January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I think they'll go to 41 plus a few days as long as scans still show things are fine. Not that I want to still be hanging on then! Considering that my cervix was still high and firm the other day I wouldn't be on board with an induction right now anyway. Waaa.
LL - I didn't realise there were literally so few of us still pregnant! It does look like you MIGHT be last to deliver, but things can change very quickly suddenly, so you never know!

froggy - looks like we'll be going in to have our bubba's on the same day, although I appreciate an induction may take longer than my c section :)

slammer - Yeah induction with an unfavourable cervix isn't the dream is it! Hopefully little boy will decide to come by himself over the next week or so!
Froggy - yay! That's exciting you will be induced on Friday! Hopefully it will be a quick and good experience for you! I'm glad I have you to wait with for a bit longer!

Slammer - yeah, being induced would likely not be too helpful right now! I think they would induce me at 41 + 1 days but I haven't actually asked. That's just what my dr said last time and I'm assuming policy is the same. I really hope it doesn't come to that, as that wouldn't be until Feb 1st! Eek!

Pompey - yes, there really is only a few of us left! :( At least with a c-section you know it should for sure happen on Friday, unless it got bumped! I forget - have you had a c-section before?
Pompey, I actually won't really deliver until probably Saturday, Friday night they will place a cervidil and then will start pit on sat morning. So you will probably be one day ahead of me. I'm still not dilated at all, and my cervix is pretty high, but I have been doing one epo pill per day, two cups of red raspberry leaf tea per day and 6 dates per day. I'm really hoping that that combo will allow my induction to go faster!
Watch literati go before the three of us froggy and Pompey! Lol.

I hope your cervical ripening techniques work froggy, and maybe you'll go into labor before Fri!

Pompey enjoy your day tomorrow!

Seriously, every time I go to the bathroom I'm hoping for mucous plug, and every night I go to sleep I hope to wake up with contractions - so many on here seem to have gone into labor in the middle of the night!
How did you go into labour with your dd, slammer?

With dd1 I woke up at 6 am with contractions! So I do tend to feel like I'll just wake up in labour but might not happen that way this time!
Slammer - I think I read that it's most common to go into labor through the night. I started the night before, though.

I was already super jealous and impatient when just a few had their babies. I can't imagine how all you ladies still waiting feel!!

I hope my next one has a due date early in the month again. Sure makes things seem a little faster!

I think I'm going to have to call my OB over these headaches. I'm starting to think they are from my epidural. They're getting worse and nothing is touching them now. Coffee helped, but DS2 had some bad spit up yesterday night so I'm worried that caused it.
Thank you so much everyone for the BF encouragement! I forgot to mention in my last update that there is a breastfeeding specialist at the baby's pediatrician office, and she talked with us for about 45 mins. Lillian has another weight check on Monday, and the specialist offered to talk with us and even help us with latching and positions, so I'm taking her up on that.
Along with that, COCONUT OIL. she suggested it for my cracked and sore nipples and oh my goodness, my nipples are basically back to normal other than these little scabs. It's amazing! So I'm hoping to go back to BFing Monday and pump along with that. My supply seems to be coming in well.

You ladies still waiting are SO close!! I can't wait to see your updates and little ones!
Labor with DD was slow to start so it's kind of hard to isolate. I lost a bit of plug on a Saturday, then a huge bloody glob of it when I got up to pee that night. Minor contractions during that night and then more serious timeable ones in the morning on Sunday that fizzled. Same deal Sunday night/Monday morning with minor, then more serious contractions that tapered off. They came on more regular Monday evening, but really hit and got serious about 1am that night and DD was born Tues afternoon.

AliJo I hope you can figure out the headaches. That sounds rough that they're getting worse.

Vrogers glad to hear things are looking up with BF! I'll have to try coconut oil this time around.
VRogers - I actually read that about coconut oil really recently but wasn't sure if it was just some hippie dippie advice or not. :haha: Glad to hear it works so well! I'll have to pick some up.

Slammer - ooh ok, ya that is hard to pinpoint for sure! I had a very short early labour so my labour starting was pretty defined. However, my active labour was very long and stalled... so blah! I really hope I have both a short early labour AND active labour this time! Haha.
Congratulations to all the ladies who had their babies!!

I'm currently still waiting on my little one to make an appearance. We've gone to the birth center 2 times for false labor.

If she doesn't come by Monday morning I'm going into my birth center and we will strongly encourage her to come.

ATM it's hard to reply to everyone since I'm on my phone. I plan on getting on my computer and reply to everyone. 🙂
I've read great stuff about coconut oil as well. Haven't heard about it for cracked nipples, but I'll look into it. Ds ripped one nipple the day I came out of hospital, but it healed well, thankfully.

Check up for him yesterday show he isn't gaining the weight the doctor would like. I'm to kick up my food intake and let him feed more. Thankfully she didn't want me to supplement yet so I'll work hard this week to try to avoid that.

Looking forward to more exciting baby news soon! Don't worry, we're all waiting with you, too!
Literati- haha I see coconut oil allll over Pinterest but when the nurse recommended it I decided it couldn't hurt! It's definitely been a lifesaver

Thorpedo- good to hear from you, and I hope your LO decides to come sooner rather than later!

Newbie- I had heard of so many uses, and thankfully I already had some at home because I like to cook with it. Oh my goodness, a ripped nipple sounds horrific but good thing it healed!
It wasn't too bad, but could have been. I didn't break the seal properly and he had a bad latch. I pulled him off and it ripped a bit. Healed now, so all good.
Newbie ouch that sounds painful! Bet you'll be breaking the seal from now on :haha: amazing what suction they have isn't it!

We had our newborn photoshoot on Thursday. I've got a sneak peek of some of the photos - I'll post them on the FB group soon!

Hopefully those few of you still waiting for your babies done have long to go now!!
Hi ladies not been on properly for little bit just getting used to little fella and time with toddler.. Well my induction in the end took 4 days but I'll try and shorten it as a lot was due to really busy ward ..

I was suppose to go in Tuesday at 8am , eventually went in a 8pm due to there not being any beds.. They checked me I was 1cm but contracting myself so didn't intervene that night..wouldn't let oh stay so he slept in car as too far for him to go home.. Poor thing was freezing ..next morning I hadn't progressed do they gave me a pessary at 12.30 that has to stay in 24 hours.. This made me contract but they didn't do much .. Next day at 1pm I was only 2cm.. Oh had 2nd night in car but my eldest son brought him quilt n coffee bless him.. Staff gave me some gel to help me progress ..at this point I was told that delivery suite was completely full and if I had to deliver if have to do it in the ward.. This freaked me out , the thought of it and I had a terrible night, I'd been given the stuff to speed me up but was lying in the best to avoid gravity doing its stuff as I was scared of giving birth in the ward with loads of people around, I i did feel very alone and vulnerable at this point with oh away and staff crazily busy:( i was also told there was minimal pain relief , no epi Ect up there, just gas and air.. And Peth if I wanted it..

Anyway next day I had progressed but was still 2/3 cm and they said they could break my waters but there was still no space in delivery to do this. I was still contracting so id just have to wait until there was a space, it got to evening and thankfully the staff must have felt bad for our situation, the ward had quietened down so they gave me and oh a side room and let him stay, my contractions were quite strong by this point I had 4 lots of codeine over the past 24 hours, couldn't sleep through them, I told other half to try and rest if he could and I just paced around the ward through Thursday night until early hours, I was so exhausted, couldn't walk when they came but decided that I needed to try and get some sleep even if it was only a few minutes as I didn't feel up to going through birth I was really staring to think I'm not going to be able to do this, that was 4.30 am Friday morning, I dont n ow how I managed it but I did fall asleep and the ward staff came in at 6am and woke me to tell me I was going down to delivery in 10mins to break my waters, go and get some breakfast and a coffee quickly as they didn't want me to lose the bed! I was totally out of it. Def started to panic inside, had drink but couldn't eat felt sick,

On delivery, had 10 mins to come round which helped as was still asleep prior to this, the midwife was instantly reassuring and made me feel better. She managed to break my waters which was fine, the plan was to give it two hours then start drip if needed. 2 hours past, they started drip and then contractions gradually started to get worse.

Ive got to say this was my forth baby and I was more nervous about his birth than any before with last being so quick and painful..there was a stage where I pulled drip out and blood everywhere, but I hardly noticed as oh kept me distracted.. I kind of got into a routine woh my oh, I used my tens machine the whole way through, I was on monitors, so everyone I had a contraction my oh would tell me it was in way and is start my gas n air and press my tens on full wack, I just counted through them and , just thought about some of comments from this thread, and others, one was each contraction is one closer to meeting my baby.. This helped keep me calm..another was that ones gone ive nailed it lol., this made me feel much more in control. I really felt that me and oh worked as a team through the whole process .. My little man was born after about 6 contractions of pushing. One blip as I pushed the contractions went from every 1 min to every 10 with me pulling drip out but we managed in the end.. He was born at 1.25 pm weighing 8lb 4 which was less then predicted on scans.. We are both doing well , he is starting to feed ok although j get loads of after pains when I feed him. And nipples are killing. Gonna try the coconut oil x

Hope all other new mummies are doing in and not long to go other ladies ️xx.
Omg sorry that was so long lol .. It was a long 4 days x
Thorpedo - that has to be frustrating! I hope she makes a move today!

Newbie - I hope baby puts on some more weight. How often does he eat? Maybe let him have some boob-naps - if he stays latched on then he'll get additional letdowns periodically.

Apple - you poor dear. Sounds like a bit of a nightmare, but it's great you and OH were so in sync at the end! You were induced for suspected big baby, right?

Sigh, still here. No progress overnight. I do feel more pressure down below, and more pubic bone pain still - especially when I get up from sitting. But nothing else going on. I really want him to come before next weekend. My sister is supposed to come be with me for the delivery, but her DH has a camping trip next weekend, so if it happens then she won't be able to come because she wouldn't be able to leave her kids.

Other life notes - we signed DD up for a dance class that was supposed to start Monday (tomorrow), but the teacher ended up taking another job, so the class won't start until they get a new one. DD keeps asking when she can go to dance class and now I can't really say (not that a three-year-old really understands time well enough, but we had been telling her Monday). She's so freaking cute hanging out in her leotard and tights though! <3 I keep hoping there's a cosmic reason for the class not going ahead tomorrow - maybe I'll be in labor and she wouldn't have been able to go anyway. :haha:
Thorpedo - thanks for updating us! I forgot you were still waiting for us! I hope things get started for you soon! That is a real hassle that you've had two bouts of false labour already! Hugs!

Apple - Thanks for sharing your full story. Those first few days sound like quite a terrible experience, especially being away from your oh at night. You must be so exhausted! I'm so glad baby is finally here.

Slammer - aww, that is sad that your dd keeps asking about her dance class and you don't know when it will be! Not the same at all, but we had dd registered in a toddler exercise class on Mondays and that got cancelled, but thankfully we were able to just move to Tuesdays instead. She is quite excited and I am looking forward to seeing her running around with her friends! It's unfortunate at age 2 that everything is still Parent and tot though. I would much rather just sit back and watch! Haha. Hopefully your dd's dance class being postponed until further notice is a very good sign that baby is coming on Monday, or at least very soon! Hehe. I hope baby comes early in the week so your sister is still able to come down and visit!

Van - wonderful that you got newborn photos done! If I ever join the fb group I will definitely go look!

Newbie - ouch! I've done that before with dd and not breaking the latch. It hurts a lot! So glad it has already mostly healed up for you. I hope baby's weight will get up right away so you don't have to worry. I know my one friend's baby lost quite a bit of weight initially and he took a while to gain it back, but then once he did he was fine and followed the same percentile but he was just a very tiny little guy (much like his parents). She ended up BFing successfully for 18ish months, so it definitely wasn't supply issues in the end. Just working out some kinks at the beginning I guess!

VRogers - :haha: I totally saw it on Pinterest too.

AFM - for a while I was feeling all anxious/excited and feeling like baby could arrive any day. Now that I've been home for a week and nothing is happening, I'm getting used to the new rhythm and keep sort of forgetting we are going to have a baby very soon! It's a weird feeling. But I guess better than going crazy waiting because I'm so excited!? Haha.

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