January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Sorry I haven't been on the last few days- haven't been feeling the greatest. I will try and go back to read updates and see how you all are doing!

Was having some mild cramping along with lightly blood tinged mucus yesterday. It's just before 4am here and been up the last 30 minutes with contractions. They are only in my lower abdomen but definitely can't walk or talk through. Started timing and will see where I'm at over the next couple hours. Hoping this is it...It's been a rough few days and am ready for baby to be here already!
Apple I'm so sorry the induction is going the way it is. You poor thing. I hope your baby is finally here.

Thanks for sharing your story Angel! Sounds like an overall good experience.

vrogers - keep at it with BF and I hope you see the lactation consultant soon and they help to make it better. It is so hard in the beginning.

kksy9b - I hope this is the real deal for you!

AFM, yesterday I was feeling a bit painful in my pubic bone, so baby might have moved down a bit, though I didn't feel particularly different in any other way. For some reason I was feeling a bit like things might happen soon though, but still nothing as of this morning. I had my 39-week appt yesterday, and had a choice of having my cervix checked or not. I wanted it checked just out of curiosity, so she tried, but apparently my cervix is still really high and mostly firm and hard to reach. She was still trying to get a good feel of it when I stopped her because it was too damned uncomfortable and my curiosity wasn't strong enough to let her keep going. Ugh. Annoying. So I guess that's why I couldn't find it a few weeks ago - it's too high up.
anababe- good luck! keep us updated.

ali- hope ds fever clears up

froggy- nice to hear from you, what a beautiful bump :) sorry about DH but it's great your mum will be there soon.

newbie- glad you are doing well. Isa has sore tummy a lot too, and isn't a fan of lying on his back- i think thats because of the gas. Burping him can take ages. it;s hard work. Pumping is a great idea, and will let you DH be more involved :)

chi- show is a very good sign, you will have your baby soon i am sure. BREATHE! :)

angel- that is a good idea about nursing, will keep it in mind for next time.

lit- not boring at all, always nice to hear the pregnancy things as well. I am so sorry your dd is playing up and has viral pink eye. Hoping she makes a fast recovery.

vrogers- ive had soreness with DS as he doesn't always latch on properly, but lit's advice is great and i will take that on board also. DS gets very stressy when its feed time, and is not relaxed so it's so hard to calm him and get him on properly. Hope feeding gets better for you, i am sure it will with more practise and patience!

apple- that sounds like an awful induction experience, i am so sorry!! i really hope things pick up and baby is there soon!

angel- thanks for sharing. i to got an epidural once the contractions got too bad. 45 mins of pushing!- thats fab. Glad jaundice is ok.

kk-lets hope this is it!!! fingers crossed!

slammer- did you have a similar experience with DD? was she born around due date or later?
Kk - Good luck! I have a good feeling for you this time!!

Slammer - That's disheartening, but at least that can change in an instant!

Vrogers - It was painful for me with my first as well. This time it was only slightly painful the first few days when he first latched and it went away after a few moments. Definitely keep working with her! They do sometimes take a little time to learn a proper latch and once she does consistently I'm sure your pain will vanish! You're doing great just by sticking to it. Follow their advice and I'm sure soon you'll be much more comfortable.

Angel - Thank you for your story! You did awesome getting through it with the pain. It's too bad the epidural didn't take, but it seems like you handled it well! I wouldn't have waited.. I'd tell them to be ready to catch! :haha: Really, though. I would not want to be the person to tell me to breathe through them while I was in pain. Glad the jaundice cleared up well!

Apple - I'm sorry that everything seems to just be against you! Hopefully by now things are moving along for you! That sounds like a horrible experience. Really hope you get the reward of holding your LO soon.

Lite - I'm sorry it's viral again! Really hope it doesn't spread. Such an awful thing to get in general, but the time is just atrocious right now! You can't seem to get a break with the illnesses. DS1 seemed really needy a few days before baby arrived. Hopefully it's a sign that they know! Also hope you don't deal with much jealousy.

Newbie - Glad everything is going well! It's great that you DH is really taking to the father role! It's such an amazing thing to see out of your loved one. I definitely enjoy watching DH be fatherly to either of our boys. Isn't it crazy how much you can learn about someone so new to this world?

AFM - DS1 kicked his fevers yesterday. He had one in the middle of the night the night before last then didn't get another one after. Glad it was just a 24 hour thing. My brother, SIL, and niece left yesterday. I'm glad we get some time as just us as a family now, but I miss them. DS1 had so much fun with his cousin. He'd wait for her every morning to get up. He's already really needy of my attention again. If I'm going to see jealousy it'll start up here soon. I don't think there will be much, but he's going to be wanting me to get up to do things with him while I'm feeding and he doesn't get it yet.
vrogers- health visitor popped in and watched me feed him. She said a little pain at first is fine, as long as it goes away, and tell tale signs he is latched on properly is that his cheeks are round, chin nested against breast, head tilted slightly back so he can move his head and breathe easily and hes comfy and relaxed when feeding. So i know when i am doing it right, and times when hes not got a good latch now x
Ally - that's great your HV has helped with the latch! I remember mine being super helpful as well. The nurses at the hospital gave me dumb advice and made it sound like dd1 was getting nothing because I think she was having some dimpling while she nursed. The LC thankfully told us that was utter BS and that was just how dd's face was shaped. She actually gained her birthweight back more rapidly than nearly all babies, so she was most definitely getting enough! I was very relieved when she told us that. It's weird how complicated it is in the beginning - checking their exact position to make sure it's good. It gets way easier later and they can basically nurse in any position and you don't have to worry about it!

Ali - sorry your relatives are gone and that ds1 is missing his cousin. I hope he doesn't get too jealous now. It definitely would have been nice to have his cousin as a distraction before! I'm sure it will be great to have to house to just the four of you now though. I'm happy feeding and everything is going so well for you.
I agree that this pinkeye is atrocious timing. :( We have certainly had a lot of sickness in the past month and it's very irritating. What was I thinking getting a due date in peak cold & flu season? :p

Slammer - the pain in your pubic bone sounds uncomfortable. I've been getting that more when I am lying down, but thankfully not the rest of the time. Hopefully it is a good sign for you. That really is a shame your cervix was so high up and hard to find still! You definitely have been fed up for a while, and I hope things change quickly for you so you can just have this baby and not have to go to these annoying prenatal appointments anymore! You could still easily have her by your due date. :)

Kksy - that definitely sounds like the real deal for you! :) I really hope it is and that the next time we hear from you, it's a baby announcement!

Angel - thanks so much for sharing your birth story! I absolutely love reading all the details. Sounds like a not too terrible experience but really too bad about the epidural not working. So that's a great relief that you progressed from 6-10 so quickly! And 45 min of pushing is very decent! Although, I am a wimp and I am honestly hoping to only do 20 this time! :haha:
That is good to know about your BH quieting down a few days before you went into labour! Gives me hope!

Vankiwi - glad to hear BFing is going very well this time!

VRogers - I really hope the Lactation consultant helps you! Two visits should probably be enough to get things on track! It is tough when they don't catch latching issues for the first day or two. I hope things improve quickly. Hang in there!!!
Hey everyone :D
Hope you are all doing ok, I've had an odd week. I've been losing bits of my plug (i think) and yesterday I had a crazy energy burst that lasted all day, i've been so sleepy up until then. Today I posted a picture of my bump on my facebook and not much later my cousin sent me a message saying that her bump looked exactly like mine the day before her contractions started and that she thinks I will go into labor in the next few days. I am 38 weeks tomorrow, what do you guys think? :shrug:


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Lite - They plan on moving this direction after my SIL is out of the Air Force. My brother was/is being medically released. It'll be good to have some more family around that he can play and grow with.

Elonaire - Hard to say, everyone is different! You could go today or it could be a couple of more weeks. Pregnancy is never so simple, sadly. My bump never seemed to look different to me, but this time around the day before I was in a very sour mood. I didn't want to do anything and just overall I was blah! I felt "off" as well. I kept joking and asking "Can being in a real crap mood be an impending sign of labor??" Well turns out it might have been the case! That night I started having contractions and in the morning they were back and consistent.
Elonaire - yeah, I don't think there's any way to tell from how your bump looks. And there may be signs, but they are different for every person and every pregnancy! I know with dd1, I definitely did get a strong nesting urge and burst of energy the day before I went into labour, and that was the only time that happened the whole pregnancy so it was definitely a sign. Good luck!
AliJo you're giving me too much hope. I'm cranky as hell today. Can this baby come tomorrow?? :(
I am so happy to report that our yellow bump turned into a beautiful baby BOY!!Calvin Nathaniel was born this morning at 5:17am and weighed in at 8 lbs, 12 oz and is 22 inches long. He and I are both doing very well and are healthy.

I woke up at 3:15 with a contraction. Had another one shortly after that I couldn't lay down through so got up and started timing. They were instantly very painful through my lower abdomen only. I went downstairs to labor and time (and write my last post). It was incredibly painful and I was having to vocalize through the contractions. Ben heard me, woke up and came downstairs around 4 or 4:15. I told him it was too early to go to the hospital but was crying through the contractions they were so painful. He went ahead and made the decision to call my SIL. He packed up Charles and took him to my BIL and SILs house (they live 5 minutes away). I called the hospital while he was gone and told them we were coming in. He got back, threw our stuff in the car and we were on our way around 4:50. At this point my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, lasting a minute and definitely getting more intense. I knew this was going to be the real deal.

From there things got a bit ... interesting.

It took 15 minutes for Ben to get from our house to the hospital exit (and was speeding during it). As he was getting off the highway I started involuntarily pushing. He took the corner a bit too sharp and I screamed as I tumbled over (was in hands and knees in backseat). Got myself upright and said "I can't stop it, I'm pushing" over and over. We were just a minute from the hospital (thank goodness this was 5am and there was zero traffic.) He pulled up in the ER, got me standing outside the car and telling me we are almost there to which my reply was "I can't go anywhere, I can't move, I need help, I'm pushing" He took off running inside for help and a wheelchair. He was yelling that his wife was pushing in the parking lot. 2 cops that were there helped get the wheelchair to the ER attendant and get the door ready for me to come through. They all came running out, sat me down (or rather, I was leaning all the way to one side because baby's head was about to come out!). I just kept saying "it happened too fast, it's happening too fast. Please hurry, I can't stop it" In no time flat they got me upstairs.

I saw at least 5 nurses running into the room as I got there. I stood up and they said to take my pants off. I pulled everything g down and someone said "bloody show." I looked down as I climbed into bed and saw a massive amount t if blood on the pad I had thankfully placed a few hours earlier. The nurse said she was going to check me. I opened my legs and she didn't look but half a second and said I was fully ready and a 2 station. Things really picked up then. Ben came rushing in (he had been trying to fill out paperwork, heard me scream and said it would have to wait). I started tearing up out of fear and told him I was so scared to do this natural. He asked if there was anything they could give me...The answer was no. There was no time.

Nurse said to try not to push (wasn't happening) and I told her I can't stop it. Doctor came in, legs went up, gave a big push and his head was out. They told me to push again but by this time had laid me back more and I couldn't get a good handle on the push. One of the nurses was telling (aka reprimanding) the one on my left leg that she wasnt holding me right and to hold from the bottom. She repositioned her hand so I could push off it and it did the trick. One more big push and he was out. Pushing naturally was easier than I could have imagined. The ring of fire burned but not too badly. It was a relief from the awful contraction pain.

I looked down at him in wonder and he started to cry. I looked at Ben who was balling and asked what's the baby...A boy or girl. He said boy and my heart filled.

Total time from walking into the room to Calvin being here was 3.5 minutes. Total labor time was 2 hours, 2 minutes. A short time of pain for a lifetime of happiness was well worth it.

Within 30 minutes he had latched on and nursed for an hour. He had his first wet and dirty diaper and wanted to nurse again.

My in laws unexpectedly showed up with Charles. I let Charles come back but said no to everyone else. I was still naked, bloody and had zero desire to give up my baby (Ben hadn't even held him yet). Charles did amazing with baby brother. He wanted to look at him, touch him, give him kisses and high fives. He stayed about 10 minutes and I can't wait for him to come back later.

I had some heavier initial bleeding they were worried about. However, once Calvin started nursing it slowed down. I am sore when I pee and get out of bed but otherwise feel amazing.

I didn't tear but did stretch things out a bit, making it difficult to pee. I took some Motrin and that has helped a lot. Hoping I only need it for a couple days.

All in all we are doing amazing. The shock is wearing off and I just love this baby so so much. He has been a champion eater but also likes being swaddled (as long as his hands are by his face) and is sleeping awesome.

Ben had to run home to grab phone chargers and get a bag together for Charles for tonight. Once he is back I'm going to take a shower and try for a nap.

I am so happy and loved getting to surprise everyone with our news. I'm also pretty pleased I was right on baby being a boy
lit- thank you- the early days are hard, i've felt much better now that HV came and basically told me everything i am doing is right and i feel much more confident bf now. Its so time consuming.

elonaire- its so hard to say- pregnancy is just weird like that. I felt no different when i started labour, the day before i was thinking that i still have weeks to go before i have my baby.

kk- YAH congrats!!!! what a story, and well done for doing it natural. So glad baby is nursing well and healthy and i wish you a speedy recovery :)

AFM- we got bloods back for DS jaundice, and they said his levels have risen slightly but below the treatment level and because he is gaining weight and seems perfectly healthy they are happy to just leave him be.

just wondering- to those who BF;ed- how long did you do it for?
Ally, glad Isa's jaundice levels are not concerning given his overall health. He sounds like he's doing well!

I BF'd over 2.5 years with DD. It was a huge part of my mothering experience. Obviously it wasn't her primary source of food that whole time.
Slammer - if a horrible mood is a sign, I'm also giving birth tomorrow. :haha: I do hope that your baby comes ASAP!

Ally - I hope his jaundice levels go down really soon! Dd1 was also a bit jaundiced at birth and still was when we were home but it was going down so they weren't concerned either.
I BFed dd1 for 23 months! :)

Kksy - wow, that is such a crazy crazy labour story! I am super emotional so I was tearing up while I was reading it! I can't believe how fast that went for you, but in a way I'm not even surprised because you went through all that start and stop labour and were already 4 cm dilated beforehand and I've heard that often makes for a very fast active labour (not usually THAT fast though)! I'm glad you made it to the ward on time before delivering him. Sounds like you did amazing. Well done and congratulations!
I'm wondering the same thing as Ally - how long did you BF if you did? I think I want to BF for at least 6-9 months but I have to return to work the last week of March and as a teacher will have a really really hard time with pumping at work. I'm really nervous about how to make it work. But I know nothing about pumping and BF and everything. I feel so clueless about most things!

Vrogers - I'm so glad your insurance will cover lactation consultant! Def do that. The sooner you get s good latch going the sooner the nipples can heal! I was really lucky that right after birth a nurse gave me some advice to help me latch her in the first BF and then my hospital sent in the hospital lactation consultant before we reached the 24 hour discharge time (my hospital won't discharge until baby passes all the 24 hour tests) and she was able to help me pretty quickly. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. I have looked online for a few videos to help me with latch since I've been home. The internet is a great resource too! :)

Ali - I almost did push BUT a little lip of my cervix fell back over her head even though I was fully dilated so If I had pushed it wouldn't have done anything and they (nurses) were afraid i would cause some damage if I tried. In fact the doctor ended up having to reach up and hold back part of my cervix for a couple contractions because it wouldn't quite stay out of the way!! :wacko: I'll just say that not being numb and having my doctor shove her WHOLE HAND up my vagina to hold back a piece of my cervix.... so unpleasant! And I thought the cervix check was unpleasant! :rofl:

I guess doctor said her head was fairly large (considering her weight - they thought she'd be at least a pound heavier based on her head size and length) and my body was having a hard time getting it out!

So glad that your DS1 kicked his fever! I'm sure you'll enjoy some family time. :)

Kksy - CONGRATS!!!! Wow what a story!! So glad that you and baby are doing well!
Kk - So so so many congrats! I bet with you being so dilated it really sped things up. I'm glad it was fast in the sense that you didn't deal with the pain as long. Incredible story! Love his name as well!! I'll update the front after my nap that I hopefully get!

Slammer - Fingers crossed it means something for you! Definitely would make a crap day worth it!

Ally - I wanted to do a year but stopped like 9/10 months because I started RN classes and couldn't get enough time to pump. I mean they would give it to me but then I was missing class and it could make things difficult. I will be doing at least a year this time.

Time for my nap.. I hope! DS2 is sleeping in the crib and DH has DS1.
Angel - that sounds incredibly uncomfortable having your dr hold up your cervix while you pushed! Yikes! You're a trooper!

Ali - I hope you get an amazing nap in! I am counting down the minutes until I get mine in.

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