January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

lit-i t hink in pregnancy some women just have a permanent cold. I get chances to nap, but at the time i always think, i;m going to use this time to catch up with people or just sit and watch something on my laptop and then by the time night comes i regret not napping. so right now, im going to have a lie down, while DS is with DH in the living room :D

ali- so sorry about your constant headache, it's really not what you need when you have a newborn to look after. I think sleeping arrangements are stresful! i want DS to sleep in crib but i never sleep well that way, i prefer him in the bed. He;s also so used to being held that he really does not settle in crib so i want to try and place him there more and more so he gets used to it.
anyway i hope you feel better and get some well earned rest!
Ally - I was the same with my first. With there being more risks this time I feel safer with him in his own area. I thought about removing the front of the crib and putting the bed against it but his crib mattress is a little lower.
It's crazy Isa is already over 3 weeks. T just turned 2 weeks today and that's crazy enough.
Ally - I do think it is partly the pregnancy but there is more going on because I have a sore throat too and pregnancy doesn't cause that. DH is sick too so we have *something* haha. And of course dd still has her viral pinkeye so we could be coming down with that. She is looking a lot better though so I am hopeful she will recover a lot faster than last time.

Ali - dd is a huge mommy's girl too but I guess we worked pretty much my entire pregnancy on getting her more used to DH helping get her to sleep or help her in the night. It was months of work and she still needs me at some point in the night, and recently she has regressed a little since I am home more again. But it is definitely nice knowing DH can help a lot in the night when baby #2 gets here.
Your evening of putting kids to bed and only getting one down and then the other and then ds2 already waking up sounds like a nightmare! I am quite afraid of that myself but I have to not think about it because dd2 is coming soon and I'll just have to deal with it. It sounds horrible though. I hope you don't get too stressed out with it all. How many nights per week are you usually going to be by yourself?
I am glad you got a short reprieve from your headaches. I really think you should get them checked out. Does ibuprofen help them at all?
That is scary about waking up in bed with both of them. I understand your concerns. Hopefully ds2 will get really good at sleeping in his crib soon. :hugs:

AFM - I am getting nervous for labour and still don't feel mentally prepared to have a baby! I feel guilty about that also. I know once she arrives I will be so in love though.

Slammer - any signs today!? You're awfully quiet! Haha. Probably just because you are working.
Sorry you're feeling a little lost AliJo :hugs: It really is hard in the early days and you're doing so well, especially as you are by yourself sometimes. I am sure everything will start slotting into place soon, it just takes time.

LL - I feel the same as you, I just don't feel ready for another baby right now even though his arrival is just 4 days away! I think I am overthinking and over worrying everything, but I just can't help it!

I am glad Geneiveve has slotted in so nicely greats and that she is your easiest baby. I am hoping our boy will be like that because Anabella was a difficult newborn.

I am glad Lillian is feeding again from boob vrogers, that is a relief! When I took a break from breastfeeding Anabella when I started expressing to give my nipples a chance to heal, I could never get her latched back on again.

Hi Midnight - how are you doing? How is little Violet?

AFM - Just 4 days to go and feeling emotional. I really hope everything just falls into place but I am convincing myself how hard it is going to be and that I am going to struggle to cope. Fingers crossed I am just over thinking as that is what I tend to do best in life!
Sorry y'all. I have been reading, but not had a chance to reply. I am feeling a little sick myself...an inkling of a cold that I am really hoping doesn't turn into anything!

Literati, so funny...I was thinking I'd better get around to replying or you'd think I was in labor! No such luck. Damn damn damn! Such torture waiting! The only comforting thought is that at least I'm not having weeks of start/stop prodromal labor like some have had. Hoping that once baby decides to come it will just be the real deal and happen quick.
Ali- yup, i totally get the wanting to avoid co-sleeping when you have ds1 in bed. But sounds like DS2 is liking the crib so im sure all will be well :)
I know he is nearly a month old! crazy. He gained 8 ounces last week too, so he is getting bigger everyday.

lit- as soon as i lay down to nap, DH walks in with DS who was crying and wanting fed. But when i put him on he went on for like 5 mins then fell asleep. I think he was just looking for comfort from his mum. Now i am definitely going to bed, as both DH and DS are asleep and i need the sleep!
glad your dd is looking better and fingers crossed it's going to be a fast recovery for her. I also hope you feel better soon. Do you eat honey? i think it's one of the best things to have when feeling a bit unwell. I treat it like medicine.

pomp- i am an over thinker also! maybe it's just called being a woman! i am sure you will cope perfectly. I think end of pregnancy is emotional anyway. Sending you a big hug!
Ally - My little man gained 7 ounces in five days. I'm curious to see how much he weighs! His 2 week appointment is tomorrow, so I'll soon find out.

Slammer - Really hope you aren't getting sick. I'm so over the illnesses for myself and everyone else!

Pomp - I really hope so. When I'm tired I can't handle much and the nights get really long. I just have to remind myself to take a deep breath.

Lite - Four nights a week. What really sucks is it's those four nights then I have them all morning. Basically I'm alone from 8 pm to 4 pm the next day. I really hate DH being on overnights. Sooner or later I'm going to request that he gets off of them. I wouldn't want to make him tired before going to work, but at the same time that's what I'll be dealing with so I guess it's not asking anything different than what I have to do.
I really should have worked with him, but I just didn't have the energy and it would have just been me doing it.

Midnight - I hope everything is going well for you!

I wonder how Danser is doing. She hasn't been online since she last replied. Been a month. Too bad she isn't on the Facebook group. To my knowledge, anyways.
Pompey - I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. Hopefully we are both just over thinking things. I looked back today at pics from dd1 was born and it helped remind me what an exciting time that was, even if it was hard work! So I'm sure this will also be super exciting and we will somehow manage!

Ali - that is a lot of time that your DH is away at night, and yeah it is no wonder your DS isn't used to him in the night! It wasn't work on my part to get dd used to DH, but he was able to work on it pretty much every night. I can't imagine getting any sort of consistency going with him gone 4 nights! I hope your DH can change his schedule eventually because that really isn't ideal for you at all! Hugs!

Ally - that does sound like he just needed comfort! My dd1 was very much like that and constantly needed to nurse but it was often just for comfort or to fall asleep. I hope you did manage a little nap after that!
I don't usually eat much honey because I'm not a huge fan, but maybe I'll try some honey in my tea tonight or something. Thanks for the suggestion!

Slammer - haha, I guess you were right! I am glad you (and I!) haven't had a start and stop labour as well. That would probably drive me crazy! I do hope once yours starts it's just quite fast and straightforward. That is weird to think you'll likely make it to you due date after having your dd1 at least a week earlier (right?). Definitely goes against the general trend of having subsequent babies earlier! Hmm! I wonder when this one will arrive!

AFM - I had a much better day today! I didn't get too impatient, I kept on top of my eating, got some laundry done and kept things clean while still spending quality time with dd. I feel good about it! I also was able to do some much needed back-up of my computer that I haven't had time to do for over a year! I didn't quite finish but I am hoping I can finish before the baby arrives!
AliJo I'm on my own four nights a week too, though at least DH is up and functional by 11am the next day. At least DD is comfortable with him the other nights since he spends a lot of time with her other days and she went through a long phase of preferring him in the past. Weekends are hard though when I do bedtime and mornings, and then he's only around for a few hours before going back to work. It sucks.

Literati - yes this is super weird and annoying to still be pregnant after DD came a week and a day early. Still holding out hope for a due date delivery tomorrow! Fat chance though. Glad you had a better day today and got things done! That certainly always helps. I didn't do much, but I did wash DD's sheets and remake the beds (hers plus trundle) and that wore me out! Plus gave her a bath - another tiring task.
Ugh yes, tell me about it! I hate giving dd baths! Such an exhausting undertaking for sure! I do hope you get a due date baby! I did have one last time, but I had already gone into labour the day before.
Lite - He will generally sleep with him just fine but wants me to put him to bed. I want him on days but he'll lose his overnight differential which is mainly why he doesn't try yet. Once I'm working full time it won't matter as much.

Glad you had a good day. Hopefully you have more like it! I need a good day. I'm feeling run down. My superness ran dry.

Slammer - DS1 use to prefer my hubby as well. When I got done with school it flipped. He spends a lot of time with him but generally he goes to him for fun and to me for comfort.
Ali - yeah, that's good his shift differential won't matter as much once you're FT again. Are you planning on going back to work FT right away (when you go back), or just PT while the kids are young?

You definitely sound run down. I think you had a nice surge of energy and feel-good hormones after the birth but now the sleep deprivation and weight of it all is getting to you. Try not to do too much. The bare minimum is absolutely enough right now. Just try to get as much rest as you can and don't feel guilty for a second! Maybe if the boys' naps don't align, your DH can let you have a quick cat nap when he's up for the day? I generally nap quite late in the day and it helps so much in getting me through until bedtime. Also, make sure you don't hesitate to reach out to us and others is you are feeling down for more than a few days, and to mention it to your dr as well! It's probably just the sleep deprivation and a bit of hormones crashing but definitely keep an eye out if it persists! :hugs: I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
Hi ladies, not been able to get on for a little while. Hope you are all doing ok. Not long now ladies still pregnant until you are holding your babies :)

I still can't believe my little fella is here.. He is 4 days today, he gets cuter every day. I do feel like I'm getting to know his little ways now.

I am really struggling with feeding, nipples so sore. Ive tried changing position but think its gone past the point of no return with pain so no matter what I do it kills. It actually brought me to tears yesterday morning so expressed yesterday and have him it in a bottle. Ive tried warm showers and massaging to release some milk as im def getting engorged.. I managed to feed him again in the night but any ideas would be appreciated x
Oh no! Apple, sorry to hear that. Do you have access to a lactation consultant? If so, even one visit would be worth it. Definitely check his latch as well. Hope it improves! My nipples were so sore for the first week or so but got better. Always break the seal properly and reattach if the latch isn't good. Take care!

Fingers crossed for more labours soon!

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