January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - thank you. It really is hard not to worry towards the end. Becoming a mom really is hard. It's quite an adjustment! I'm sorry you're missing more time with your DH! I hope that in a little while and if your LO takes a bottle that maybe you can go out for a short date with him or something! I think it's important even when they are babies to go out and just be you as a couple for a little while, even if you can only be away for an hour!

Slammer - that is crazy how different two pregnancies can be for one person! To go over a week early with the first and then possibly a week overdue with the second! Yikes! I do hope you don't have to be induced but I'm sure all will go well if you do. Sorry your DH made you stressed earlier asking about it! I understand! That's good he apologized after.

VRogers - definitely mention to your dr if you don't start feeling better this week! I do think your feelings are very normal at this point, and especially the first week or two post partum is an extremely emotionally rocky time for a lot of people. Not only are your hormones completely crashing, but you are sleep deprived to boot and dealing with the stress of a totally new situation. But you definitely should mention it if you're concerned or it persists because as slammer said your mental health is very important, and the recovery is different for everyone, and it isn't good for you to be feeling down! :hugs: I am hoping you start feeling a lot better in the next couple days! Being a new mom *is* extremely hard and such an adjustment. You're doing a great job! I'm glad getting out a couple times this weekend has been very helpful and refreshing for you!

Pompey - thank you! I am so very happy for you that your baby has stayed out and now your hubby will be able to make the birth! That's such wonderful news! I just noticed you and slammer are the same amount overdue! Very interesting! I am excited to hear about your c-section on Monday if baby doesn't come earlier!

AFM - DH did the Costco run and we also got a pile of groceries so we are all stocked up for baby! We also took dd out to a French bakery for some treats this afternoon, and took her out for supper with a couple of our friends this evening. It has been a good day, but it's gone extremely quickly! Still don't feel like this baby is wanting to come out any time soon.
Thank you, ladies! I definitely teared up a little reading your responses, it helps SO much to feel supported here as well as with dh and other family. It's nice to know others have been where I am and it's normal, and there's no shame if I do need help
Hi ladies, sorry in advance ..for long comment )
sorry not to comment for a while, I have been trying to read through when i can it's just been really busy with toddler new baby and my teenager is being well let's say a teenager ! At the min.. Lol.. Taking the mic a little bit.. Not overly but just pushing boundaries a little as he knows he can get away with it at the min.. Asking to stay out .. Or rather telling me he is !! Getting detentions St school got no homework ���� ect...Ive had to pull him in a bit last couple if days.. He may be quick but he isn't as quick isn't as quick as his mum lol ..

Slammer/ lit ... Not long ladies to meet your babies.. We r still here with u hanging in there with you !!... Looking forward to baby news soon.

Re inductions : I really didn't want inducing , ollie was my 4th baby and I have never been induced before do was really nervous .. Apart from the bed situation which dragged it out and staffing issues the actual induction itself I personally found was nowhere near as bad as I thought it round be, it wasn't rushed and both myself and oh said yesterday it was the nicest birth we have experienced as when they eventually got on with it we just felt in control .. Which got us was much better than the rush last time..

Pomp.. Glad DH got back ok and looking good for section. On Monday if no movement b4 :) ️xx

Froggy .. Hope things going ok.. Frustrating about the bed situation , I had same experience but was fine once got going hon.. Look forward to update..xx

Vrogers ...sorry you have been feeling emotional.. I do agree with other ladies.. Have a chat with your Dr if you don't feel a lift in your mood in next couple of werks.. Saying that I do also agree that it is still normal for you At this stage.. Really not going into work mode as im on here like anyone else, as a new mummy, but after having postnatal depression after ds2.. 14 years ago went into working in mental health and have been ever since .. Because of my own personal experience I was automatically drawn to working with pre/ post natal depression after my training and have done a lot of one to one and group work .. I was really surprised at the number of people that had same experience..but have also seen s lot of people get better.. I am in my 4th baby with probably a lot more insight into depression/ anxiety than a lot because of my role but I've still have had down days since little man has been born, there is so much to being a new mum and having additional children, I found that I was more nervous about this birth than any of the others..I find myself that if I can get a little bit of sleep , be it night or during the day, this always make me feel a bit more together.. It's ok not to be ok sometimes, we just need to listen to our body, do what works for you, I have found that even half hour me time makes a difference for me.. Me time !!

I do miss quality time with oh, but we plan to have some nights in.. Like othet ladies, even just watching a film and getting a take away makes u feel slightly normal.. Even if we pay for it day after lol.. It's worth it ️xx

Re:expressing milk .. I expressed with last ds and I did find myself that my milk supply did refuce fairly quickly. It was first time I had BF and was again sore so did this and gave ds formula to give my nipples a rest.. I think I should have expressed when I feed with formula to keep the supply and demand of breast milk up.. Ive been feeling under pressure and concerned with this lately as ive been really sore again and have found that expressing is less painful ..im just scared of losing supply so have made sure I express as much as I can..and if I do give a bit if formula ive been expressing very near to the time and it seems to be ok this time.. My mum and oh have been able to feed ds and ive had time to focus in other stuff and other children.. Thankfully ds is doing fine with switching from bottle to boob :) and is now back to boob most of the time !!

I seem to have got into a little routine with ollie now , last few nights I have gone to bed early and oh had brought him up a few hours later, we can't do this all the time as oh goes back to work soon but it's def helping me catch up..oh then sleeps in in morning and I do the rest of night and morning, def making a difference have few hours straight sleep tho..

Sorry if ive missed anyone .. It's taken me ages to read and write lol but just thought Id chill this am ..just sat with toddler watching same kids programme over and over ha ollie on knee n reading B&B , Prob won't get to write for a bit now but do keep scanning through to try and keep up x

Can't believe my little fella is 8 days old!! ️Xx
Sorry - this is going tobe a long post while i catch up :D

Lit- thats funny what you said about coming online to wait for a reply. It won't be long now at all till baby here, make the most of the extra time :)
hope you got a nap in!
It's so natural to worry about something being wrong but your baby is perfectly well and is just happy inside you and doesnt want to come out quite yet.
Glad you are all stocked up for baby :)

angel- good luck with pumping- it is a good thing to do, i find it so useful. Yes i always feel better on days DH is home and get out etc, otherwise i just end up staying cooped in indoors. hope migraine gets better! i hate migraines, they are awful.

slammer- have you tried any ways to induce labour naturally? i read about pineapple, rasberry leaf tea etc?

ali- sorry about night 2! hope night 3 is better, sleeping issues are hard. Fingers crossed things will be better tonight

froggy- that is scary, hope you get a bed soon!

pomp- glad dh is closer now and will be able to be there for the birth :)

vrogers- i had some really rough days of crying and feeling low, it is so normal. I also missed being pregnancy and missed my dh so much and our alone time. I actually told my dh how i felt, and now we try to make some time together each evening baby free. Even if it just a 10 min cuddle in bed or sitting and having a cup of tea together and chatting. And we have dtd a couple of times (i feel fully healed) which helped with intimacy. Maybe try to set some time with DH in the evenings etc? If he is at work etc, even a quick 5 min call to chat about how day is going etc might help. having a baby means so many changes and adjustments to our lives that it can be hard not to miss some of the freedoms of before e.g. time with OH's.
Being a FTM is hard but many of us on this forum are all experiencing it together :)

AFM- was looking for some advice- Isa seems to have a tummy upset, he is up a lot at night and his poos are sometimes green. He also has a nappy rash. I am feeling so so tired from the nights- but not sure what to do for him. DH has gone out to buy gripe water for him as i think he gets really gassy but just wondering if anyone else had any experience and advice? i will take him to doc if hes not better soon and on tues the HV is coming anyway so can chat to her about it.

sorry for the very long post!!
I'm finally in the hospital! Dilated 1 cm 80% effaced. They placed a cervidil at 6 am so 6 pm tonight they will remove it and start pitocen at 7
Froggy - go, you! :happydance: I'm so glad things have gotten started for you! Keep us posted! Hopefully things go fairly quickly!

Ally - green poop and tummy issues can sometimes be from too much fore milk (not enough hind milk). Are you going to see your LC again? I would definitely ask about it. You could try this articles and see if you think that's the problem:

I would consult your LC if you still have a session with him/her before you do anything too different.

Apple - glad you are doing okay. Sorry you're having issues with pain when BFing. Are you able to consult an LC at all? Sorry your teenager is pushing the boundaries! That sounds very exhausting. Can't imagine dealing with that along with a toddler and a baby. It is no wonder you don't have much time to reply.

AFM - I had another horrible night. This time got to bed in good time and all that but only got about 3 hours of sleep all night from this stupid insomnia! I am so sick of this! I'm worried I'll still have this when baby is born, as I remember having some insomnia in the early days with dd1. Ugh. I am exhausted and feel a bit miserable. I finally fell asleep for about an hour after 7:30 am. I don't know why, but it's like a switch flips in the night and I won't feel drowsy until morning. Grr.
No labour signs yet.

Slammer - any signs yet? :p
No signs. Sigh. DH is sick now too, boo.

Sorry about another crappy night lit. That has to be so exhausting! I hope it goes away when baby comes. Funny you mention getting well stocked with groceries - I feel like we've been stocking up and feeling good to go...every time we've shopped for the last 2-3 weeks. Keep thinking it's imminent, then baby doesn't come, we eat all the food, and need to stock up again! Lol.

Best of luck froggy! Sounds like good progress!

Apple sorry you're having issues with your teenager and BF. You sound like you're on top of things though. You're doing well!

Angel, 2 oz in the evening is good output! Sounds like you have good supply.

Sorry if I missed anyone. Feeling a nap calling my name...
Slammer - oh, shoot! Sorry your DH is sick now too! Apparently a January due date wasn't the wisest choice for us as far as health goes! Yay for cold and flu season. Blah.
Sorry no signs for you either. I was feeling quite down last night already that the baby hasn't come yet, and I haven't even hit my due date yet. You must be feeling sooo done.
Definitely have that nap that's calling your name! You deserve it!
I can quite relate on the stocking up thing. It definitely occurred to me that I would like to be stocking up for the baby's arrival right now, but there's also the chance that we'll have to do it all over again next weekend! Argh - I sure hope not. I hope you have finally done your last "stock-up" before baby now!
Good luck froggy! Looking forward to hearing baby news soon.

I've had a terrible couple of days... Ds has been so unsettled and dh has been focused on his mum who could be diagnosed with dementia. He's really struggling to deal with that potential. He will take it really hard if that's the case. I've suspected it for some time now, but he's shocked. He's now talking about her coming to live with us, which will be so hard with a new baby, me back at work. I also start a new job in August (promotion) which will be stressful and I am supposed to be studying too. I'm trying not to worry yet but dh said some hurtful things last night. Hopefully we'll work it out.

Thanks for suggesting a lactation consultant to others. I'm taking the advice too. Apparently my milk is like skim milk so he's not gaining weight well. Hopefully the lactation consultant will check everything and help me know how to make my milk better for him and more satisfying.

Hoping we have a better night!
Newbie - I am sorry your ds is so terribly unsettled! I'm also sorry you're having some stress with your DH and the situation with his mom. I'm sure it must be much harder to admit/deal with for him since it's his mom! That definitely would be difficult to deal with her living with you while also dealing with a baby, going back to work, a new promotion, and trying to study! I don't blame you for not really liking that option and I'm sorry your DH said some hurtful things. Hopefully once the news has sunk in he will calm down and you two can reach a solution you're both happy with.
I hope the LC can help you out! Sorry your milk doesn't seem to be helping your ds gain enough weight! There is so much uncertainty with BFing in the beginning, but I'm sure in no time you will have found your groove and everything will be okay! :hugs:
Newbie that's very hard news to hear about your MIL. I'm sorry. I can imagine how hard it will be on you all.

Regarding your milk, I'd be a little wary of what you're being told. Quality of milk is rarely the problem. It's usually just not enough breast milk being consumed, whether from not feeding often enough or true low supply issues. Also BF babies gain slower than FF ones. Here are some articles about milk quality or foremilk/hindmilk.


Lite - The last article actually is something I've been meaning to look into! DS2 doesn't have abnormal stools, but he really does have an issue with nursing at times. He constantly sounds like he's gulping down air, he has to pull off at times and will take a deep breath like he wasn't getting air then it upsets him. He'll pull off coughing as well. It's hard to deal with. I'm not use to it at all because DS1 couldn't get enough it seems now I'm dealing with too much! Spit up is occasional, but sometimes bad. He's super gassy, though. He generally feeds best when I'm laying down, but I'm going to see if I can use some of the tips and see if it helps. Maybe he's so fussy because he's so gassy.

I'm actually surprised how well that article fits my situation with DS2.

Froggy - So excited for you!! Good luck!!

Ally - DS2 also has a bit of a rash. It's so hard when they're having frequent bowel moments. He almost ALWAYS has a streak. I'm going to try to treat and put a barrier on at all times and see if helps. I'll also do some diaper free time today. Airing them out and letting them dry can do wonders for diaper rash! Just put him on his back or better yet his belly over a towel or something to give his bottom some diaper free time. I'll be probably holding DS1 on my chest with a towel over me and a diaper under his little man parts to catch any urine.

Apple - I'm glad bedtime has been going pretty decent for you so far! Even when DH has baby for a hour I feel more rested because I don't "worry" about him. I don't sleep sound at all.
Try to stay strong with breastfeeding! The pain should subside soon. Is baby latching well? Definitely express if you're having someone else give a bottle.

Vrogers - What you're feeling is completely normal, although like someone else said if it gets to be too much please get help! It sounds like baby blues to me and it should start to get better in what I think they say is a couple of weeks, but can take a little longer for some. I definitely felt a lot like you with my first. I got teared up seeing my OB thinking "I won't be coming back here for check ups!" I wanted to be pregnant again and things like seeing an ambulance got me all teary eyed! Mine probably did last too long and was most likely postpartum depression, but I didn't get help. I know I should have, but I'm stubborn plus I had a lot of stuff going on and tended to focus on it and I got myself out of it.
Find some time for yourself! Go on a short walk, but stay close by if you think being away from baby will make you more anxious. Even a short run to the store can do you wonders!

Pomp - I'm glad he made it back! Not much longer for you now!

Thanks for the sleeping suggestions everyone. I just don't know what I'm going to do. Last night I ended up bringing DS2 to bed and I can't hardly remember it. DS1 woke up crying and did not sleep well at all. I'm just doomed on sleep until DS2 figures it out or I figure it out! Of course right now he's passed out! I even changed his diaper on a cold surface and he slept through it.
DH mentioned getting a co sleeper for beside the bed. I may break down and do it. I can't put the mattress on the floor because there is a bunch of stuff stored under the bed. I also can't do the crib beside the bed because the mattress in the crib is lower than our mattress. That's what I want to do. Unless I can find a stable way to raise it.

Who knows. It'll all sort out sooner or later.
Slammer - Our kitchen is barren. I'm struggling to come up with meals! May just load up the boys and go shopping today with DH. I would just send him, but I feel the need to get out! It's so hard to know what to feed my toddler. He's turned into a picky eater and won't even eat the stuff he likes half the time. I have to trick him and shove food in his mouth when trying something new. He'll usually spit it out irregardless then if he likes it he'll ask for more.

Newbie - I'm so sorry it's been rough. Things always seem to happen when there is stuff going on. I don't know how I'd feel about letting someone move in who has dementia with a new baby. At first it may not be bad, but I know how rough it can be to handle people with dementia. It can be very stressful and on top of that it'll be hard on your DH to see her like that all the time. I hope things settle down for you.
AliJo - I would go for the co sleeper! That way DS2 is very close and within easy reach without having to actually bedshare. Sorry feeding him is tough and it sounds like he is gulping down air and it does sound like he could be fussy because of it.

Newbie - sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time of it. Sorry to hear about your MIL. Having her move in with you sure does sound like it could be stressful, what with trying to juggle a baby and work. I hope it works out :hugs:

vrogers - how you are feeling is completely normal, just hang in there :hugs: The first 6 weeks especially are tough. Of course if the feelings intensify or don't shift, do seek some help. I felt SO lost when Anabella was a newborn. Myself and my husband used to sleep in shifts and it was so hard as I felt I didn't see him anymore. I used to dread night times knowing I'd be up for hours and it was just generally a hard time. I remember around 8 weeks for us it started to get better. Anabella started to understand night and day more and we got more settled in a routine. It will get better and easier, promise.

LL - sorry you are not sleeping well due to insomnia. It sounds absolutely awful!!

Ally - no real advice, I'm sorry. But I hope Isa tummy is better soon :hugs:

Apple - sounds like a good routine you've got yourself into :)

AFM - My husband is now home with us , which is just fantastic. We've had a nice day , although it's been so sad hearing about his dad.
I just feel unprepared for tomorrow.... I know what to expect as I've been through it before, but at the same time I feel it is so long ago and I am worried about how I'll cope with a newborn and a 4 year old! I cant wait to meet my baby boy though.
Hopefully my next update will be me saying that he's been born!
Pompey - I'm so glad your hubby is home! Good luck tomorrow! I hope all goes smoothly! I don't blame you for feeling nervous/unprepared, but I'm sure it will be great! I can't wait to hear the big news!

Ali - I hope you can find a sleeping situation that works. Sorry we couldn't be more help!
Oh, good, I'm glad that article might end up being helpful for you! It definitely sounds like that could be your problem!

AFM - we got none of the cleaning I wanted to get done this weekend, and after my nap (which thankfully revived me), DH got a migraine and he's been in bed ever since. I'm feeling down and emotional today. I keep bursting into tears and I feel very sorry for myself and like I'll probably end up having to labour by myself because DH will have a migraine or some other illness apparently.
Hopefully this baby comes soon. I seem to get quite down on Sundays. I think I get too high of expectations of how the weekend will go and then I get disappointed.
Quick update, cervidil didn't work, still 1 cm 90% effaced. They are thinking about giving me cytotec and then starting pitocen in the morning
Froggy - oh, wow! That's a shame it didn't work at all! I hope the cytotec works for ya! Keep us posted! You must be getting impatient!
AliJo - so sorry about the continued sleep struggles. I'd definitely get the cosleeper, or find a way to raise the crib mattress and sidecar it - add another mattress underneath or stack up some cut 2x4s? When we had our mattress on the floor and a twin beside it the twin wasn't as thick as the king, so we got some 2x4s to put underneath and even things out.

Pompey, I'm so excited you're having your baby tomorrow! You will do fine, I know it.

Froggy ugghhhh so sorry there hasn't been any progress with the cervidil. I'm worried about the same sort of thing happening to me. I hope things pick up for you tomorrow.

Literati - that sucks that you didn't get the things done that you wanted to. Y'all can't win with sickness and migraines and such. I really hope you're all in good shape when you do go into labor. What are you doing with DD when you give birth?

My DH was pretty useless this morning - early afternoon, but he perked up after his second (!) nap and I got a break after that. I got laundry done but that's about it. I'm sick of cleaning and doing all the things repeatedly, lol. I know that's kind of just "life" but every time I get caught up on laundry, or clean the bathrooms, or change the sheets I'm like "surely this is the last time I have to do this shit before baby comes!" ...and then baby doesn't come and I have to do all the things again. And now I guess I'll sign on to work tomorrow and get a few things done. UGH. I'm definitely taking Tuesday off if baby hasn't come to just relax and prepare before the induction on Weds.
Slammer - ugh, I also hear you on the cleaning! I have been trying so hard to keep up with all the cleaning and get all the laundry cleaned and put away but then I keep having to do it again! I definitely have wanted some of my cleaning to be the last before baby comes already but it sure hasn't happened yet! And now the house seems messier than ever. It always gets worse when DH is home because he isn't the tidiest of people.
I'm glad your DH eventually become helpful after his *second* nap! Oy. That is an excellent idea to take Tuesday off to rest up before your induction if it comes to that. You absolutely deserve a relaxation day by now! You've been such a trooper working still at 40 weeks pregnant!
Dd will be going to my parents' house overnight when I'm in the hospital. She is very close to my parents (my mom especially) so I'm not worried about that at all at least. My mom works FT but she is able to take family leave whenever I go into labour, so it's very convenient.
What are you doing with your dd when you're in labour?

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