January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - I always sleep better with baby beside me. I'm easily stirred by any sound when he isn't with me. With DS1 I did the same and always checked on him if he wasn't with me. DS2 I'm still doing it, but my resolve to keep him in his crib or out of the bed is a little stronger. Although, last night I failed pretty much every attempt except for an hour before I got up. He slept most of the day so I knew it was going to be a rough night. DH had him most of the night and said he couldn't keep him comfortable for long.
Now he's sound asleep by himself and probably will most of the day.

Lite - That sounds awful. Hopefully it is bacterial so it can be treated. I couldn't imagine dealing with a long lasting viral one. I've never had pinkeye and I can hope it stays that way. I'm sorry you're dealing with this!

Pomp - I'm hoping to take at least 3 months. I may start back up slow, though. I'm pretty paranoid already about leaving DS2 with anyone other than DH. Even DS1 has me nervous, but he's older so I'm a little less worried.
I should have a look! My mother is oblivious to why I'm just done with her. She thinks it's because she left my father. No, that's just what finally did me in. It wasn't a normal split up. If you can call any split up normal. No she tore my father to pieces as he tried to get her to stay or at least just move out on her own and take it slow. Nope. She started talking to the guy and decided to just up and leave to another state. My father even paid for her bus ride down. My father looked sick as hell and she didn't give a damn. Then blamed him for me not wanting anything to do with her.
I hope you get to feeling better. It seems almost all of us have dealt with some type of illness during these last days or even early days of having a newborn. Such an awful time of year for a lot of us, illness wise.

Vrogers - I was really really bad about baby cries getting to me so easily with DS1. This one not so much. It still tears at me, but it's different. I think those baby blues and hormone changes in the beginning really affect how you handle them! This time I'm not feeling the swings like I did with my first.

Midnight - Thanks for the story! Your labors are definitely crazy! I'm glad everything turned out fine! Way to trust your instincts as well. Hope you're doing well!

AFM - Blood pressure was fine when I checked it yesterday, so I think all is good in that department. Still having headaches and they vary by the day how much they hurt. DS1 had fevers yesterday and another fever in the middle of the night, but hasn't had one yet today so hoping it finally ran it's course. He acted completely fine every time we got the fever down.

I did see my grandma for awhile yesterday. She's doing alright all things considering. I guess she is "acting like a 3 year old" and being nasty at times. I tried to tell them that it's likely to happen with having a stroke and etc. They think it's just her being unreasonable, but I don't think it's really "her". It's hard for families to accept that, though. I really expect them to see a lot more of it as time goes on and it's going to be hard for them if they keep taking it personally.
Good luck Ana! Hopefully you get things moving! Exciting that baby will be here soon, though!!
This thread moves so fast it makes it extra hard to update on my phone! I'm sorry I have been horrible about responding! Congrats on all of the babies born and I hope the stubborn ones come sooner rather than later!

AFM nothing really new, I lost my plug on Tuesday! I will get checked tomorrow for dilation, I'm really looking forward to it. We will also talk about scheduling an induction for next week because they don't want him to stay in too long because of the GD. Dh is still in a lot of pain, he is no weight bearing for three more weeks. It's been really hard on me because I'm trying to get the house cleaned and last minute errands run by myself. Some of the chores are getting really hard for me to do and we don't have the room in our budget to hire someone right now like I wanted. But on the bright side maybe all of these chores will get labor going for me and an induction won't be necessary. My mom will be here next Tuesday morning so at least at that point I will have some help.
Froggy - It's so great to hear from you! Plug loss is definitely a promising sign! I tried to stay busy to get labor going, but I couldn't convince myself to move much! As soon as I started feeling contractions I made sure to keep moving. I don't know if it helped, but most of my labor was pretty easy! Baby was in a favorable position as well and I think the movement really helped with that. With my first I was in bed basically the whole time. I bet if I was up and moving around it would have helped him position better instead of being sunny side up plus having a compound presentation.

Sorry your DH is still hurting. Hoping the next 3 weeks go by fast for him and he's feeling better by the end of it. Glad your mother will be there to help you!!
Love the bump Froggy! I have the same stickers! Got it from the Enfamil thing lol

The front page is getting loaded with babies! It's so great! Eager to add more, so ladies get to popping! :haha:
Ally - oh I totally understand. I was terrible when dd was in her bassinet. Could barely sleep and had to keep checking that she was breathing. Felt much better with her in the bed with me. I think it is a natural instinct and not one we should shy away from. This time we have a co-sleeping bassinet which you can see through so I am hoping for the time baby spends in the bassinet it will make things easier because I'll be able to see her while still lying down in bed. We'll see how it goes though.

Slammer - too bad about no labour signs, but that's good if it works out well for wrapping things up at work. I felt paranoid about going into labour before I had finished everything up at work. It just makes things easier to have everything settled. Now that we are a sick household, I won't mind if this baby comes around her due date again so we have a bit of time to recover.

Ana - thank you! It's so annoying when they get sick constantly. So sorry about all your stop and start labours, and I am sorry you won't get the home birth you wanted. I really hope your body gets progressing on its own so you don't need any other interventions to keep things going. You deserve that! Is the baby in a good position and face down? I've been reading that being in a bad birthing position can cause stop and start labours. A lot of sites recommended the spinning babies site to get advice on how to turn the baby into a good position. No idea how credible these things are, but I've had some time on my hands lately! Haha. Anyway, good luck and I hope we get to hear some baby news soon!

Ali - sorry you had another rough night and don't feel bad about giving in on the not sleeping with you thing. One night, especially so early on, is no going to ruin anything.

Sorry about your grandma and people in your family not understanding how she is behaving. That all sounds so tough.

Froggy - such a gorgeous bump! Thanks for posting! That's exciting that you lost your plug. Let us know how dilated you are once she checks! It would be great if baby came on her own without induction! But it's exciting that baby will be coming pretty soon! So sorry about your DH still being out of commission. I can't imagine that while 38 weeks pregnant (although I do have lots of experience with an injured husband). It would be horrible to do all the last minute chores and errands by yourself! I don't feel like going anywhere at this point. Are there any last minute items you can just get on Amazon? That has become my go-to place now that I'm so pregnant and it's so cold out! Haha. That is really disappointing you can't afford to hire someone to help you out. Do you not have any close friends or family who might be willing to help you out with one or two things just out of the kindness of their hearts? I would think people should be willing to help you when 9 months pregnant and with your husband so injured! But you are right - maybe staying so active will help baby come sooner. :) You are better at having a positive attitude than I would be!
Ali, that's where I got the stickers from too, when you posted about them sending free stuff I jumped right on it lol! I'm all about free!

Lit, we live states away from everyone we know, I literally have no friends or family here so unfortunately it's only me. If we were around I know I could enlist some help. Sorry about your dd, I hope she heals fast!
Oh my goodness! I have finally caught up!

Congrats to all our new mums. I loved reading all your stories. As usual, our diverse group is having diverse experiences. I'm so happy that we've more or less had positive birthing experiences.

Ds is going well, although he's struggling to burp and has a sore tummy a lot. Dh, my mum and I are all working with him. Dh has a disadvantage because he's at work all day and hasn't had as much hands on time with ds as he would like. He did change him tonight and is definitely keen to do his part of things. He's dying for me to start pumping so that he can help with feeding too. I'm all for that!

I'm so pleased cosleeping is working for many of you. It definitely wouldn't work for us because we move around too much in our sleep. I'd be terrified of rolling onto ds! His crib is almost within arms reach and I am much more comfortable knowing he's close.

I've learned so much about him in the last 12 days. Top of the list - he absolutely hates lying on his back!

Will update again soon. Looking forward to reading more birth stories soon.
Good luck Ana and froggy.

Sorry don't have much time to type but had mild contractions this morning and just had my bloody show. Hopefully contractions pick up again soon!!!
I'm so far behind! I'll try to catch up! I'm going to do 2 separate posts, once catching up and then I'll do one where I actually update and give my story (if anyone cares lol!). I kept meaning to update but once you fall behind it's so hard to catch up! Especially on my phone!

Midnight - CONGRATS! Violet is a beautiful name!!

Ally - sorry you're feeling down about post pregnancy body. :hugs: I'm glad you're getting more sleep co sleeping. We are considering it for the time being if for no other reason than sleeping more. Baby loves to sleep alone no problem during the day but at night she's keeping us up nonstop and it's having a hard time for us.

WDWJess - CONGRATS! WhT a beautiful boy!

Vrogers - BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats! What a crazy stubborn cervix you have! So glad that all went well for you though I'm sorry you had to spend 22 hours to "get no where". But that is one beautiful baby!

Greats - CONGRATS!! So glad your epidural kicked in before push time! That's crazy how fast you moved along but good for you for surviving all the contractions without any pain meds!

Ally - I had similar problems tearing up when they poked Melody for jaundice. The last time I was actually crying because it took longer than the other 2 times because she was not giving enough blood. The nurse suggested I nurse her while she finished and it made a world of difference! The minute she had my boob she stopped crying and just comfort fed and I stopped crying. A couple of friends have said they recommend nursing during any future blood pokes during the actual poke bc baby my not even register it then and to nurse right after vaccines to comfort. :hugs: worst experience ever!

Lite- I am so sorry about the pink eye!! Having worked in daycare and schools my whole life (since I was 15) I know just how contagious it can be and how awful it is to get rid of!! I really hope it's the bacterial version so she won't be contagious in a few days instead of weeks. :hugs: how awful! And terrible timing :(

Chi - good luck!!

Frogy - love the bump pic!!!
Angel - thanks! And of course we care to hear about your life. Unfortunately, it appears that dd's pinkeye is once again viral. It's in both eyes already and she has a runny nose and all that fun stuff. Ugh! I'm trying to stay positive and just be happy that this is an ok time to hibernate so it's not the worst timing in the world? Glad you are doing ok!

Chi - woohoo! I sure hope those contractions ramp up for you soon!

Froggy - that is really too bad you have no support system there. :( that would be very tough.

Newbie - glad things are going well. Sorry your little guy has a sore tummy a lot. Interesting that he hates being on his back. I wonder if he could have reflux? The tummy problems plus not wanting to lie on his back sounds like it could be that. You could try putting a wedge under the crib mattress to help him sleep on a bit of a slant instead? I hope his tummy issues resolve soon.

AFM - as I said to angel, it is definitely looking like dd's pinkeye is viral again. Ugh. Oh well - guess now I just have to deal with it. I am obsessively washing hand towels, wash cloths and pillow cases constantly in hopes that DH and I don't get it and hopefully we can clear it up asap.

Dd seems to be acting up quite a bit the last few days. I don't know if it's that she doesn't feel well, or that she is testing the boundaries to see what she can get away with now that I'm home all the time, or if she senses that the baby is coming soon - or a combination of the three! Regardless, it's definitely testing my patience a bit and making for a bit of a transition period for me being a home. I'm rather glad now that I have time to find a new rhythm with dd before baby comes rather than have to get used to it all at once. Hopefully she'll get enough mommy time before that she won't be quite as jealous when the baby arrives.

Nothing happening on the labour side of things. BHs seem to have even died down but I did have some uncomfortable ones last night. Losing a bit more mucousy discharge, but nothing blood-tinged. I think I am quite okay with waiting another week. Sorry I'm boring. I feel like everyone has moved on to baby talk and all I have are the same old pregnancy moans haha
Ally- thank you for asking! We got home today and are settling in. I'm still a bit sore of course but have good pain meds and she is helping distract me!
I would be the same way. In the hospital I just stared at her in her bassinet because Im apparently paranoid when she's not on my chest. Glad you were at least able to have alone time with dh!

Ana- oh my goodness, so exciting!! Can't wait to see an update!

Ali- oh man I've definitely felt all kinds of hormonal! Thankfully no baby blues but I know to watch for them. Glad you are doing better emotionally with ds2!
I'm so sorry about your grandma. You seem to be handling it as well as you can and understanding it's her sickness not herself with any changes. I hope you get to keep spending as much time with her as possible

Froggy- I was wondering where you had gone! How exciting you are so so close. I'm sorry about dh's pain, I'm sure it'll be a huge help to have your mom there. I hope you don't have to consider an induction and that things go on their own!
Love the last bump pic!

Newbie- I too can't wait to start pumping so dh can help with feedings! Isn't it fun to learn about these new little people we carried for 9 months? :)

Chi- ooh exciting! I hope things progress quickly!

Angel- thank you so much! She definitely made everything more than worth it :)

Literati- I'm sorry about dd! I would guess you are right that it's a combination of all 3. I hope she transitions to life with new baby well and enjoys her new big sister role! And it sounds like labor wise things are at least moving along. You are definitely not boring! Soon enough this board will be completely parent related, how crazy how fast it changes

Little update, Lillian left the hospital at 6 pounds 6 ounces. She's eating very well but my nipples are KILLING me. I actually usually cry the entire feeding but I am determined to BF and want to work through the pain. We've got nipple cream and gel soothie pads and some other pads to help. I absolutely love the experience of BFing so I can't wait until it doesn't hurt. Anyone have any experience with breastfeeding pain and how to get through it? I read it's common to hurt until days 7-10 and then it shouldn't. And I know she didn't have a great latch (she was getting only the tip of my nipple for the first few times and nobody was helping me yet) so that didn't help.
Sorry can't read all, just thought Id update, still in from induction Tuesday, been horrible.. No beds on ward , then no beds in delivery.. After starting myself on arrival they wouldn't intervene to see how I got on, 1 cm on examination .. So they have me pessary Wednesday 12.30 got contractions all night but today only 1/2 cm .. Then given me some gel stuff which has seems to kick things off.. Still here, contractions every 1/2 mins, waters still not gone , re examined me and only 2 cm still, doing my head in as can't walk or talk through them now.. Loads of pressure ..I was bit like his last time then went straight into a fast transition, everytine a midwife comes near me they comment on size of bump and baby which is making me more nervous than I already am ������sorry can't comment on anyone.. Doing This in bits between contractions.. I'm so tired not slept more than a couple of hours since Tuesday :( x
Apple - ahh what an awful induction experience! Lots of hugs for you! You must be so exhausted. I hope once you start progressing properly that it goes VERY quickly for you. You deserve it to be over already!

VRogers - from my experience, if the baby is latching properly, it's not supposed to hurt. However, if your baby WAS latching incorrectly before (which you say she was), then of course everything is going to be sore already so it's still going to keep hurting until everything heals. This was the case for me and I probably only had pain for about a week as well (because she had a bad latch for the first couple days), so I hope yours dissipates very soon as well! Have you been applying lots of lanolin cream? In addition to that, I would also express some milk at the end of a feed and just rub it all over the nipple since it has a lot of healing properties! Hope it helps soon. Make sure she latches on SUPER big every single time - don't ever stand for a sub-par latch! I found if it was a good latch it might hurt initially but once she kept going it wouldn't continue to hurt (at least not as much), whereas if it were too shallow a latch, it would keep hurting worse and worse. But, again, it depends how sore you are to begin with. :( It's no fun, I know!
Long post! Sorry!

So my labor story! I woke up Friday around midnight to go the bathroom and started having some contractions. Not painful but were 5 minutes apart regularly. I didn't wake DH until 2:45 when they started to get painful (and were averaging 4-5 minutes apart). They put me in triage around 4am to watch me for an hour, I was 3.5cm. At 5am the on site doctor checked and I was 4cm and my bag was bulging so I was admitted.

Contractions were painful but not awful but my water broke around 9:45 and when they checked I was still 4cm. I was sure it was going to be a long Labor since I had not progressed at all in the 5 hours! This is when the contractions got really painful and I finally asked for an epidural. Took about an hour for them to get them down there to do it. They checked me right before the epidural and I was at a 5 and then checked me shortly after (just 20 mins maybe) and I was at 6.

Unfortunately the epidural never took. I went numb on my left side and leg but not center or right. At this point all my contractions were in my right hip (they said baby head was turned side ways so it put pressure on my hip) and I couldn't stop shaking. It was really pretty awful. But I went from 6 to 10 really quickly. Much quicker than they expected since my first 5 hours were so slow. I was ready to push by 12:30 but the doctor wasn't there yet (traffic) so they kept me breathing and I started pushing just after 1pm. I was fully dilated but a bit of my cervix had slid back over baby head so doctor had to actually reach in and pull it back while I pushed. . . . I was NOT numb so I felt all of this! So painful.

I had about 45 minutes of pushing and then baby. <3 I'm so in love.

Post birth they kept us 24 hours but M's jaundice test was high so they kept us another day to monitor and let us go home but we had to go back to my doctor the next day for a third test. Thankfully that was ok and so we are doctor free until Monday for a growth check. :)

Vrogers - my BF was really painful for a few days too! The most important part is getting a good latch. Do you have a lactation consultant to help? And trying different positions can help with latch. If it's hurting so bad you're crying then it's possibly more than just adjusting to sore nipples. Melody was latching on one side and only getting nipple on the other so my right breast left me in tears every time she fed!! A good latch takes practice for both you and her. If it's hurting bad you're supposed to beak the latch (using your finger) and try again. The first time I realized how bad my latch was happened when she was screaming and wouldn't latch and I just put my breast in her mouth and she started sucking and about 15 seconds later I realized there was
No pain. My nipples were sore probably until day 4-5 and still get a little sore (she's 6 days today) but not as bad. I also made sure to put lanolin on after every single feeding whether I thought I need it or not. It helped.

Lite - oh no that's awful! I was hoping it was just bacterial. As for labor: My BH slowed way down the couple days before birth. I had none for a couple days and was sure I was going to be another week!

Apple - omg that sounds awful!! I hope things pick up! At what point do they step in and make you do something else? Or will they let it progress on its own for days and days?
Apple- oh no! I'm so sorry you're having a bad experience. I really hope things move along for you asap, I can relate to a bad induction experience and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Literati- thank you for the advice! I do have the cream and dh has been on me about applying it after every feeding. I didn't have anyone to really help me in the hospital until AFTER I realized there was a problem and I didn't know what I was doing. It would have helped tremendously to have a professional beside me from the beginning, now I know! I also noticed one nipple is worse than the other, it was a little sore at the beginning but then wasn't once she got going. The other side was pretty sore the whole time. I'll try the milk thing too, great advice!

Angel- thank you for sharing your labor story! Other than not being fully numb, sounds like you had a great experience (you know, as great as birthing a baby can be!) which is awesome! Glad baby doesn't have jaundice.
Thank you for the advice! My doctor recommended a good lactation consultant that my insurance will actually pay for (2 visits, anyway) so I'm going to call her. They also had someone in the hospital but we didn't really get to talk to her until after I had been BFing for a day or two. I did hear the breaking the latch with your finger advice, and have had to use that a few times. You and literati both mentioned lanolin cream so I will definitely continue with that!
Vrogers the others have good BFing advice! With DD1 I had quite a bit of pain, her latch took work, this time with DD2 it's much easier. Definitely break the latch and start again if it's no good!
Van- thank you! I've read latch issues is the main problem with BF pain so I will gladly take that advice!

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