January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Good luck tomorrow Apple and Greats!

Literati- you're right, it's my first! It is nice being able to stay busy and have a few distractions.

Alijo - if they offer to do one I'd take it! I've read mixed things on whether certain practices will do it if you're GBS positive. I forgot to ask at my last appointment but they may refuse to do that on me...

Hope everyone else is doing well!!
First of all, I am so sorry for the post and run! I am exhausted but do want to go back and see what is happening with everyone, will do asap!

Baby Lillian is here! (More pics to come later) After almost 24 hours of failed induction methods she arrived via c-section 01/09/17 at 10:44pm, 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. I'm amazed at how little bitty she is!! Got to do skin to skin and breastfeed even though the drugs from section had me shaking SO much. She is perfect and we are in love! She is currently in the nursery while we try to get sleep for the first time in 2 days until they bring her back to nurse. I miss her a lot!

Anyway, will update later with the full story (if anyone is curious-its all good if not!) as well as proper update asap! Hope all ladies with babies are recovering well and loving their new bundles, ladies waiting for labor don't wait much longer, and induction ladies go smoothly!


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chitown- happy due date!!! hope she makes her appearance soon :)

apple- your induction today? do keep us updated. Good luck

greats0 how things? is baby here now?

pomp- sory about your mum. But very exciting about due date!

ali- fingers crossed he will move soon then haha

slammer- it made me laugh when you said "one day we will sleep together again" haha. DH and i were cuddly sleepers so i am defo missing that. The midwife who came the other day asked me about contraception, and i said baby in the bed works very well!!

vrogers- oh my god, massive congrats!!!!!! she is beautiful. Sorry about the failed induction, cannot imagine that was pleasant. Looking forward to a full update later, you know we all love a labour story here on this forum :D

AFM- nothing to report, currently having a cup of tea, while Isa is asleep in bed. Just got a bunch of chores to do today really. Today was my due date, that feels so weird.
Looking forward to hearing everyone elses updates soon! :)
Congrats vrogers xxx she is beautiful x

Good luck greats.. X

In for induction today and had to call this morning for a time to go in.. Was told no beds at the moment and they will ring me back at lunch ... Frustrating .. Just pottering waiting for call .. Had nice relaxing bath tho n bit of extra time to sort ds.. I'm more worried about being away from him ! ️Xx :( x
Congrats vrogers!! She's so very precious!

Thanks Ally! Had my 40 week appointment today and was 2cm. They're scheduling my induction for next Tuesday the 17th, but hopefully I go before then!
Slammer - yep, this is just a phase of life and it won't last forever!

Chi - I'm glad you're staying busy! I definitely hope you don't have to wait for your induction! I don't really think I'll have to wait for mine since I had dd1 on her due date, but part of me is still worried I will have to! If I had a scheduled induction it wouldn't be until feb 1st! Eek. Anyway, best of luck going into labour before then!

Apple - I hope they have a bed for you soon. Try to stay busy, as I'm sure the day of waiting is going to go by slowly for you. Good luck with the induction when it happens!

VRogers - congratulations on baby Lillian!!! She is beautiful! Of course we would love to hear the full story! Sorry it ended up in a c-section but I hope your recovery goes well with no issues! She is a tiny little girl! Glad you got lots of skin to skin. You sound very in love! Enjoy those blissful newborn snuggles! :)

Van - how are you and Hazel?

Ally - weird that today is your due date! Glad you're enjoying a relaxing cup of tea. Do you find you have more motivation to be productive now that pregnancy is over?

AFM - I'm still exhausted and not really enjoying things very much. However, trying to cherish the one on one time with dd. last night we had such a nice cuddle before bed and she kept telling me that she loves me so much and she loves having 'lots of mommy.' It was very sweet and made me a bit sad that soon I'll often be holding the baby and unable to give her all the cuddles she wants.
I have to say I am extremely over this cold that I've now had for probably 5-6 weeks! Pretty sure I won't be healthy again until baby is born, if even then. We really need groceries, but I'm determined not to leave the house today. They'll have to wait until tomorrow! Oh - and I'm officially 38 weeks!
4.30 pm and still no beds to admit me for induction.. Quite frustrating :(

Would be nice to get in and get on with it.. Starting to get waves of nerves now lol.. Think it's the waiting ..Ive sent oh to bed for an hr as May be a long night, im just chilling with ds..no way I could sleep , so just trying to rest..
Hope everyone doing ok..

Hope greats induction going ok x
Vrogers - Congratulations!! She's beautiful! Of course I'm interested in your story! I'm sorry the induction failed, but glad she's here safe and sound!

Apple - I was the same with DS1. I really hated leaving him. Everything went fine with him, though. I'd still cry all over again about it, though!

Chit - There's a good chance you will! Fingers crossed for you!

Ally - Haha, I can wish! It's fine, though. DH is only home 3 nights of the week. I guess this way I'm less lonely at night!
I bet it does feel weird. You had to be sneaky and go ahead of most of us!
How long is the longest Isa is sleeping?

Not much going on here. Planning on going and visiting my Grandma later today for a short while. Hoping to check my blood pressure today while I'm there since there is a BP monitor there. If it's still up I'm going to call over to the office and see what they want me to do. I just don't want it to be something and get admitted. My headaches are pretty constant. Pain medicine does help, but they come back pretty quickly.

Baby T is doing pretty well through the night now. Still waking up every hour and a half to three hours. DH only had him once last night verses most of the night. I also only fell asleep with him for about a hour the rest of the night he was in the crib. He's soaking through his newborn diapers while he's sleeping for the longer periods so I may have to size up even though they'll be huge on him.
chi- fingers crossed baby will come on her own before next week. Exciting, enjoy the last days of freedom ;)

apple- how frustrating!! fingers crossed for bed soom, keep us updated!

lit-i feel like i want to do more things, like exercise, get out more, tidy etc, but never get round to doing as much as i want with Isa. Like today i started cooking, but he woke and needed fed and changed so cooking the one dish took me agesss.
that is so sweet what your dd said! bless her. Has she fully recovered from her illness now? Yah on 38 weeks!

ali- haha it wasn't me that was sneaky it was Isa. I really had no inkling, i remember saying the day before on this forum that i feel like i have a long wait yet haha. I would say the longest he sleeps is about 2.5 - 3 hours. Sometimes he is up and alert for a couple of hours too.
Shame about your headaches, that reminds me of second tri when i had them so much. Hope they get better soon. Make sure you are staying hydrated!

Ali - yes, definitely ask about your blood pressure and headaches. It's certainly worth getting checked out. I wonder if the headaches could be from the epidural? I've heard that is a side effect for some...although it probably should have dissipated by now.
Ds2 doesn't sound like he is sleeping too well. I'm not sure how you're coping so well! You definitely sound way happier and more energetic now. Just goes to show how draining pregnancy is.

Ally - yes, motivation and actually getting things done with a baby around are two totally different things! I'm impressed you managed to make a meal. Dd1 needed to be held constantly and nursed at least every hour for 40 minutes long meaning there were only 10- 20 minutes between the end of one feed and the beginning of the next. I almost went insane! I don't think I managed to make a meal other than throwing something frozen in the oven for a good 4 months. So, I'd say you are doing very well

thanks. Dd's tummy issues have resolved and she hasn't been falling asleep on the floor but we are not quite in the clear for fifths disease yet. If she does have it it will end in the rash which she hasn't gotten yet. If she hasn't gotten it by next Friday I think she should be in the clear. She does seem pretty healthy though. It's hard to say.

AFM - I'm happy to be home with dd, but boy is she incredibly demanding and trying on the patience! I am pretty short on patience right now so it is a little tough. This time the pre-baby mat leave time sure is a lot less relaxing than it was last time! :haha: Toddlers are hard work.
Congrats Vrogers!!

Apple - Hope they get you in soon and induction doesn't take too long.

Chi - Fingers crossed you go naturally before induction date!

Sorry I can't reply to everyone at the min, battery on my phone is about to die but hope all mums and new babies are doing good!

Well due date tomorrow for me and no sign of baby yet. Went for my last consultant appt yesterday just a routine appt to make sure all ok with my back and sign me off but my BP was 167/56 which is super high for me.. so taken straight round to maternity triage. Still contracting every 10 mins and baby heartrate was dropping with every tightening so what was supposed to be a quick 20mins on monitor ended up nearly 3 hours. Everything settled eventually. They did a gentle VE and cervix is very soft but still closed and posteria. I know that can change in a matter of hours so not worrying too much at the moment. Hoping she comes this week otherwise I'm booked for sweep on Monday at 40+5

In agony most days with the SPD now but still trying to keep active to help things get moving.
Ana - sorry you had a bit of a scare but I'm glad baby is ok. I hope you go into labour before your induction! Sorry you're in so much pain!!
lit- thank you :) every hour for 40 mins! wow, that really is demanding, that would exhaust me. Isa is quite a content baby, as long as he is clean and fed, he is happy to lay around in his crib awake while i potter about and do things. Fingers crossed your DD will be in the clear!

Ana- sorry you are in so much pain, i hope things get better for you really soon and the LO makes an appearance! Take care!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, vrogers :cloud9:

LL - I can totally relate to how you are feeling with your daughter knowing you are not going to be able to give her quite so much affection as she has currently. My daughter bedshares with me still and is very attached to me. She asks for hugs in bed constantly and if I am facing away from her, she will say 'mummy , can I see your face' so I turn over so she can sleep facing me :cloud9: I am so worried how the dynamic is going to change and how she is going to cope. We've talked to her a lot about it and she seems to understand, but only time will tell. I hope your cold disappears soon!

anababe - sounded like a horrible scare today with your blood pressure and baby's heart rate slowing. I am glad things settled in the end. Hopefully the sweep with work for you!

Apple - I hope you are finally in for your induction! Sounds like you've been messed around a lot today, must be so frustrating.

Ali and Ally- glad both babies are doing well :cloud9:
Will have to make it short but ive finally got a bed .. 12 hrs later ! so in hospital now with OH..im on a monitor .. Not been assessed yet but there must be something in the air here as it seems that ive started to get contractions anyway..about every 4 mins they are showing on monitor.. Hopefully things start properly now they are quite uncomfortable xx hope everyone else ok x xx
Thank you so much ladies! I appreciate the congrats :)

Ana- how frustrating, not much longer now though!

Apple- woohoo! Time to have a baby! Can't wait to see updates

As for labor & delivery story, we went in Sunday night at 11:30pm. Got into a gown and peed in a cup, then got started on monitor and got my IV. A nurse inserted cytotech (pill) into my vagina near my cervix around 1am. Dh fell asleep on the super uncomfortable pull out chair/bed and I just watched tv because I was too anxious to sleep. Started getting moderate period cramps about 2 hours into the medicine. 4 hours after starting the first dose, my doc came in and checked me and I was still only a finger tip dilated. She tried to stretch me (hurt SO bad) but it didn't work so she started a second dose. 4 hours later checked again and I was 2cm. She decided to go ahead and break my waters about 8:30am, which did not hurt but of course from then on I was leaking amniotic fluid which smells awful and looks so gross. We then started my pitocin and I asked for an epidural. I had heard how painful pit contractions are and I didn't want to chance it. I requested it after doc broke my water but did not get it until a good 2+ hours later so I did experience some decent contractions. Got the epidural and decided epidural was my new bff. Each time my doc checked me I was stuck at 2cm which was so frustrating the later it got especially with my water having been broken. The timeline after is a little fuzzy but we tried a foley balloon, peanut ball, sitting the hospital bed straight up like a throne, and other medications. Nothing worked. Finally after 22 hours of induction attempts my doctor said it was up to me-we could keep trying (I got to 4cm from being stretched) although my cervix was now swollen from all that was done to it, or I could opt for an immediate section. Talked with dh and chose the section because I felt like at that point it was safest for the baby, plus I was beyond exhausted and felt like I did all that work for nothing. My doctor also said she had never seen someone's cervix so hard and stubborn as mine.
The section wasn't TOO bad, just weird. There was lots of pressure and tugging but no pain. The doctor got the baby out and showed her to me and of course I sobbed.
That's pretty much it! We tried every "dilate the cervix" method we could and nothing worked.
Sorry for the book! I blame the medicine I'm on. I also sloppily wrote that with a baby on my chest so if it seems all over the place I apologize.

I can't wait to see more babies!!
VRogers - oh, wow! That really is a stubborn cervix! It sounds like you probably would have needed to be induced regardless, even if they had let you go overdue! It is understandable why you chose a c-section and I'm glad it went ok for you! Thanks so much for sharing your story! :)
Just updating, I'll respond to everyone's posts tomorrow!

Genevieve Estelle arrived at 1147am this morning after a very quick 4.5 hour induction! She weighed 8lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. Tons of hair and it's like a medium brown! My other two girls were born with blonde hair and practically bald haha

Induction started at 715am with breaking my waters. Barely any came out... Apparently I must have had a slow leak over the past couple weeks and had no idea... I legit thought I just had pee in my undies all the time. Baby started going into distress immediately with low heart rate and my blood pressure plummeted. They pushed me onto my left side and about 5 mins later everything went back to normal. Kept me on my left side for a while then I was able to get up to pee and sit up like in a throne.

They started oxytocin at level 6 out of 28 and contractions started immediately. About 9am they were very painful and I had to moan through them. I asked for an epidural at this point but had to wait till 930. I was shaking and shivering at this point and wondered if I had hit transition already but just brushed it off. They were supposed to check me before the epidural as their cut off for it is 8cm, but they forgot. Quickly got the epi, but the anesthesiologist couldn't set up the pump, only a small catheter with enough medication to last over an hour as he had to tend to a stroke victim in ER.

Nurse decided to finally check me, I joked I probably wasn't even 4cm, she said nah I bet you're a 5... well the look on her face was hilarious when I was actually already 10cm and +2 station at 10am! Haha so all my shaking and shivering was definitely me hitting transition.

She freaked out, called everyone in, paged my husband to run back, paged my doctor. I started to push but she was facing up so they had me stop as I'd be pushing forever with her in that position. I had to lay on my left side for 45 mins then my right for another 45 mins to get her to turn. I had to push so badly so they rechecked her position at 1130am... good to go. I pushed for about 10 mins and she was here!

4.5 hours in total! Just had some minor grazing, no tears and no stitches needed. Placenta came out quickly.

Can't believe I made it to 10cm without any pain meds! Just glad the epi kicked in for push time lol

My back is sore from the epi and my butt is more sore than my lady bits as that was where I felt all the pressure to push.

Will post a picture tomorrow!

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