January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Just a quick update from me, I will respond to everyone else when I am feeling less tired!

My CSection is OFF tomorrow. Very very sadly, my FIL passed away last night and the funeral is on Saturday. My husband's family live in another country as I mentioned in my last post and as I type, hubby is on his way there. I thankfully managed to reschedule my csection to Monday morning (my original date) as they have had two people deliver who were originally in that day, leaving a gap. Hubby gets back very late Saturday night so I just have to hope I don't go into spontaneous labour in the next 48 hours. Most people at this gestation want their babies out, I wanna keep mine IN!

It's been a really rough 24 hours. My husband isn't an emotional person at all and it was horrible seeing him so upset and so torn. He was being told he basically HAD to attend the funeral regardless as he is the only son and in his culture , it is so important for him to be there for things like this. And of course, my husband wants to see his dad before he is buried and say his goodbyes and I wouldn't deny him that. I am so so so so glad the hospital were able to reschedule otherwise I'd be giving birth alone. I am glad logistically it has worked out.
Pompey - oh no! I'm very sorry about your FIL passing and also that it is the worst timing ever. I am glad you were able to reschedule your c-section and I will be hoping and praying you won't go into labour before your DH comes back!! It would be obviously be horrible to miss the birth, and of course it makes sense he would absolutely have to be at the funeral as well. Hopefully this baby is very comfy in there and wants to stay in until Monday!

Angel - personally, I wouldn't worry overly about introducing a bottle at 3 weeks if BFIng is well established. That is, I wouldn't worry about it for nipple confusion. If you are going to be skipping a feed regularly for a bottle, I would be concerned about supply, but I wouldn't panic about an occasional feed at that point if she is nursing as well as you say. In a way it might be a good idea to get her used to it early...as I found that by one month my dd was very addicted to JUST the boob and was more resistant to the bottle already, although we did manage to give her the odd one. But that is only my opinion and of course wouldn't want to give advice that could harm BFing so do what you think is best!

VRogers - I'm glad your sickness finally went away when not pregnant anymore! I have a feeling I will need the same. My immune system is quite weak right now.
I wish I could share my cookies with you. Actually, I wish I had made a full sized batch so I could share with you- as I'm already regretting making so little for myself! :haha:

Ali - Good to know about the baking soda solution. I am glad that has been helping.
It would definitely be difficult to not snap when you are overwhelmed and by yourself with two. I have a hard enough time with just one. I think your snapping when ds2 is in danger is pretty warranted, as he needs to be alerted very quickly that his behaviour is unacceptable and unsafe. You definitely do need these three days to go smoothly for your sanity, and I sure hope they do go well. Lots of hugs. You're doing such a good job!

Froggy - so you go in late tomorrow night for your induction? Very excited for you!

AFM - DH is still quite sick, so I'm sure hoping I don't go into labour tonight! I don't actually think I will, but I have been increasingly crampy today so that has put it on my mind. I also was really wanting DH to do a Costco run for more wipes before baby arrives, so hopefully we will have enough time before baby for him to recover, me NOT to get sick, and him to run that errand! We will still get by if he doesn't, but last time DH ended up spending most of his 'week home' with baby running errands and crossing things off our to-do list rather than helping me and it really irritated me. This time I will need more help since I'll have a toddler to entertain as well, so I want him to be around more! (And I can't do the Costco run by myself because I don't have a membership).
Ali- oh, I understood you, sorry I didn't get that across! that's what I had read some people suggest before, to warm the spot on the crib/bassinet. I wish mine liked swaddles, we got a swaddleme pod and she hates it because she likes access to her hands. Hopefully she likes sleep sacks (think those are like the wearable blankets?) when she's big enough to use them!

Angel- we use the nuk simply natural bottle and love it. I generally BF throughout the day and supplement at night and she does just fine! She still pretty much has to latch on to the bottle nipple to get anything out and it doesn't just have one hole in the tip like most bottles. I was worried she would take to the bottle and not be interested in the nipple after seeing how fast she can get milk from a bottle but that hasn't been the case!
Of course I'm sure every baby is different and you should do what you think is best, but thankfully it's what works for us!

Pompey- I'm so sorry to hear that! What awful timing. I'm glad you were able to reschedule your section. I can't imagine how your dh feels!

Literati- I hope baby waits until dh isn't as sick and you are able to make your costco run! I imagine that would be frustrating if he had to run around and do a bunch of errands while you are home recovering with a new baby (and toddler this time). My dh had to run out a few times during our first day home and i was freaking out because I was still unable to get up and down much.
VRogers - thanks!
For the swaddling issues, I used to use the Halo Swaddle Sleepsack which allowed you to either swaddle the baby with arms in OR out. I would swaddle dd1 with her arms out because she tended to roll to her side a lot and I didn't want her to get stuck. It was nice because she was still in a nice neat little sack that was all snug around her. I believe they make them in all sizes!
Lit I really hope that you don't get sick and y'all have time to get all of your errands run before baby comes.

Tomorrow night I go in for a cervidil. I'm really anxious! I have an OB appointment in the morning that I'm not really sure is necessary but I'm still going because I'm curious if I have dilated any in the last week. It keep you all updated!
Pompey I'm really sorry to hear about your fil, I hope your husband is ok, I couldn't imagine! I'm glad they were able to reschedule you and I hope that baby stays put until he gets back!
I'm also thinking of asking them to strip my membranes in the morning at my OB appointment. Just forgot to add that!
Froggy - thank you. Don't be too nervous for your induction! I'm sure it will go well! Won't hurt to see you OB before, especially if you're curious about your progress! And wouldn't it be great if a sweep got things going on their own!? Good luck! Can't wait to hear your news. I wonder if you or slammer will have their baby first! Hopefully not Pompey as her baby needs to stay in there a few more days!
Hi ladies I figured I would finally sit down and write my birth story so here it is.

My birth story.

On Monday 1/16/17. I had an appointment with my midwife to check to see how far dilated I was and to hopefully encourage my little one to come on out. Well we got down to my midwife's birth center around 12 to do the checking and sweep. I was at 2 cm and 50% effaced. So my midwife didn't think that a sweep would really do much except maybe help me lose some more of my plug. So we walked out of the birth center and decided to go get lunch and walk around a bit. After walking around for a couple of hours we decided to go see a movie since I wasn't having contractions. None at all. 😳
So we took my DD to see Moana. It was such a cute movie btw. As we were walking out we noticed it was 9 pm. Still nothing going on. Not even losing my plug. So we walked out to my car to get in and head home.
When we got to my car I decided to call my mom to tell her I was heading home and since nothing was happening ( this was at like 9:30 that I called her and was on the phone with her for about 5-10 minutes. ) Once I hung up with her 5 minutes later I felt 2 big pops. Which I figured was my waters. We got lucky because we were just about to get on the freeway to head to my house which was over an hour and 20 minutes away. I called midwife and let her know that I thought it was my waters but I still hadn't had any contractions . She told me to go to the birth center and she would drop off the key for us to stay there for the night since she lives straight across from the birth center she could come to us once my contractions started.
Well after I hung up with her my contractions started. They were 3 minutes apart and a minute long. Labor officially started at 9:45 from my first contraction and luckily the birth center was only 10 minutes from where we were.

After about 7-8 contractions I started to feel like I needed to push. My hubby and mother in law started filling up the tub for me. When I was able to get in the tub there was maybe 6 inches of water in it. I was using my hypnobabies hypnosis trying to get into a very deep state of hypnosis and relaxation. My mil called my midwife and told her that these contractions were coming fast and furious. ( since we got the key from my midwife before my contractions actually started coming my midwife was at home. )
I just remember telling my DH that this effing hurts because I had two back to back contractions. And I told my mil to shut the eff up. 😳. (Btw my mil was my doula, she's attended over 650 births being a doula.)
Once I changed positions my hypnosis worked amazingly. I welcomed each contractions because I knew my baby would be here soon. I remember telling my midwife that I could feel her head and was extremely calm and relaxed as I was pushing her out. I wasn't actually pushing but my body was. The craziest feeling was feeling her turn her head and kicking me as she was sliding down and out. She was born into her daddy's hands at 10:44 pm. So technically just an hour shy of labor. Or just an hour and 15 from when my waters broke. My body and mind are in a bit of a shock at how fast everything happened so quickly.

She weighed 7 lbs and 3 oz.
20 1/2 inches long
Perfect in every way.

I ended up hemorrhaging a little bit because my placenta didn't want to completely release. But once it did we were fine.
So there's my long birth story for my short labor and delivery. 👍🏻

Lit- I will mention about reflux, he seems in a lot of discomfort at times. We have learnt to manage it better like keeping him upright etc but will be good to have it checked. You will get better! glad you are feeling more yourself and those cookies sound lovely! hope your dh feels better and did he manage to do the costco run?

slammer- I guess i am lucky then. exciting you have an induction date set! fingers crossed you will have baby in your arms by then.

ali +apple- my dh can sleep in any position, in any way also and always seems so much more tired than me which i just do not get!

ali- i know they say 6 weeks here too, but i felt ok to give it a shot. I registered Isa at the dr's the other day and tried to book 6 week check but they said they are fully booked for next few weeks. Receptionist was so unhelpful. i think mines will end up being a 12 week check at their rate.

angel- i think wait 4 weeks even if melody is a good BF'er! Isa never took my breast when born as he had a bad tongue tie and so i had to pump and express. After 2 weeks he got his tongue sorted and i started BF'ing but he tried to take my breast like a bottle and really struggled at first. Now he can BF fine but i need to help him latch on rather than him getting on himself- the midwife said he has a bit of nipple confusion. Now i give him like 90% breast and 10% expressed bottles. But ideally i would have just done BF from the start.

pomp- so so sorry about your FIL- what horrid timing for you. fingers crossed baby stays put till monday. Sending you a big hug!

froggy- oh how exciting, hope all goes well and update us when you can!

thor- wow that was a fast labour, that sounds quite scary but you did so amazing! it was great that you were so close to the birthing center otherwise it sounds like you might have had to give birth in the car. Congratulations :) the pic is beautiful :)
Angel...I have combi fet since day 2 and no confusion over nipple or teat yet. She spits up alot tho
Seems refluxy at times.

Sorry first day just me and toddler as O&H back at work. Am still here xx
On my phone and really bad at trying to remember enough things to reply individually, but have read all. Will do my best with my replies!

Pompey - again, so sorry about FIL. :(

Literati - I can imagine having DH running our for errands all the time right after the birth being frustrating! Hope he gets the Costco run in before labor!

Angel - the bottle issue is so individual, it's hard to say. I will say that many find that even if they introduce it earlier on, baby can start refusing right around the time you go back to work, so whichever way you go it can be complicated. But yes, like Lit said, you need to consider your supply and whether you need to pump during the times DH gives a bottle.

Froggy - so excited for you. I hope your induction goes smoothly!

Thorpedo - thanks for sharing your story. I can hardly believe some of the fast and sudden labor stories I'm hearing. It's incredible how differently things can go for people.

So I'm sure froggy's gonna beat me to having a baby. I had a few stronger BH/contractions last night, and spotting from the sweep but NOTHING else. Really doubt anything is gonna happen today. You guys I really don't want to be induced. Please let this baby come on his own before then. I don't even know exactly what the induction involves. I guess I should email the office and ask so I can be prepared. It's scheduled for 7:00 am weds.
Thorpedo - I loved your birth story! Thanks for sharing! I'm surprised your midwife didn't think a sweep would do anything, as your progress seemed favourable to me! What a relief that your waters broke before you turned onto the freeway to get back home! It's so great you were able to still have the baby at the birthing centre and that everything went fairly well! Sounds like you did amazingly and that the hypnobirthing techniques were very helpful for you! Congratulations and thanks again for sharing! Such an adorable pic of your two little girls!

Ally - nope, no Costco run yet because DH was still sick yesterday. He will be having a long day at work today too because he has to play catch-up after two days missed, but this baby may not be here for days so we might still have lots of time. :) How are you doing?

Slammer - ugh, that sucks that nothing is happening still! That is a stubborn baby in there! I really, truly hope you don't have to be induced! But honestly now that you're overdue, 5 days until induction is still plenty of time for you to go into labour on your own, and I really think you will!

AFM - I am having quite a bit of watery discharge but I'm fairly sure it's just CM. I have had this on and off since third trimester started, but it seems to have ramped up the last couple days. Anyone else had this near the end? I think because last night was so full of unknowns and such bad timing if I had gone into labour (with DH just missing two days of work and needing to catch up, etc), I got really paranoid I was going to go into labour last night. I didn't after all, so I guess that's good but also slightly disappointing.
I woke up with NO stomach flu yet, so that's a good sign! I know DH is still contagious for a bit yet, but I was mostly worried about sharing his glass on Tuesday night. I've been super careful ever since so hopefully this means dd and I are in the clear! This is a great relief and I hope we can all just recover and get ready to have this baby now!
slammer- fingers crossed baby will be here before wed!! but if not, im sure induction will be just fine.

Lit- i'm well thank you, a little tired. In bed, i should be napping but yet i am online replying to you guys. fingers crossed you and dd are in the clear!

AFM- nothing exciting, it was my best friends birthday a week ago and i booked us up massages for the 1st feb. I really am so excited , i booked myself a 90 min post natal massage and it just sounds divine. DH will have Isa and i will express some bottles for him- so will be a nice girly evening just me and my friend :)

whats everyones plans for the weekend?
Ally - oh yes, well I hope you are having a nice nap now! I understand wanting to update first!
This weekend will obviously depend on whether or not baby comes! But if I don't go into labour, I'd like to get some errands run, house cleaned up a bit, and I'd love to go on a little date with dd and DH to get pastries from a nice little cafe here. Also wouldn't mind getting a supper date in with DH if it works out, but I don't know if it will.
That 90-min massage with your friend sounds amazing! You definitely deserve the pampering! Have fun! :)

I am a bit cranky and impatient today. Dd is requiring constant entertainment and it's rather tiring. :p
Ally that massage sounds great! I hope you enjoy it fully.

Literati I know how it is when DD needs so much attention and you just can't hang. I was there yesterday.

No real plans this weekend. Just impatiently waiting for this stubborn baby to make a move. I think DH is taking the weekend off. I was torn about it because I hate to lose the money if we're just sitting here waiting, but the help with DD will be nice, and he won't be stressing about me going into labor while he's gone.
Slammer - glad you can relate! It makes for a long day. Is your DH unable to leave work in the middle of a shift if you go into labour? That is probably good he is off this weekend! Hopefully it will be perfect timing and you'll have the baby!! Will he get any time off once the baby is born?
Lite - I remember having more watery discharge in my final days. Not sure if it means anything, but it might!

Slammer - I feel you on not wanting to be induced. After the first time I'd rather never go through it again. Not that it was horrible, but I felt so useless and bed bound during the entire thing. It was really nice only being in L&D for only 3 hours of my labor and being able to stay home and keep busy.
I don't know if it helped me, but I was sitting in a deep squat position for several minutes several times a day to try to get baby to move down and put pressure on my cervix. I'd even bounce a little now and then. I didn't want to do actual squats or anything too active because I hurt but I could do that.

Midnight - I hope your first day is going well. It's definitely way harder with a toddler at home. I'm thinking my next one will be easier because my two boys now will most likely keep each other company for the most part. It was a lot easier for me when my niece was here.

Ally - Isn't it frustrating?? Then I feel he doesn't sympathize enough over how tired I am. I want him to just tell me "I have this, go take a nap" lol

Thor - She's adorable! Congratulations again! You definitely had a precipitous labor. I'd keep that in mind if you're going to have another because it could happen again! If you live that far away you'd be having baby in the car! Thank you so much for your story!

Froggy - Best of luck!! I hope you have a smooth induction process. Can't wait to hear from you on how it all goes!!

Vrogers - I couldn't swaddle my first nor this one. I actually don't like to do it anyways. I use the halo sleepsacks as well like Lite mentioned. They have a newborn size!

Angel - I already started to introduce the bottle. With DS1 he preferred the bottle at first because it was easier for him. He then wanted the breast exclusively and it was a real fight to get him to take the bottle. I guess I haven't had an issue this time around. DS2 has taken the bottle, breast, and pacifier and while I only do the bottle once in awhile he doesn't have any issues going back and forth. I just hope I don't struggle getting him to take the bottle when I go back to work like with DS1. He would not eat while I was gone for days. I had such anxiety over it.

If baby has established good breastfeeding go ahead and try I say. I think it would be more of an issue for infants that are having difficulties.

Night one went alright. DS1 still didn't go to sleep till late. I managed to keep DS2 in the bassinet most of the night. Rather do the crib, but he was fighting it pretty hard. I can't account for a few hours very well so I think I slept with him. I think I ended up feeding him and he was really fussy after being fed every time so I had to put him to sleep on my chest. I think I fell asleep that way and when I woke he must have been asleep for awhile because he didn't sleep long in the bassinet before wanting to eat. Oh well. It went better than I expected so hopefully it goes well again tonight.

Plans for the weekend are.. to take care of the boys! I actually might try to get out for a short 15-30 minute walk while it's in the 40s. Been such a weird winter. Although, my hip has acted up and it hurts to walk. Might help it to actually go for a walk, though.

Got caught up on some of the cleaning. So hard when DS2 isn't wanting to be put down and it results in him screaming and crying making me feel horrible. I tried to get to him asap, but I couldn't really just stop what I was doing at the time. He was calm while I was vacuuming. I should have just left it running!
Ali - I'm glad night 1 wasn't horrible. Good luck on the rest! Sorry ds2 won't let you get much done. Dd1 was the same and always needed to be held. Do you have a wrap to put him in so you can hold him while getting a few things done?
Sorry about your hips acting up. A walk sounds nice though. I sort of thought of going for one today because the weather has been so mild this week, but I've been hit with bad fatigue again and can't imagine getting off the couch haha.

Good to know about your squatting in the days before labour. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try.
Literati he could leave work, but it would be a little hard on the other bartenders if it was busy. But I think he just worries because he keeps messaging me asking how I am. I've got major fatigue going on too! After hanging out for a couple hours this morning I went upstairs to put in my contacts and get dressed, but instead just laid down and dozed a bit for like an hour, lol. DH had to come check to make sure I was OK.

Alijo maybe I'll try some squatting! Still nothing going on babywise here. :( Glad the night went decently. I hope the next two are manageable too.

We actually went out to an air and space museum for a couple hours today. Good to get out of the house, but I'm tired as hell now.

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