January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Congrats Pompey!

Hope things are going smoothly, Slammer!

Frogger, you've been quiet so hoping all is going well!

I hope I didn't miss anyone, am on my phone and it's difficult to keep going back.

Afm, things are going really well. Genevieve is very easy going especially compared to when her older sisters were this age. She isn't fussy at all, the only time she cries is when she wants a bottle and even then it isn't full on crying but this tiny whine lol

AliJo, do you swaddle DS2? Does he have a strong startle reflex? My first 2 had very strong startle reflexes so we had to swaddle. We swaddle Genevieve now and lay her in the Rock n Play as she spits up a tiny bit so want to keep her elevated. Our sleep routine for bedtime and wake ups is change diaper, wrap in velcro swaddle, feed, burp, and gently rock. Each wake up is about 45 minutes long. We wait till she's totally out then transfer her to the rock n play and she stays in there for about 2.5 to 3 hours before the next wake up. But I am a total believer in the velcro swaddles! I really like the ones from Halo.

Genevieve had her 2 week check up today... 8lbs 8oz so is now 5oz up from birth weight, and she grew 3/4 of an inch! Still in newborn clothes but size 1 diapers.

I've been feeling a little down lately. Not crying at all, but I can tell all the pregnancy hormones are settling down. I didn't get the baby blues this time at all which was surprising because I got them very badly with my first 2 babies.

Been thinking of you all! Sorry my post seems kind of scatter brained... we got all 3 girls to sleep before 830pm tonight and am shocked haha
Ali - thanks for saying that. It means a lot! It is wonderful how we've all been there for each other the whole 9 months! I remember when there were so many people I felt like I didn't really know anyone, but now I feel like I know you all quite well!
Sorry your DS1 is acting up a bit. That totally makes sense and I'm not surprised at all but I hope it improves soon. My dd1 is always begging me to play with her and she gets quite put out when I can't, so I can imagine she'll be the same when I'm busy nursing or whatever and genuinely can't! I'm sure your little guy will adjust soon though. And that's great his speech has improved so much recently. He'll be talking super well in no time.
The tantrums and whininess are tough, though. I'm glad your ds2 had at least a brief non-fussy period. I also hope the suggestions on that article start to help soon. That really is a shame! I had something similar with dd. I didn't have an overactive letdown but I had oversupply at first and had to end up block feeding to fix it. I actually had to do it for a good couple weeks before I saw an improvement, but in the end it helped a lot.

Greats - I'm so glad this baby is so chilled out compared to your other two! That must be a nice relief as you transition to a family of 5! I am going to try your nighttime wake-up routine this time because last time we were dumb and sometimes did the diaper change after the feed which made it a lot more difficult to get her to sleep after!

I'm sorry you're feeling a bit down lately. That's good you haven't had the "baby blues" but keep an eye on your mood still if you keep feeling down and mention it to your doctor!
So crazy that all these babies are still smaller than my dd1 was when she was born! I have such big babies. I'm glad Genevieve is gaining weight well and thriving, though!

AFM - Dd was sweet for the first half of the day, but then refused her nap and was a miserable, demanding little grouch for the rest of it. She also whined constantly, along will yelling and screaming and being a miserable person. I was looking forward to at least her getting to bed at a decent hour and having a relaxing evening for once in my life, but of course she cannot actually survive without a nap and ended up falling asleep after supper for a bit. I physically couldn't stop her because she was just falling asleep at her chair repeatedly and then jerking awake a second later when she started falling sideways off her chair. She kept doing this every 3 seconds over and over until I finally carried her to the couch and let her have a 15 minute snooze. Well, of course that stupid 15 minute nap ruined her and even though she is SO overtired and cranky, it is 10:25 pm now and she is still awake (DH is putting her to bed). So frustrating! So I'm cranky and very, very spent tonight.

Hoping all is going well with slammer and froggy.

Good luck to all the new moms on another tiring night.
Cervidil that was placed last night was placed wrongly so did nothing to my cervix when it was checked this morning. They started me on cytotec this morning and gave me a second dose around four pm. They checked me at 7 and I had gone from 1cm to 1.5cm. So they placed a cooks catheter and started me on pitocen. The cooks catheter is set to fall out at 4cm. After having intense contractions for a few hours, the catheter fell out, and pitocen was increased. I'm going to be checked again in about 20 minutes, so hoping for some progress. Since it was not a real dilation there is a small possibility that it closes back, but I'm not going to let that worry me yet. We are only a few hours away from being in the hospital for 48 hours.
Oh froggy! What a long process. Hoping you've progressed by your next check.
Congrats Pompey ! ️Xx so much for our big babies lol .. Ollie was 8.4 and scan predicted 9.10 ! . Hope you recover well and are enjoying your newborn cuddles.

Good luck slammer ️xxx

Froggy.. You sound just like your experience is similar to mine, as soon as the drip was up for me it was pretty quick hon, hope u get moving soon, look forward to update ️xx

Lit .. We r all waiting with u hon, not long now x

Vrogers.. Nice to hear you got lo settled x

Greats .... Glad to hear lo is so chilled. 3 to sleep b4 8 lol .. Fab going ha, sorry u have had some down days, I have been same..xx

I'm having crazy time with my let down im constantly drenched ! Night times are a nightmare ! I have got some collection shields. Everytime I feed with one boob im leaking 1oz from other !

Having same issues with my toddler wanting my attention and wanting to play, especially when I have baby on knee :( x im trying my best. I'm alwYs doing bedtime routine and get in for an extra cuddle and chat about his day. He is getting a little chatterbox. Slightly concerned as he seems to have a developing stammer but hopefully it will pass. He has been referred to speech therapist :(

Sorry if not replied ro everyone , in phobe with baby on knee dripping everywhere ! Lol x better get sorted
Apple, my toddler is thw same. Even comes to thr toilet with me and asks me to do things 24/7. She is in my face constantly lol.

I have cbt for my anxiety. The meds help but do have an adjustment period. I had terrible PND with my 2nd and have been worried about it again so got in early.

Congratulations on all new babies.

Violet is now 7lb 8oz. Over a 1lb gained bless her. Shes adorable.
Will post a longer update later, but so happy to announce Jack Gavin was born at 1:51 am. 8 lbs 7 oz. We are both doing very well. Wanted to go natural, but the back pain was so intense. Got an epidural and I'm so glad I did. Never thought I'd say that, lol. 51 minutes of pushing.

Froggy I really hope things pick up for you.

Congrats Pompey! Incredible how "normal" sized your baby turned out to be! Wish you a speedy recovery!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I'm so freaking happy to be on the other side.

Literati your time will come soon!
pomp- massive congrats! well done :)

slammer- yah, congratulations to you also. Two babies today! :D

ali- oh all that sounds so stressful, totally understand DS1 feeling a bit jealous and wanting his mummy. Hopefully it won't last long at all.

greats- so happy Genevieve is doing well and is not a fussy baby. You are lucky! I definitely have days where i am down and teary, especially on the days DH is not home and is away at work all day.

lit- oh dear, dd's lack of nap sounds so stressful. Hope she is better today for you :)

froggy- oh my, poor you, sounds so stressful and tiring. Hoping things pick up fast now for you and you meet baby soon!

apple- i leak so much too it;s ridiculous!

midnight- glad V is doing so well. Glad you got in early since you have had bad PND in the past.

afm- another long tiresome night, Isa up a lot and gas was making him very uncomfortable. I think gripe water helping a little, so will persist with that for a bit before trying gaviscon. I have a sore head that won't go away. HV is supposed to be coming today.
Yay .. Congrats slammer xx well done hon

Midnight.. Glad u are having Cbt, that's what I actually do full time and get really good results with difficulty wirh contamination/ germs issues.. Key is def good relationship with who u are working with.. If ur ever not happy, change x

sounds like a few of us have clingy toddlers at the moment .. It's got to be strange for them not being the baby any more. Even tho they will always be our babies lol ️xx my ds keeps trying to put things in ollies pram lol.. If i turn round for a minute he is covered in bibs, nappies and soft toys ! Lol.. And he keeps trying to put his dummy in, In his own not very gentle way ! .. Then he will say mummy he is being too noisy if he cries ! Ha.. We will get there.. Thank goodness for this thread to keep us sane and normilise things for us !!

Midnight /I had pnd after 2nd but not after 3rd n think I'll be ok this time fingers crossed ..just need make sure I get me time when poss I think n not try n be supermum !! X plan on making most of my maternity leave ..

Ally .. Sorry little Isa isn't too good bless him it's horrible when they can't settle. I remember my ds having it really bad and we ended up giving him baby gaviscon in in his bottles for a while x hope he settles soon and u r ok, it's so tiring x hugs x

Lit .. Still with u ;) ️xx

We are taking ds to look at a new nursery this morning, it's one attached to the school we want him to attend.. He already attends another day care but need to change him to give him chance to mix with children that will be attending school in September ,plan on doing it gradually, he is only 3 .. Feels too little for school but is one of the younger ones in year.. Hope he is ok. It's first time taking ollie out as well !! X
Apple - thsnk u,think we will try the gaviscon in few days if gripe water doesn't cut it.

The HV came,he's gained weight well he's now 8ib 14 oz (born at 6ib 7). They think green stools due to not emptying breast fully. And he's probably going on breast more often for comfort from his gas. This HV was really stern and moody looking - did not like her lol x
greats- glad your girls are doing so well! Thankfully mine really only fusses when she's hungry as well. I'm sorry you're feeling down! These hormone crashes are no joke. I hope it gets better asap for you
Also all 3 of your girls names are adorable, I just really noticed them! Very unique and pretty

Literati- I'm sorry you've both not slept well! I hope you're able to get plenty of rest before baby comes!

Slammer- congratulations!! Love his name and I was a fan of the epidural as well haha
Froggy - oh wow, that sounds awful! I hadn't realized until this thread just how slow a process an induction could be!
I sure hope there has been a lot of progress since then and that you don't have to wait long now! Pitocin is usually pretty effective I think. I had something similar (different brand name) to augment labour last time and it worked very quickly. Have you been able to get any sleep? I feel for you being in the hospital for so long!

Apple - thanks for waiting along with me! Sorry your toddler is being super clingy as well. Makes it hard! I hope the new daycare is good! Would be nice to mix with kids he'll go to school with eventually.

Midnight - my toddler also is always in the bathroom with me. She will often bawl if I ever try to go without her. This has always been the case so not sure how much worse it'll get when baby comes. Glad V has gained weight so well and is so adorable!

Slammer - CONGRATULATIONS! :happydance: So excited for you! What a nice, strong (and adorable!) name you chose! I'm glad you are happy you got the epidural! There are all sorts of experience but they usually do their job very well! I'm glad you "only" had to push for 51 minutes! I'm sure that still wasn't easy, but definitely a vast improvement from your last labour - and also gives me hope! :)
I would love the full birth story if and when you feel like sharing more details! :D When will you be in the hospital til?

Ally - sorry you didn't like your HV! So does sound like a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance issue! Hope you get it sorted out! My dd was the same with always nursing for comfort which probably made things worse. She had green poo for ages but once I adjusted a few things even though the green poo persisted, her tummy issues did subside. I hope that is the case for Isa soon. Also sorry you didn't like your HV. Glad at least Isa is gaining weight well so you don't have to worry about that at all!

(Just added)
*Vrogers - I think we updated at the same time. Thanks. I'm hoping for a nap today.

AFM - just waiting for my doctor's appointment where I will ask for a sweep. I don't even know if it will do anything. I am losing faith in my body ever preparing for labour on its own. I'm worried baby has bounced back up again and is making backwards progress because she kept pressing into my ribs again last night. Ugh! I will post after with my progress if there is any (which there probably isn't).
I do have to say it is helping not to feel so sorry for myself that you all are so supportive! Guess it's just me and froggy left now, and froggy is well on her way! Also Elonaire does occasionally post but hasn't in quite a while.
I had another rough night of about 4 hours of sleep. Blah. Happy Due Date to me. :p
Slammer - congrats!

Apple - having the same problem with let down! Last night, I had to change twice. Unfortunately, as I sleep, my nipples aren't in position for the nursing pads to soak up the excess. Totally soaked! I guess my milk is through completely, so that's a good thing!
I am trying to make more time for the computer and hopefully here. E is napping, thank goodness for our mamaroo. H goes back to work next week so it may be hard to get back on the computer. Still struggling with supply. E won't take the breast and just seems to prefer formula since that is mostly what she is getting now due to lack of supply. It's a bit upsetting but it is what it is. I am still pumping though.
Danser - aww, don't fret about E preferring formula! All that matters is she's fed! I understand it's disappointing though. Glad you were able to update. I hope when your hubby goes back to work it isn't too crazy for you.

Newbie and Apple - I had that same bad leaking with let down. It was really annoying! Took quite a while to settle down.

AFM - my appointment was quite disappointing. This baby doesn't seem to want out anytime soon. I think the baby actually moved back UP of all things because last night I started feeling her shoving herself under my ribs again which hasn't happened in ages, and then when the dr checked she said she was high and only -3! What the heck, baby!? They're not supposed to do that!
I was only 1 cm dilated (she could stretch it to 2, whatever that means) and maybe about 50% effaced. She tried sweeping my membranes but they were so high she couldn't really do much at all. Great. Argh! I'm so fed up! I cried on the way home. My MIL is stuck here for a couple more hours because my FIL can't give her a ride until then. I offered her a ride but she doesn't have her house keys. I don't mind her being here, but I just want to cry and wallow in self pity! I also wanted to get on my hands and knees and scrub the floors to try to get things going, but I'm not going to do that with her home. So she offered to let me have a nap and I'm not sure I'm ready for one yet this early in the day, but I said yes anyway because at least now I can hide in my room and update here and wallow a bit. :p
So sorry lit! Hope things will happen for you soon. Enjoy some quiet time in your room. I'm doing the same right now. Dh is at his mum's and my mum is settling ds. She sent me to bed because I haven't been waking her in the night to help so she wants me to rest now... So grateful she's here!
Lit/ bless you, sorry you are feeling so fed up., hugs..ive just looked in first page, Ur due date today i think.. Sounds like your little one is just nice and comfy in mummy. It's so tiring this stage of pregnancy. Not sure if it helps but ollie was popping in and out of my pelvis right to the last minute and wasn't engaged at all at last midwife appointment a couple of days before I had him. I was told this was totally normal particularly as I had been pregnant before.. I can remember having conversation with oh just before I had him and saying he was right back under my ribs again ! I thought he must be huge !! Be he actually had just popped out of my pelvis again.. Even 2 days into my induction in examination they could barley feel my cervix as they were so high ️xx try not to worry hon she wil be here soon ️xx
When they checked me this morning I was a five, she broke my water and increased my pit, and wowza those contractions hurt. So I went ahead and asked for the epidural, and it was amazing! I just got checked again and I'm now a seven. We are getting there just slowly. He is dropping now too because he was pretty high up still.
Froggy - that's excellent news that you've made quite a bit of progress already! I'm sure the next update we hear the baby will have arrived.

Newbie - glad you got some quiet time in you room and that your mom is there and helping! That's always nice.

Apple - thanks. Good to know I'm not the only one whose baby popped in and out like that. Also, you are correct. Today is my due date.

AFM - tried to scrub the floor on my hands and knees today to get things going, but of course nothing. Now just woke up from a nap. I just know the sweep didn't help at all. With my dd1, I didn't go into labour until about 20 hours later, but the entire day & evening before I had lots of cramping and the odd contraction so the fact that nothing at all is happening is a pretty big sign. I feel so frustrated and like it's all futile. I get the sense that if I don't wake up in labour tomorrow, I'm going to make it to my 41 week appointment. The thought of that makes me so depressed. I doubt my body is even capable of going into labour on its own so I'll probably have to be induced and have a February baby :( So down.
Heading in for a section. I'm not progressing any more, baby boy seems like he isn't moving down and my cervix is really swollen

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