January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - That sounds exactly like DS2! After a couple of times I'm usually like "Okay you're done, trying something else." Couple that with gulping too much air and it's real fun.

I tried swaddling with his hands by his face, but still didn't help. He actually likes to sleep with his arms up so his hands are above his head.

Ally - T really likes to fall asleep on my chest as well. Just earlier I was bouncing and rocking him trying to get him to calm down as he was fussing and crying real bad. He was still unsettled so I put him on my chest and he almost instantly passed out.

Newbie - Will do! I'm going to move them together tomorrow, but probably won't be able to use it till I get something to level it! I mean, I could.. but I don't think it will work as well.

Slammer - Eager to hear your story, but take your time!

So, my headaches are back on and off. Not 24/7 like before. I really think it's lack of sleep and stress.

DS1 is a bit obsessed with baby bottles and I really think he'd drink breast milk out of one if given the chance. When I pump he looks at me and opens his mouth going "Ahhh" because he wants to drink it. :dohh: If T is having a lot of issues with my let down and gulping too much air the bottle is a relief. He does a little with it, but not as much. He is so much more relaxed usually when taking the bottle. My let down is just distressing! Thankfully he does well at night because he's sleepy when eating.

I have over 25 bags of milk in the freezer.. They're all 3 oz to 5 oz bags.. I'm going to run out of freezer room. We don't have a very big freezer. At this rate I'll have to buy a small deep freezer.
Congratulations Froggy! Gage is super adorable! Hope you're recovering well from your csection!

AliJo, I've been getting frequent headaches every day for a week now. I think mine is a combo of less sleep and not staying hydrated enough. So I drank a tonnnnnn of liquids today plus popped 3 ibuprofen and it was gone within a half hour after taking the ibuprofen.

I've never heard of PURPLE crying before... it sounds like what I've been told is called the witching hour... crying for no reason a couple hours before bedtime, usually around dinner time.

DH went back to work today after being home for 2.5 weeks. Just me and my 3 girls today... went a lot better than I could have hoped for haha Rylee has this newfound attitude that drives me up a wall, Livia is 18 months old on Saturday and climbs everything in sight so she definitely gave me a run for my money today. Luckily Genevieve was pretty chill... napped twice in the swing, then napped in the moby wrap while I cooked dinner. Hoping tomorrow is a good day lol

So how is everyone recovering from childbirth? I know we talk about our babies mostly, or going into labor, but how is everyone doing? I'm having issues being able to tell when I have a full bladder... like I can go about my business probably all day without any urge to go, so I have to make sure I go every hour or so, and I end up peeing forever! Pretty sure this isn't normal so will be bringing it up at my postpartum check up in 4 weeks.
Greats - Glad your first day went well!! Hopefully it continues that way.
I definitely need more water. I guess I really should work on that.
With my first I never heard of PURPLE crying. I want to say it's newer. As in it'd a new way of educating people and a way to bring awareness to what is normal and what isn't. https://purplecrying.info

I feel pretty normal. It was a bit harder to drain my bladder at first, but that has pretty much returned to normal. I don't feel faint anymore either so my Hgb is probably fine. I quit taking my iron after a couple of days because it was causing too much if an issue.

Definitely bring it up. Hopefully it's temporary and just a result from everything being stretched.
Angel - I am glad it doesn't seem like colic! Like greats, I had never heard the term "purple crying" before.
That's wonderful you got a break during a nice long swing nap today! I still remember what a glorious thing it was the few rare times dd1 would have a long nap in her swing (she normally needed to be held for every nap). The freedom sure feels great!

Greats - that's nice your hubby was
able to take 2.5 weeks off work! Sounds like hard work with 3 kids, and your middle one only 18 months! I hope you are able to adjust to him being at work easily and that you can find your groove! Sounds like such a nice thing that Genevieve is a very relaxed baby.

Too bad about not being able to tell your bladder is full. Definitely mention it to your dr! Hopefully it will resolve soon.

I also hadn't heard of purple crying before. The new terms they come up with in just a couple years between babies!

Thanks, Ali, for the link. I'll have to check it out. (Ali) - sorry your headaches are back. That's no fun! That's amazing about your milk stash. I hated pumping and was never able to get more than maybe 5 bags stored at a time.

Slammer - I know you know how I feel! I feel so whiny for complaining so much at 1 day overdue when you had to go a week!
I'm sorry Jack is having trouble latching now, but I hope all the problems are resolved soon.
I'm definitely excited to read your whole story when you have time!
Did you have any warning signs before your water broke, or did it come out of no where?
Hi ladies , just a quick post had a crazy coupoe of days with clingy toddlers, pain teenagers , equaling no sleep and bit of stressful time,

Just want to say congratulations again to Froggy and slammer ️xx ive read thread a few times but everytine I go to comment something gets in way!! hopefully get bit of time later to catch up properly, havnt read last 2 pages ����.. Think just need to try and sleep and catch up with myself.. Ollie doing good x
Sorry not replying to all x
I feel ok post labour. My back felt funny for days but down below is ok. Worried about contraception choices though.

Violet gets over tired at tea time. I guess as she is in her chair and now being held as I am doing tea! She likes to watch the bigger ones though.

OH took her to his work yesterday. Was weird without her for an hour. I was nearby so just went in Primark, boots and River Island! Ended up spending my xmas vouchers on Violet and Jade though!
lit- glad you got the house clean and a nice nap!

angel- isa has had some longer sleeps recently and its been great, especially last night where he only woke twice. it was bliss! hope you have a nice time with your visitors. the crib being warmer helps isa too, but he just hates sleeping on his back so i cant get him in there for too long.

slammer- glad you are home and im sure you will get the latch issues sorted soon enough!

ali- isa did that last night- cried but once he was on my chest he was asleep instantly. It is cute.

greats- post labour i feel alright physically, i mean, i hate my stretchmarks, i hope they fade soon. but apart from that i feel fine. Emotionally, i can randomly cry or feel a bit blue but nothing too bad.

midnight0 your pic is so cute!

afm- had a better night, isa sleep longer, i think his longest sleep was about 3 hours and it was bliss. i feeel much more rested. DH is off today so we are running some errands together, and get out the house for most of the day which will be nice.
Apple - sorry things are so tough with your toddler and teenagers. It would definitely be hard to reply to everyone when juggling 4 kids! Yikes!

Midnight - glad you're healing pretty well. Haha that is just like a mom using your Christmas vouchers on your kids!

Ally - thanks. Glad Isa slept a bit better and so did you. Hope you have a wonderful day out and about with your DH. That sounds great!

AFM - still absolutely nothing happening here. Was at a gathering last night and had to deal with all the questions and, "oh, have you heard you can try ______ to induce labour?" Blah blah blah. They were just being nice but it was slightly annoying.

Just now, I had the HUGEST bit of mucous plug come out! It was so slippery it actually flew off the toilet paper and landed on the wall! :haha:
Still not even blood tinged so I doubt it means anything. Not sure what to do today. I've run out of plans. Hope you're all doing well with your babies.
LMAO at the mucous description literati. Omg. I'd be confident you're gonna go into labor in the next few days. Keep the faith!

Reclining on the couch with Jack sleeping on my chest. I freaking love a baby sleeping on me. We're doing well with the feeding so far today. Yesterday he was just getting so cranky with gas that even though he was rooting for the breast like crazy he refused to latch for hours. DH is really good at getting the gas out of him. My star of a husband stayed up all night with him handling gas when needed and waking me only to feed. He's taking a well-deserved nap now.

Have to take baby to see the pedi today. Kind of dreading having to leave the house.

Still working on my birth story. But regarding recovery...of course I'm only a couple days out but my bits are still super swollen. I ended up with an episiotomy because of a band of scar tissue that wasn't stretching to let Jack out. So I have an extensive repair down there that's gonna take some time to heal. Peeing just fine but haven't had first BM and am scared!
I tried swaddling with his hands by his face, but still didn't help. He actually likes to sleep with his arms up so his hands are above his head.

I got these - https://www.lovetodream.com - but ds hates sleeping on his back so doesn't quite have the same effect! He loves having his arms restricted and the snug feeling around his belly. They're an Australian design but I'm sure they'd be available elsewhere.
Slammer - I hope you're right about the next few days! Preferably the next DAY, of course, but I'll take what I can get!

Your husband sounds amazing! Good for him staying up all night to help you! I absolutely love a baby sleeping on me as well. It never gets old!! I'm glad you're getting lots of cuddles!
Ouch! Sorry you have quite a bit of healing to do down there! I hope it heals very quickly.

Newbie - I had one of those for dd1 although we didn't really use it. I think I got it on Amazon (Canada) so it's definitely available elsewhere.

AFM - made some baked oatmeal for breakfasts the next few days. Hoping it just rots in the fridge while I'm in the hospital! :p I am trying to stay on my feet to get this baby to move lower, so I might bake something else today yet. While I baked, dd1 happily played in the sink with the measuring cups in soapy water. Occupied her for a good hour! :) Still no cramps or really anything! Grr!
lit- oh my at your mucus description, it made me laugh out loud. My dh was like what are you laughing at and i'm like errrr haha. sending you labour vibes

slammer- love baby sleeping on chest too its so lovely. Ouch! i hope you recover super quick and feel better soon. BM is the scariest, i was soo scared to do a poo.
Lite - I love giving DS1 a sink full of water! I come back to a watery mess, but I really don't care. I actually got him a sink for Christmas that sprays water. He doesn't ever fill up the sink part, though. He just likes to play with the facet. DS1 and my niece really loved playing with it together. She'd get into the water and splash it around and he'd spray her with the facet. They'd giggle so hard!

Heck yeah, more mucus plug and with a dramatic exit! :haha: I only had one huge glob after a check so you might have more going on than you think!

I don't enjoy pumping, but I need to. I need some built up for when I go back to work but at this rate I'll have more than enough, but also I get engorged if I don't do it at least once a day. Of course pumping just stimulates more, but oh well! I don't like to try to feed T when I'm really full. It makes it so hard for him. No problems with latching, just can't keep up with the flow.

Newbie - I think I've seen those before. Honestly think he'd hate that! His hands are as high as his little arms will let them go! He doesn't startle very easily. I'm sure he's use to the noise since DS1 definitely wasn't quiet while he was in the womb. DS2 likes to sleep on his side, but I try not to let him since he'll sleep on his back as well. As soon as he starts to roll a little I bet he'll be on his side. He was able to roll himself to his side at birth, but I think he's put on too much weight now.

Slammer - DH was my saving grace when I first came home since he did the same thing! I'm glad your DH is doing the same. I think it's good for them.. they get their own little quality bonding time! I'm sorry you had to get an episiotomy. They're usually much worse than a normal tear!
It is amazing to have a baby sleeping on you! I always get a little sad when I have to put T down to do something. They're only little babies for such a short while!

Apple - I'm glad Ollie is doing well! I'm sorry things are stressful. It's too bad your teenager isn't more helpful! I would have been excited to help with a baby at that age! Of course me being a female would play into that some. Not that all girls care much about babies at that age, but I certainly did!

Baby T is getting such a strong neck already! I love watching the little improvements they make! I can't wait for the first real smile. He smiled at me once and squealed a happy a little squeal and even though I was talking to him I think it was just a reflex. I can tell when he wants to smile, though. Little facial changes.
Ally - haha, glad I could make you laugh!

Ali - that sounds like a fun (but messy!) toy! I'm sure dd would love that too.
I hope baby T smiles for you soon! That squeal and smile sounds like it might have been the real deal, but either way I'm sure he will smile very soon! I love it when they smile - melts your heart!
It's good you are able to pump and save a stash for going back to work! It's definitely no fun but I'm glad it's working out well!
I've been ok post labor. I'm a little annoyed because at about a week post I had completely stopped bleeding and then after her 10 day appointment I started again. It's not regular or a lot but some days I'll have just a little tiny spitting (not even worth a pad or a liner) and other days i fill a liner (not a full pad, just a small liner). I think there's a correlation to my stress level and activity level. When I feel myself getting stressed out that's when I seem to have the sudden "bursts" of blood. :/

I had really similar bladder problems - for 2 weeks I couldnt tell my bladder was full! Luckily a friend had told me to expect this so I made myself go every couple hours and now I'm getting back some ability to tell it's full.

Greats - I think it's similar to the witching hour. I think just different places call it different things. That's great your DH got so much time. I felt like my 1 week with DH wasn't enough. I'm glad your little is so calm when you have two others to chase around!

Ali - that's an amazing stash! I'm happy for my 3 bags, which are 2-3oz ! Totally jealous over here. Lol :haha:

Slammer - oh I love having a baby sleep on my chest too!! Your DH was great to let you sleep! Are you on any stool softeners? My doctor had me on 2 weeks worth post birth to help with BM. I was terrified so I just waited until my body couldn't keep it in and basically let it just come out :rofl: I was not up to using those muscles that soon!

Lite - omg I was literally laughing out loud at your mucuos description! My cousin (male) is visiting and was asking "what's so funny?" And I just couldn't tell him. :rofl:
Angel - that's annoying about your bleeding stopping and starting. Mine lasted a whole 6 weeks last time and it's no fun!
Good to know about this bladder thing. I never knew it could be an issue!
Glad I could provide a laugh. ;) I'm glad you didn't tell your cousin! My DH couldn't even handle my story. :p
Well...no one is watching or waiting, but our baby is here!

Baby Violet was born today, Jan 27th, at 8:22 am after only 9 minutes of pushing (just 24 minutes after we arrived at the hospital)! She's 8 lb 13 oz and doing great! I will post the full story when I am able! :) It was an extremely intense and fast birth but I am so relieved and overjoyed that it is over!

Also - we did not copy midnight's name! We had this name picked out from when dd1 was born 2.5 years ago. Just saying. ;)
Lite - YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Sounds like it was out of nowhere! It's cute that we have two Violets!!
Literati- ahh yay congratulations!!! I was definitely not expecting a baby update from you so suddenly, I bet you're so glad to finally have her here. Can't wait to read the full story!

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