January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Congrats on your little boy kk!

Happy to report that we welcomed our little girl, Eleanor Jean, to the world at 2:41am on Friday the 13th! She weighed 7lbs 12 oz and was 22 inches long!!! I will post labor story and pics later - haven't gotten more than an hour of sleep and so exhausted!

Good luck to those awaiting labor!
Congratulations to all who have had their babies! Beautiful names chosen as well!

To those still gestating, your time will be here soon enough!

Been thinking of you all! Everything is great over here. Genevieve is doing phenomenal. Spits up a bit so we currently have her sleeping in the rock n play so she's elevated, but we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles with the preemie nipples and her spitting up has gotten better. She's lost a little weight at her 3 day check up today but she is a very sleepy baby so often have to wake her up for feeds. She did a 4 hour stretch last night which was great!
Ally I fed DD1 for 10.5 months until she self weaned.

You could also still keep BFing at night when you go back to work if you wanted.
So, this might be a little TMI (sorry!) but no one else will appreciate this like you gals will! I had a milestone today, I was able to have my first real BM since labor! :haha: To any normal person that does not sound like a big deal but I've been SO swollen and sore (I had to have a couple small stitches, nothing major to repair but enough that I've been really swollen) that the thought of having to use those muscles was terrifying. Even laughing and coughing were still extremely painful up until yesterday.

I am still on Ibuprofen 600mg. Doctor wants me to stay on that through the majority of the bottle (almost 30 days worth) simply for the swelling (I have another pain med they gave me that I didn't have to take while in the hospital except day 1 but after coming home for a couple days I needed it because I was moving around too much trying to sit up and shift in bed and pulled at some of my stitches :wacko: ).

Oh! And one other thing - the BEST advice that I was given by someone was to either a) bring my own Toilet Paper to the hospital because theirs is like sandpaper OR b) buy the cottonelle moist wipe things. I went for the moist wipes even though I have never used them before. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. I've been using them since I gave birth and they are amazing, especially if you are swollen and sore.

Chitown - CONGRAST!!! Beautiful Name!
Slammer - I wish you could have a nap too. I don't even know how to function without them!

Greats - I'm glad Genevieve is doing so well! Hopefully she puts that weight back on very soon.

Chi - congratulations! I can't wait to read the full story. Definitely get some rest before then! :hugs:

Angel - haha, yay for getting that first time postpartum over with. It really is not fun! Good tip on the wipes. Glad they have been helpful for you.
Chit - Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear more! You get some rest!

Angel - Congrats! :haha: I actually have stopped taking my iron because I couldn't get the constipation under control. It was making my tear more sore and making it bleed again.
I keep wipes in the bathroom for postpartum nastiness. All that drainage sure makes me feel unclean!
Yeah, didn't even think about the cervix part of your story. Oh gosh that would be no fun. It wasn't any fun for me to be checked because I was so sensitive down there by the time I got in I can only imagine that!

Greats - I'm glad she's doing well! I'm guessing they weren't too concern about the weight loss?

I got a two and half hour nap in! He woke up not too long after I posted and wanted to eat. He sleepily ate and was passed back out so I transferred him back to the crib and he slept nearly 3 hours. Makes me feel good about the crib and knowing that he's most likely just dealing with a flipped schedule.

Just got supper done as well. I'm still surprised at how much energy I tend to have. I do have moments of total exhaustion, but still much better than when I was pregnant.
Hi ladies , sorry been away a while,but happy to tell u that after 4days induction ! Process our beautiful baby boy way born yesterday 13th jan at1.25 pm .. weoghing 8lb 4..x we named him Ollie x we r so in love with him.. ️Xx will update at later date ️xx congratulation lasies on new babies ️xx sorry this is short just exhausted ️xx
lit- haha about the mood- any baby yet then :D

angel - i go back to work in 6 months, so i think thats how long i will BF, and then after either express and leave bottles or formula. Not sure yet either, will just have to see.

greats- so glad to hear dd is doing well. 4 hour stretch sounds good, wish i could get that now and then haha.

chi- woo cannot wait to hear story and see a picture. massive congrats!!! hope you get some rest

Apple- massive congrats !!! You must be exhausted!!! X

angel - yah for BM! we do appreciate what a milestone that is!! it took me 3 days before i managed, and i was so scared to do it but it was fine. It was only peeing that stung for about a week. Now everything feels OK, and my bleeding has finished. Next milestone will be dtd, which i am to scared to do(and not like we have any time) haha.

ali- well done on making supper! i actually feel much more tired and exhausted now than in pregnancy.
Congrats chitown and apple!!

I was so scared of the first poo. Thankfully I took a ton of colace and it basically just fell out, lol. Sorry TMI.

Having a little lie-in at the moment as DH for up with DD for a change (during the week I have to get up earlier than them for work and on the weekend he sleeps in from working late, but he was home early last night). I'm hungry though, so have to get up, lol.
Whoever said Friday the 13th was unlucky was a fool! Three babies!!

Apple - Congratulations! I'm sure you're more than exhausted, but after all that he's finally here!!

Slammer - Sounds lovely! I'd probably ignore the hunger. I actually squeezed in some more time to sleep this morning and I kind of feel bad because DH was really tired!

Ally - I'd be miserable if it wasn't for DH staying up at night to watch DS2 when he won't sleep. He works tonight, though. I'm doomed!

Tonight will be the first night I have both boys by myself. I'm a bit afraid. DS1 has been going to sleep with cuddles and usually DS2 is needing attention at the same time, but DH has him. This will be interesting. Then of course DS2 hasn't been sleeping at night without being held. Hoping it won't be the case or I'm going to get no sleep until tomorrow late afternoon. Unless I cave and co-sleep which might happen unintentionally.

Speaking of DTD.. I've actually have had a high sex drive lately. It's a bit annoying because I can't do anything about it! If I didn't still have discharge and if I didn't tear I'd probably not wait till the 6 weeks postpartum checkup. I wouldn't probably be able to find time anyways, but still.
Kk- congratulations!!! Loved reading your story!

Ally- I'm hoping to BF for about a year! As long as it works out anyway

Ali- I'm a little late but jealous of your nap, glad you got one in though! Bet it felt amazing

Chitown- yay!! Huge congratulations! What a sweet name! Get some sleep, you deserve it

Greats- we are using the rock n play for the same reason. I was weary at first and wanted her to be in the pack n play but dh reminded me she's never asleep for longer than 2-3 hours at a time and we are more worried about her choking on spit up.
Glad your LO is doing well!

Angel- I almost posted about mine the other day! :haha: I was SO nervous about pooping after the section and only a little came out then but I was SO excited I wanted to tell the world! Congrats on the first BM haha

Ali- you are superwoman! I feel good when I remember to brush my teeth haha

Apple- oh my 4 days! Congrats on little Ollie and go get some well deserved rest!

Little update- two nights ago Lillian was up ALL night crying and then eventually screaming. She's a very chill relaxed baby (like I was) who only cries if she's hungry or dirty diaper, so we had no clue what was going on. Finally at 7am we called his mom who is a nurse practitioner and suggested giving her about 1-2 ounces of formula. I immediately cried and snapped at dh (nothing against formula fed babies I promise-it was just my plan to breastfeed and I thought it would be easy HA) but then realized baby was HUNGRY and my milk hadn't come in. She had eaten all the colostrum so wasn't getting anything. I felt like a horrible mother because I should have known. Also, I've had problems getting her latch right. Actually not sure if I'm the one missing it or she is, but that along with my nipples were super cracked and each BF session hurt so bad that I dreaded feeding her. Yesterday woke and realized my boobs felt and looked bigger so I ended up testing out my pump and sure enough got a decent amount. So we've decided to let my nipples heal and pump as well as use this enfamil formula that's made for supplementing. It's working well so far other than it's exhausting to keep up a pump schedule along with feeding. But I'm really set on her getting breastmilk.
Yesterday we went to her first pediatrician appt and she was down to 6 pounds 2 ounces after leaving the hospital the day before at 6 pounds 6 ounces. Doctor also wanted to check her levels for jaundice because she looks a tad yellowish in some lights but turns out she just has really olive skin (I'm so white I'm see through so the olive skin is from dh).
She's feeling and looking MUCH better now that I know she's getting enough milk.
Wow, sorry for the long update!

So exciting seeing more and more babies being born, soon enough and this will be a parenting thread
Apple - congrats on your baby finally arriving! Sounds like an absolutely exhausting experience! I hope you somehow get some rest now, even though I know that's somewhat impossible in the early days!

Slammer - ugh, I hate when my hunger wakes me up when I would love to sleep longer! I'm glad you got a sleep-in though! You've had no extra rest lately and are such a trooper working until you give birth!

Ally - haha, nope, no baby. I have been in a horrible mood so much this pregnancy that I bet a better sign would be if I were in a GOOD mood all day! :haha: Sorry you're so exhausted! I also was never more exhausted than in those first very early weeks with a newborn. Nothing can beat that kind of sleep deprivation - and it's so much harder when you're also still recovering from birth. It will get better, though! Dd's sleep actually got worse and worse as she aged, but I still felt more rested because the wake-ups got shorter and shorter (no diaper changes in the night, no burping eventually, etc) so I eventually caught up to a reasonable level. You will get there too at your own pace! Just be easy on yourself and don't compare yourself to anyone else. You don't have to get ANYTHING done except take care of Isa.

Ali - wow, good luck with bed time for both of them tonight. I don't know how I'll ever do that! I'm sure you'll find a way, though! Let us know how it goes.

VRogers - awww, that sounds really emotional and stressful to find out poor baby wasn't getting enough. :( Do whatever you need to make sure baby is getting enough - there's no right way to feed a baby. However, if you are determined to breastfeed I would encourage you not to give up just yet and also now that your milk has come in maybe try again and then express after to increase supply? The best way to keep your supply high enough is to keep BFing. The best breastfeeding resource I ever found was kellymom.com. Don't know if it will help you, but feel free to check it out! When you see your LC she may be able to help you as well. But some babies really do just need to supplement or fully FF and that's totally ok too. You're doing an amazing job, so don't be hard on yourself!
Vrogers - Don't feel terrible! DS1 would be real fussy at times and I knew it was because he wasn't getting enough and it resulted in cluster feeding. After a day or two at most two he would calm back down. It happens and babies have a way to encourage milk production. At least these days we have the option to supplement. I ended up supplementing DS1 because I didn't have a good production to begin with and when I wasn't exclusively breastfeeding (no pumping and just breast) my supply would drop. I really did not want to supplement, but I ended up accepting it. At least he was being fed enough and still got the good stuff from my breastmilk.
You guyssss... When am I gonna have this baby? I just felt like he was gonna come the last two days, not based on any physical signs...just a feeling. But nothing! I'm over it. I gathered more stuff for my hospital bag last night. Did laundry. Boiled all my pump parts today. Cleaned the kitchen. I'm running out of things to do to prepare for this baby.

Good luck with your first night with the two kids alijo!

Vrogers I'm sorry about the BF struggles! Hang in there!
Slammer - that is frustrating that you still haven't had him! I understand what you mean about not having much left to prepare! Although, my house is always messy so you could always come clean my house! :haha: I really hope it happens this weekend for you!!!
Congrats Apple! Your experience sounds super long winded and exhausting, but at least he is now here :)

Congrats on baby Eleanor Chitown :cloud9:

Congrats on baby Calvin, KK!! :cloud9:

It's been a busy few days! I think I am in the minority now who haven't had baby yet. 6 days though....

vrogers - sorry baby Lillian was so upset and hungry the other night. Breastfeeding is hard and nothing can prepare you for it. I am glad you're milk has come in now and you're able to express some.

slammer - my due date buddy (almost!), sorry you haven't had baby yet. Sounds like he is very comfy inside. What's the latest gestation your Dr will let you go too before induction?

Alijo - I hope tonight goes well with both boys on your own :hugs:

No signs of baby coming for me! I am feeling OK actually, I am glad to have a date for a csection on Friday which means there is an end. I just hope they don't try and move it again. We are spending our last Sunday as 3 tomorrow and we have a few last bits to get sorted before we are finally ready to welcome our little boy into the world.
Pompey - you are in the minority, but I'm still here waiting with you! You and slammer will both be before me (likely) and then I might be the last regular poster to have the baby. I think there is also elonaire but froggy will be induced before her due date I think (?) and I don't think anyone else with a later due date is active on here. :( Kind of sad that I'll be left to my own devices soon! It's very exciting you know baby will come Friday (unless something happens before then)! I hope you enjoy your last Sunday as a family of 3!
I'm waiting with you both lit and Pompey!! I did get my induction date, I'm going in Friday night! So I should have my baby next Saturday. So exciting! Lit, I hope that you start something sooner rather than later!

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