January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

ali- what a little chubbster you have on you, do let us know his weight! I know i was wondering about danser too, i am sure she is just busy with her little dd

lit- glad you are feeling beter today and got more done :)

apple- i find the initial part sore then it's ok. Try to see a lactation consultant if you can. I express also, just to give my boobs a break cause they feel a bit sore.
Hi ladies. I will catch up with everyone I very soon. I just wanted to update you all and let you know that my little girl was born last night at 10:44 weighing 7 lbs 3 oz.

We are so deeply in love with her.

It was a very quick birth (1 hour) and my body had to recover some. When we get home in the morning I will write our birth story. 😍👍🏻
Huge congrats thorpedo! Can't believe some of the short labors we've had on here! Can't wait to hear more.

Apple I agree with seeing a lactation consultant. Watch lots of videos of good latch. Try laid back nursing
Thorpedo- congratulations! That's the time my baby was born as well. Can't wait to hear more!
Apple - very sorry about your sore nipples! I hope you can get some help so they can heal and you can be on your way. hugs!

Thorpedo- congrats! That's amazing! And a really, really short labour! Wow! Was it spontaneous labour? That is so crazy! Haha. so happy for you that your little girl is finallly here.

AFM - I had a very rough night last night. Only had about 4 hours of sleep. It is thanks to DH, as he came in with dd in the night at a very sensitive time for me (3 am onward I'm extremely prone to insomnia). He starting rummaging around for his phone charger and was growling about it and then I realized I had left it by my computer by mistake when I had synced my phone earlier, so I told him. Now, I quite understand him being annoyed by that - especially in the middle of the night - but he went on an angry whispered tirade, and it woke me up enough to keep me awake for the entire rest of the night! Argh.

He also left his phone at home this morning, so I'll probably have to drag my butt out the door to bring it to him later. Gag! I really don't want to go anywhere - especially when I'm so tired. He hasn't asked for it, but I know I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't have my phone all day!

Good luck going into labour today, slammer! And happy Due Date! I do hope I get a good night's sleep before I do. Am 39 weeks today!
Sheesh literati, that sucks! I'd be pissed! I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight.

It was midnight-ish before I got to sleep last night. DH got off early from work so I stayed up until after 11 talking to him and texting with my sisters. Then he was snoring so I couldn't fall asleep. I kicked him out and a few minutes later DD came in. I kicked her out too, lol - sent her to go find him, since I hadn't actually fallen asleep yet!

Still no labor signs damnit! Might try to DTD later, though the thought of it has me saying "ouch" already!
Slammer - I also fell asleep quite late, which was annoying! I don't blame you for kicking both your dd and DH out of bed! I hate snoring - DH does it too. Drives me crazy! Sorry you had an annoying night as well.

That's really too bad you have no labour signs! :( DTD definitely sounds like OUCH to me too! We have tried a couple times in the last month or two and I just couldn't manage because it's all so swollen and sore at this point. Yuck. But good luck if you do decide to! Hopefully it would help! Do you have an appointment coming up? Are you turning down any membrane sweeps?

Ali - if you were wanting to update the front page, I saw on a third tri thread that cnote had her baby...born Jan 15 (on the due date)!
I have an appointment on Thurs and they're doing a scan to check fluid levels and placenta. At my last appt the midwife asked before checking me if I wanted her to do a membrane sweep and I said no. And then of course since it was so uncomfortable having her root around in there trying to even reach/assess my cervix I knew there would have been no point in trying a membrane sweep then anyway. I don't know if they'll offer another check at this appt, and if I'll take it. I don't want to go through that discomfort again really. I'm hoping things get going before that appt anyway and it won't even matter.
Makes sense. They are very uncomfortable! Depends how desperate you get, I guess! I hope you have gone into labour by then! Today I had to book an appointment for 41 weeks in case I go that overdue. :/ I sure hope not! I hope I can just change it to my baby's first appointment later!

Even though I have been a bit cranky and tired today, we got out of the house to bring DH his phone and to return my friend's bucket of maternity clothes that I borrowed. It was beautiful out and we ended up also going to the dollar store for a few things and then I took dd out for smoothies! We had such a lovely time and I feel quite happy now.

When I got home I made up this little basket to have by the couch for the baby. I didn't do this last time but I've seen friends do it and it seems like a great idea, especially since the nursery is downstairs and it will be a pain going up and down all the time!


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Okay, I've managed to read and catch up! The last couple days have been busy so I've been reading but not replying. I tried to get everyone. :)

Baby had her wellness growth check yesterday (10 days old, they did a check at 3 days when they did her last jaundice check). In the last week she's grown half an inch in height, and gained 9 oz (back to birth weight! woot! She had lost 9 oz from birth to day 3). Doctor says she made huge jumps, and so she's not quite worried about her anymore (I Didn't know she was worried to begin with! :wacko: ) and that explains all the insane feeding she's been doing. Poor kid is expending a lot of energy growing!

She also told me not to stress about letting her sleep with us. I moved her into our bed the last few nights because at night she won't go more than 20-30 minutes sleeping alone (during the day she'll sleep a couple hours without waking, but not at night) and I was getting no sleep and was on the brink of hysteria. In my bed she sleeps 3-4 hours if I let her cuddle with me where she can touch me (actually, more like touch my boob. Literally she has to be able to rest her hand on my breast, or she likes to wiggle her head over to be against it. The kid's a little boob obsessed :rofl: ). I know all the "don't let baby sleep with you" things and was feeling guilty, but my sanity was at stake (literally, I was starting to actually have waking dreams, remembering things that didn't happen - it was a little scary). My doctor was like "meh, just be safe and do what you got to do. If you aren't sleeping you're not help to baby. As long as you love baby, feed baby, and get sleep then you are doing okay". Did I mention I <3 My doctor?! I'm so glad that she's both my OB and our Pediatrician.

I love this baby though. I can't imagine anything more amazing, even with the sleep deprivation.

vrogers - I can relate to the formula thing. I was crying the other day because Melody was feeding for 30 minutes of every hour or something and I felt like I had basically been reduced to nothing more than a milk machine. DH said (trying to be helpful) that it was okay if we wanted to start using bottles and formula, so that he could take over half the feedings. I just started crying harder.

Sounds like your milk is coming in though, which is great! Now that your milk is in she should start to gain weight. :hugs: You do what you gotta do mama. Oh and coconut oil = magic! I love it.

I'm so glad the feedings are working now!! That's great! I love the "milk coma". My sister calls it 'milk drunk'. :haha:

Apple - congrats on baby! Thanks for sharing your story, sounds like it was a long process! But so glad that you and baby are doing well. <3

Regarding feeding: how is his latch? That's most likely a big part of the cause. Also do you have any lanolin or coconut oil that you can apply after feedings? I put on lanolin after each feeding for the first week to help with the nipple soreness and it really helped. I second the vote for a lactation consultant if you can see one. Even one session helps, especially to check latch. It made a huge difference to me seeing the LC while we were still in the hospital.

Ali - I'm in the same boat, co-sleeping because feeding laying down is just easier and baby gets into a good sleep better than if I'm holding her. Plus, I keep finding that if I sleep like that sometimes I'll wake up and she's just reattached herself and started to eat on her own without waking me if she wants a "snack" :haha: Probably not the best scenario but it means dH and I get a little more sleep and so does she. I just keep telling myself that we do what we have to do to make things work. :)

Literati - I'm so sorry you're feeling awful. I was having trouble making sure I ate enough while pregnant too, are there snacks you can grab? Maybe something simple like carrots & celery or string cheese? I basically lived on stuff like that when I wasn't eating well. Then if you do have to feed dd too it's at least just a small snack?

Greats - I'm so glad that Genevieve is doing so well! I am hoping that Melody starts letting us put her in her own bed soon! I've been cosleeping just for the sake of my sanity but will be thrilled when I can move her to her own bed.

Ally - I second Lit's idea...try some youtube videos. The side-lying has been a saver for me the last couple nights so I can snooze off and on through feedings, especially the long ones!

Thorpedo: CONGRATS!! :happydance:
thor- congrats!!!!! looking forward to hearing the birth story.

lit- so sorry you had a bads night sleep, must be so frustrating. Hoping tonight will be better and yah on 39 weeks! smooothie with your dd sounds nice, glad you are feeling happier :)

angel- i think most parents co -sleep to some extent for some period of time. Its perfectly natural, i definitely sleep better when baby is in bed. They are so small, and they feel safest when cuddled up close to their mum! so if co-sleeping helps you sleep better just do it :) saying that, i do what Isa to be able to sleep in the crib, so i am going to put him there more. But i think i need to trick him and make the crib warmer and more cosy so he thinks hes in bed with me :D i'll let you know how i get on:D
Literati- I really like the basket idea! It's amazing how easily swaddle blankets and pacis and burp cloths can be lost. We have them everywhere!

Angel- I'm glad LO is doing well and you are able to get some sleep! I would love to cosleep but it's just not possible in our bed and I wouldn't trust dh ha!
Ah and thank you for the encouragement! It helps me to hear about other people having been through the same thing. She's doing so much better but it really is exhausting how often she is on the boob. I told dh "I am literally a cow" but at the same time it's amazing to be able to provide her with something only I can, and just seeing her little face when she's feeding. However if we had to go to formula I would be all for it at this point, as long as she's fed and happy that's what's important!
Milk drunk is accurate! :haha:
Angel - so glad baby has gained back her birth weight! Sounds like you have a great doctor - I agree. :) You definitely shouldn't stress about co sleeping. It is so natural for babies to need to be with their moms all night, and it's definitely more conducive to a better night's sleep for you. I definitely like that you can doze and sleep at the same time!
Yes, I was regretting not buying string cheese the other day since it's such an easy snack! I need more easy stuff that it isn't too messy for feeding dd. I'm very happy to hear how in love you are with your new precious girl!

VRogers - yes, I find especially soothers go missing constantly! Dd1 would never actually take a soother though, so we didn't have much of a problem with it. I just got a few this time just in case!
Can't remember if I posted before - congrats thor! Super happy for you.

Vrogers, I can totally relate to both your feeling of being a cow and providing your baby girl with something only you can. Breastfeeding is probably the most unique and powerful bonding experience I have ever had. I'm so pleased I've been able to do it so far and I hope I can continue. In saying that, I really want to start pumping so that dh can also share the experience. I'm waiting until after baby Z's next weight in to make sure he's gaining weight well, then I'll start pumping for supply and so dh can feed after he's 1 month.
Hope everyone well.

Isa has his weight done today- he is 8 pounds 3 now & gained 11 ounces in 5 days! He's getting bigger & heavier. I already feel like my tiny baby is getting big too fast!
Literati, that basket is a great idea!

Angel, hold onto that doctor and don't let her go! Good peds are hard to find. Glad baby is doing so well.

Vrogers, it can be exhausting when they are on the boob so much. I mentally prepared myself with my first to basically plan on feeding ALL THE TIME. Even so, cluster feeding and growth spurts were draining.

Ally, wow Isa is doing great with his weight gain! Way to go.

Newbie, BF sure if a special thing. I hope you can find a pumping arrangement that works. Just be careful because skipping a feeding so DH can give a bottle can signal to your breasts to make less milk. Some women do it just fine, but some women can't without it affecting supply.

A friend recommended this thing called Milkies Milk Saver to me. It's a sort of milk collector that you put in your bra on the breast you're not feeding from and it just collects any milk that leaks during letdowns. I'm totally gonna try it this time to help build up some stash before going back to work. I leaked a lot last time and all that milk was just wasted getting soaked up with breastpads!

I slept like complete crap last night. Weird dreams, so much hip pain. I was just waking constantly. Over 8 hours in bed and I feel more tired this morning than I did when I went to sleep. :(

We DTD yesterday, but no labor from it. I had a few stronger BH and was almost hopeful, but it didn't turn into anything.
Thor - Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear more and maybe see some pictures! Take care of yourself for now!

Slammer - I saw those breast milk savers before. I think I'd bother getting them if my production wasn't as good as it is. Would have helped last time!! I definitely have more let down moments this time around. DS1 even causes it. Once I was pumping my excess that was building up and I didn't get much and I knew there was more. DS1 walks over and starts talking to me and I'm interacting with him and all of the sudden I had double the amount I had before. I think when I go back to work I should look at videos and pictures of DS2 to help influence letdown.
Sorry you slept like crap. I don't miss all those pains. It's funny how they just seemed to vanish. Hopefully soon for you! This one is a stubborn one!!

Ally - That's a great gain, though! I definitely feel proud when I notice my babies gaining. Means I'm supplying enough!

Angel - Glad things are going well! I'd say doctor wasn't too too worried, otherwise they would have had you come in even earlier. Probably a little bit because they want to see them gain, but all is well so that's great!
I love your doctor as well! Usually when they start drilling me about sleep situations I don't tell them the truth. I don't need the education that they're safest on their back in their own sleeping surface because I already know and a guilt trip isn't going to help me. I also know my personal situation and like your doctor said it's better I get sleep so I can take care of them.

I still stand behind that they should educate what is the safest, but also educate on safe co-sleeping. Then give information and help on trying to get baby to sleep on their own. Instead of making parents feel incapable of providing what is best for them and making them feel guilty.

I turned into a human pacifier for my first and I'm sure the side lying breastfeeding caused it since he did the same and would reattach or just never let go!

Lite - I love the basket! I also have seen people do mini changing stations so they don't have to go get stuff in other rooms. Our apartment is small, so I don't really bother, but if I had a house I would.
Thanks for the update! I just checked on some the other day and nothing yet! I'll definitely add her with Thor!

So DS2 had his 2 week check up yesterday! He was 9 lbs 3 oz and 21.5 inches! At his 5 day post discharge check he was 8 lbs 5 oz. He's definitely growing well!! He was 7 lbs 14 oz at discharge. He's bigger than his older brother at this stage. Only thing smaller was his head circumference. I think I'm going to have another little chunk on my hands!

I don't know if I said but DS1 has a bad cold now. I also felt like the worst mother in the world yesterday. DS1's bottom got sore from diarrhea. Every time I had to clean him he screamed bloody murder and I couldn't do anything to comfort him. I felt so horrible.. I still feel horrible. He's still red today but hopefully it's not as bad and I can at least treat it a bit better.

My headaches are finally getting better. They started to over the weekend so I held off on calling and now I'm feeling much better.

Last night I co-slept all night. DH had DS1 and they ended up sleeping out in the living room. It felt kind of nice to get some more sleep. Hoping I'll have the energy to try to get him to sleep more on his own tonight.

Sorry, bunch of stuff about me!
Slammer - sorry dtd didn't get things going for you! I'm sure you are getting quite impatient. sorry about your restless night as well. My hips are also bothering me more and more at night. That Milk Saver sounds like a good idea.

Ally - glad Isa is gaining weight so well! As for him getting so big so fast, take heart that he is still smaller than my dd1 when she was born! :haha: So he is definitely still newborn sized to me!

Newbie - I hope you enjoy your DH feeding baby a bottle from time to time. I agree with slammer that you'll need to be careful of your supply dropping at this point, unless you're pumping while he feeds every time.

AFM - you would not even believe this considering our health issues lately, but now my DH has the stomach flu! Ahhh! The scary part is that I shared a glass with him last night just two hours before he started throwing up! I soooo cannot afford to get the stomach flu right now! Not only that, but dd1's tummy has been acting up AGAIN and she has a terrible diaper rash that won't go away, so I have her in to see the dr right after my appointment today. I am feeling stressed and anxious about all this illness before baby comes. Feels like we will never catch a break.
I have no real labour signs but was having a lot more pressure in my cervix yesterday and a few stronger BH

Ali - you posted while I was posting! I am going to have to read and reply after my doctor's appointment!!!
Lite - That's alright! I'm sorry the stomach flu is going around your house now. I'm usually lucky and only throw up once with it and it only lasts about 12 hours. I had it once this pregnancy, though. Was horrible! Well.. if you do get it.. it might send you into labor. I don't know how I'd feel about that!

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