get baby out walk" lol.. I stood and started swaying my hips a bit with back ache and lo asked "mummy what are u doing ?? " I just said not quite sure myself.. It was quite funny.. I must have looked odd..

Annababe- I smiled at your post .. You sound just like us at home , I keep stressing picking things up and trying to tidy things and other half keeps saying it's fine ..we are def on get baby out mission from now... Might try dtd but even the thought tires me ha..not done anything for months.. I wonder if it really works ? Like the love comment:) def true.. Gonna just chill tonight if poss once lo in bed.. Teenagers out ! So bit of peace.. Noticed you are lancashire so am I x

Ally- I would be up for parenting group, be nice to see how little ones are getting along..

Angel.. Your sumptoms do would very similar to mine.. Hopefully won't be too long now..:)

Newbie-- all sounds good .. Hopefully not too long now ️xx

Van.. I'm really apprehensive about my 3 year old meeting his new brother when he arrives.. He is really good most of the time and talks about his arrival and what he is going to do with him but I have noticed that recently he keeps covering up my bump �� and saying he has gone to sleep now ha.. And is bit clingy bless him..one of my main anxieties this time is leaving my youngest.. I know it might sound silly but I'm dreading it.. He is 3 but still my baby ️xx

Wonder who will have the first 2017 baby !! Hope you all have good night ladies and happy new year where ever u are x
Apple - I stopped DTD a few weeks back.. but we are going to try attempt it every other day at the moment. I don't know how my OH still wants to to be honest, I'm so bloody big now it can't possibly be attractive for him yet he's worse now for wanting it than he was early on lol its really just something that has to be done now to get baby out rather than something I'm enjoying. All it seems to do for me is set off strong contractions that eventually ease off but not sure if it will work the closer to being due I am or not. I was in Lancashire yeah I've moved back home now I'm in Bolton so not too far. Where abouts are you?
I hope we keep up with this thread as well! I would love to stay in touch with you all. I don't think there is a good parenting forum for things like this. So maybe we can just stay on here? Or do something on parenting journals maybe.

Ally - sorry you're still in the hospital! Hope his jaundice clears up quickly and you can go home and be comfortable!

Newbie - sounds like you might be the first new year's baby! I hope things progress for you quickly - either that or you're able to get a good night's sleep first! When my contractions became 10 minutes apart, it was probably less than an hour before they were 4-5 min apart and I had to head to the hospital! I really am excited to see who has the first new year's baby!

Ali - I have so much to do and don't feel like doing any of it either. I'm definitely not having any nesting urges! Haha.
Sorry you're almost for sure having a 2017 baby but at least it could still be very very soon!

Angel - haha, I'm glad we are both lazy like that! I actually got better prices this way, so l'll just say I was being super frugal!

Apple - sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Try to take it easy!

Ana - haha too true about love starting labour, not fights! :haha:

DH is going to install the car seat bases today (one in each vehicle)! At least he is feeling motivated even though I'm not!
Lite - I don't see why we couldn't stay here unless they close us or something. 2016 January babies is still going!
It's alright, I expected it! I just hoped!

Ana - My DH seems to want me more. I don't know why. Could be because he knows he won't be getting any for awhile after and if I tear (oh how I hope I don't!!) it will be even longer. He definitely doesn't mind me being a blob!

Apple - That's funny your child was asking what you were doing! Glad he enjoyed his new bike! I can't wait to get out of an apartment so I can get my son one.

Angel - My family keeps saying they'll take me down a level B road (little to no maintenance and it's all dirt in case you don't know. They're a complete mess!). I always tell them if my dad can't induce me by his driving, nothing can!
I should try the jogging. It was causing me to have contractions last time I did it at work! :haha: I'd walk into L&D all weird and they'd be thinking baby was literally falling out at that moment.

Ana - I need to go shopping as well, but I really don't want to take DS! Too exhausting right now.

I really don't want to go to this Christmas. Probably the biggest reason I wanted to go into labor!! I know I can just choose not to go, but I really don't want to do that to my family. I won't be staying long. DH probably really doesn't want to either. He came home and was in bed instantly which he never does. He was super exhausted from work and he seems overall worn out and stressed. He said he just wanted to be home with us.

I think we're both done!

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