January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oh, wow, greats! Congratulations! That is a great labour story. Seemed to go very well! Too bad you wait to wait so long to push because of her position, but I'm so glad she turned! Congrats again. So happy for you!

You and VRogers are just an example of how every experience is so different and no body reacts alike to induction or even natural labour! Very interesting how different it can go for everyone.
Literati- that's what my doctor said! Not sure why my cervix decided to be so difficult but I'm just glad she's safely here! And thank you for reading!

Greats- so jealous! I'm glad you had a short induction and sounds like your recovery won't be too bad. Can't wait to see pictures!

Literati- good point! That's why I was so nervous about induction in the first place- everyone has different experiences so I didn't know what to expect!
Congratulations greats!!

Thanks for sharing your stories greats and vrogers!
Greats - Congratulations!! Sounds like a pretty decent experience, all thinks considering! That's awesome they had you try to turn baby, though. It's so much better to push them out in the desirable position!

I can't believe I made it to 9 cm without pain meds and without hurting someone else!! I almost made it to a 10 considering they checked me again soon after and bam, ready to push! I should have known I was that far considering I was doing the same as you and shaking, shivering, and sweating up a storm.

Ally - True enough! These babies are really putting us to the test already!
I started getting headaches at the end so I guess they're not new, but I'd assume they're for a different reason now.
Sounds about the same as mine at the moment. He's starting to be a awake a lot more already. Was up all morning yesterday! Then was up for awhile in the evening.

Lite - He's actually sleeping better than I imagined! He's still flipping his schedule and at times he still doesn't want put down till he's completely zonked out. I do fall asleep with him from time to time, but I'm trying really hard not to.
I didn't even think about it being from the epidural. It might be it. Sometimes they do heal fast, but actually it can take some time to heal! They actually don't want you to wait if it's a spinal headache because if the leaking of CSF is bad enough you can cause brain bleeds and what not. The headaches associated with them are usually pretty severe, though. Mine are generally mild going into moderate at times.
Glad you're DD is doing better and hopefully you all lucked out and missed the disease! I was wondering about her stomach issues.
Toddlers are a definite handful. Babies are very needy, but I find them much easier! I wouldn't trade the toddler days for anything, though. They can be fun, just tiring!
DS1 was a demanding feeder, but not that bad. I kind of feel it started from the hospital because they were constantly on me about feeding him. Every 2 hours no matter how long he nursed which sometimes left me with little time in between because he wouldn't wake very well. Plus my milk didn't come in like it needed to and I blame that kind of them because I didn't really know better and they used a shield to get him to latch. Totally ruined my supply and it took me forever to get him off of it. I am MUCH more relaxed about feeding this time and I did what I felt was right and things are going great.

Ana - That definitely would be scary! Glad everything turned out fine. I really hope baby decides to make an appearance for you soon so you can start feeling normal again.

Apple - Waiting for an update! I hope you're holding your LO as I type this!!

Vrogers - Thanks for the story! That sounds like a rough time. I'd be probably thankful for the c-section by that time. So glad you and baby are doing well, though! I bet it was weird to feel those sensations. Congratulations again!!

AFM - Neither of my boys slept well last night. DS2 is still adjusting and DS1 woke up once because DS2 was crying loudly during a diaper change. Then as I was trying to get DS1 back to sleep I noticed he was hot and sure enough he has a fever. I gave him some medicine and so far this morning he doesn't have one. Hoping whatever it is doesn't spread to anyone else.

Going to keep an eye on him for a few hours and if he stays feeling okay we're going to go visit my grandma again for awhile today.

I'm feeling fine even though I'm sleep deprived. I hope everything gets straightened by the time I go back to work. Once I'm working the sleep deprivation will get to me much easier.
Quick update re induction, as I had started last night with regular contractions they didn't want to intervene with induction last night , just see how I went on.. They told oh to go home! We live over an hour away and there's are loads of roadworks at the min so he spent the night in car .. In bad rain, not ideal but he wouldn't go home as last birth was so quick he wanted to be near me bless him, contractions didn't progress so after a long wait this am..finally examined and only 2 cm, they gave me scan as Lo all over the place on monitors and gave me pessary at 12.30.. Oh is fast alseep in chair next to me.. Shattered.. Ive not had pessary b4 so not sure what to expect.. It's been 2.5 hrs and no change at all.. Time will tell, gutted to be away from ds as he has never been away from us before but seems he is having good time with my mum and my eldest son offered to stay at our house so youngest could stay in his own bed.. Apparently ds was excited at 3 am this morning when he saw his big bro and wanted to go down stairs and watch Disney Planes lol x im thinkibg at least it might put eldest son off kids at the min haha..
Not really sure if I should be walking around or what at the min.. Me an oh are shattered as no sleep last night so can't be bothered doing much really.. But same time want to get things moving.
They have given me tampon type pessary that has to stay in for 24 hours .really hope something starts moving soon .. Getting bit of a drag.. The ward is crazy busy, my midwife last night was looking after 7 women which I think is silly but that's the way it is..im a nurse myself so can tell when they are rushed off their feet.. It's not fair on them.. When the Dr came to see me she was getting paged all the time .. Never mind.. I'll just have to go with the flow n see what happens .. Hope everyone doing ok x signal not great in here so will have a catch up read when I can x
I keep reading but forgetting to respond! Congrats to vrogers and greats!

So sorry the induction didn't work out vrogers, but glad your baby is here and doing well. Both induction and c-section scare the crap out of me, lol.

greats - glad yours went so well!

Apple - can't wait to hear from you.

It's interesting to hear about people's "transition" experience. I had no discernible phase like that. I recall the urge to push when it came, but don't remember any more intense period coming right before that. Maybe my body spared me because it knew the pushing stage was going to be so long, lol. Like "don't get excited/overdo it now, you're gonna be in this for the long haul."

Still no signs here. I feel better after doing some stretches the last two nights - definitely helped my hips/back feel better. And I spent more time on my feet yesterday - I'm spending too much time sitting on my butt while I work from home.

It was kinda weird to take a 39-week bump pic yesterday. DD was born at 38+6, so I didn't get to this point with her!
Ah, didn't see your post before mine Apple. Ugh, I'm sorry it's not really going according to plan. It seems they really put women in a tough spot sometimes with inductions that drag on and you've got no sleep. :( I hope you can get a bit of rest. How stressful to have the midwife and doctor so busy. Positive thoughts your way.
Vix. I cried when I came home the dy after. I felt so sad for Jade but she is ok. I have just been having extra cuddles etc but I do feel sadfor her x probably hormones. She seems ok though.

Birth story (quick outline)

Had mild contractions but nothing more painful than BH. Just had ots but not painful. This was about 4.30pm. We needed to de nit the 2 girls hair ;x so we did that. I did the lotion and my partner washed the lotion out. As he was doing my eldest daughters hair I ran off to the bed. I said I was calling the community MW. As I phoned her I froze in horror and hung up. I told my OH the baby was in a weird position. An instinct I had for weeks. I said I wanted to go to hospital. An option he was sure I didnt want so he was miffed by this but called his mum anyway. I put the kids dinner in the oven because I was still not in pain but I felt 'familiar' to previous labours. His mum arrived I said I would rather go now then transfer in emergency and scare kids.

I called hosp on way and actually said 'I am probably not in labour but would like to be checked' the journey was 40mins and I didnt have a single pain at all....so felt like a fraud.

Went up to ward and said I didnt feel in pain. Was laughing and joking etc MW asked if I wanted antibiotics. I said no as I wouldnt have time. She exanined me and said I was 2cm. I was a bit peed
off. We hung around a bit longer deciding what to do. I went for a wee and the pain brought me to my knees. I said I think the baby is coming. I asked MW for G&A she said it was for established labour only. About 15mins later she heard my wail and let me have some!
She still didnt think I was in labour. My OH was very in sync with me. I literally communicated via my eyes as I suddenly felt shaky and sick...which I knee was transition. I pushed down while she was out room and my waters broke. I knew head would be just behind. Mw got in room and head was born and body in 2 pushes. Then Inwent into shock :( I had same with 2nd labour total shivery and shak nd went white. I came too fast and brought baby to latch. Then my OH had a look if we had a boy or a girl and we both cried. My OH was sobbing constantly in relief/joy lol

My total labour was 2hr 15mins but they had to guestimate this as esculated fast *I told them it would*

Baby had meconium in her waters and was back to back. The back ache while transisition made me feel sick. She also turnt in labour and got stuck but MW saw her turn as I pushed.

She weighed 6lb 7oz and was absolutley ok.
I had natutal 3rd stagr and my placenta naturally came out about 14mins later x
Midnight - that's quite the birth story! Thanks for sharing! I can't believe how fast you went from 2 cm to pushing! That is pretty crazy. Glad everyone is doing well.

Slammer - that is weird that you have now gone longer than with dd1! I am a bit worried that will be the same for me. Hopefully things will get started soon for you.

Apple - that sounds like a very frustrating induction experience so far. I hope things get going really soon. I can't believe they made your DH leave overnight and he just spent the night in the car!? Poor guy! I hope you can both get a bit of rest.

Ali - I agree the toddler stage is very exhausting but also so fun and great. I definitely enjoy it but is sure is difficult! Yeah, my dd1 was ridiculously high needs as a baby! I hope dd2 can handle being fed a bit less often haha! I'm glad you're feeling more relaxed this time and that ds2 is feeding well. Sorry about your rough night and ds1 having a fever. Hope he's all better today.

AFM - had my 38 week appointment and it was awful going out in the horrible cold today. I plan on hibernating the rest of the week. This January is just awful! Dd was terribly behaved at the doctor's office and I'm sure people were staring and judging but I just ignored them. Made for a challenging morning though. Had to get groceries after that and it was such hard work lugging it in by myself. I am making DH help next time.

Last night after being so exhausted all day I had a nice nap and after supper got a burst of energy and actually started nesting finally! I baked banana bread and re-organized all the cupboards except the pantry. Was very stiff after! Then had bad insomnia last night so of course I am wrecked again today.
Vrogers- wow, that sounds tough. I would have opted for c section also. How are you recovering? are you home or in hospital? congrats again, you did amazing!! :)

greats - well done and massive congrats! such a beautiful name! well done on reaching 10 without pain meds and glad they got the epi in place just in time. Well done, and hope you get some rest now :)

ali- hope you are getting some time to rest and hope ds1 feels better soon

apple- sending you lots of positive wishes, hope things get going soon. You and your hubby must be exhausted! good luck!

midnight- wow that sounds intense. Isa was back to back- contractions were sooooooooo painful. He eventually turned but that pain... ouch, i will never forget, i felt traumatised after. But well done you, you are a pro. Glad you and baby well. Isa was also 6 pounds 7 :)

lit - hope you get rest and get time to hibernate. We have really stormy, windy weather, and i just want to stay indoors in the warm and relax. hope you get a better sleep!

AFM- registered Isa's birth today and he had to have blood test to see how his jaundice levels are. He screamed when nurse took blood, it really broke my heart. He has little marks all over his little feet as he had quite a few blood tests in hospital. Fingers crossed for the all clear. He has gained a decent amount of weight and looks much healthier, so i am not worried about jaundice.
Ally- thank you so much! I'm in the hospital but we should be able to leave in the morning thankfully. Quite sore of course but it's slowly getting better and I'm distracted by the new baby :)
Oh I can imagine. Lillian screams when we change her dirty diapers and it makes me tear up with her every single time. Glad you don't have to worry about jaundice and I hope all his tests come back perfect!
Amazing birth story midnight. I can't believe how quick you went from 2 to 10cms! :wacko:

vrogers - Congrats on your baby girl! Sorry the induction failed, it sounded very long winded and exhausting. It's one of the reasons I opted straight to csection as opposed induction with this baby. I am glad all is good though and you are settling into being a mummy :cloud9:

greats - congrats on your baby girl and what a positive induction experience!

Ally - I am glad you are less worried about Isa now. And yay for getting him registered! :happydance:

LL - I am also having problems sleeping , especially over the past couple of weeks. I had to have a nap this afternoon whilst my daughter was in pre school as I slept so bad last night. I hope it shifts when the baby arrives!

Apple - I hope your induction is going OK :hugs:

Ali - When are you back working? I hope it's not too soon! Sorry your boys didn't sleep too well last night, but I guess that's to be expected in the early days.
Not sure if you're on facebook? But there is a group on there I am a member of called 'daughters of narcissistic mothers' . My mum is not as extreme as some of the peoples on there, but she definitely shows some signs of being narcissistic. Definitely worth a look :)

AFM - This morning I felt the baby had dropped. I had pain between my legs and felt so uncomfortable and needed to go the toilet constantly but when I went, it was just a trickle! However, I don't have this feeling tonight, so perhaps he has moved back up? I have been super active and busy this pregnancy, but starting to struggle now. I was also sick this afternoon which wasn't very nice. I am also not sleeping well at night :( All doom and gloom. Oh and I have another cold!! Not feeling my best I must say!!
What a story midnight! Incredible!

AliJo - hope DS1 is feeling better!

Literati - I full shopping trip would surely wear me out now. Definitely get DH on the job next time, lol.

Ally - any little pain your baby feels will affect you too! I used to always be near tears when DD got shots.

Pompey maybe things are gonna get started for you soon! I hope your cold is very short-lived!

DH had a cold come on today actually, ugh. I hope I don't get it, and I hope he feels better quickly. I don't want either of us to be sick right now!
Pompey - blah. Sorry you're having trouble sleeping as well. And that you have a cold! Me too and it sucks. I have given up on it ever going away though. Sorry you're starting to not feel the best after such an active pregnancy! Not too long to go for you - the 20th, right?

Slammer - I hope you don't catch DH's cold and that he also gets better very quickly before baby comes! Get him taking lots of vitamins and getting LOTS of sleep! A few times this pregnancy I have managed to fight off a cold in about 3 days, so hopefully he can too. Of course, now is a different story and I've been sick for ages now.

VRogers - always so heartbreaking when your baby cries - especially right after birth when hormones are crazy and so sleep deprived!
I am so frustrated right now. Dd woke up from her nap with a goopy eye, and it's getting pinkish already. :( I cannot believe she has pinkeye again. She has had viral pinkeye already twice in a little over a year from daycare - this makes the third time. I am honestly desperately hoping it is bacterial this time because she didn't seem to have cold symptoms beforehand, and then it won't be contagious anymore after a couple days of drops. But if it's viral again (which it probably is), I won't be able to go anywhere for like 3 weeks because it's so contagious and does tend to last 3+ weeks. :( I almost went insane last time avoiding people with kids, but at least I was still going to work and could see adults. Now I'm home all the time so I am going to go stir crazy - and what horrible timing for when the baby arrives? No one will even want to come meet her if they know about dd's pinkeye. :( I am crying and so disappointed. If you haven't had viral pinkeye before, it's honestly one of the worst sicknesses I've ever experienced. It's like the influenza, a bad cold, and pinkeye all rolled into one, and as I mentioned before it lasts a LONG time (3-4 weeks) and you're contagious that entire time!!! And the incubation period is 6+ days so then if the whole family gets it at a staggered pace, you could all end up sick for months. It is seriously the WORST! I want to scream and I hate our daycare for constantly making her sick!
Oh my goodness that sounds horrible literati! I've never dealt with pinkeye of any flavor. I wish there was something we could do to help. : hugs :
vrogers- how are you and Lillian today? hope soreness lessens soon.

pomp thank you. I hope you feel better soon. You dont have long to go now, any day now i guess :)

slammer0 hope cold stays away and you don;t catch it. how are you feeling? any sign of baby?

lit- i didnt know what pinkeye was , had to google. Really sorry dd has it and what a shame about how long it takes to correct. It is bad timing. Fingers crossed it's bacterial!

Isa slept in his crib last night for over an hour, which is his longest yet and dh and i got to actually have a cuddle in bed. However, when he was in the crib i kept checking he was ok, and I didn't really sleep. I prefer him in the bed, when he started crying I was secretly glad cause i got to pick him up and cuddle him in bed and didn't put him back in the crib. Oh i am so weak haha.
Ally - I feel fine today! DH doesn't feel too bad either. Still no labor signs. :( It's kind of ok, because I am still wrapping some things up at work.

I totally know what you mean about preferring baby in bed - don't feel weak, lol. There were times early on with DD when I wanted her with me so bad, but I felt like I "shouldn't" and would keep her in the bassinet. It was all for naught since she ended up in bed with me full-time at 3.5 months. I'm gonna snuggle the crap out of this baby whenever I want! :haha:
Pompey- Sorry your feeling so rubbish hope you feel better soon!

Lit - OH no how awful for you and DD, I'd be upset too if mine were getting sick from nursery so much. Fingers crossed it's not viral x

Well ladies it's my turn.. been a bit of a rollercoaster week, with on off contractions, they started up alot more 'real' yesterday morning.. starting at 10 mins down to 8 the 6 and I thought finally it's starting.. rang midwives to give them a heads up as I was having homebirth said I'd call back when a bit closer so they could come out.. then they started slowing down back to 8-10 mins til about 3am then nothing I fell sleep and woke up at 6 with no contractions at all. But baby is ridiculously active so by 9 they have come back to every 10 mins, I called hospital just because I had a feeling something wasn't right and wanted checking

They made me come in and again baby heartrate is dipping a bit with contractions. She did a VE and I was 3cm but not fully effaced so she did a sweep for me. Doctor came to have a chat and because the last week she's been a bit up and down they wanted to break my waters this morning. I've asked them to give me a couple hours to try get things moving myself by walking so they have let me on the birth suite (much more homelike than the delivery ward!). Not quite the homebirth I wanted but I'll be happy if they let me stay on this suite and not move me to delivery for induction.

Contractions picked up immediately to around every 3-4 mins but have died off again in the last hour.. I've got another couple hours to keep active before they induce by breaking waters so fingers crossed I go myself.

Will update when things progress :D

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