January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Slammer - They're definitely no fun. They're not the worst headaches ever, but not being able to do anything about them makes them pretty agonizing.

That's so cute about your daughter! Too bad she hasn't been able to start, but maybe you're right and baby you will go into labor! I feel like you'll go this next week.

Thor - Nice to hear from you! It's too bad she's being stubborn and it wasn't a birth announcement! Take you're time replying, it's good enough to hear from you!

Newbie - Hopefully it doesn't come to supplementing! Glad they didn't jump to that right away. A ripped nipple sounds awful. I couldn't even imagine!! Glad it healed well, though.

Van - I love the photos!! I'm going to try to do my own. We never got any with DS1 either, sadly. Life was so busy. I do have a really good DSLR so if I can get some good ones, that's good enough for me! I know how to do edits and all that jazz, so it might be fun. Lighting will be the tricky part.

Apple - I'm so sorry your experience was awful! I'm so glad baby is here though and you're both doing well! I will say it's a bit interesting to read stories from people in other countries. The stories alone show how different healthcare systems are.

Last night wasn't horrible, but it wasn't a success either. I ended up co-sleeping. I really need to stop feeding laying down. It's just such a nice way to feed! It also really puts baby into a good sleep whereas if I'm holding him and feeding him I have to hold him for quite awhile after to get him in a deep enough sleep to lay him down. He did sleep in his crib at first and at the end. DS1 was not wanting to sleep. I tried to get him to go down earlier than normal and it just resulted in him whining because he was tired, but not wanting to sit still. Ended up using a music video to knock him out. He still was up way past 11.

DH might go into work tonight if a lot of people call in. I really don't want him to, but I understand. There is an ice storm coming in. It's annoying because a lot of people that call in live in town.

My brother recommended coconut oil for baby's skin. I need to get some! DS1 has such sensitive skin. When he started to get diaper rashes or raw it didn't matter what cream I'd use he'd scream if I put it on. My best defense is to hydrate the skin and protect it as much as possible if it starts to look raw. I'm hoping this little one isn't as sensitive. So far his skin has been much healthier, but being more fair complected I'm afraid he'll be worse.
Ali - I kept meaning to reply about your headaches but forgot both times. Definitely do call in and ask, I'd say! I hope they go away soon.

Dd has been going to bed past 11 as well. It's very tiring but I just can't make myself get her up earlier in the morning when I'm so tired and NOT a morning person. Plus the fact that even if she gets up early she still goes to bed pretty late so it's not really that worth it. I can't imagine doing it by yourself and with a baby, though. Don't beat yourself up about co sleeping though. Try to relax and go with the flow. You can find a way to make it all work and have everyone get sleep and be safe, I'm sure! I hope your hubby doesn't have to go to work tonight.
Oh Apple, your induction experience sounds absolutely awful :hugs: I can't believe at one point they told you that you may have to give birth on a ward :wacko::growlmad: I am SO glad that didn't happen and you got through it all OK. I hope things are more settled now and you're holding up ok :hugs: Reading about your experience makes me glad I have opted for an elective csection over an induction!

LL - What a late time for your DD to go to bed, you must be exhausted! My daughter goes to bed late too, but generally is asleep by 9pm , sometimes earlier depending upon her day. I am not a morning person either!

I am glad last night wasn't too bad in the end AliJo. Why do you want to stop feeding laying down? If it's working and you're getting more sleep, that's a good thing right?

slammer - I am sorry your little girl is being messed around with dance lessons. She does look very cute in her little outfit!

Thor - welcome to the waiting club! This last bit of pregnancy seriously drags doesn't it!

AFM - nothing new to report.... we put together the swing today. We've also ordered a new Moses Basket and play gym as when we got our existing ones out, they were missing a few bits and are practically unusable. We've done alright though as we've reused most of the stuff from Anabella.
Pomp - I am trying to avoid co sleeping as I don't feel it's very safe with DS1 still in the bed with us. When I'm laying down and feeding DS2 I tend to fall asleep so it's not really ideal when I'm tired.

Lite - I just don't feel I could make it safe enough for my comfort. I think it will be easier once DS2 starts sleeping longer periods. Thankfully he doesn't seem to require me to sleep, so hopefully that'll stay the case even with occasional co sleeping.

I can't seem to convince myself to get DS1 up earlier either. He does the same and still goes to bed late. It's almost like he can't take a nap. Even then it's a tricky situation because if he goes to bed say 8 pm he's really likely to wake up in a couple of hours. Especially if I'm not in bed with him.

I'm about to break down and buy a twin mattress for DS1. He won't sleep in his toddler bed. I wanted to wait till we got a house since there isn't much room here, but if I get him a mattress maybe I can get him to start sleeping on his own a little more. I don't know.
Apple- thank you for sharing your story! I would not have wanted to go through a second of my labor without dh so I can't imagine how hard it was. I'm sure you are definitely enjoying your new LO!

Slammer- you are close though! I'm sorry there's been no progress, hopefully it happens soon. Your dd sounds freaking adorable, so excited for her dance class! I hope they get a teacher soon so she can start

Literati- gotta love Pinterest! It gives me so many ideas and then I hardly use any :haha:
It really is a weird feeling, i was in denial the last couple weeks and it's still surreal. I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting much longer!

Ali- I wish so badly I could just sleep with the baby on my chest. She seems to love it and she's so warm and cozy but I won't even let dh nap with her like that yet, im so paranoid!

I decided to try to feed Lillian on the boob a few hours ago and it went perfect! She latched on right away, no pain at all and she fed for over an hour and then went into what we call a milk coma. I actually got a little emotional because I had already missed everything about BFing. About to feed her again and hoping this time goes just as well!

Can't wait to see more L&D/baby updates!
Pomp - I am trying to avoid co sleeping as I don't feel it's very safe with DS1 still in the bed with us. When I'm laying down and feeding DS2 I tend to fall asleep so it's not really ideal when I'm tired.

Lite - I just don't feel I could make it safe enough for my comfort. I think it will be easier once DS2 starts sleeping longer periods. Thankfully he doesn't seem to require me to sleep, so hopefully that'll stay the case even with occasional co sleeping.

I can't seem to convince myself to get DS1 up earlier either. He does the same and still goes to bed late. It's almost like he can't take a nap. Even then it's a tricky situation because if he goes to bed say 8 pm he's really likely to wake up in a couple of hours. Especially if I'm not in bed with him.

I'm about to break down and buy a twin mattress for DS1. He won't sleep in his toddler bed. I wanted to wait till we got a house since there isn't much room here, but if I get him a mattress maybe I can get him to start sleeping on his own a little more. I don't know.

Fair enough :) I must admit, I think we're going to be in the same situation. My daughter still sleeps with me and I plan on breast feeding and can imagine falling asleep laying down too. We have attached the cot to our bed (one side down), so my loose plan is to feed laying down and move him over to his cot when he is done. It's probably easier said than done though!
Thanks Pompey! I hope you get your last bits set up and ready before Friday. :)

AliJo I think a twin mattress might be a good idea for DS. At least you could lay down or sit with him when needed, but it would help get him used to not actually being in contact with you. If he wakes in the night you could see if just knowing you're there is good enough for him.
Vrogers, sorry I missed your reply. Glad the feeding went so well! Milk coma is so precious. DD slept on my chest for a couple weeks in the beginning I think. Nothing like it. <3 Will probably do the same with baby boy, but we'll see.
Ali - yeah, I am definitely glad we got dd1 a twin bed when we did, and would recommend it! Does your ds1 mind sleeping with your hubby instead of you? Maybe if he started off the night in his twin bed, when he woke up your oh could have a turn going to him sometimes if you are co sleeping with the baby? Idk it's hard to say how it would go but I do find it is a good transition step.
Like your ds, if my dd ever falls asleep really early (which is extremely rare), she will wake up very shortly after and will end up in my bed for the entire night rather than just part of the night. Oh, toddler sleep issues!

Pompey - that's good your dd goes to bed by 9 at least! Yay for getting the swing set up. I think I'd like my DH to set up the swing tonight or tomorrow as well. Thankfully we got away with never buying one. Last time we borrowed from a friend, and this time we have the hand-me-down from my sister.

VRogers - yay, I'm glad she nursed so well this time! I hope there are no issues going forward.

AFM - I'm feeling very fed up and miserable with how I'm feeling lately. My exhaustion is crippling, and I am having issues with getting low blood sugar far too easily. This has always been an issue for me and I have to eat way more regularly than most people, but pregnancy ramps it up like crazy and now I'm having a really hard time keeping up. (No, I don't have diabetes or GD or anything). I find that I am getting low blood sugar way too many times a day and it makes me so cranky, irritable, and tired, but no matter how much I eat it's just never really enough until after supper. I'm so tired of the peaks and falls all day. I was managing it fine when I was at work and on a better eating schedule but I think being home with dd it's just so hard to eat as regularly as I need to because every time I eat, I have to feed her as well and it becomes completely exhausting so I end up waiting too long I guess. So frustrating. I don't even know what to do anymore because I'm so tired and miserable but I'll probably feel way worse once the baby comes so I don't even know if there's an end in sight.
For some reason I also feel sick and feverish today too. I checked my temp and it was completely fine, but I was having very mild hot flashes and chills which were very unpleasant. This of course all happened when my DH decided to go gallavanting for the afternoon and left me to my own devices with dd. I feel I haven't gotten a break all weekend because DH spent all Friday night and Saturday studying for a work audit he has on Tuesday. Argh! Sorry - I'm just so cranky and needed to rant.
Literati I have issues with having to eat frequently too. Today I had a plate of leftover beef roast, potatoes and vegetables, and I swear I was dying for food an hour later. I've been starving the last few days especially. I haven't eaten well this pregnancy and that's part of the issue I'm sure.

Hopefully we're both going to be having our babies soon. I'll be trying to eat more healthily afterward. That's the only thing that's ever helped with blood sugar issues and allowed me to go longer between meals.
Slammer - glad to know I'm not alone! I totally would have been starving an hour after that as well probably! That's what keeps happening to me and it's very frustrating. I agree - I need to eat healthier. Filling up on all this junk definitely doesn't help but I can't stop myself when pregnant! I remember I craved a lot less junk when I was BFing last time.
I sure hope we both have our babies soon too! Maybe this extra super hunger the last few days is a sign! :p
I have been starving the last few days too, but I do eat really healthy because I have too. I'm so excited to indulge in goodies after baby is born!!

I use coconut oil for a lot of stuff. I have replaced my face moisturizer with it and my face is always hydrated. I use it for skin irritations, I also use it for my dogs paws sometimes. It's definitely a staple in our house. I plan on using it for the babies bottom as well for any rashes.
You too, froggy? I guess the baby must be bulking up with a lot of fat at this stage! :haha: You are just one day behind me this pregnancy!

Good to know coconut oil is good for so many things.
this is going to be a long post as i catch up with everyone- our thread it so active!

lit- yes, thank you. I am looking forward to the nights when Isa sleeps longer. Sorry you are so exhausted and not feeling great. I really hope you feel better soon.

slammer- i hope soon!!! your baby is just to comfy inside you

Thorpedo11- nice to hear from you, hope the LO makes an appearance soon

froggy- good luck for friday

ali- very sorry about headaches- how are you feeling today?

vrogers- absolutely love coconut oil, i use it in my hair and sometimes when cooking too, and have used it on Isa's dry skin. milk comas are funny, isa does it too, sometimes he comes off with milk on his face haha.

apple- that sounds like a really tough 4 days, your poor OH sleeping in the car! but well done and congrats on the little on. Hope you have had more sleep now.

ali- i would have ended up co sleeping also. I can never feed lying down, doesn't work for him, maybe i need to practise more. Sitting up feeding at night is exhausting.

sorry if i missed anyone out!
hoping for more babies and labours soon!
So much to catch up on! Ladies who are still preggers, the end is in sight! You'll be holding your babies soon!

Vrogers, glad the coconut oil helped!

Congrats to the mommas who recently gave birth! I hope all is going well.

Everything is going pretty well over here. Genevieve is by far my easiest baby ever. She's only 6 days old but cluster feeds all day and so only wakes up 2-3x at night, 8pm to 8am. We had to co-sleep with our first 2 for literally months before we could start laying them down whereas Genevieve lets us lay her down at night. I've actually been getting more sleep now than when I was pregnant and even before. It's really weird but I'm more tired now! Maybe my body is trying to make up for all the missed sleep?
Greats - I'm glad Genevieve is seeming pretty easy so far! Those wake-ups are still going to be hard on you, though, and of course you're still recovering from birth and pregnancy and all the sleep deprivation before that so it makes a lot of sense that you're a lot more tired now.

Ally - I would try side-lying position in another week or two! It takes a little while before they are able to do it sometimes, but it is a complete life saver once you can master that position because you can basically half-sleep through the feeds! Maybe look up a YouTube video or something for instructions?
greats- glad Genevieve has been easy for you so far! yes i am sure your body is trying to make up for lost sleep!

lit- good idea on the youtube videos, will check it out. how are you feeling today?
Ally - less cranky so far! Haha. Still battling this dumb cold or whatever it is, so that's annoying, but oh well. I am going to try really hard to keep up with my eating all day and make sure I get my nap in. Hopefully it will be a good day.

Are you ever getting any naps these days? You deserve them! :)
Vrogers - Glad breastfeeding is going well for you now!

Pomp - I hope your situation is a bit easier than mine. I'm starting to feel lost.

Slammer - I'm thinking I might have to go that route. Maybe start him out on naps and go from there. I think it will take him a long time before he stops waking up and wanting me. He cries and won't go back to sleep unless I cuddle him.

Lite - Sometimes DH can console him or take him to bed, but if I'm around it usually has to be me. He's a huge mommy's boy. I think I'll just have to deal with him waking up upset for awhile before it turns out to be okay.

DS1 has a cold now. Sounds a little croupy and I hope it doesn't get worse. DH ended up working last night. I was able to get DS2 to sleep a little more in his crib, but still not all night. DS2 slept in his crib for almost 3 hours when I first laid him down. I didn't get to enjoy 3 hours of sleep, though. Instead I battled getting DS1 down. As soon as DS1 was falling asleep DS2 was waking up. I actually wake up in a slight panic if DS2 is in bed with me. I never did that with DS1. I think just having both in there really bothers me.

DH is home tonight, but I feel like if I hand him off to DH through the night it'll just draw out the sleeping issues. His schedule is starting to flip more, but he doesn't always like the crib. I just want to stick with the crib, though. Just because I had big issues trying to transfer DS1 from a bassinet to a crib and ended up co sleeping because of it.

Yesterday I had some time headache free. I literally have it 24/7 otherwise. I'll wake up feeling it in the middle of the night. It's tiring.

Sorry if I missed anything. I'm not very in tune today.

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