January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I'm starting to lose a bit of mucus, but nothing blood tinged or anything. I had this for weeks last time so I'm not reading anything into it, but it's still nice to be making some sort of progress.
Lite - Did your DD come early or late? I keep losing bits of mine, but nothing like I was after my cervical check.
I ended up not buying them gifts. I felt horrible about it but I just couldn't.

WDWJess - Super impatient myself. I haven't felt like labor was about to come.

Pompy - I more often see them be way off than close. Hopefully they're wrong!
Nope, the Christmas was crap.. ha

Chit - You probably just jinxed me and now he'll stay in longer. :haha:

Apple - I really don't want induced myself. Not scheduled yet but I'll feel hopeless if it does ger scheduled.

Ana - Hope you got some good rest. I need a burst of that energy. I barely managed dishes today.

Well the Christmas was stressful and I wanted to leave as soon as I got there. Too crowded between dogs and people. We arrived after they were done eating which was fine by me. They were doing gifts as soon as we arrived. DH stood around and talked to my dad most of the time and I hovered over DS making sure he didn't get into something or someone getting after him for something they shouldn't. My step family is a joke.. :doh: My oldest step niece got in trouble for watching and making sure some of the younger ones were behaving. She got yelled at for "yelling" at the little ones because "they wouldn't understand" and she "isn't an adult and should let the adults take care of it." She's 11-12 years old and I never once saw her do anything wrong while watching the little ones. No yelling and I even heard her say that the almost 2 year old didn't know better to the 5 year old. No adults were even paying any attention to them and I thought she was being wonderful till my step sister had to come in and be rude as hell to her making her upset and cry. Then DH almost snapped on the same step sister later for taking a toy away from DS because it wasn't his yet no other kid was playing with it.

I am so glad it is over. Sorry to complain.. I have so many horrible and drama filled stories involving the steps.

Side note. I might be having contractions. Nothing real regular yet, but fingers crossed they progress. They don't feel like what I had with DS but most of the contractions I had with him were from the pitocin. My pelvic region aches some.. like a weird pressure almost and at the same time I'm feeling pressure on my bowels. I need to get some sleep in case it is labor starting. I expect to wake up feeling fine though.

Also could feel different due to my membranes still being intact.
AliJo, what a crap party! I wouldn't even go in the future tbh! But hey, yay for contractions! Hoping it turns into the real deal! Pressure in your bowel area is a good sign.
Again today I've been having dull achey cramping feelings in my abdomen like I get when I'm about to start my period. Plus some back pain. Also had some stronger contractions but not quite regular or anything. I also think she's shifted even lower, if possible, because when I walk I swear I can feel her down even LOWER than she was before. It's literally like having a grapefruit BETWEEN my legs. I'm hoping this means labor is very soon.

DH started doing some research and found a lot of women who reported similar achey cramping feelings and reported having the babies within a day or a few days of those starting. So..... FX! :)

As for our snow - most of it started to melt in places and turn to slush where people have walked or driven. However it was above freezing only a few hours today and now it's dropping below freezing again and won't get above freezing for a few days. which means all that slush is going to ice over and our roads could be fairly dangerous. :wacko: Keeping FX that things are not bad if I do end up needing to go ot hospital soon!

Ali - I'm hoping we're close! I have a ford focus and my husband has a pickup but his pickup doesn't have 4wheel drive. The car seat is installed in the car and we haven't bought a second base yet to put into DH's truck so we'll take the car. But DH has mapped out a couple different routes that won't make us drive up the more dangerous hill.

As for the party, it sounded awful! Your step family sounds a bit like my dad's side of the family feels sometimes. My sister and I try to avoid having to do much with that side of the family for some of the same issues that you seemed to be dealing with.

I'm also having pressure in what feels like my bowels too. FX That it's a good sign!
Ali- I'm sorry the party didn't go well but yay for possible contractions! I hope they turn into the real thing

Angel- also hope it turns into the real thing for you!

We need more babies in here :haha: I don't really have anything noteworthy going on, we dtd again and I had some cramping a while after but that's about it here!
I agree, we need more babies! :haha:

Today DH asked if there was anything he could do to help (I was so miserable with the cramping earlier today) and I said, "have sex with me and make this baby come out". At which point he laughed and was like "yeah....we tried that, and it's not working for us." :p

He's right thought, when we've tried to DTD in the last couple weeks something happens and we end up laughing so hard we give up. Usually either baby starts moving around, which makes it SO AWKWARD we can't keep going, or we have issues with positioning (between my bump, my pelvic/hip pain, etc we are having issues) and it ends in laughter. Soooo yeah, I've got some serious jealousy for those of you who can still DTD. :haha:
Hi ladies, tried to upload a photo of baby z but can't figure it out on my phone.

On new years eve, at about 5pm, I was having an early dinner with dh's family. I'd been feeling off all day, but that was when I noticed that the cramps I'd been having were coming and going at regular intervals. Started timing them at 11 minutes. When we left, I told my mum and dh and said I'd keep timing them. They dropped to 8 minutes by 8pm and we all decided we'd better sleep early, just in case. Of course, I couldn't close my eye longer than 7 minutes because of contractions that were getting stronger. I got up so I wouldn't wake dh and went out to the couch. Contractions were at 5-6 minutes by about 2am when my mum woke up and found me out there. Dh heard us talking and came out as well. We decided it was time to move, so we got ready - timing my movements between contractions was fun - lol. The hospital is literally a 5 minute drive away, but by the time we got here, I'm sure they were every 3 minutes. By 5:10, as they were still prepping me (hadn't had a chance to keep myself down there at all!), my waters broke and I had the urge to push almost immediately. They took me through to the delivery room which was an operating theatre and left dh and my mum outside! I almost cried. Fortunately my doctor (who'd been at a new years function and had just gotten home when he got the message about me) sent for dh, who came in a short while later in scrubs. He did amazing in there. Didn't offer me a great deal of support, but he saw his son being born and didn't pass out! I only had about an hour of pushing before the doctor suggested another doctor help me push. I was exhausted by then and agreed. Almost wish I hadn't afterwards because that meant that baby z came out quickly but also meant he tore me badly and I felt it go. The scream I gave off then reverberated through the hospital! My mum heard it from outside the theatre area and immediately knew it was me. But baby z was out, cord cut and started getting cleaned up. I didn't get to hold him because the doctor needed to put me under a general anaesthetic for what he described as "extensive repairs", I was out even before the placenta had come. Ouch! I'm sore now!

Baby z is mostly chilled out at the moment. We struggled to wake him up at all yesterday for feeding. I know that won't last long but it was nice to get some sleep!

Probably being discharged today... Which is scary! I'm going to be responsible for that ting little person - lol! Reality will hit then.

Thanks for your congratulations. We're both in love with him.
Ali - Wow that party didn't sound very enjoyable I'm not sure I could have dealt with all that! But contractions sound promising.. hopefully this is it for you!

Angel - That's pretty much how DTD goes for us too.. mostly ends in us giving up and laughing.. sometimes ends in me crying because I'm so big now and I get all 'how can you even look at me' kind of thing, which he just laughs at me and tells me to stop being so hormonal haha

Newbie - Aww glad Baby Z is doing OK. Labour/birth sounds like it was a little stressful for you but you did fab! Sorry about the tearing..I was similar with my first although didn't need putting under GA.. hope you have a speedy recovery and stitches heal Nice and quick for you. Hope your managing to get plenty rest.. look forward to seeing pics :D

No more signs for me. But I've got pretty much near due date with them all so not expecting anything yet. Funnily enough I was looking at dates of my other labours last night comparing the difference between my original due dated and the dates the hospital gave me.. and all but 1 of my children arrived/labour started on/around my date rather than theirs. That would put me at 39+2 today so maybe will have something started by next weekend.. That's me def wishful thinking now! :haha:
Newbie thanks for the story! Sorry you had to be put under, hopefully you heal quickly!

Angel sounds very similar to our weather. You're not far from me! We had to dig our way in to our driveway today when we came home from hospital! It's not above freezing here now for two weeks ugh.
Lovely birth story..xx

Any news ali?

Ana....my first 3 were 39+5 39+6 and 39+4....
Now 40+1 and in shock 😅 never thought it BUT I think I have huge reservations while the kids are off school hassling me constantly. My braxton hicks are so bad..ive lost plug etc but this has all lasted a week now without progression. Balls. During the day time I hope it waits till night. I like the night time more...

Newbie, sounds like you handled everything like a pro, though! I tore badly with my first, sooo many stitches inside and out. Rest as much as you can, don't overdo it or you will risk your stitches coming undone.

Ali, hope you're in labor! Lol

Midnight, do you think baby is in a weird position? Only asking because my 2nd I had tonsssss of braxton hicks, painful false labors, etc for weeks and weeks and it was because she wasn't in the best position. She was head down but turned weird and sometimes would go slightly transverse so my body was constantly trying to get her into position.

Afm, I nested like crazy yesterday. Completely reorganized our walk in closet, washed and put away laundry, cleaned all the mirrors in the house, and made a huge chicken taco dinner as my husband's siblings and their kids all came over for dinner. Today I really just wanted to relax but my father in law and his wife are coming over for an early dinner to drop off xmas gifts for my girls. I absolutely cannot stand my FIL or his wife so this will be interesting! Last time I talked to them I got into a screaming match with my FIL.

I thought for sure I'd get a bunch of BH after cleaning all day, but only got the odd one here and there. I'm now starting to think I'm going overdue with this one lol
Greats...woah good jobon the cleaning. Funny you say about position. Everyone tells me bub is ok BUT I have a huge instinct baby is not in right position...I really feel like thats whats happening. My pains are almost certinly contractions as I remember them 3 times but very start stop....ughhh x
Greats - Honestly, I wish I could just avoid them completely without causing a bunch of crap. I live 15 minutes away from them and it's really hard to avoid them. I talk about how I want to move a couple of hours away so I rarely have to see them! It's a balancing act between my sanity and keeping the peace. I don't even care if they hate me other than my stepmom.

Angel - That sounds very promising!! Really hoping the roads become decent for you. Hopefully they've been treated and it helps. Our DOT hit the roads hard before any storm. So even if I'm not paying attention to the weather I usually know something is happening based on them. ha..
My step family is a true terror! You all would think I'm completely nuts for going over there if I told you everything from the past. :haha: Honestly can say I'm SO glad they aren't blood.
At least you guys are finding humor in the ridiculousness that involves DTD at this point!

Vrogers - You're getting so close to your due date!! Could be any time!

Newbie - Thanks for the story! I'm sorry it was rough! Just from your story it seems their practice there is quite different from here in the US! I'm glad you get to go home because the healing process is so much easier in the comfort of your own space.

Ana - I'm probably a little closer to insanity! I was so glad to be home where DS could relax and enjoy his time as well. He even got stressed at times.

Midnight - Still pregnant! Didn't wake up in pain like I was hoping! (Who hopes for that?! :haha:)

So UPDATE - Like I said, still pregnant, BUT I think I'm still having contractions. More painful ones as well. Nothing I'm timing yet, but it was enough for me to actually note that it was actually painful instead of uncomfortable.

Been awake since before 5 am. I couldn't fall back asleep and finally just got up, but then had to take DS back to bed because he woke up and wanted cuddled. Having anxiety over who is watching him. My little brother may be able to, but he has to work. He said he could probably take the day off but it's not guaranteed. I may have to resort to his GF, but I'll have some anxiety if he's only with her. Especially if it's overnight at all.

Just had another contraction and I'm 100% sure they're real ones. Hoping they stay and increase in frequency. I want a decently fast labor. None of this drawn out stuff!!
Midnight - I just realized how many posts you have! That's insane! :haha: Honestly I'm trying to kill time. I'm NEVER up this early just to be up. I don't know what to do! I don't want to be turning anything or or making much noise because I don't want to wake DS or DH.

I want to tell my stepmom, but I don't want her jumping around telling everyone I'm in labor. I happened to tell her I lost part of my mucus plug.. then when I saw my little brother next he's all "Thanks for not telling me you lost your mucus plug!" I'm all deer in headlights like "What..? /sigh Why would I tell you that? It's weird! I knew I shouldn't have said anything because she'd tell everyone!" :haha: She can't keep her trap shut so I'm always careful what I say to her.
Ive been on bnb ages haha!

Oo sounds like labour! I am in pain but just not regulating for long....grr...I am like you with worries over the little ones and who will have them.

Sorry ladies I am reading back...not delibratly being ignorant...just led in bed and hard to multiquote on phone xx
I'm not timing them but from just glancing at the clock now and then it seems like time between contractions is about 7-8 minutes. Then sometimes I don't feel one for awhile. Time will tell.. just trying to stay busy at the moment. DH and DS are up now.

I am having some blood tinged CM as well. I'm really hoping this progresses!
Oh def sounds like start of labour Ali.. hope things progress for you we need more babies!

Midnight you too.. sounds like something is def starting. Is baby moving as normal? Think bubs is just pretty comfy in there! Lol

Well after my energy burst yesterday im super achy today and although I planned to carry on my cleaning spree I really just want to sit down and eat rubbish food lol I'm so tired. Did sleep a bit better last though so not sure why I'm feeling so tired today.

Baby movements are so painful at min, feels like she's trying to break out!
anababe- you are a superwoman, handing all the washing etc. Take it easy!

apple- hopefully oh snaps out of it soon. Im sure all the walking will help gets things going.

midnight and ali- i think your babies are just too comfy inside you and don't want out!

ali- party sounds rubbish! but yah for contractions, fingers crossed! sounds like things are starting.... especially with the blood tinged cm! i think it will be very soon!!

angel- that's funny about the dtd!

newbie- ouch! well done you though, and so glad ur dh got to see it all. hope you get home today and attached a picture!! massive congrats again. Yes i felt so sore after also, when you pee, it stings so much. Use a bowl of hot water when you pee, it really helps.

vankiwi- did you get home?

afm- not much, just lazing about. DH has baby Isa, and i am just chilling on my laptop. Feeling very tired, isa was up a lot last night and im really feeling the sleep deprivation now haha.
Midnight & Ali I hope things really get going for you guys.

I was up most of last night, very restless and extremely crampy. Then my 2 yr old woke at 5 so we snuggled on the nursing chair and I was inhaling her scent in the hope to start things off and by 6am I was having regular painful but manageable contractions. I called DH to bring my phone through so I could start timing them and they were every 6 minutes lasting 40-45 seconds. After about 6 or 7 I felt like I really needed to go to the loo so I dropped Emily off in bed with DH as she was still awake and wouldn't let me put her down in her own bed. After having a wee I jumped into bed with DH & DD and tried to rest but DD started playing up singing and moving about so I gave in and got up with her and the contractions stopped and haven't reappeared since grrr.

So annoyed and exhausted now after only getting about 2 hrs sleep. Been so snappy at both kids today too which I feel awful about. DH just taken them out for a couple of hours so I can have a nap but I just can't doze off even though I'm beyond shattered!

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