January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali - I really don't want to have the stomach flu while in labour! I can't even imagine how that would go. So... guess this baby had better wait until I'm in the clear.

Well done on DS2 gaining weight so well! Chubby babies are wonderful!
I also am not forthcoming about sleep situations with health providers. Thankfully, my doctor is not nosy and doesn't ask ever. When I went to public health for vaccinations they asked questions but I was vague. This time I'll just go to my doctor for all the vaccines.
I'm so glad your headaches are starting to go away. It is about time! It is also good that you had a better sleep with your DH taking care of ds1!

AFM - my appointment was uneventful. Thankfully I never gained any weight for once. She offered to check me but I declined. No real point. I told her I would like a sweep next appointment (if I make it until then) and she said she definitely would! So... hopefully that will get things going if I make it until my due date. She checked dd's rash but of course it was finally healing. It has had open sores for day! Ugh. We are also going back on lactose free milk a little longer for dd, but keeping on cheese and yogurt since she seemed to be handling those well.
Hi guys I know I haven't been around E came home from the NICU 12/23 so I have been real busy. It's so hard trying to get to my laptop and if I do it's for a few minutes for bills and emails. I am on leave until early April. I am exhausted so exhausted but enjoying every minute of it. E is doing well too. I am so in love. The only real struggle is nursing/pumping and my lack of supply.
Danser - so great to hear from you! I rarely get on my computer either so I always just update on my phone. It is harder that way but I've gotten used to it. I learned to do everything on my phone when dd1 was a baby!
Sounds like life is very very busy, but I'm glad you are loving it!
Sorry you are having trouble with lack of supply and pumping! Sounds frustrating. Are you exclusively pumping?
Congrats Thor! What a short labour! Hope you're OK :)

LL - sorry your household is unwell :( Sounds like you really can't catch a break with illness at all. How is your daughter's pink eye now?

Your little boy is thriving Ali! It's so great when they pack on the weight :cloud9: Sorry your DS1 is so poorly. I really hope he gets better soon. I am glad your headaches are finally clearing, that must be a relief.

Ally - glad your little boy is doing so well too!

newbie- I am glad breastfeeding is going well. It is so hard but so rewarding. I hope to anything breastfeeding works for me this time.

Sounds like you have a great Dr, Angel. It's good to get positive advice and support from the professionals.

Apple - I hope your nipples aren't as sore now. It's so hard when they are so sore and painful :(

AFM - 2 more days to go and feeling all over the place emotionally. Had a day to myself today as my daughter was in preschool. I had a massage which was a birthday present to me from a couple of friends and it was amazing!

We have huge worries right now as my husband's dad is very very poorly. He is terminal and been unwell for over 2 years. Unfortunately, he has taken a turn for the worst and is not good at all. He lives in another country and it means if something happens, it puts my husband in a very difficult position. On one hand he needs to go over and say goodbye and attend his funeral. That is expected and what he wants to do. But he is torn as we are having a baby in 2 days time and he obviously wants to be here to be with me and his son. I will also need a LOT of helping following my c section. I couldn't even get out of bed last time without him physically helping me and if wasn't here, I don't know how I would cope. I have very little family support and I'd practically be on my own dealing with a 4 year old, newborn and the after effects of a major op. I am trying not to think about it too much as I am getting stressed and worried. I just hope nothing happens to his dad in the next few weeks :cry:
Great to hear from you, danser. So pleased you are home together. Sorry about your supply problems. I hope you can get that sorted out.

I had a follow up with my doctor yesterday - apparently I had 4th degree tears, but he said his repair work was excellent and was healing really well. He could tell even before he examined me that things were going well - just from the way I walked from the waiting room to his office. He doesn't want to see me again for three months. Longest time I'll go without seeing him in over a year! That will be weird!

Hoping ds settles soon... He has been upset for three hours now and just had a huge feed... Fingers crossed because I want to sleep!
slammer- sorry dtd did not send you into labour. Hope you get a better sleep tonight

ali- thank you and thats great weight gain for you ds2! way to go. I have loads of milk, i feel like i am always leaking. Glad headaches are better but sorry about DS1's diarrhea! hope he is better soon

lit- yes he defo is still newborn size, but he was a tiny 6 pounds 7 when born. Oh no that is such bad luck! fingers crossed you will be ok. Shame about diaper rash, hope it clears up.

danser- so nice to hear from you! glad all is well and that you are all home together :) must be an amazing feeling.

pomp- always nice to have time to yourself and a massage sounds so good!
so sorry to hear about DH's dad, i hope he manages to hang on longer. It is a stressful situation but i am sure all will work out.

newbie-glad all is healing well :)

AFM- nothing much to report, DH was off today which was nice, we went out to do a little shopping together and have some lunch. At the end we went to get groceries, but Isa started crying so loudly i took him to the car to feed him while dh finished the shopping. As soon as i got to the car, Isa also decided to vomit and poo!! was stressful at the time but now i just laugh at it :)
Pompey - dd's pink eye seems to be clearing up quite nicely. I feel like it will be completely gone by the weekend for sure. It might even be completely gone now but I get really paranoid after so like to wait a few extra days.
That sounds extremely stressful about your DH's dad being in such poor health and in another country! I can imagine that would be super stressful worrying that your DH might have to leave while you are recovering from a c section. Life just loves handing us stressful things right at the worst times, doesn't it? I truly hope that nothing happens to him at least until you are fully recovered from birth. I also am sorry that he is unwell at all. Must be very sad for your husband. Good luck with your c-section in Friday. I don't blame you for being a bit nervous!

Newbie - I'm glad you're healing up so well! 3 months is a long time! Here we always have a 6 week postpartum check-up. You must really be doing well! :)

Ally - that sounds very stressful with the grocery shopping. Diaper explosions, big spit-ups, etc. Always seem to happen at the very worst times with a baby. I remember finding it very stressful to go anywhere when dd was young tbh. Sounds like you handled it well! That is lovely that your DH was off and you had a nice day together though!
Danser- so good to hear from you! Glad you and LO are doing well. I'm sorry about the issues with nursing/pumping.

Pompey- so sorry about your husbands dad! What horrible timing. I hope he is around longer for everyone's sake. I can't imagine healing from my section and taking care of my newborn alone!

Newbie- glad you are healing well! Hope ds settles soon, I completely understand unfortunately!

Ally- sounds like you had a good day! A little over a week in and I have already had a couple times where I'll be changing the baby and she'll pee on me and the new diaper. It's always a little stressful at the time but funny once she's all fixed up!

Dh went back to work today. Thankfully his boss is letting him do half days for an indefinite amount of time so he will only be gone around 7a-12p or so. The entire morning I was waiting for the adult to come take the baby and realized oh..that's me. It's pretty scary to be with her alone but I know I'll get used to it and learn her more.
Can't wait until she acts and responds like a little human with her own personality. I lovingly call her a little potato. I think when I see that first (real) smile I'll be done!
VRogers - that must have been a hard day adjusting to DH being at work! That's great he can just work half days for a while, though! What a treat. You will soon gain more confidence and won't mind so much being on your own, but it's definitely challenging at first.
Babies definitely get more fun once they get more interactive, but don't worry - she'll get there soon! In the mean time, take advantage of how much she sleeps and just watch Netflix or read books and other fun activities for you. I wished I had done way more of this when dd was really young because I didn't realize once they get a lot more interactive and awake you also don't get nearly as much time to watch tv or read anymore!
Literati- that's true! I took a nap today while she napped and it was amazing. Since she nurses so often I've also learned how to multitask a little better, and thankfully she does love her swing and rock n play so I don't have to hold her 24/7!
Lite - It would be awful! Maybe it can just kind of start then you get a good night's sleep and wake up to the real thing refreshed haha.. can hope it would work that way

Haha I straight up lie. "Oh yes on his back and either in the crib or bassinet at all times" At all times that it works..

That's really rough with DD. My oldest is still battling his sore bottom. Was much better this morning but has has frequent small stools and it made it a little worse again. I've been very careful to catch dirty diapers right away and thankfully it's no where near as bad.

Pomp - I'm so sorry you and your family is going through all of that and at such a poor time. I really hope everything works out and it all falls into place. I don't have much family support or any support for that matter so I know how frustrating that can be.

Dander - I'm so glad to hear from you and to hear things are mostly going great! I had supply problems with my first and ended up supplementing. I hope you can get your supply up. It's difficult.

Vrogers - It is amazing to watch them develop personality and to be able to interact with them more. You'll get the hang of being alone with her in no time. Before you know it will be second nature to do things you never even thought of before!

Ally - Have to love what babies give us to deal with! I'm so spoiled by DS1. He hardly ever spit up. With this one it's a whole different story. He'll throw up his whole meal at times. Today he did it in the swing.

Sorry if I missed anything. I'm on my phone and I'm no good at replying on it.

DS2 has been cranky today. I haven't been able to lay him down at all. He ended up spitting up his entire meal and seemed happier after that. So he had a bath and I got him fed again. He's currently passed out beside me. Going to attempt to move him to the crib in a second.

It's been stressful today. DH goes back to work tomorrow for 3 days in a row. I very well might lose my sanity. I just hope the days are good and I can nap when DH gets up.
Hi ladies, hope u r all well, I'm trying my best to catch up on my phone at the min..

Pomp sorry to hear about the situation with DH dad , that's really bad timing...hope he holds on a little longer so your DH can be with you ️xx I was worried how I would manage even without a section with my three year old and baby but im surprised how much my other ds helps. He likes to pass me things ect and we just tend to have lots of cuddles when we can..

Ali- my oh hoes back to work next week , im not looking forward to it :( x

Ladies waiting for their little bundles to arrive.. Not long to go....can't wait to hear more new baby arrivals :) nearly there !! I went on a manic cleaning phase last couple of days , no point really lol.. It's just the same now, and didn't make that much difference :) Xx rest rest, pamper yourself ! If you can ️xx

Vrogers, glad things going ok woh lo x im with you woh the BF.. This is def my last baby and im determined im going to try and keep feeding him myself as much as possible its an amazing experience. I had to express last couple of days as nipples were so sore it was bringing me to tears and im not soft:( but I seem to be getting back on track.. Didn't want him to get confused as I gave him expressed in a bottle for few feeds.. It is amazing when not painful ! X

Ive not been getting much sleep myself so oh has sent me to bed to have a bit of a catch up as was up with toddler and baby last night from 2 am..im suppose to be trying to have a nap but ive come on here to try and catch up haha.. Just nice to have to peace for a little while to be honest , my oh could sleep on a washing line in minutes, im totally the opposite, takes me ages to switch off even if ive had a hard night.. Anyway I suppose I better try, I will read through properly later,
Sorry not replied to everyone individually, I will try if I have time latetx
lit + v rogers- yes i can't wait till Isa is more interactive also :) right now its just a pattern of feeding, cleaning poop, cleaning vomit and putting him to sleep.

ali- yes isa had a couple of days of projectile vomiting, but we have dealt with it by keeping him upright for about 30 mins after a feed. I think he has a bit of reflux as he gets really uncomfy on his back and prefers lying on his belly or side.
i hope the next 3 days go in ok for you without your DH being around. I'm sure all will be fine.

apple- That's nice of your OH, hope you got some rest. hope BF goes well for you :)

AFM- DH and I dtd last night for first time since having Isa. I didn't tear or have stitches so i felt ready but was apprehensive of it, and whether it would be sore. It was ok but felt a little strange, and it felt weird not having a big bump. DH went to work with a big smile this morning so i guess he really needed it haha.
Ally - :haha: about your DH's big smile on his face after dtd! Glad it went well for you. I can't imagine trying only 3 weeks pp! Very nice you never tore.
Definitely mention to the dr about Isa's possible reflux. My niece had it and when she started on her reflux meds it was amazing for them and she was a totally different baby. Hopefully he will just maybe grow out of it though.

Apple - sounds like a rough night. I hope you did finally settle down for a good nap after your post. I am the exact same in that I take quite a while to wind down for sleep. My DH also can fall asleep instantly anywhere, so he doesn't really understand my need to take longer!

Ali - I hope ds1's tummy issues go away right away so you can get rid of that rash! Whether it is a coincidence or not, the last two days when I switched back to lactose-free milk for dd, she only pooped twice (instead of 7 times the day before!! Eek) and I have been able to get control of her rash. It is still there a bit but so much better than it was. It's almost impossible to fix when they are still having so many dirty diapers, even if you catch them right away! It seems like there are a billion bugs going around. My niece has had a bout of diarrhea this week too (and we haven't seen her in a couple weeks so she never caught it from us)!
Sorry your ds2 was so unsettled today and that you're feeling stressed! That will be very difficult with your DH at work the next three days. Best of luck. You can do this!!! Hugs.
As for DH's stomach flu, that would be the best scenario if I do catch it. I am just hoping against all hope that I won't get it at all, though! If I can make it until tomorrow morning I will feel hopeful, although I'll still have a chance. He is still sick at home today.

Slammer - I hope we hear an update soon or you know what we're going to be thinking again! ;) hehe. Hope you're doing well and that baby is maybe on his way!

AFM - I still have a cold-thing with a cough and a hoarse voice now. Pretty sure I will never be better. :p But other than that I am feeling pretty good. Being off work as been so great for me, especially now that it's been over a week and I've caught up on sleep and relaxation a bit. I feel so much more myself and am enjoying this time with just dd. last night I had her help me make sugar cookies (I found a "sugar cookies for two" recipe on Pinterest so I wasn't left with 100 cookies to eat by myself) and it was so lovely. I love baking usually, but the entire pregnancy I've been too wiped out from work to ever do any. So, the fact that I've baked 3 times since being off work shows me that I am much more myself again! I am going to take dd to the library toddler program this morning and then I'll let her stay and play with the toys and maybe take out some books after if she wants!

Now just hoping I can get in the clear for this stomach flu, and then maybe baby can come on the weekend after we are all rested up! No labour signs at all, though! Baby is even lower, though, and my dr said she thinks she might be fully engaged now as far as she could tell without an internal exam.
Danser - glad to hear from you. I hear you on the exhaustion - it's so hard in the early days. Get some rest. Don't beat yourself up over your supply. Do what you can, and let the rest go.

Pompey - oh dear, so sorry to hear about DH's dad. I hope for everyone's sake he can hang on a while. You will totally need the support after your section! What a tough time! But I can't believe you're having your baby tomorrow - so excited for you!!

Newbie - that's awesome your tearing is healing so well! Enjoy the break from doctor appointments. And I hope you got DS settled and got some rest.

Vrogers - it is scary when you're left alone to care for baby, but you get used to it! I think it was around 6 weeks that I really felt confident and that I knew my baby well. It was great to hit a stride with her.

AliJO - diaper rash struggles - UGH. DD never used to be rashy, but she's had a stubborn rash for literally a year now. On and off steroids. She's on a sort of alternative to steroids plus a fancy barrier cream now and will basically have to use these until she can be dry overnight - which seems a long way off right now. She's fully potty-trained during the day, but has a full wet diaper every morning. I hope your three days with DH working go well. I'd be nervous too, but you can do it!

Apple - I hope BF gets better! And that you get some rest. I do the same thing when I'm supposed to be resting - end up wasting time online or whatever.

Ally - gotta love those blow-outs when you're out in public. It's good to be able to laugh about them later. Big congrats on DTD so soon! Wow. I didn't even try after DD until 13 weeks, and it was not a success. Many months before we could manage it. Enjoy - you're lucky!

Literati - I hope the stomach flu doesn't get you! That sounds like it would be a nightmare! Sympathies on the rash situation for you too. It is so hard to deal with when it looks so painful! Glad it seems to be getting better. Enjoy library time with DD. The cookies sound yummy. :) Despite your cold I'm glad you've gotten to restore yourself with this time off otherwise.

OK, as for me, lol... I still have a cold. It's not too bad, but it's not gone yet either. Mostly just a stuffy nose when I sit or lay down. I slept reasonably well last night. I slept on the living room loveseat, which reclines. I was able to recline both sides and get into a comfy position on my side being sort of cradled in the nook of the couch. So that was a relief.

Still no labor signs, waaahhhh. I had an appt today. It was with a doctor I hadn't met yet, but I actually really liked her. I had a scan before seeing the doctor as well, and things looked good. Fluid on the low end of normal. Baby was measuring over 9 lbs, but they admitted it's not very accurate this late in the game. I at first declined a cervical check, but went ahead in the end. 1 cm and still sort of firm. It was less uncomfortable than the last check. She offered a sweep, and again I declined at first, but changed my mind in the end. It wasn't so bad actually. We talked about induction. Their cut-off is 41+3, which would be next Friday. I could either keep waiting and schedule another scan for Tues, or go ahead and schedule an induction. I decided to schedule induction for Weds and skip the additional scan on Tues - so I'm waiting for them to get back to me on timing. Hopefully things happen before then, but I think I'm comfortable with this decision for now. I really didn't want to even get to the point of having to make these decisions. :(
Slammer - sorry you're still battling a cold as well! Glad you had a good sleep last night at least.
Sounds like your appointment went well and I'm glad you liked this doctor. That's exciting you had a membrane sweep! I hope that gets things going for you! With dd1 I went into labour less than 24 hours after my sweep! So hopefully that will be the same for you! Especially since you're already overdue.. I can definitely see it working! That's too bad you had to schedule an induction, but I bet you won't make it until then! Good luck! I'm excited to hear if something happens.
Apple - My DH is the same and can fall asleep in almost any position. I need to be comfortable. It's kind of irritating when I'm super exhausted and we're sitting on the couch and he keeps passing out. I'm just jealous that I don't get a few minutes worth of a cat nap! Plus he always seems more tired than me and I just don't get how.

Ally - I think T does it because he gets too much in his stomach. My let down tends to fill him quickly I think and then he ends up overeating. So often he goes to eat then unlatches after a second only to go back and repeat. Usually he will take a pacifier at that time, but when he doesn't want it he tends to be a little fussy till his stomach settles.
That's great on being able to DTD already! Irregardless of what happens the doctors around here tell us to wait till after the 6 week check up. I know there is really no reason to wait as long as you feel ready and there are no complications.

Lite - Yeah it's definitely no fun! He's still having frequent bowel movements. I've changed 3 dirty diapers and DH has changed 1 today so far and it's not even 2. I've been able to keep him from getting super sore again, though. I wash his wipes out and then dip them in a water and baking soda solution and wash him with that. I guess the baking soda is suppose to neutralize the acidity of the stool and then I put on a heavy layer of aquaphor. He got a little more sore through the day yesterday, but nothing like the day before!
I know I will manage. I have no choice! I just don't want to lose my patience with DS1. It's not fair to him and I've been doing pretty well about biting my tongue if I want to snap. I do snap but only when he's doing something dangerous around DS2 and I need to catch his attention quick. I can get after him in a stern voice and he doesn't really seem to get that I'm being serious. Don't know what to do about that.

Slammer - Oh wow. That's such a long time!! DS1 doesn't tend to get them unless he has diarrhea. I usually catch it and keep it under control, but DH didn't catch it when I was gone for the morning. My neighbors will probably be saying crap about how it sounds like I was abusing my son. They do nothing but gossip across the hall and I dare them to say something to me again. They're an older couple with nothing worth while in their life I suppose.
Hopefully the membrane sweep does something for you! Even a little more progress is better for an induction. I hope it doesn't come to that, but either way it's exciting to know you will have baby here soon! I'd be accepting at that point as well.
Sorry you're still battling your cold. Hopefully it resolves here soon!

Well, DS2 is still a bit of a fussy baby today. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a growth spurt. I did manage to lay him down for a bit by having him wrapped in a blanket before laying him down. I usually have to trick him. I may look into a warming pad for the crib and see if that helps. He actually probably would have slept most of the night in the crib last night but my resolve dissolved. He slept from 10 to 1 am in there, though. DS2 slept the whole night on the couch without waking up I guess. DH had to stay up all night since he works tonight.

Really hoping the next 3 nights go well. I need them to so I don't feel so defeated!

Also really need to catch up on some cleaning. Blah!
Literati- glad you have been able to catch up on sleep, but sorry about the sickness! Maybe once you aren't pregnant it'll go away for good, I know that's what my sickness took.
Sugar cookies sound freaking amazing right now.
At least baby is making some kind of progress even if there are no obvious labor signs!

Slammer- I hope the sweep does something and you don't have to wait until the induction date! At least you have a definite date for baby being here but I definitely understand why you want to go on your own!

Ali- right there with you on cleaning but that will have to wait for weekends when dh is off and can take care of the baby.
I hope ds2 sleeps better tonight and you're able to get some rest at least!
The warming pad sounds like something I would like to use as well, my baby gets so cold so easy and I feel bad.
Vrogers - I don't think I'd use it to keep him warm. I'll just use it to warm his spot before putting him in the crib. He stays pretty warm besides his nose gets kind of chilled at times. My first was prone to getting overheated and I'm finding it to be the same with my second as well. It's better if they are a little chill verses being too warm! I have some sleep sacks and I really like them to keep baby warm without the use of blankets.
Ladies, what are your thoughts on nipple confusion? Is it really something to be concerned about? I'm considering introducing bottles sooner than 4 weeks. I would want to still do breast milk so I'd have to start pumping soon to create a little store of milk, which I was thinking I'd do around the 3 week mark anyway just in case something happens and we need it (plus I'll eventually have to start storing up for when I go back to work and I want to get the hang of the pumping thing). But there are some days/nights when having the ability to have DH use a bottle to feed her would be really beneficial.

The literature all say wait until about 4 weeks, when BF is fully established, but I feel like we've actually got BF down pretty well, Melody is practically a natural at it. So I'm wondering if it's a real concern that she might stop wanting breast or it might mess up BF if we use a bottle too soon?

Ally - I agree, they feel safest when cuddled up close. I also want Melody to be able to sleep in her own bed, I'm not wanting to cosleep forever, so I put her in the bassinet during the day for naps and am going to start trying to at least start her in her bassinet at night before the first night feeding. So far that hasn't been successful (she wakes up pretty quickly) but I read somewhere that putting a heating pad in the baby bed until you need it (and then remove it before putting baby in, obviously!) will heat up baby bed and make it easier for baby to sleep. I tried that today and the two times i"ve managed to get her to sleep (she's having a rough sleep day today) she's stayed in the bassinet better than she has the last couple days. If you have other ideas for making bed more cozy/warm that works for you definitely share!

vrogers - I don't quite trust my dh either. So I sleep in the middle and put baby on teh side. Right now since she doesn't move it works but once she starts moving around I won't feel as safe doing that and our queen bed is a little small with the way that dh tosses for us to keep her in the middle.

I said the same thing about being a cow to my dh! I was sitting there after a long cluster feed of several hours going "I've been reduce to nothing more than a milk production center.... I'm a friggin cow!" But I have to agree, it is AMAZING to feed her and watch her eat. It's one of the best feelings. <3

Slammer - I agree! I'm not letting this doctor go anywhere! She's a DO, which I love, and also an OB and does family medicine. Her passion is working with the family from pregnancy through birth and then for life. She loves to stick with the family the whole way through. Unfortunately it also means she's really hard to get in to see sometimes (especially if she had to cancel appointments to go to a delivery), but she always makes exceptions for her OB and infant patients.

Let me know how the milk collection thing goes! That sounds like a great idea!

Hopefully the sweep does something for you and you don't have to have the induction! Good luck! :)

Ali - I agree, education on what is safest and then also educate on safe cosleeping because so many parents are going to end up doing it anyway that they might as well make sure they are aware of how to do it safely!

I think that the side lying breastfeeding is totally turning me into a human pacifier! I wake up at least a couple times a night and find that baby has just reattached herself to suckle for a little bit and then drift off to sleep. She also likes to just sleep with the nipple in her mouth, without actually sucking. :haha: DH tried to give her a pacifier the other day just to see, and she flat refused it. Looks like she knows what she wants! :haha:

Sounds like DS2 is growing so quickly! That's great! Sorry to hear about DS1 though, poor kid.

Pomp - Im' so sorry to hear about your DH's dad! :( That's a really hard spot to be in. :hugs: Keeping FX that nothing happens right away and you don't end up in that position.

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