January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Also my epidural fell out and I woke from a nap with contractions so they had to give me a whole new epidural!
Froggy - oh no, sorry you have to go in for a c-section after all this! Lots of hugs and good luck! Sorry they had to give you a whole new epidural as well. Hoping for good news soon!
You know, it's funny how little time I have when I'm home all day with baby. I'm not even doing housework really (DH keeps insisting that I try to relax when I can and stop doing any housework since Melody is keeping me up so much at night), it's just that between feeding and getting her to sleep the little bit of time I have left I usually use to try to eat.

M is getting so big though! She's almost outgrown all of the "newborn" size clothes that were given to me from our local "Buy Nothing" group, and when I did an informal weight check (I stepped on scale, then got back on with baby and calculated the difference) she was over 8.5 lbs already! :wacko: Unfortunately, she's also getting past the point of just sleeping and eating and has been fairly fussy lately. The last 2 days she wouldn't sleep without being held and unless I was walking, bouncing, and singing her (all at the same time) she was screaming. :cry: I think we're entering the period that our doctor/hospital referred to as "PURPLE Crying" - where they cry for no reason and just have to comfort. So hard, and breaks my heart. :nope:

AFM – I think I’m getting sick. Body aches, some mild pain in stomach, and I’m running a low grade fever (99.7). It’s not high enough to be considered a “real” fever, but my normal temp tends to be low 97s so anything around 99 and up is definitely high for me.

vrogers - I've also found this is a great support group! And yes, there is no shame in getting help if you need it! :hugs:

newvie – is it possible that your LO is mostly getting the foremilk and not enough hindmilk? My sister had that problem and my niece wasn’t gaining weight adequately. Unfortunately, the doctor she had refused to help her with the problem and told her to use formula, and she had no access to LC or any support, so she had to stop BF. I don’t know what the solution is though, I’m too unfamiliar with bf.

Ali - I'm so sorry you're having a rough time sleeping. I agree with what everyone has said, it may be best ot pick up a cosleeper just so you guys can get some sleep. They do make some "sidecar" style cosleeper things that I almost bought but then didn't because they wouldn't work well with our bed frame style, but if you can side car it that might be the easiest thing for you! Remember that your sleep is important! You gotta take care of yourself, so do whatever you have to do in order to get some rest.

Midnight – I’m glad you’re on something to help with the anxiety, but that’s awful that they make you feel bad. Are the side effects one that will go away with time or permanent? If permanent, is there an alternate med you could try? :hugs: Hope you start to feel better soon.

Ally – Oh gassy babies are so hard! I struggle when M is gassy. Especially when I can’t seem to get her to settle. Do you have gas drops? I’ve made them a staple in our house, seriously.

Pompey & Slammer – CONGRATS!!! So excited!!

Greats – So glad that your LO is so much more calm and easy going than your older kids. I think I’ll try your nighttime routine. We stopped using the Halo swaddles because she was fighting having her hands down but maybe I’ll try again and do it with her hands up by her face so she can still suck on her hands

Danser – I know it must be frustrating that she prefers formula. Like Lite said, don’t let it get you down, as long as she’s easting and gaining that is the most important part. :hugs:

Lite – Oh no! I did not think that they could go back up! WTH baby! I’m so sorry, this has got to be so frustrating. How long will they let you go before they decide you have to do induction?

Froggy – Oh! I’m so sorry you have to do a section after all the induction process! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear about you LO!
Literati- I hope it does happen before your next appointment but even if it doesn't like you think it won't we are still here with you! :)

Froggy- I'm sorry you're having to have a section, the non progression and swelling happened to me too. I hope it goes well, you are so close to meeting your baby!

Angel- I was thinking the same yesterday when dh asked what I did during the day and I was like um..took care of the baby. I barely get the opportunity to pee haha
I'm sorry about the fussiness, that sounds awful and I wouldn't mind skipping it myself. I hope it passes soon!
VRogers - thank you. I am very envious of everyone who didn't go overdue.

Taking care of a baby is a lot! Thankfully DH never expected anything to get done except to take care of the baby when dd1 was little. I hope your DH was just asking about your day and not expecting more to be done!

Angel - oh dear. I hope all that 'purple crying' doesn't mean she has colic! My dd went through a phase like that and thankfully it ended up being that she was just overtired and we needed to adjust her awake times because she was so easily overstimulated and would stay up for way too long and then would scream for hours before she'd fall asleep. So stressful! I hope things get easier soon.
That is very good your DH doesn't expect you to get any housework done. You certainly shouldn't have to! Taking care of a baby is your one and only job right now! And it is an incredibly demanding one!
They will let me go until at least Feb 1st (41+1 day) before inducing, and that's only if I can get in right away. If other people are higher risk and need to be induced before me, I could have to wait days after that. :( I'm very discouraged.

Gage was born via c section on Jan 24th at 11:12 pm. He weighed 9lb 1oz and is 21 2/3 inches! He latched immediately! Will update properly later!
danser- nice to hear from you and i hope you get to update us more. Don't worry about your supply! main thing is you have a healthy happy baby that you can feed!

lit- it will happen soon. We are all with you!! you have just made such a nice home for baby but soon enough they will be out :) don't feel down, babies always come when they are ready and so what if it' not in jan/ I had mines in dec!

froggy- wow he is so adorable, massive congrats to you. You must be exhausted!

angel- vrogers- i am the same, i do nothing except tend to Isa, the day always goes in fast and nights are long. DH insists i just rest and nap when isa does. I consider it a successful day if i make the bed and have a shower plus do some washing. I haven't been out house in days!!

Afm- Isa was more settled last night, so I slept more n feel Better today. Will try to get some errands done round the house x
Congrats froggy! He's adorable. Well done!

Afm, baby z has had a LONG day. He's been so unsettled and basically awake the whole day. He fed a ridiculous amount, every two hours in the morning. I'm really hoping he's just stocking up on food for a growth spurt. I hope he settles tonight!
Froggy - congrats on baby Gage! He is a big one! I am worried my baby will end up being over 9 lb now too that she's going to be so overdue.
How was your c-section experience? Would love to hear the whole story! I hope all went well and you recover quickly! Gage is adorable!

Ally - Thanks. It's more that my life is dwindling away, my maternity leave is getting used up (yes I get a full year so I can't complain at all, but I was hoping to not go back to work before she was a year old this time), and I really worry about the baby's health going overdue. So it's not so much the birth month that matters to me but just the fact that it's so much later than expected. Also worried about induction especially after all the bad experiences on here. Would hate to end up with a c-section or in labour for 4 days, but of course I'll do whatever needs to happen to get the baby here safely. We can't control everything and this is sadly just proof of that. I'm not taking it well at all, though.
Sounds like you get a LOT done! I never make my bed! Haha. You are doing very well, I'd say! Also, I'm glad you had a bit more rest last night! Yay!

Newbie - sorry z is unsettled. He definitely could be having a growth spurt. Hope he sleeps ok for you tonight. I hope you're not too exhausted.

AFM - Still pregnant, obviously, and officially overdue. What drives me crazy is that absolutely nothing is happening at all and I've made so little progress. If I felt like labour were imminent, I would be a bit more settled about going overdue, but now that the sweep didn't work, I get the very bad feeling I'm going to make it to next week and that is just so depressing. I'm so listless. I never prepared to go another week or clean my house again or have to keep cooking meals or blah blah blah. This was supposed to be baby week! :( I was super, super sulky yesterday but today I feel in a better mood at least and I will try to just take advantage of the extra time to get a few to-do list items out of the way and some more relaxing in. Thanks, all, for putting up with me and my pregnant whining.
I'm going to try to find the time to catch up! I'm getting the front updated. I've been busy with both boys and now I'm going into the 4 day stretch of little help. Please give me strength! It's all good till I'm tired then I can't hardly handle anything it feels like!

But I definitely want to congratulate those who have had their LOs!

Froggy he's adorable!! He looks like he has tons of hair! Congrats! I'm sorry the induction failed, but glad he's here and doing well!

Slammer, congratulations on the arrival of Jack! I half heartedly wanted to go natural, but I also had HORRIBLE back labor. It was constant so I didn't have any time to rest between contractions because my back was in intense pain.
Lit- I totally understand,do they check baby at your appointments? Like his heart rate etc? I'm sure all is well & this one just wants to make a grand entrance. Try to enjoy the last baby free time :)
Ally - Yes, they check her heartbeat at every appointment. That is about all though. Haven't had an ultrasound since 20 weeks. And my next appointment isn't until 41 weeks so a lot could happen in a week's time. Sigh.

Lost a big glob of mucous plug just now. Still not even blood tinged but I'm still excited over it! Oh, the things we get excited for while pregnant! Haha.
Literati- I pretty much told him that exactly, that right now my priority is the baby and housework can wait. He gets very anxious and uptight about house being clean so he has been taking care of it in the evenings or weekends when we are both home. Thankfully he hasn't pressed the issue!

Froggy- oh he's adorable, congratulations!! I hope you recover quickly

Ally- yes, you said it perfectly.. days fast and nights long... so long!

Newbie- had a fussy baby here as well, seemed like I couldn't get enough milk to her even doing formula. Hope both of our babies let us get some rest tonight!

Literati- I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how frustrating that must be. All I can say is try to get as much rest as possible and get done what you need to get done but I can imagine you just want baby here already.

Ali- I can't imagine even one day of little help, go you! I hope you can get at least a little rest so you're able to deal with everything. I'm the same way when tired, just no good to anyone
Lite - I really hope that means something for you!! I'd say there is a good chance of you going into labor in the next week. Your body has been through it so it knows what to do. It doesn't need "prepping" it's just going to come out of nowhere for you I think.

I know that even before 40 weeks I was ready for it to be done, so this is probably just dumb to say, but try to make the most of the time you have before baby comes! I was so exhausted I couldn't do really anything, but even the naps were nice to have. Snuggle with DD and cherish those moments. I almost cry when I do get the chance to just snuggle and spend some alone time with DS1. I miss being able to just focus on him and I miss him always being happy. He's still happy most of the time but he's so easily upset right now and it really bothers me. Although, he does really love his baby brother and that makes me super happy.

Newbie - He may be trying to increase your supply. It usually doesn't last long when they do that! Hopefully she settles for you soon.

Angel - It is pretty insane how much time a newborn can take up. I tried to have a bowl of cereal, something simple and quick. I didn't get to finish. I gave up and gave it to DS1 was delighted to finish it for me. Basically if I can't shove it in my mouth and go I might as well not bother!

I got talked to about the PURPLE crying. T does cry at times and it seems like I can't do anything. Usually it is in spurts and he'll go to eat then not want to and get upset and so I think he needs burped and sometimes that helps a little and then he goes to crying again. Usually I have to stand up and start bouncing and rocking him till he falls asleep. Honestly not use to it. DS1 was such a chill baby. I keep telling myself that it won't last, but it's hard.

I'm going to try putting the crib against the bed. Well more like the bed against it so it's wedged between the wall and the bed. I just need to buy another mattress, but I don't know what size. I measured but I won't really know till it's up against the bed.

Danser - We have the aamaRoo as well but T tends to only like it if he's content. It has helped put him to sleep once, but I think he likes the more dramatic swing. I think he'll end up liking it more, but a traditional swing would be better atm. I like the little amount of space the mamaRoo takes up, though.

Have you tried mixing formula and breast milk? Do like 3 parts formula then 1 part breast milk then slowly up the amount of breast milk? Sometimes that works!

Apple - DS1 could go to school next year because he's born right before the cut off, but I doubt I'll be doing it. I don't know. He doesn't seem too little because he's big for his age, but I don't think he'll be mentally ready.

Not much new going on around here. T spit up in bed yesterday and I knew he needed burped, but right before I went to get him up to burp him he did so on his own and spit up forcibly.. some splattering in my face. I didn't mind but DH thought it was hilarious. Doesn't beat DS1 spitting up in his mouth. Anyways. DS1 saw the whole ordeal. He is sitting there going "Oh no.. okay? Uh oh.. okay? Okay?" We're telling him it's okay and then he gets soo scared and starts crying and shaking! I felt so bad for him. He was clutching to DH for deal life! Was kind of funny and cute, but he really doesn't gets scared much. He's a thrill junky and usually laughs when something startles him.

I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the next several days. I'm failing. I already kind of lost it today.. ugh. It's been okay since then. I know I'm not ready for the next several days because as soon as DH said he was laying down my heart just dropped and I was upset. I'm not sure how to make it seem okay to me. I'm not good with dealing with stress.

I decided I will be pushing the crib and bed together. I will need another mattress and I'm hoping I can find one that isn't too thick. From my measurements it may not be easy to get one the right thickness. I need to push them together first to find out. I could just find something and put under it but it'll be easier to buy another mattress since I need it firm and stable. Then I will lay in there with him partly and put him to sleep and then slip away. Sounds easy.. hope it is lol.
lit- i hope it becomes blood tinged soon! i am certain you will have baby soon, hopefully before the weekend!

ali- i think Isa does the purple crying sometimes- exactly as you said for baby T. he cries, but won't eat, i try to burp, nothing, and he just seems upset a lot. Eventually he falls asleep, and almost always on my chest, i guess that is comforting to him.
good luck getting the crib and bed together.
Ali- I pulled baby into bed with me when dh left and she spit up all over The bed as well. I didn't mind but I'm sure dh will not be thrilled although it's mostly on my side!
That's so adorably sad with ds1 getting scared!
I'm sorry you're stressed about the next few days, sounds completely normal to me how you feel! I get anxious being alone with my baby and it's only until 3-4pm lately. I'm sure it'll take getting used to 2!
Sounds like a good idea to push the crib and bed together, I wish I could do that! Maybe you'll all get a little
More sleep that way

Had my 2 week PP checkup (I have one at 6 weeks as well) today and scar is healing well. Got the clear to drive and talked about my trouble with my milk supply having gone way down, although it was never amazing when it was at its largest. My doctor called a company to have this "medicine" sent to me that I put up my nose and is supposed to help my supply. If this doesn't work I'll just keep giving as much breastmilk as I can with mostly the supplementing formula.
He passed out for 7pm to midnight then fell asleep straight away after that feed. Hoping he stays asleep now.

I'm also thinking about pushing the crib and bed next to each other. Let us know how it works out for you!

Good luck with that mucus loss, lit. Hope it is a sign of something to come.
VRogers - interesting about the Medicine to help your supply. Good plan on just doing what you can. Don't beat yourself up if exclusively BFing doesn't work out!
I'm glad your DH hasn't pressed the housework issue. And I'm glad he does it himself when he's home! If he expects to live to a certain standard, he's definitely going to have to do something about it HIMSELF for a while! :)

Ally - thank you. I hope so too.

Ali - I hope you are right that labour will come out of no where. That is basically my only hope right now haha.

Don't worry, I am trying to cherish my time and take advantage of what I won't be able to do when baby arrives. TBH, though, I've been really nervous about baby #2 coming and still when I think about having two, I honestly don't think I will be able to handle it. So the fact that I *want* to go into labour and get her out is quite a "good" thing for me this pregnancy, and I wish she would just come out while I am still feeling this way. It is easy for me to focus on the negative and panic about how hard it will be when she comes. All day I've been pausing during activities and thinking, "soak this up. You won't be able to when the baby comes." Things like eating a leisurely breakfast and drinking coffee to the last drop without it getting super cold, long, leisurely cuddles with dd1 in the morning, luxurious naps in the afternoon (don't know how I will live without those tbh!), and even the ability to vacuum and keep a clean house! They are all luxuries I won't have soon! However, I really am getting anxious to meet this girl, and I can only take prepping for her so much longer!
I am sorry you feel so sad when you don't get to cuddle ds1 as much or at the fact that he feels sad or upset so often. That would be really hard! I'm not looking forward to that part! Also - your poor ds1 getting upset when ds2 spit up on you! That is quite heartbreaking but very cute that he got scared from it! Poor guy.

Slammer - wondering how you're doing and if you're out of the hospital yet!

AFM - having an ok day. Got the house really nice and clean even though of course the to-do list never actually ends. Just woke up from a very nice nap and am so glad I could have it! I finally finished backing up my computer which feels great to get done. Still feeling no labour signs but I will obviously keep you all posted.
Lite - I don't think the purple crying is necessarily colic but can be. It's basically a period of crying that stands for "Peak, Unexpected, Resist Soothing, Pain like face, Long lasting, Evening". I was told colic has to be the rule of 3s : 3 hours of crying, 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks (I think). So purple crying can be colic, or just crying for no reason. Which is normal and just happens, and basically we are told to soothe anyway even when baby resists and bear with it. :/

41+1 sounds so long!! I hope you do t have to go that long! I'm so sorry you're feeling down and listless. I understand, the week I was off and using up my maternity leave waiting for baby was awful. :(

Ali - same! I'm living on toast and string cheese during the day because I have to have something I can eat one handed! At night DH cooks and will take baby so I can get an actual meal then.

M does the same thing with crying in spurts. She'll do it while feeding sometimes which is really frustrating because she acts hungry and wants to eat but will then cry mid meal and do a "suck then cry suck then cry" thing. Sometimes burping helps but sometimes I have to bounce and walk her until she calms and goes to sleep. It can be so hard. I'm sorry you have to deal with it too but I'm Glad I'm not the only one.

I'm so sorry you're stressed about the next few days :hugs: I hope you can find a mattress that works!

Froggy - congrats!! So adorable!

Ally - sounds like me. If I get a shower and eat it's a good day! Lol. I never make the bed, but today Melody slept for 2 hours in her swing so I was able to clean the kitchen and straighten up the living room. We have company coming in today so I wanted the house to look kind of presentable before they get here lol

Vrogers - there is supposed to be a tea, I think called Mothers Milk, that might help you with your supply. My grandmother also told me that brewers yeast tablets help (she used those when she was nursing, which I admit was a very long time ago, but it supposedly worked for her, though it could be just an old wives tale).

I've also read that if you pump every time you would supplement or in between feedings it will stimulate your supply because it triggers your body to make more (it sees a bigger demand so makes more). I don't know if that would help. And it might be really exhausting to keep up with. Just a thought though.

AFM - I got a lovely 2.5 hour break earlier today by letting M sleep in her swing. I was shocked as she hasn't slept that long in days. But it let me get some work done around the house since we have company coming in and I wanted a few things cleaned up. I'm afraid to let her do that too often and get used to only sleeping with rocking or whatever but I figure I'd take whatever I can get and she needed to sleep.

I am finding she'll sleep a little better in the bassinet if I 1) use a heating pad in it for 20 mins before I lay her down so it's warm (obviously remove it before putting her down) and 2) swaddle her. She doesn't like her hands swaddles but if I keep them by her face but still in the swaddle she's ok with that. Picky girl. Lol.
Been wanting to reply to people but I just can't do a full reply, so I'll stop lurking and just update on us, lol. We came home early this afternoon. I'm sore, but doing ok. Jack was a pure natural at nursing initially, but he's gotten kind of hard to latch on now, which is frustrating. We will work it out I'm sure. I have plenty of colostrum and think my milk should be in tomorrow and that will help. Working on a full birth story to post.

Froggy congrats on Gage's arrival! I'm sorry the induction didn't go well but I hope you're both recovering well now.

Keeping you in my thoughts literati as you wait for DD2 to make a move. I know exactly how hard it is to be where you are. Just get through each day and keep hope that the next day could be it!

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