January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Slammer - oh yes, well that obviously wouldn't be ideal to leave in the middle of a shift and leave the other bartenders in a lurch! Good to know he can if he needs, though. That is cute that he keeps checking on you.
That outing today sounds quite fun, but I don't blame you for being exhausted now! I'm glad you were able to lie down for a bit today. It was a very sleepy day, I guess. I just woke up from a nice nap as well.

You must be so impatient right now! Going overdue freaks me out! It would make me feel like there was no end in sight...and of course I'd be fearful of needing an induction! I am getting a bit impatient at this point. There are things I'd like to get done, but I'm also super lazy and don't want to do them anyway, so baby might as well come now! I feel like I might end up going overdue too though. Except at that point I'll likely be the very last pregnant person left. :(
You can tell there are very few pregnant people left. I come on here way too much waiting for a reply because I have so much time on my hands! Haha. All the new moms are much busier.
I'm so ready to be done. This waiting is torture. I can't even believe I was out at a museum walking around today at over 40 weeks pregnant. It shouldn't have happened, lol!

DH took off so I'm chilling while he does bedtime. Feels like a waste, but maybe I'd be losing my shit by now if I were home alone with DD. Who knows?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you have your baby before me literati! Ughhhhh.
Thanks everyone for the bottle advice! I think I'm going to start pumping in the next day or two to build up a little stash and see about introducing a bottle sometime in the next week or two. I don't think we'll use the bottle very often right away, mostly once every few days if I need a break so I am hoping it won't affect my supply.

as for the weekend - I am hoping to at least get out, maybe go for a walk or something. I've been cooped up inside all week with baby. I could probably go for a walk if I wanted but she's been fussy off and on and I don't want to be out and deal with it. I think I'll convince DH to go for a walk around the neighborhood. My sister invited us to game night tonight but I haven't slept well and am fighting a migraine and just don't want to go anywhere. I'm looking forward to a few days with DH home to help out. It's been a lot harder since he went back to work.

Pompey - Oh no!! I'm so sorry! :hugs: Keeping everything crossed that baby stays put until your DH can come back and be with you.

Lit - I'm not sure how giving a bottle on occasion will affect supply, but if I am also going to add a pumping session in each day to try to build up a store then I think that will help supplement the supply issue. It's all so confusing to me , the whole supply thing. She's VERY attached to the boob, so I actually do have some fears that she'll refuse a bottle and since I have to return to work the last week of March I'm thinking one bottle every few days would not harm my supply too much, and would be good to get her used to. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

Really hoping that your DH gets well soon and you don't get sick! Labor + being sick would be really awful! If DH has a Costco membership shouldn't he be able to add you on as spouse so you can use it? That's what I did for my DH (not that right now is a good time to worry about that, just a thought I had while reading your post). I kind of giggled about Costco wipes because I was just thinking we'll have to go to Costco to get more wipes soon....I never realized HOW MANY WIPES I could go through! I kind of had an idea of what to expect diaper-wise but the wipes are surprising me!

VRogers - I've got a sleep sack that is 0-6mo that Melody seems to tolerate fairly well, your LO might like something similar. She's not a big fan of the swaddle either because she likes to have access to her hands too. I do have a couple of the halo swaddle blankets that Lite mentioned and those are really nice (and worked well in the hospital while she didn't mind her hands being swaddled) but I haven't used them since she decided her hands had to be free.

I've heard that the nuk bottles are good for BF, I'll look into those bottles. I figure I might have to try a couple different ones if she decides to be picky.

Thorpedo - I'm so glad that your hypnosis worked so well! I tried to use some hypnosis to prep for labor and then during labor but it was not working so well for me after my contractions got bad. Your LO was almost exactly the same size and weight as mine. :) That's amazing how quickly your labor went! So glad that you were close to the birth center and hadn't gone home yet! She's Adorable!!

Slammer - I'm hoping you don't have to have an induction! After my sweep I went into labor about 36-40 hours later. They say if it's going to have an effect it would be within 48 hours, hopefully you go into labor soon! If not, I would at least call the office and ask the to walk you through the induction process so you can mentally prepare.

Ally - a massage sounds amazing! I usually get one a month and I upped that to weekly during a few weeks of 3rd Tri but I haven't thought about getting one now post natal. I think I'll have to book one, thanks for the idea! ;)

Ali - Thanks for your input. :) Sounds like your first night went pretty well. I had a few of those "don't know what happened for a few hours" kind of things too. I've got so much respect for those of you dealing with new baby and another little, and cleaning and what not! I can barely handle baby!
Angel - sorry you're super tired and fighting a migraine. It will be a real relief to have your DH home to help this weekend. It's really quite hard without them home, isn't it?
I think if you are planning to pump daily and you switch up the time of the bottle feed and only do every few days...well it could still affect it but hopefully it won't! I only ever gave a bottle maybe once or twice a month so I don't have experience with every few days. I'm sure you'll be fine though.
My DH actually doesn't have his own costco card that he can get a spouse card with. His aunt (who is single) has some sort of special membership and gave DH her extra person membership...so thankfully we don't have to pay for it, but only he gets the membership! Confusing I know.
And, yes, it really is appalling how many wipes one can go through! We buy two boxes at a time now so we don't have to go very often.
I hope you have a great weekend and get to go on a refreshing walk! It really is hard being cooped up with a baby all the time, but can be overwhelming to go out by yourself for the first while!

Slammer - I'm glad you're getting some chill time! You probably would be going crazy if your DH was working, so just enjoy it, I'd say! :)
I really don't think I'll go before you at this point, but, hey, maybe we will have our babies on the same day! That would be fun! :)
Still here. Tiiired. Didn't sleep as well last night. Might go for a nap now while DH takes DD to the library.

I hope froggy's induction is going well!
Slammer - oh, I hope you do nap when your DH takes your dd to the library! You need to catch up for whenever labour starts.

I had a horrible sleep myself. Made the unwise decision to stay up until 2 am watching a movie with DH (only way we get to watch a movie after dd is in bed because she goes o bed so late). well, then I was a bit wired and before I had even fallen asleep yet, dd woke up. I brought her to bed but she wouldn't stop fussing and she ended up keeping me and DH up until 4:30 am! That is when he brought her back to bed but I had to pee Again and settle down, so I didn't fall asleep until about 5:00 am! Ugh!!! Then DH tried to let me sleep in this morning, but I had to pee when he got dd up and that woke me up too much so I never ended up falling back asleep! Argh!! I will definitely need my nap today.

Froggy - yes, I hope your induction is going well! Good luck!
Night two was a flop. They were both asleep by 10 and I was so excited to get my night started early. Well I moved DS2 to sleep by himself annnd then was up for another hour struggling to get him back to sleep then finally got him laid down at 11. He slept for 40 minutes by himself. I was mentally not ready for last night. I just ended up co sleeping. It's better when I mean to because I make it as safe as possible. I don't like to accidentally fall asleep. The bad thing is he's been fussy so it's made it harder. DS1 was such a calm relaxed baby, DS2 started that way but he's been real fussy for the last several days. I just hope it gets easier at nights soon. I'm feeling pretty hopeless.

If my nights don't get better I'm going to be really afraid of going back to work. I can't be up till midnight every night and be up in four or so hours to go to work. Ugh..

DS1 is starting to get over his cold thankfully. He's so much better today and I suspect he'll be completely over it in the next day or two. He's still having frequent BMs and I'm really unsure what to do about it. I guess today it has been a little better. Only 2 so far. Hopefully he's getting over that as well. His bottom is much better as well. Almost no red spots.

Froggy - Hope things are going well for you!!

Lite - That sounds like a terrible night! Much worse than mine. I really need to not beat myself up over the co sleeping so much, but I'm so afraid something stupid will happen. DH trusts me more than I trust myself.

Slammer - You better nap! Nap for all of us who can't lol

Slammer & Lite - I just want to remind you. I didn't feel like I was going to go any time soon and it pretty much came out of nowhere.

Angel - I tell you, it's such a different story when you have another LO! I honestly think my 3rd will be easier because DS1 and DS2 can keep each other company!
Ali - that sounds like quite a difficult night for you! I'm so sorry. It sounds so, so hard to have to manage bedtime for both your boys! I'm sorry ds2 is fussier as well. That is always difficult to deal with. Try not to panic about going back to work. Hopefully your ds2 will be in a better routine by then, so it will make things a lot easier. It really is a shame your DH is gone so much at night. :(
Sorry your DS1 is still having tummy and diaper rash issues! I can obviously relate since that's been our struggle for over a month! Thankfully with the lactose free milk for the last part of this week, dd has healed up and hasn't had any issues. Really hoping she isn't lactose intolerant. :/

It really is too bad you're beating yourself up so much about co sleeping, but of course you just want to be safe. Does your ds1 move around much when he sleeps? My dd1 would never switch sides of me, at least without me fully waking up first, so with one on either side it's probably decently safe if your ds1 isn't too crazy in his sleep? It's not ideal but you also have to get some sleep to stay sane! Hopefully ds2 will just adjust to the crib soon.
That is great to know that you had no real signs beforehand and that labour came out of no where! Hopefully mine shows up soon! DH said this morning he hopes I don't go this weekend because he wants to at least get a day of catch-up in at work on Monday. But, I personally want this baby out ASAP! I guess if she waits until Tues (her due date) that wouldn't be terrible - or maybe even the evening on Monday! But I want it to be soon!
I still haven't gone in, they don't have any open beds. I called them this morning and told them that I was being monitored twice a week by my mfm but didn't get monitored yesterday because my mfm thought I was going to be induced and that they would be monitoring me. So Now I'm waiting to get my nst done. Gage is moving fine, but he actually failed his nst on Tuesday and had to have an ultrasound to check his cord blood flow because he wasn't accelerating as high as they wanted him to. He did pass the ultrasound though, so I was aloud to leave, but it scared the crap out of me, and I don't want to go too long in between tests.
Froggy - oh goodness! That's scary! I wouldn't want to go without proper monitoring after that either! I'm glad they slotted you in for another NST since the induction didn't happen. I really hope your LO is okay! And I hope they have a bed for you very soon. :hugs: Keep us posted!
I actually feel increasing anxiety about this baby's health with each passing day. I am not classified as high risk so I've had no extra monitoring whatsoever. The last time I saw this baby was at the 20 week ultrasound. at this point scary thoughts start to creep in so I just want the baby to come quickly so I can see that she is okay.
Literati - ugh that sounds like a terrible night! I hope you get nice long nap today. I keep staying up later than I should, but by that I mean like 11pm lol. Definitely not 2am, but DD goes to bed at a reasonable hour. I understand worrying about baby, but I'm sure she's fine. I didn't have any scans past 20 weeks with DD either. As long as she's still moving you should be fine!

AliJo I'm sorry the night didn't go that well. I would definitely work on a cosleeping arrangement that you're comfortable with and give yourself a break. Do you have room to put your mattress on the floor and put a twin next to it? We did that for a period of time. You could put DS2 to sleep on the twin, sleep next to him, and have DS1 on the other side of you in the big mattress.

Froggy, ugh so sorry you're not admitted yet. And scary about baby not passing the NST! I hope today's NST goes well and you can be admitted soon.
Froggy - That's really too bad you haven't gotten in yet! I'm glad they're getting you in for a NST, though. Really hope they can get you in soon!

Slammer - No, we really don't. This apartment is much too small. Just wish things would go smoothly! I don't know how people don't end up co sleeping at all. I just can't imagine it being humanly possible for me. I can see it being a bit easier for people who don't breastfeed.

Lite - Well, he won't flip sides on me, but then I get paranoid that baby is too close to the edge. I mean, he can't roll yet, but that won't last forever.
I was wondering if that might be the issue with her! You said she handles some dairy products fine, though. I guess it could just mean she can handle some lactose. I hope she isn't either. That just complicates things!
If I could get DH to switch to days and find a job where I can do three 12s on the days he has off, that'd be awesome! I mean, it sucks because I won't get to see him much, but I guess that's what we can use PTO for. Then we'd easily save a couple of hundred of dollars a week on childcare. Honestly it makes up for him losing a little bit of pay and then some. Maybe I'll talk to him about it. It'll just be finding a job where I can work his days off then we'd only have to find care occasionally when he had to cover for someone.

DS1 is going to be back on his normal stay up late pattern. He hasn't napped yet. I wish I could cut his nap out. He got up at 630 too which is a hour earlier than normal. There is no winning with this one!
Slammer - thanks. I'm sure all is fine, but I do find it hard not to worry. I definitely don't usually stay up til 2 am haha... but what we'll do for a little free time for once I guess! I just woke up from a nap and have been handling today okay. Still no labour signs for you? I can't believe how content your baby is in there! Hopefully it's a sign that he will be an amazingly calm baby who sleeps a lot! :haha:

Ali - that really would be great if you could coordinate your shifts with your DH like that when you went back. You're right that what you saved in childcare would probably make up for whatever extra he makes working nights! I hope you're able to work something out that like! Obviously, not seeing each other much would not be ideal though. :( Have you thought about getting a bed rail or putting your bed off its frame to make it lower? I know bed rails aren't really recommended, but I honestly feel/felt way safer with a bed rail on my bed when dd was a baby. You can find pretty good ones on amazon that don't leave any gaps they can get stuck in, and then at least that risk of ds2 falling off the bed is greatly reduced. Just a thought!
Sorry your ds1 just keeps going to bed later and later even with an early wake-up! It does sound like he's close to dropping his nap, but I know it's so tough when they're not really okay without it, but also stay up way too late with it (dd is there as well). I hope he sorts out a better schedule soon.
Yeah, I actually am lactose intolerant but can handle cheese and yogurt pretty well, so it might be that. :( However, we even had ice cream the other day and she was fine whereas that bothers me if I don't take something for it. I am hoping that we just introduced milk back before she was fully better, or maybe it was a coincidence, and maybe in a couple weeks she'll be able to handle it again. If not, I guess it is a relief that she can handle small amounts of dairy. Sigh!
Ugh that sucks having limited space alijo. Hope you can get your work schedules synced up when you go back. DH and I work opposite schedules too and it sucks, but ya do what ya gotta do.

Glad you got a nap in literati. I feel like I could go for a second one! We're all gonna be early to bed tonight I think. DH was up with DD at 6:15 this morning.

Still no labor signs. A few strong BH and my pubic bone/groin/hips are sore like he might have gotten lower but who knows? Really thinking I'm still gonna be pregnant come induction day.
Ugh, I hope not, slammer! Did dd1 come spontaneously, or after a sweep or something?
I hope you can get to bed nice and early tonight!
Sorry baby seems reluctant to come out slammer :( There is still time until induction on Wednesday though. With Anabella, I was scheduled for an induction at 42 weeks at 7am. My contractions started the night before at 8pm and so didn't need the induction in the end. My contractions started from nowhere! Don't give up hope yet, there is plenty of time for baby to come still.

LL - Sounds like you had an awful night last night! I hope tonight is better for you! Wow only a few days until your due date, hopefully baby is ready to come sooner rather than later!

AliJo - Sorry your night times are still so hard and you're struggling with co-sleeping and making sure it's safe. Is there anyway you can attach a cot or crib to the side of your bed, making a large extended bed where DS2 can sleep? I hope you and your husband can change your working patterns to make it easier for you all.

froggy - sorry you're still not in yet. That must be so frustrating!

I hope you manage to get out the house for a bit Angel. I love being out of the house and I remember feeling like I had cabin fever with my first after just a few days! I hope your migraine shifts as well.

Ally - how exciting about the massage! Something to look forward too and very much deserved :)

AFM - I'm still pregnant - yay!! I've got through the last 48 hours with no signs of baby and boy am I relieved. My husband is back in the country now and is staying at my dad's tonight who lives an hour away. Even if something happens overnight, he can be home in time for me to get to the hospital. However, I am almost 100% sure I will be having the c section on Monday. I have had some cramps and pressure tonight, but these are definitely not contractions.
Thank you for all the advice on the sleep sacks! I'll be trying those halo ones.

Froggy- ugh I'm sorry still no beds! I hope this NST goes better and you're able to get in asap, I'm sure you're more than ready.

Literati- I don't blame you for the scary thoughts creeping in. My last u/s at the doctor was 28 weeks and I started to worry the further along I got. I'm sure your LO is just fine though, and it'll be that much sweeter when you're holding her!

Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, baby is asleep on my chest and will be hungry soon so I'm in a hurry to type!
We went on a walk this morning and then to a few errands w/baby, it felt amazing to get out. I had started feeling quite bummed being cooped up in the house. I also get up w/ the baby at night (usually 3-4 times) since dh is back to work and I'm finding I start getting anxious and bummed in evenings. Thankfully he can get up with her weekends so I will get a 2 day break at least. I decided if I'm not feeling at least a little better in the next week I will mention it to my doc. I had been crying daily, just feeling really down and missing being pregnant (didn't think that would happen) and alone time w/dh. Being a new mom is rough!!
Pompey- glad baby stayed put! I hope the section goes well assuming you make it to then. Recovery from mine has not been as bad as I expected, the first 4-5 days were toughest and it's gotten better daily!
Pompey what a relief DH is back and you're good to go from here on out. So relieved for you.

Vrogers glad you were able to get out and about. It's good for the soul. I'm sorry you've had crying spells and miss the period before baby. I'm sure that's normal to an extent for everyone, but absolutely talk to your doctor if things seem too much. Your mental health is important.

Literati DD was totally spontaneous when she came. No sweep or anything. I think I was a CM dilated when I was checked at my 38 week appt. Mucous plug and on/off contractions started at 38+4. God it's so much better when they come a little earlier. This waiting is the pits. And DH made me cry this evening asking about the induction process. I just don't have the answers on exactly what they're going to do and he was surprised that I didn't seem more stressed about it because I'm a detail-oriented person and like to have all the answers and a plan. Well, dude, I AM stressed about it, but I can't get any answers until Monday or Tuesday when I do plan to call and ask about the process. But also I'm sure things will go their own way and decisions will have to be made based on how I progress. I'm trying to adjust to that mindset myself. I just didn't want to do it this way at all! Anyway he felt bad for stressing me out and causing me to cry. Ugh. End rant.
It's been so nice that DH didn't have to work and was home. Of course, he's home today and she's not fussy at all :dohh: BUT last night was a rough time and she spent a couple hours screaming. :cry: It breaks my heart. We're pretty sure it was gas or upset tummy but it took awhile for it to settle and DH has so much more patience than me to handle it. I love her, but after 30 minutes I was ready to cry myself (hormones! :nope: ) and so he took her and walked circles around the house until she settled. Would be much harder to do if he had to work today.

I decided to try my pump for the first time. I've been really intimidated by the whole pump thing, but I just tried it out (decided to do just one side even though it can be dual in case baby decided she wanted to eat again soon). I'm really excited I was able to get 2oz out without any problem. It's not much but I figured it wasn't a bad start especially for an evening pump. I'm probably more excited about this than I sould be. :haha: but at least now I'm over the anxiety about it. :)

Lite - It is so much harder without having someone else home! I'm so glad that right now I'm not dealing with a toddler too! :wacko:

That makes sense about your DH's costco card. Before I got my own card I had one of those extra person cards on my mom's account. Very convenient to have the membership and not have to pay. We only switched to our own account when we got married so DH could go without me if we needed something.

I completely understand the scary thoughts at the end. The last couple weeks I was pregnant I was especially anxious because I Felt like she wasn't moving as much and we hadn't seen her since 20w. :hugs: Your LO will be fine, but I think it's normal to be concerned. :)

Ali - Oh no that sounds like a really difficult night! I'm sorry! :hugs: If it makes you feel better, I actually sleep in the middle with baby on the side of the bed. It scares me that she's near the edge but I feel like it's better than having her between DH and I since he tends to flop around in his sleep sometimes. I tell myself it's okay for now because she's not moving yet, and I have the bassinet up against that side of the bed too so if she DOES roll that way she would hit it rather than fall off the bed.

Froggy - Wow! Can't believe you haven't been able to get started yet!

Pompey - So glad you're still pregnant! (funny how we are saying that, when just a few days/weeks ago everyone was lamenting how we are still pregnant!). Hope all goes the way it should for the rest of the weekend! :)

Vrogers - That's great you were able to get out and get a walk and some errands. I also was crying daily for awhile and getting anxious in the evenings because I am the one getting up with her at night since DH works. :hugs: If you are still feeling down after a few days then definitely talk to your doc. At baby's last weight check my doc made a ponit of telling me that if I was still anxious/crying in a few more days or felt like I was getting worse to make sure to call because we're no good to baby if we are not emotionally okay. :) I don't miss being pregnant, but i am missing some alone time with dh. So I'm right there with you. :hugs: Being a FTM is hard.

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